package soot.JastAddJ; import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.LinkedHashSet;import;import java.util.*;import beaver.*;import java.util.ArrayList;import*;import*;import;import java.util.Collection;import soot.*;import soot.util.*;import soot.jimple.*;import soot.coffi.ClassFile;import soot.coffi.method_info;import soot.coffi.CONSTANT_Utf8_info;import soot.tagkit.SourceFileTag;import soot.coffi.CoffiMethodSource; public class GenericMethodDecl extends MethodDecl implements Cloneable { public void flushCache() { super.flushCache(); getParMethodDeclList_computed = false; getParMethodDeclList_value = null; rawMethodDecl_computed = false; rawMethodDecl_value = null; lookupParMethodDecl_ArrayList_values = null; } public void flushCollectionCache() { super.flushCollectionCache(); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public GenericMethodDecl clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { GenericMethodDecl node = (GenericMethodDecl)super.clone(); node.getParMethodDeclList_computed = false; node.getParMethodDeclList_value = null; node.rawMethodDecl_computed = false; node.rawMethodDecl_value = null; node.lookupParMethodDecl_ArrayList_values = null;$Circle(false);$Final(false); return node; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public GenericMethodDecl copy() { try { GenericMethodDecl node = (GenericMethodDecl)clone(); if(children != null) node.children = (ASTNode[])children.clone(); return node; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { } System.err.println("Error: Could not clone node of type " + getClass().getName() + "!"); return null; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public GenericMethodDecl fullCopy() { GenericMethodDecl res = (GenericMethodDecl)copy(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumChildNoTransform(); i++) { ASTNode node = getChildNoTransform(i); if(node != null) node = node.fullCopy(); res.setChild(node, i); } return res; } // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 55 public ParMethodDecl p(ArrayList typeArguments) { ParMethodDecl methodDecl = typeArguments.isEmpty() ? new RawMethodDecl() : new ParMethodDecl(); addParMethodDecl(methodDecl); List list = new List(); if(typeArguments.isEmpty()) { GenericMethodDecl original = original(); for(int i = 0; i < original.getNumTypeParameter(); i++) list.add(original.getTypeParameter(i).erasure().createBoundAccess()); } else { for(Iterator iter = typeArguments.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) list.add(((TypeDecl); } methodDecl.setTypeArgumentList(list); methodDecl.setModifiers((Modifiers)getModifiers().fullCopy()); methodDecl.setTypeAccess(getTypeAccess().type().substituteReturnType(methodDecl)); methodDecl.setID(getID()); methodDecl.setParameterList(getParameterList().substitute(methodDecl)); methodDecl.setExceptionList(getExceptionList().substitute(methodDecl)); return methodDecl; } // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 165 public void toString(StringBuffer s) { s.append(indent()); getModifiers().toString(s); s.append(" <"); for(int i = 0; i < getNumTypeParameter(); i++) { if(i != 0) s.append(", "); original().getTypeParameter(i).toString(s); } s.append("> "); getTypeAccess().toString(s); s.append(" " + getID()); s.append("("); if(getNumParameter() > 0) { getParameter(0).toString(s); for(int i = 1; i < getNumParameter(); i++) { s.append(", "); getParameter(i).toString(s); } } s.append(")"); if(getNumException() > 0) { s.append(" throws "); getException(0).toString(s); for(int i = 1; i < getNumException(); i++) { s.append(", "); getException(i).toString(s); } } if(hasBlock()) { s.append(" "); getBlock().toString(s); } else { s.append(";\n"); } } // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 1016 public BodyDecl p(Parameterization parTypeDecl) { //System.out.println("Begin substituting generic " + signature() + " in " + hostType().typeName() + " with " + parTypeDecl.typeSignature()); GenericMethodDecl m = new GenericMethodDecl( (Modifiers)getModifiers().fullCopy(), getTypeAccess().type().substituteReturnType(parTypeDecl), getID(), getParameterList().substitute(parTypeDecl), getExceptionList().substitute(parTypeDecl), new Opt(), (List)getTypeParameterList().fullCopy() ); m.original = this; //System.out.println("End substituting generic " + signature()); return m; } // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 1032 public GenericMethodDecl original; // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 3 // Declared in GenericMethods.ast line 1 public GenericMethodDecl() { super(); setChild(new List(), 2); setChild(new List(), 3); setChild(new Opt(), 4); setChild(new List(), 5); setChild(new List(), 6); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 15 // Declared in GenericMethods.ast line 1 public GenericMethodDecl(Modifiers p0, Access p1, String p2, List<ParameterDeclaration> p3, List<Access> p4, Opt<Block> p5, List<TypeVariable> p6) { setChild(p0, 0); setChild(p1, 1); setID(p2); setChild(p3, 2); setChild(p4, 3); setChild(p5, 4); setChild(p6, 5); setChild(new List(), 6); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 27 // Declared in GenericMethods.ast line 1 public GenericMethodDecl(Modifiers p0, Access p1, beaver.Symbol p2, List<ParameterDeclaration> p3, List<Access> p4, Opt<Block> p5, List<TypeVariable> p6) { setChild(p0, 0); setChild(p1, 1); setID(p2); setChild(p3, 2); setChild(p4, 3); setChild(p5, 4); setChild(p6, 5); setChild(new List(), 6); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 38 protected int numChildren() { return 6; } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 41 public boolean mayHaveRewrite() { return false; } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public void setModifiers(Modifiers node) { setChild(node, 0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 5 public Modifiers getModifiers() { return (Modifiers)getChild(0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 9 public Modifiers getModifiersNoTransform() { return (Modifiers)getChildNoTransform(0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public void setTypeAccess(Access node) { setChild(node, 1); } // Declared in java.ast at line 5 public Access getTypeAccess() { return (Access)getChild(1); } // Declared in java.ast at line 9 public Access getTypeAccessNoTransform() { return (Access)getChildNoTransform(1); } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public void setID(String value) { tokenString_ID = value; } // Declared in java.ast at line 5 public void setID(beaver.Symbol symbol) { if(symbol.value != null && !(symbol.value instanceof String)) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("setID is only valid for String lexemes"); tokenString_ID = (String)symbol.value; IDstart = symbol.getStart(); IDend = symbol.getEnd(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 12 public String getID() { return tokenString_ID != null ? tokenString_ID : ""; } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public void setParameterList(List<ParameterDeclaration> list) { setChild(list, 2); } // Declared in java.ast at line 6 public int getNumParameter() { return getParameterList().getNumChild(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 10 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public ParameterDeclaration getParameter(int i) { return (ParameterDeclaration)getParameterList().getChild(i); } // Declared in java.ast at line 14 public void addParameter(ParameterDeclaration node) { List<ParameterDeclaration> list = (parent == null || state == null) ? getParameterListNoTransform() : getParameterList(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in java.ast at line 19 public void addParameterNoTransform(ParameterDeclaration node) { List<ParameterDeclaration> list = getParameterListNoTransform(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in java.ast at line 24 public void setParameter(ParameterDeclaration node, int i) { List<ParameterDeclaration> list = getParameterList(); list.setChild(node, i); } // Declared in java.ast at line 28 public List<ParameterDeclaration> getParameters() { return getParameterList(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 31 public List<ParameterDeclaration> getParametersNoTransform() { return getParameterListNoTransform(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 35 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<ParameterDeclaration> getParameterList() { List<ParameterDeclaration> list = (List<ParameterDeclaration>)getChild(2); list.getNumChild(); return list; } // Declared in java.ast at line 41 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<ParameterDeclaration> getParameterListNoTransform() { return (List<ParameterDeclaration>)getChildNoTransform(2); } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public void setExceptionList(List<Access> list) { setChild(list, 3); } // Declared in java.ast at line 6 public int getNumException() { return getExceptionList().getNumChild(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 10 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Access getException(int i) { return (Access)getExceptionList().getChild(i); } // Declared in java.ast at line 14 public void addException(Access node) { List<Access> list = (parent == null || state == null) ? getExceptionListNoTransform() : getExceptionList(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in java.ast at line 19 public void addExceptionNoTransform(Access node) { List<Access> list = getExceptionListNoTransform(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in java.ast at line 24 public void setException(Access node, int i) { List<Access> list = getExceptionList(); list.setChild(node, i); } // Declared in java.ast at line 28 public List<Access> getExceptions() { return getExceptionList(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 31 public List<Access> getExceptionsNoTransform() { return getExceptionListNoTransform(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 35 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<Access> getExceptionList() { List<Access> list = (List<Access>)getChild(3); list.getNumChild(); return list; } // Declared in java.ast at line 41 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<Access> getExceptionListNoTransform() { return (List<Access>)getChildNoTransform(3); } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public void setBlockOpt(Opt<Block> opt) { setChild(opt, 4); } // Declared in java.ast at line 6 public boolean hasBlock() { return getBlockOpt().getNumChild() != 0; } // Declared in java.ast at line 10 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Block getBlock() { return (Block)getBlockOpt().getChild(0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 14 public void setBlock(Block node) { getBlockOpt().setChild(node, 0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 17 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Opt<Block> getBlockOpt() { return (Opt<Block>)getChild(4); } // Declared in java.ast at line 21 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Opt<Block> getBlockOptNoTransform() { return (Opt<Block>)getChildNoTransform(4); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 2 // Declared in GenericMethods.ast line 1 public void setTypeParameterList(List<TypeVariable> list) { setChild(list, 5); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 6 public int getNumTypeParameter() { return getTypeParameterList().getNumChild(); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 10 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeVariable getTypeParameter(int i) { return (TypeVariable)getTypeParameterList().getChild(i); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 14 public void addTypeParameter(TypeVariable node) { List<TypeVariable> list = (parent == null || state == null) ? getTypeParameterListNoTransform() : getTypeParameterList(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 19 public void addTypeParameterNoTransform(TypeVariable node) { List<TypeVariable> list = getTypeParameterListNoTransform(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 24 public void setTypeParameter(TypeVariable node, int i) { List<TypeVariable> list = getTypeParameterList(); list.setChild(node, i); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 28 public List<TypeVariable> getTypeParameters() { return getTypeParameterList(); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 31 public List<TypeVariable> getTypeParametersNoTransform() { return getTypeParameterListNoTransform(); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 35 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<TypeVariable> getTypeParameterList() { List<TypeVariable> list = (List<TypeVariable>)getChild(5); list.getNumChild(); return list; } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 41 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<TypeVariable> getTypeParameterListNoTransform() { return (List<TypeVariable>)getChildNoTransform(5); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 2 // Declared in GenericMethods.ast line 1 public void setParMethodDeclList(List<ParMethodDecl> list) { setChild(list, 6); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 6 public int getNumParMethodDecl() { return getParMethodDeclList().getNumChild(); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 10 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public ParMethodDecl getParMethodDecl(int i) { return (ParMethodDecl)getParMethodDeclList().getChild(i); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 14 public void addParMethodDecl(ParMethodDecl node) { List<ParMethodDecl> list = (parent == null || state == null) ? getParMethodDeclListNoTransform() : getParMethodDeclList(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 19 public void addParMethodDeclNoTransform(ParMethodDecl node) { List<ParMethodDecl> list = getParMethodDeclListNoTransform(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 24 public void setParMethodDecl(ParMethodDecl node, int i) { List<ParMethodDecl> list = getParMethodDeclList(); list.setChild(node, i); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 28 public List<ParMethodDecl> getParMethodDecls() { return getParMethodDeclList(); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 31 public List<ParMethodDecl> getParMethodDeclsNoTransform() { return getParMethodDeclListNoTransform(); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 35 public List<ParMethodDecl> getParMethodDeclListNoTransform() { return (List<ParMethodDecl>)getChildNoTransform(6); } // Declared in GenericMethods.ast at line 39 protected int getParMethodDeclListChildPosition() { return 6; } protected boolean getParMethodDeclList_computed = false; protected List getParMethodDeclList_value; // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 26 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List getParMethodDeclList() { if(getParMethodDeclList_computed) { return (List)ASTNode.getChild(this, getParMethodDeclListChildPosition()); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); getParMethodDeclList_value = getParMethodDeclList_compute(); setParMethodDeclList(getParMethodDeclList_value); if(true) getParMethodDeclList_computed = true; return (List)ASTNode.getChild(this, getParMethodDeclListChildPosition()); } private List getParMethodDeclList_compute() { return new List(); } protected boolean rawMethodDecl_computed = false; protected MethodDecl rawMethodDecl_value; // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 28 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public MethodDecl rawMethodDecl() { if(rawMethodDecl_computed) { return rawMethodDecl_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); rawMethodDecl_value = rawMethodDecl_compute(); if(true) rawMethodDecl_computed = true; return rawMethodDecl_value; } private MethodDecl rawMethodDecl_compute() { return lookupParMethodDecl(new ArrayList()); } protected java.util.Map lookupParMethodDecl_ArrayList_values; // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 38 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public MethodDecl lookupParMethodDecl(ArrayList typeArguments) { Object _parameters = typeArguments; if(lookupParMethodDecl_ArrayList_values == null) lookupParMethodDecl_ArrayList_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(lookupParMethodDecl_ArrayList_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return (MethodDecl)lookupParMethodDecl_ArrayList_values.get(_parameters); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); MethodDecl lookupParMethodDecl_ArrayList_value = lookupParMethodDecl_compute(typeArguments); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) lookupParMethodDecl_ArrayList_values.put(_parameters, lookupParMethodDecl_ArrayList_value); return lookupParMethodDecl_ArrayList_value; } private MethodDecl lookupParMethodDecl_compute(ArrayList typeArguments) { l: for(int i = 0; i < getNumParMethodDecl(); i++) { ParMethodDecl decl = getParMethodDecl(i); if(decl instanceof RawMethodDecl) { if(typeArguments.isEmpty()) return decl; } else if(decl.getNumTypeArgument() == typeArguments.size()) { for(int j = 0; j < decl.getNumTypeArgument(); j++) if(decl.getTypeArgument(j).type() != typeArguments.get(j)) continue l; return decl; } } return p(typeArguments); } // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 96 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public SimpleSet localLookupType(String name) { ASTNode$State state = state(); SimpleSet localLookupType_String_value = localLookupType_compute(name); return localLookupType_String_value; } private SimpleSet localLookupType_compute(String name) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumTypeParameter(); i++) { if(original().getTypeParameter(i).name().equals(name)) return SimpleSet.emptySet.add(original().getTypeParameter(i)); } return SimpleSet.emptySet; } // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 1031 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public GenericMethodDecl original() { ASTNode$State state = state(); GenericMethodDecl original_value = original_compute(); return original_value; } private GenericMethodDecl original_compute() { return original != null ? original : this; } // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 95 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public SimpleSet lookupType(String name) { ASTNode$State state = state(); SimpleSet lookupType_String_value = getParent().Define_SimpleSet_lookupType(this, null, name); return lookupType_String_value; } // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 32 public GenericMethodDecl Define_GenericMethodDecl_genericMethodDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getParMethodDeclListNoTransform()) { int i = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); return this; } return getParent().Define_GenericMethodDecl_genericMethodDecl(this, caller); } // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 93 public NameType Define_NameType_nameType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getTypeParameterListNoTransform()) { int childIndex = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); return NameType.TYPE_NAME; } return super.Define_NameType_nameType(caller, child); } // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 103 public SimpleSet Define_SimpleSet_lookupType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { if(true) { int childIndex = this.getIndexOfChild(caller); return localLookupType(name).isEmpty() ? lookupType(name) : localLookupType(name); } return getParent().Define_SimpleSet_lookupType(this, caller, name); } public ASTNode rewriteTo() { return super.rewriteTo(); } }