/* Soot - a J*va Optimization Framework * Copyright (C) 2004 Jennifer Lhotak * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.callgraph; import soot.*; import java.util.*; import soot.jimple.*; import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.*; import soot.toolkits.graph.interaction.*; import soot.options.*; /** A scene transformer that creates a graphical callgraph. */ public class CallGraphGrapher extends SceneTransformer { public CallGraphGrapher(Singletons.Global g){} public static CallGraphGrapher v() { return G.v().soot_jimple_toolkits_annotation_callgraph_CallGraphGrapher();} private MethodToContexts methodToContexts; private CallGraph cg; private boolean showLibMeths; private ArrayList<MethInfo> getTgtMethods(SootMethod method, boolean recurse){ //G.v().out.println("meth for tgts: "+method); if (!method.hasActiveBody()){ return new ArrayList<MethInfo>(); } Body b = method.getActiveBody(); ArrayList<MethInfo> list = new ArrayList<MethInfo>(); Iterator sIt = b.getUnits().iterator(); while (sIt.hasNext()){ Stmt s = (Stmt) sIt.next(); Iterator edges = cg.edgesOutOf(s); while (edges.hasNext()){ Edge e = (Edge)edges.next(); SootMethod sm = e.tgt(); //G.v().out.println("found target method: "+sm); if (sm.getDeclaringClass().isLibraryClass()){ if (isShowLibMeths()){ if (recurse){ list.add(new MethInfo(sm, hasTgtMethods(sm) | hasSrcMethods(sm), e.kind())); } else { list.add(new MethInfo(sm, true, e.kind())); } } } else { if (recurse){ list.add(new MethInfo(sm, hasTgtMethods(sm) | hasSrcMethods(sm), e.kind())); } else { list.add(new MethInfo(sm, true, e.kind())); } } } } return list; } private boolean hasTgtMethods(SootMethod meth){ ArrayList<MethInfo> list = getTgtMethods(meth, false); if (!list.isEmpty()) return true; else return false; } private boolean hasSrcMethods(SootMethod meth){ ArrayList<MethInfo> list = getSrcMethods(meth, false); if (list.size() > 1) return true; else return false; } private ArrayList<MethInfo> getSrcMethods(SootMethod method, boolean recurse){ //G.v().out.println("meth for srcs: "+method); ArrayList<MethInfo> list = new ArrayList<MethInfo>(); for( Iterator momcIt = methodToContexts.get(method).iterator(); momcIt.hasNext(); ) { final MethodOrMethodContext momc = (MethodOrMethodContext) momcIt.next(); Iterator callerEdges = cg.edgesInto(momc); while (callerEdges.hasNext()){ Edge callEdge = (Edge)callerEdges.next(); SootMethod methodCaller = callEdge.src(); if (methodCaller.getDeclaringClass().isLibraryClass()){ if (isShowLibMeths()){ if (recurse){ list.add(new MethInfo(methodCaller, hasTgtMethods(methodCaller) | hasSrcMethods(methodCaller), callEdge.kind())); } else { list.add(new MethInfo(methodCaller, true, callEdge.kind())); } } } else { if (recurse){ list.add(new MethInfo(methodCaller, hasTgtMethods(methodCaller) | hasSrcMethods(methodCaller), callEdge.kind())); } else { list.add(new MethInfo(methodCaller, true, callEdge.kind())); } } } } return list; } protected void internalTransform(String phaseName, Map options){ CGGOptions opts = new CGGOptions(options); if (opts.show_lib_meths()){ setShowLibMeths(true); } cg = Scene.v().getCallGraph(); if (Options.v().interactive_mode()){ reset(); } } public void reset() { if (methodToContexts == null){ methodToContexts = new MethodToContexts(Scene.v().getReachableMethods().listener()); } if(Scene.v().hasCallGraph()) { SootClass sc = Scene.v().getMainClass(); SootMethod sm = getFirstMethod(sc); //G.v().out.println("got first method"); ArrayList<MethInfo> tgts = getTgtMethods(sm, true); //G.v().out.println("got tgt methods"); ArrayList<MethInfo> srcs = getSrcMethods(sm, true); //G.v().out.println("got src methods"); CallGraphInfo info = new CallGraphInfo(sm, tgts, srcs); //G.v().out.println("will handle new call graph"); InteractionHandler.v().handleCallGraphStart(info, this); } } private SootMethod getFirstMethod(SootClass sc){ ArrayList paramTypes = new ArrayList(); paramTypes.add(soot.ArrayType.v(soot.RefType.v("java.lang.String"), 1)); if (sc.declaresMethod("main", paramTypes, soot.VoidType.v())){ return sc.getMethod("main", paramTypes, soot.VoidType.v()); } else { return (SootMethod)sc.getMethods().get(0); } } public void handleNextMethod(){ if (!getNextMethod().hasActiveBody()) return; ArrayList<MethInfo> tgts = getTgtMethods(getNextMethod(), true); //System.out.println("for: "+getNextMethod().getName()+" tgts: "+tgts); ArrayList<MethInfo> srcs = getSrcMethods(getNextMethod(), true); //System.out.println("for: "+getNextMethod().getName()+" srcs: "+srcs); CallGraphInfo info = new CallGraphInfo(getNextMethod(), tgts, srcs); //System.out.println("sending next method"); InteractionHandler.v().handleCallGraphPart(info); //handleNextMethod(); } private SootMethod nextMethod; public void setNextMethod(SootMethod m){ nextMethod = m; } public SootMethod getNextMethod(){ return nextMethod; } public void setShowLibMeths(boolean b){ showLibMeths = b; } public boolean isShowLibMeths(){ return showLibMeths; } }