/* * Copyright (C) 2012 RoboVM AB * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html>. */ package com.bugvm.compiler; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import com.bugvm.compiler.clazz.Clazz; import com.bugvm.compiler.clazz.Clazzes; import com.bugvm.compiler.clazz.Path; import com.bugvm.compiler.config.Arch; import com.bugvm.compiler.config.Config; import com.bugvm.compiler.config.Config.TreeShakerMode; import com.bugvm.compiler.config.OS; import com.bugvm.compiler.config.Resource; import com.bugvm.compiler.log.ConsoleLogger; import com.bugvm.compiler.plugin.LaunchPlugin; import com.bugvm.compiler.plugin.Plugin; import com.bugvm.compiler.plugin.PluginArgument; import com.bugvm.compiler.plugin.TargetPlugin; import com.bugvm.compiler.target.ConsoleTarget; import com.bugvm.compiler.target.LaunchParameters; import com.bugvm.compiler.target.ios.DeviceType; import com.bugvm.compiler.target.ios.IOSSimulatorLaunchParameters; import com.bugvm.compiler.target.ios.IOSTarget; import com.bugvm.compiler.target.ios.ProvisioningProfile; import com.bugvm.compiler.target.ios.SigningIdentity; import com.bugvm.compiler.util.AntPathMatcher; /** * * @version $Id$ */ public class AppCompiler { /** * Names of root classes. These classes will always be linked in. These are * here because they are either required by the BugVM specific native VM * libraries or by the Android's libcore native code. */ private static final String[] ROOT_CLASSES = { "java/io/FileDescriptor", "java/io/PrintWriter", "java/io/Serializable", "java/io/StringWriter", "java/lang/AbstractMethodError", "java/lang/annotation/Annotation", "java/lang/annotation/AnnotationFormatError", "java/lang/ArithmeticException", "java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", "java/lang/ArrayStoreException", "java/lang/Boolean", "java/lang/Byte", "java/lang/Character", "java/lang/Class", "java/lang/ClassCastException", "java/lang/ClassLoader", "java/lang/ClassLoader$SystemClassLoader", "java/lang/ClassNotFoundException", "java/lang/Cloneable", "java/lang/Daemons", "java/lang/Double", "java/lang/Enum", "java/lang/Error", "java/lang/ExceptionInInitializerError", "java/lang/Float", "java/lang/IllegalAccessError", "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException", "java/lang/IllegalMonitorStateException", "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "java/lang/IncompatibleClassChangeError", "java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException", "java/lang/InstantiationError", "java/lang/InstantiationException", "java/lang/Integer", "java/lang/InternalError", "java/lang/InterruptedException", "java/lang/LinkageError", "java/lang/Long", "java/lang/NegativeArraySizeException", "java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError", "java/lang/NoSuchFieldError", "java/lang/NoSuchMethodError", "java/lang/NullPointerException", "java/lang/Object", "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError", "java/lang/RealToString", "java/lang/ref/FinalizerReference", "java/lang/ref/PhantomReference", "java/lang/ref/Reference", "java/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue", "java/lang/ref/SoftReference", "java/lang/ref/WeakReference", "java/lang/reflect/AccessibleObject", "java/lang/reflect/Constructor", "java/lang/reflect/Field", "java/lang/reflect/InvocationHandler", "java/lang/reflect/InvocationTargetException", "java/lang/reflect/Method", "java/lang/reflect/Proxy", "java/lang/reflect/UndeclaredThrowableException", "java/lang/Runtime", "java/lang/RuntimeException", "java/lang/Short", "java/lang/StackOverflowError", "java/lang/StackTraceElement", "java/lang/String", "java/lang/System", "java/lang/Thread", "java/lang/Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler", "java/lang/ThreadGroup", "java/lang/Throwable", "java/lang/TypeNotPresentException", "java/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError", "java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException", "java/lang/VerifyError", "java/lang/VMClassLoader", "java/math/BigDecimal", "java/net/Inet6Address", "java/net/InetAddress", "java/net/InetSocketAddress", "java/net/InetUnixAddress", "java/net/Socket", "java/net/SocketImpl", "java/nio/charset/CharsetICU", "java/nio/DirectByteBuffer", "java/text/Bidi$Run", "java/text/ParsePosition", "java/util/Calendar", "java/util/regex/PatternSyntaxException", "java/util/zip/Deflater", "java/util/zip/Inflater", "libcore/icu/LocaleData", "libcore/icu/NativeDecimalFormat$FieldPositionIterator", "libcore/io/ErrnoException", "libcore/io/GaiException", "libcore/io/StructAddrinfo", "libcore/io/StructFlock", "libcore/io/StructGroupReq", "libcore/io/StructLinger", "libcore/io/StructPasswd", "libcore/io/StructPollfd", "libcore/io/StructStat", "libcore/io/StructStatVfs", "libcore/io/StructTimeval", "libcore/io/StructUcred", "libcore/io/StructUtsname", "libcore/util/MutableInt", "libcore/util/MutableLong", "com/bugvm/rt/bro/Struct" }; private static final String TRUSTED_CERTIFICATE_STORE_CLASS = "com/android/org/conscrypt/TrustedCertificateStore"; /** * An {@link Executor} which runs tasks immediately without creating a * separate thread. */ static final Executor SAME_THREAD_EXECUTOR = new Executor() { public void execute(Runnable r) { r.run(); } }; private final Config config; private final ClassCompiler classCompiler; private final Linker linker; public AppCompiler(Config config) { this.config = config; this.classCompiler = new ClassCompiler(config); this.linker = new Linker(config); } public Config getConfig() { return config; } /** * Returns all {@link Clazz}es in all {@link Path}s matching the specified * ANT-style pattern. */ private Collection<Clazz> getMatchingClasses(String pattern) { AntPathMatcher matcher = new AntPathMatcher(pattern, "."); Map<String, Clazz> matches = new HashMap<String, Clazz>(); for (Path path : config.getClazzes().getPaths()) { for (Clazz clazz : path.listClasses()) { if (!matches.containsKey(clazz.getClassName()) && matcher.matches(clazz.getClassName())) { matches.put(clazz.getClassName(), clazz); } } } return matches.values(); } /** * Returns all root classes. These are the minimum set of classes that needs * to be compiled and linked. The compiler will use this set to determine * which classes need to be recompiled and linked in through the root * classes' dependencies. * * The classes matching {@link #ROOT_CLASS_PATTERNS} and * {@link #ROOT_CLASSES} will always be included. If a main class has been * specified it will also become a root. Any root class pattern specified on * the command line (as returned by {@link Config#getRoots()} will also be * used to find root classes. If no main class has been specified and * {@link Config#getRoots()} returns an empty set all classes available on * the bootclasspath and the classpath will become roots. */ private TreeSet<Clazz> getRootClasses() { TreeSet<Clazz> classes = new TreeSet<Clazz>(); for (String rootClassName : ROOT_CLASSES) { Clazz clazz = config.getClazzes().load(rootClassName); if (clazz == null) { throw new CompilerException("Root class " + rootClassName + " not found"); } classes.add(clazz); } if (config.getMainClass() != null) { Clazz clazz = config.getClazzes().load(config.getMainClass().replace('.', '/')); if (clazz == null) { throw new CompilerException("Main class " + config.getMainClass() + " not found"); } classes.add(clazz); } if (config.getForceLinkClasses().isEmpty()) { if (config.getMainClass() == null) { classes.addAll(config.getClazzes().listClasses()); } } else { for (String pattern : config.getForceLinkClasses()) { if (pattern == null || pattern.trim().isEmpty()) { continue; } pattern = pattern.trim(); if (pattern.indexOf('*') == -1) { Clazz clazz = config.getClazzes().load(pattern.replace('.', '/')); if (clazz == null) { throw new CompilerException("Root class " + pattern + " not found"); } classes.add(clazz); } else { Collection<Clazz> matches = getMatchingClasses(pattern); if (matches.isEmpty()) { config.getLogger().warn("Root pattern %s matches no classes", pattern); } else { classes.addAll(matches); } } } } return classes; } private boolean compile(Executor executor, ClassCompilerListener listener, Clazz clazz, Set<Clazz> compileQueue, Set<Clazz> compiled) throws IOException { boolean result = false; if (config.isClean() || classCompiler.mustCompile(clazz)) { classCompiler.compile(clazz, executor, listener); result = true; } return result; } static void addMetaInfImplementations(Clazzes clazzes, Clazz clazz, Set<Clazz> compiled, Set<Clazz> compileQueue) throws IOException { String metaInfName = "META-INF/services/" + clazz.getClassName(); IOException throwLater = null; for (InputStream is : clazzes.loadResources(metaInfName)) { try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF8"))) { for (;;) { String line = r.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } if (line.startsWith("#")) { continue; } String implClazzName = line.replace('.', '/'); Clazz implClazz = clazzes.load(implClazzName); if (implClazz != null && !compiled.contains(implClazz)) { compileQueue.add(implClazz); } } } catch (IOException ex) { throwLater = ex; } } if (throwLater != null) { throw throwLater; } } public Set<Clazz> compile(Set<Clazz> rootClasses, boolean compileDependencies, final ClassCompilerListener listener) throws IOException { config.getLogger().info("Compiling classes using %d threads", config.getThreads()); final Executor executor = (config.getThreads() <= 1) ? SAME_THREAD_EXECUTOR : new ThreadPoolExecutor(config.getThreads() - 1, config.getThreads() - 1, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, // Use a bounded queue to avoid memory problems if the // worker threads are slower than the enqueuing thread. // The optimal thread pool size and queue size have been // determined by trial and error. new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>((config.getThreads() - 1) * 20)); class HandleFailureListener implements ClassCompilerListener { volatile Throwable t; @Override public void success(Clazz clazz) { if (listener != null) { listener.success(clazz); } } @Override public void failure(Clazz clazz, Throwable t) { // Compilation failed. Save the error and stop the executor. this.t = t; if (executor instanceof ExecutorService) { ((ExecutorService) executor).shutdown(); } if (listener != null) { listener.failure(clazz, t); } } }; HandleFailureListener listenerWrapper = new HandleFailureListener(); DependencyGraph dependencyGraph = config.getDependencyGraph(); TreeSet<Clazz> compileQueue = new TreeSet<>(rootClasses); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Set<Clazz> linkClasses = new HashSet<Clazz>(); int compiledCount = 0; outer: while (!compileQueue.isEmpty() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { while (!compileQueue.isEmpty() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { Clazz clazz = compileQueue.pollFirst(); if (!linkClasses.contains(clazz)) { if (compile(executor, listenerWrapper, clazz, compileQueue, linkClasses)) { compiledCount++; if (listenerWrapper.t != null) { // We have a failed compilation. Stop compiling. break outer; } } dependencyGraph.add(clazz, rootClasses.contains(clazz)); linkClasses.add(clazz); if (compileDependencies) { addMetaInfImplementations(config.getClazzes(), clazz, linkClasses, compileQueue); } } } if (compileDependencies) { for (String className : dependencyGraph.findReachableClasses()) { Clazz depClazz = config.getClazzes().load(className); if (depClazz != null && !linkClasses.contains(depClazz)) { compileQueue.add(depClazz); } } } } // Shutdown the executor and wait for running tasks to complete. if (executor instanceof ExecutorService) { ExecutorService executorService = (ExecutorService) executor; executorService.shutdown(); try { executorService.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.DAYS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } if (listenerWrapper.t != null) { // The compilation failed. Rethrow the exception in the callback. if (listenerWrapper.t instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) listenerWrapper.t; } if (listenerWrapper.t instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) listenerWrapper.t; } if (listenerWrapper.t instanceof Error) { throw (Error) listenerWrapper.t; } throw new CompilerException(listenerWrapper.t); } long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; config.getLogger().info("Compiled %d classes in %.2f seconds", compiledCount, duration / 1000.0); return linkClasses; } private void compile() throws IOException { updateCheck(); Set<Clazz> linkClasses = compile(getRootClasses(), true, null); if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { return; } if (linkClasses.contains(config.getClazzes().load(TRUSTED_CERTIFICATE_STORE_CLASS))) { if (config.getCacerts() != null) { config.addResourcesPath(config.getClazzes().createResourcesBootclasspathPath( config.getHome().getCacertsPath(config.getCacerts()))); } } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); linker.link(linkClasses); long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; config.getLogger().info("Linked %d classes in %.2f seconds", linkClasses.size(), duration / 1000.0); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { AppCompiler compiler = null; Config.Builder builder = null; boolean verbose = false; boolean run = false; boolean archive = false; List<Arch> archs = new ArrayList<>(); String dumpConfigFile = null; List<String> runArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); try { builder = new Config.Builder(); Map<String, PluginArgument> pluginArguments = builder.fetchPluginArguments(); int i = 0; while (i < args.length) { if ("-cp".equals(args[i]) || "-classpath".equals(args[i])) { for (String p : args[++i].split(File.pathSeparator)) { builder.addClasspathEntry(new File(p)); } } else if ("-bcp".equals(args[i]) || "-bootcp".equals(args[i]) || "-bootclasspath".equals(args[i])) { for (String p : args[++i].split(File.pathSeparator)) { builder.addBootClasspathEntry(new File(p)); } } else if ("-jar".equals(args[i])) { builder.mainJar(new File(args[++i])); } else if ("-o".equals(args[i])) { builder.executableName(args[++i]); } else if ("-d".equals(args[i])) { builder.installDir(new File(args[++i])); } else if ("-cache".equals(args[i])) { builder.cacheDir(new File(args[++i])); } else if ("-home".equals(args[i])) { builder.home(new Config.Home(new File(args[++i]))); } else if ("-tmp".equals(args[i])) { builder.tmpDir(new File(args[++i])); } else if ("-threads".equals(args[i])) { String s = args[++i]; try { int n = Integer.parseInt(s); // Make sure n > 0 and cap at 128 threads. n = Math.max(n, 1); n = Math.min(n, 128); builder.threads(n); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unparsable thread count: " + s); } } else if ("-run".equals(args[i])) { run = true; } else if ("-verbose".equals(args[i])) { verbose = true; } else if ("-config".equals(args[i])) { builder.read(new File(args[++i])); } else if ("-dumpconfig".equals(args[i])) { dumpConfigFile = args[++i]; } else if ("-properties".equals(args[i])) { builder.addProperties(new File(args[++i])); } else if (args[i].startsWith("-P")) { int index = args[i].indexOf('='); if (index <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed property: " + args[i]); } String name = args[i].substring(2, index); String value = args[i].substring(index + 1); builder.addProperty(name, value); } else if ("-debug".equals(args[i])) { builder.debug(true); } else if ("-use-debug-libs".equals(args[i])) { builder.useDebugLibs(true); } else if ("-dump-intermediates".equals(args[i])) { builder.dumpIntermediates(true); } else if ("-dynamic-jni".equals(args[i])) { // TODO: Old option not used any longer. We still accept it // for now. Delete it in a future release. } else if ("-skiprt".equals(args[i])) { builder.skipRuntimeLib(true); } else if ("-skipsign".equals(args[i])) { builder.iosSkipSigning(true); } else if ("-clean".equals(args[i])) { builder.clean(true); } else if ("-help".equals(args[i]) || "-?".equals(args[i])) { printUsageAndExit(null, builder.getPlugins()); } else if ("-version".equals(args[i])) { printVersionAndExit(); } else if ("-cc".equals(args[i])) { builder.ccBinPath(new File(args[++i])); } else if ("-os".equals(args[i])) { String s = args[++i]; builder.os("auto".equals(s) ? null : OS.valueOf(s)); } else if ("-arch".equals(args[i])) { String s = args[++i]; if (!"auto".equals(s)) { archs.add(Arch.valueOf(s)); } } else if ("-archs".equals(args[i])) { for (String s : args[++i].split(":")) { if (!"auto".equals(s)) { archs.add(Arch.valueOf(s)); } } // } else if ("-cpu".equals(args[i])) { // builder.cpu(args[++i]); } else if ("-target".equals(args[i])) { String s = args[++i]; builder.targetType("auto".equals(s) ? null : s); } else if ("-treeshaker".equals(args[i])) { String s = args[++i]; builder.treeShakerMode(TreeShakerMode.valueOf(s)); } else if ("-forcelinkclasses".equals(args[i])) { for (String p : args[++i].split(":")) { p = p.replace('#', '*'); builder.addForceLinkClass(p); } } else if ("-libs".equals(args[i])) { for (String p : args[++i].split(":")) { builder.addLib(new Config.Lib(p, true)); } } else if ("-exportedsymbols".equals(args[i])) { for (String p : args[++i].split(":")) { builder.addExportedSymbol(p); } } else if ("-unhidesymbols".equals(args[i])) { for (String p : args[++i].split(":")) { builder.addUnhideSymbol(p); } } else if ("-frameworks".equals(args[i])) { for (String p : args[++i].split(":")) { builder.addFramework(p); } } else if ("-weakframeworks".equals(args[i])) { for (String p : args[++i].split(":")) { builder.addWeakFramework(p); } } else if ("-resources".equals(args[i])) { for (String p : args[++i].split(":")) { if (AntPathMatcher.isPattern(p)) { File dir = new File(AntPathMatcher.rtrimWildcardTokens(p)); String pattern = AntPathMatcher.extractPattern(p); builder.addResource(new Resource(dir, null).include(pattern)); } else { builder.addResource(new Resource(new File(p))); } } } else if ("-cacerts".equals(args[i])) { String name = args[++i]; Config.Cacerts cacerts = null; if (!"none".equals(name)) { try { cacerts = Config.Cacerts.valueOf(name); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal -cacerts value: " + name); } } builder.cacerts(cacerts); } else if ("-plist".equals(args[i])) { builder.infoPList(new File(args[++i])); } else if ("-entitlements".equals(args[i])) { builder.iosEntitlementsPList(new File(args[++i])); } else if ("-signidentity".equals(args[i])) { builder.iosSignIdentity(SigningIdentity.find(SigningIdentity.list(), args[++i])); } else if ("-provisioningprofile".equals(args[i])) { builder.iosProvisioningProfile(ProvisioningProfile.find(ProvisioningProfile.list(), args[++i])); } else if ("-sdk".equals(args[i])) { builder.iosSdkVersion(args[++i]); } else if ("-printdevicetypes".equals(args[i])) { printDeviceTypesAndExit(); } else if ("-devicetype".equals(args[i])) { builder.iosDeviceType(args[++i]); } else if ("-archive".equals(args[i])) { archive = true; } else if ("-createipa".equals(args[i])) { archive = true; } else if ("-ipaarchs".equals(args[i])) { for (String s : args[++i].split(":")) { if (!"auto".equals(s)) { archs.add(Arch.valueOf(s)); } } } else if (args[i].startsWith("-D")) { } else if (args[i].startsWith("-X")) { } else if (args[i].startsWith("-bugvm:")) { runArgs.add(args[i]); } else if (args[i].startsWith("-")) { String argName = args[i].substring(1, args[i].length()); if (argName.contains("=")) { argName = argName.substring(0, argName.indexOf('=')); } PluginArgument arg = pluginArguments.get(argName); if (arg != null) { builder.addPluginArgument(args[i].substring(1)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized option: " + args[i]); } } else { builder.mainClass(args[i++]); break; } i++; } builder.archs(archs.toArray(new Arch[archs.size()])); while (i < args.length) { runArgs.add(args[i++]); } if (archive && run) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specify either -run or -createipa/-archive, not both"); } builder.logger(new ConsoleLogger(verbose)); builder.skipInstall(run); if (dumpConfigFile != null) { if (dumpConfigFile.equals("-")) { builder.write(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out), new File(".")); } else { File file = new File(dumpConfigFile); if (file.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot dump config to " + file.getAbsolutePath() + ". The file already exists."); } builder.write(file); } return; } compiler = new AppCompiler(builder.build()); } catch (Throwable t) { String message = t.getMessage(); if (t instanceof ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) { message = "Missing argument"; } if (t instanceof IndexOutOfBoundsException) { message = "Missing argument"; } if (verbose && !(t instanceof StringIndexOutOfBoundsException) && !(t instanceof IllegalArgumentException)) { t.printStackTrace(); } printUsageAndExit(message, builder != null ? builder.getPlugins() : null); } try { if (archive) { compiler.build(); compiler.archive(); } else { if (run && !compiler.config.getTarget().canLaunch()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot launch when building " + compiler.config.getTarget().getType() + " binaries"); } if (run) { compiler.compile(); // Just compile the first slice if multiple archs have been specified LaunchParameters launchParameters = compiler.config.getTarget().createLaunchParameters(); if (launchParameters instanceof IOSSimulatorLaunchParameters) { IOSSimulatorLaunchParameters simParams = (IOSSimulatorLaunchParameters) launchParameters; String deviceName = null; String sdkVersion = null; if (compiler.config.getIosDeviceType() != null) { String[] parts = compiler.config.getIosDeviceType().split("[:;, ]+"); deviceName = parts[0].trim(); sdkVersion = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].trim() : null; } DeviceType type = DeviceType.getBestDeviceType( compiler.config.getArch(), null, deviceName, sdkVersion); simParams.setDeviceType(type); } launchParameters.setArguments(runArgs); compiler.launch(launchParameters); } else { compiler.build(); compiler.config.getTarget().install(); } } } catch (Throwable t) { String message = t.getMessage(); if (verbose && !(t instanceof ExecuteException)) { t.printStackTrace(); } printUsageAndExit(message, builder.getPlugins()); } } /** * Builds the binary (possibly a fat binary with multiple archs). */ public void build() throws IOException { List<Arch> archs = this.config.getArchs(); if (archs.isEmpty()) { archs = config.getTarget().getDefaultArchs(); } if (archs.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No archs specified in config"); } if (archs.size() == 1 && this.config.getArch().equals(archs.get(0))) { // No need to clone configs for each slice. compile(); } else { Map<Arch, File> slices = new TreeMap<>(); for (Arch arch : archs) { this.config.getLogger().info("Building %s slice", arch); Config sliceConfig = this.config.builder() .arch(arch) .tmpDir(new File(this.config.getTmpDir(), arch.toString())) .build(); new AppCompiler(sliceConfig).compile(); slices.put(arch, new File(sliceConfig.getTmpDir(), sliceConfig.getExecutableName())); for (Path path : sliceConfig.getResourcesPaths()) { if (!this.config.getResourcesPaths().contains(path)) { this.config.addResourcesPath(path); } } } this.config.getTarget().buildFat(slices); } } /** * Archives the binary previously built using {@link #build()} along with * all resources specified in the {@link Config} and supporting files and * stores the archive in the {@link Config#getInstallDir()}. */ public void archive() throws IOException { config.getTarget().archive(); } /** * Installs the binary previously built using {@link #build()} along with * all resources specified in the {@link Config} and supporting files into * the {@link Config#getInstallDir()}. */ public void install() throws IOException { config.getTarget().install(); } public int launch(LaunchParameters launchParameters) throws Throwable { return launch(launchParameters, null); } public int launch(LaunchParameters launchParameters, InputStream inputStream) throws Throwable { try { return launchAsync(launchParameters, inputStream).waitFor(); } finally { launchAsyncCleanup(); } } public Process launchAsync(LaunchParameters launchParameters) throws Throwable { return launchAsync(launchParameters, null); } public Process launchAsync(LaunchParameters launchParameters, InputStream inputStream) throws Throwable { for (LaunchPlugin plugin : config.getLaunchPlugins()) { plugin.beforeLaunch(config, launchParameters); } try { Process process = config.getTarget().launch(launchParameters); for (LaunchPlugin plugin : config.getLaunchPlugins()) { plugin.afterLaunch(config, launchParameters, process); } return process; } catch (Throwable e) { for (LaunchPlugin plugin : config.getLaunchPlugins()) { plugin.launchFailed(config, launchParameters); } throw e; } } public void launchAsyncCleanup() { for (LaunchPlugin plugin : config.getLaunchPlugins()) { plugin.cleanup(); } } private static void printDeviceTypesAndExit() throws IOException { List<DeviceType> types = DeviceType.listDeviceTypes(); for (DeviceType type : types) { System.out.println(type.getSimpleDeviceTypeId()); } System.exit(0); } private static void printVersionAndExit() { System.err.println(Version.getVersion()); System.exit(0); } private static void printUsageAndExit(String errorMessage, List<Plugin> plugins) { if (errorMessage != null) { System.err.format("bugvm: %s\n", errorMessage); } List<String> targets = new ArrayList<>(); targets.add(ConsoleTarget.TYPE); targets.add(IOSTarget.TYPE); for (Plugin plugin : plugins) { if (plugin instanceof TargetPlugin) { targets.add(((TargetPlugin) plugin).getTarget().getType()); } } // @formatter:off System.err.println("Usage: bugvm [-options] class [run-args]"); System.err.println(" or bugvm [-options] -jar jarfile [run-args]"); System.err.println("Options:"); System.err.println(" -bootclasspath <list> "); System.err.println(" -bootcp <list> "); System.err.println(" -bcp <list> : separated list of directories, JAR archives, and ZIP \n" + " archives to search for class files. Used to locate the \n" + " java.* and javax.* classes. Default is \n" + " <bugvm-home>/lib/bugvm-rt.jar."); System.err.println(" -cp <list> "); System.err.println(" -classpath <list> : separated list of directories, JAR archives, and ZIP \n" + " archives to search for class files."); System.err.println(" -cache <dir> Directory where cached compiled class files will be placed.\n" + " Default is ~/.bugvm/cache"); System.err.println(" -clean Compile class files even if a compiled version already \n" + " exists in the cache."); System.err.println(" -d <dir> Install the generated executable and other files in <dir>.\n" + " Default is <wd>/<executableName>. Ignored if -run is specified."); System.err.println(" -cc <path> Path to the c compiler binary. gcc and clang are supported."); System.err.println(" -home <dir> Directory where BugVM runtime has been installed.\n" + " Default is $BUGVM_HOME. If not set the following paths\n" + " will be searched: ~/Applications/bugvm/, ~/.bugvm/home/,\n" + " /usr/local/lib/bugvm/, /opt/bugvm/, /usr/lib/bugvm/."); System.err.println(" -tmp <dir> Directory where temporary files will be placed during\n" + " compilation. By default a new dir will be created under\n" + " ${java.io.tmpdir}."); System.err.println(" -jar <path> Use main class as specified by the manifest in this JAR \n" + " archive."); System.err.println(" -o <name> The name of the target binary"); System.err.println(" -os <name> The name of the OS to build for. Allowed values are \n" + " 'auto', 'linux', 'macosx' and 'ios'. Default is 'auto' which\n" + " means use the LLVM deafult."); System.err.println(" -arch <name> The name of the LLVM arch to compile for. Allowed values\n" + " are 'auto', 'x86', 'x86_64', 'thumbv7', 'arm64'. Default is\n" + " 'auto' which means use the LLVM default."); System.err.println(" -archs <list> : separated list of archs. Used to build a fat binary which\n" + " includes all the specified archs. Allowed values\n" + " are 'x86', 'x86_64', 'thumbv7', 'arm64'."); System.err.println(" -cpu <name> The name of the LLVM cpu to compile for. The LLVM default\n" + " is used if not specified. Use llc to determine allowed values."); System.err.println(" -target <name> The target to build for. One of:\n" + " 'auto', '" + StringUtils.join(targets, "', '") + "'\n" + " The default is 'auto' which means use -os to decide."); System.err.println(" -forcelinkclasses <list>\n" + " : separated list of class patterns matching\n" + " classes that must be linked in even if not referenced\n" + " (directly or indirectly) from the main class. If no main\n" + " class is specified all classes will be linked in unless this\n" + " option has been given. A pattern is an ANT style path pattern,\n" + " e.g. com.foo.**.bar.*.Main. An alternative syntax using # is\n" + " also supported, e.g. com.##.#.Main."); System.err.println(" -treeshaker <mode> The tree shaking algorithm to use. 'none', 'conservative' or\n" + " 'aggressive'. 'aggressive' will remove all unreachable method\n" + " implementations when it's safe to do so. 'conservative' only\n" + " removes unreachable methods marked as @WeaklyLinked. Methods\n" + " in the main class and in force linked classes will never be\n" + " stripped. Default is 'none'."); System.err.println(" -threads <n> The number of threads to use during class compilation. By\n" + " default the number returned by Runtime.availableProcessors()\n" + " will be used (" + Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + " on this host)."); System.err.println(" -run Run the executable directly without installing it (-d is\n" + " ignored). The executable will be executed from the\n" + " temporary dir specified with -tmp."); System.err.println(" -archive Archives the binary along with resources and supporting\n" + " files in a format suitable for distribution (e.g. an IPA\n" + " file for iOS apps). The archive will be created in the\n" + " install dir specified using -d."); System.err.println(" -debug Generates debug information"); System.err.println(" -use-debug-libs Links against debug versions of the BugVM VM libraries"); System.err.println(" -libs <list> : separated list of static library files (.a), object\n" + " files (.o) and system libraries that should be included\n" + " when linking the final executable."); System.err.println(" -exportedsymbols <list>\n" + " : separated list of symbols that should be exported\n" + " when linking the executable. This can be used when\n" + " linking in function which will be called using bro.\n" + " Wildcards can be used. * matches zero or more characters,\n" + " ? matches one character. [abc], [a-z] matches one character\n" + " from the specified set of characters."); System.err.println(" -unhidesymbols <list>\n" + " : separated list of global hidden symbols in linked in static\n" + " libraries or frameworks that should be unhidden to be\n" + " accessible to bro @Bridge methods. Wildcards are not\n" + " supported. Unhidden symbols will always be exported."); System.err.println(" -frameworks <list> : separated list of frameworks that should be included\n" + " when linking the final executable."); System.err.println(" -weakframeworks <list>\n" + " : separated list of frameworks that should be weakly linked\n" + " into the final executable."); System.err.println(" -frameworkpaths <list>\n" + " : separated list of framework search paths used when searching\n" + " for custom frameworks."); System.err.println(" -resources <list> : separated list of files and directories that should be\n" + " copied to the install dir. Accepts Ant-style patterns.\n" + " If a pattern is specified the longest non-pattern path before\n" + " the first wildcard will be used as base directory and will\n" + " not be recreated in the install dir."); System.err.println(" -cacerts <value> Use the specified cacerts file. Allowed value are 'none',\n" + " 'full'. Default is 'full' but no cacerts will be included\n" + " unless the code actually needs them."); System.err.println(" -skiprt Do not add default bugvm-rt.jar to bootclasspath"); System.err.println(" -config <file> Reads the specified configuration XML file. Values set in\n" + " the file will override values set earlier in the command\n" + " line. Later options will override values set in the XML file.\n" + " Can be specified multiple times to read multiple config files."); System.err.println(" -dumpconfig <file> Dumps a configuration XML file to the specified file. Specify\n" + " '-' to dump the config to stdout."); System.err.println(" -properties <file> Reads a Java properties file which will be used when resolving\n" + " variables (enclosed in ${...}) in config XML files and\n" + " Info.plist files. Can be specified multiple times."); System.err.println(" -Pname=value Sets a property value. See the -properties option."); System.err.println(" -verbose Output messages about what the compiler is doing"); System.err.println(" -version Print the version of the compiler and exit"); System.err.println(" -help, -? Display this information"); System.err.println("Target specific options:"); System.err.println(" -createipa (iOS) Create a .IPA file from the app bundle and place it in\n" + " the install dir specified with -d. Alias for -archive."); System.err.println(" -ipaarchs (iOS) : separated list of architectures to include in the IPA.\n" + " Either thumbv7 or arm64 or both. Alias for -archs."); System.err.println(" -plist <file> (iOS/OSX) Info.plist file to be used by the app. If not specified\n" + " a simple Info.plist will be generated with a CFBundleIdentifier\n" + " based on the main class name or executable file name."); System.err.println(" -entitlements <file> (iOS) Property list (.plist) file containing entitlements\n" + " passed to codesign when signing the app."); System.err.println(" -resourcerules <file> (iOS) Property list (.plist) file containing resource rules\n" + " passed to codesign when signing the app."); System.err.println(" -signidentity <id> (iOS) Sign using this identity. Default is to look for an\n" + " identity starting with 'iPhone Developer' or 'iOS Development'.\n" + " Enclose in '/' to search by regexp, e.g. '/foo|bar/'"); System.err.println(" -skipsign (iOS) Skips signing of the compiled Application. Can be used\n" + " to create unsigned packages for testing on a jailbroken device."); System.err.println(" -provisioningprofile <file>\n" + " (iOS) Provisioning profile to use when building for a device.\n" + " Either a UUID, an app name or app id prefix. If not specified\n" + " a provisioning profile matching the signing identity and bundle\n" + " id from the Info.plist file will be used."); System.err.println(" -sdk <version> (iOS) Version number of the iOS SDK to build against. If not\n" + " specified the latest SDK that can be found will be used."); System.err.println("iOS simulator launch options:"); System.err.println(" -printdevicetypes The device type ids that can be used to launch a specific\n" + " simulator via the -devicetype flag."); System.err.println(" -devicetype <type> The device type to use to launch the simulator e.g. \"iPhone-7, 10.0\"\n" + " (defaults to an iPhone simulator using the latest SDK)."); if(plugins != null) { for(Plugin plugin: plugins) { if(plugin.getArguments().getArguments().size() > 0) { System.err.println(plugin.getClass().getSimpleName() + " options:"); for(PluginArgument arg: plugin.getArguments().getArguments()) { String argString = " -" + plugin.getArguments().getPrefix() + ":" + arg.getName() + (arg.hasValue()? "=" + arg.getValueName(): ""); int whitespace = Math.max(1, 24 - argString.length()); System.err.println(argString + repeat(" ", whitespace) + arg.getDescription()); } } } } System.exit(errorMessage != null ? 1 : 0); // @formatter:on } private static String repeat(String s, int n) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { builder.append(s); } return builder.toString(); } private class UpdateChecker extends Thread { private final String address; private volatile JSONObject result; public UpdateChecker(String address) { this.address = address; setDaemon(true); } @Override public void run() { result = fetchJson(address); } } /** * Performs an update check. If a newer version of BugVM is available a * message will be printed to the log. The update check is also used to * gather some anonymous usage statistics. */ private void updateCheck() { try { String uuid = getInstallUuid(); if (uuid == null) { return; } long lastCheckTime = getLastUpdateCheckTime(); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheckTime < 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000) { // Only check for an update once every 6 hours return; } updateLastUpdateCheckTime(); String osName = System.getProperty("os.name", "Unknown"); String osArch = System.getProperty("os.arch", "Unknown"); String osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version", "Unknown"); UpdateChecker t = new UpdateChecker("https://bugvm.com/version?" + "uuid=" + URLEncoder.encode(uuid, "UTF-8") + "&" + "version=" + URLEncoder.encode(Version.getVersion(), "UTF-8") + "&" + "osName=" + URLEncoder.encode(osName, "UTF-8") + "&" + "osArch=" + URLEncoder.encode(osArch, "UTF-8") + "&" + "osVersion=" + URLEncoder.encode(osVersion, "UTF-8")); t.start(); t.join(5 * 1000); // Wait for a maximum of 5 seconds JSONObject result = t.result; if (result != null) { String version = (String) result.get("version"); if (version != null && Version.isOlderThan(version)) { config.getLogger().info("A new version of BugVM is available. " + "Current version: %s. New version: %s.", Version.getVersion(), version); } } } catch (Throwable t) { if (config.getHome().isDev()) { t.printStackTrace(); } } } private String getInstallUuid() throws IOException { File uuidFile = new File(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".bugvm"), "uuid"); uuidFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); String uuid = uuidFile.exists() ? FileUtils.readFileToString(uuidFile, "UTF-8") : null; if (uuid == null) { uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(uuidFile, uuid, "UTF-8"); } uuid = uuid.trim(); if (uuid.matches("[0-9a-fA-F-]{36}")) { return uuid; } return null; } private long getLastUpdateCheckTime() { try { File timeFile = new File(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".bugvm"), "last-update-check"); timeFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); return timeFile.exists() ? Long.parseLong(FileUtils.readFileToString(timeFile, "UTF-8").trim()) : 0; } catch (IOException e) { return 0; } } private void updateLastUpdateCheckTime() throws IOException { File timeFile = new File(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".bugvm"), "last-update-check"); timeFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(timeFile, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), "UTF-8"); } private JSONObject fetchJson(String address) { try { URL url = new URL(address); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); conn.setConnectTimeout(5 * 1000); conn.setReadTimeout(5 * 1000); try (InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream())) { return (JSONObject) JSONValue.parseWithException(IOUtils.toString(in, "UTF-8")); } } catch (Exception e) { if (config.getHome().isDev()) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } }