package soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow; import soot.*; import soot.util.*; import java.util.*; import soot.toolkits.scalar.*; import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.*; import soot.jimple.*; // UseFinder written by Richard L. Halpert, 2007-03-13 // Compiles a list of all uses of fields of each application class within the // application classes by looking at every application method. // Compiles a list of all calls to methods of each application class within the // application classes by using the call graph. public class UseFinder { ReachableMethods rm; Map<SootClass, List> classToExtFieldAccesses; // each field access is a Pair <containing method, stmt> Map<SootClass, ArrayList> classToIntFieldAccesses; Map<SootClass, List> classToExtCalls; // each call is a Pair <containing method, stmt> Map<SootClass, ArrayList> classToIntCalls; public UseFinder() { classToExtFieldAccesses = new HashMap<SootClass, List>(); classToIntFieldAccesses = new HashMap<SootClass, ArrayList>(); classToExtCalls = new HashMap<SootClass, List>(); classToIntCalls = new HashMap<SootClass, ArrayList>(); rm = Scene.v().getReachableMethods(); doAnalysis(); } public UseFinder(ReachableMethods rm) { classToExtFieldAccesses = new HashMap<SootClass, List>(); classToIntFieldAccesses = new HashMap<SootClass, ArrayList>(); classToExtCalls = new HashMap<SootClass, List>(); classToIntCalls = new HashMap<SootClass, ArrayList>(); this.rm = rm; doAnalysis(); } public List getExtFieldAccesses(SootClass sc) { if(classToExtFieldAccesses.containsKey(sc)) return classToExtFieldAccesses.get(sc); throw new RuntimeException("UseFinder does not search non-application classes: " + sc); } public List getIntFieldAccesses(SootClass sc) { if(classToIntFieldAccesses.containsKey(sc)) return classToIntFieldAccesses.get(sc); throw new RuntimeException("UseFinder does not search non-application classes: " + sc); } public List getExtCalls(SootClass sc) { if(classToExtCalls.containsKey(sc)) return classToExtCalls.get(sc); throw new RuntimeException("UseFinder does not search non-application classes: " + sc); } public List getIntCalls(SootClass sc) { if(classToIntCalls.containsKey(sc)) return classToIntCalls.get(sc); throw new RuntimeException("UseFinder does not search non-application classes: " + sc); } // This is an incredibly stupid way to do this... we should just use the call graph for faster/better info! public List<SootMethod> getExtMethods(SootClass sc) { if(classToExtCalls.containsKey(sc)) { List extCalls = classToExtCalls.get(sc); List<SootMethod> extMethods = new ArrayList<SootMethod>(); for(Iterator callIt = extCalls.iterator(); callIt.hasNext(); ) { Pair call = (Pair); SootMethod calledMethod = ((Stmt) call.getO2()).getInvokeExpr().getMethod(); if(!extMethods.contains(calledMethod)) extMethods.add(calledMethod); } return extMethods; } throw new RuntimeException("UseFinder does not search non-application classes: " + sc); } public List<SootField> getExtFields(SootClass sc) { if(classToExtFieldAccesses.containsKey(sc)) { List extAccesses = classToExtFieldAccesses.get(sc); List<SootField> extFields = new ArrayList<SootField>(); for(Iterator accessIt = extAccesses.iterator(); accessIt.hasNext(); ) { Pair access = (Pair); SootField accessedField = ((Stmt) access.getO2()).getFieldRef().getField(); if(!extFields.contains(accessedField)) extFields.add(accessedField); } return extFields; } throw new RuntimeException("UseFinder does not search non-application classes: " + sc); } private void doAnalysis() { Chain appClasses = Scene.v().getApplicationClasses(); // Set up lists of internal and external accesses Iterator appClassesIt = appClasses.iterator(); while(appClassesIt.hasNext()) { SootClass appClass = (SootClass); classToIntFieldAccesses.put(appClass, new ArrayList()); classToExtFieldAccesses.put(appClass, new ArrayList()); classToIntCalls.put(appClass, new ArrayList()); classToExtCalls.put(appClass, new ArrayList()); } // Find internal and external accesses appClassesIt = appClasses.iterator(); while(appClassesIt.hasNext()) { SootClass appClass = (SootClass); Iterator methodsIt = appClass.getMethods().iterator(); while (methodsIt.hasNext()) { SootMethod method = (SootMethod); if(method.isConcrete() && rm.contains(method)) { Body b = method.retrieveActiveBody(); Iterator unitsIt = b.getUnits().iterator(); while(unitsIt.hasNext()) { Stmt s = (Stmt); if(s.containsFieldRef()) { FieldRef fr = s.getFieldRef(); if(fr.getFieldRef().resolve().getDeclaringClass() == appClass) { if(fr instanceof StaticFieldRef) { // static field ref in same class is considered internal classToIntFieldAccesses.get(appClass).add(new Pair(method, s)); } else if(fr instanceof InstanceFieldRef) { InstanceFieldRef ifr = (InstanceFieldRef) fr; if( !method.isStatic() && ifr.getBase().equivTo(b.getThisLocal()) ) { // this.field ref is considered internal classToIntFieldAccesses.get(appClass).add(new Pair(method, s)); } else { // o.field ref is considered external classToExtFieldAccesses.get(appClass).add(new Pair(method, s)); } } } else { // ref to some other class is considered external List<Pair> otherClassList = classToExtFieldAccesses.get(fr.getFieldRef().resolve().getDeclaringClass()); if(otherClassList == null) { otherClassList = new ArrayList<Pair>(); classToExtFieldAccesses.put(fr.getFieldRef().resolve().getDeclaringClass(), otherClassList); } otherClassList.add(new Pair(method, s)); } } if(s.containsInvokeExpr()) { InvokeExpr ie = s.getInvokeExpr(); if(ie.getMethodRef().resolve().getDeclaringClass() == appClass) // what about sub/superclasses { if(ie instanceof StaticInvokeExpr) { // static field ref in same class is considered internal classToIntCalls.get(appClass).add(new Pair(method, s)); } else if(ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr) { InstanceInvokeExpr iie = (InstanceInvokeExpr) ie; if( !method.isStatic() && iie.getBase().equivTo(b.getThisLocal()) ) { // this.field ref is considered internal classToIntCalls.get(appClass).add(new Pair(method, s)); } else { // o.field ref is considered external classToExtCalls.get(appClass).add(new Pair(method, s)); } } } else { // ref to some other class is considered external List<Pair> otherClassList = classToExtCalls.get(ie.getMethodRef().resolve().getDeclaringClass()); if(otherClassList == null) { otherClassList = new ArrayList<Pair>(); classToExtCalls.put(ie.getMethodRef().resolve().getDeclaringClass(), otherClassList); } otherClassList.add(new Pair(method, s)); } } } } } } } }