package soot.JastAddJ; import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.LinkedHashSet;import;import java.util.*;import beaver.*;import java.util.ArrayList;import*;import*;import;import java.util.Collection;import soot.*;import soot.util.*;import soot.jimple.*;import soot.coffi.ClassFile;import soot.coffi.method_info;import soot.coffi.CONSTANT_Utf8_info;import soot.tagkit.SourceFileTag;import soot.coffi.CoffiMethodSource; public class Signatures extends java.lang.Object { // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 549 // simple parser framework String data; // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 550 int pos; // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 551 public Signatures(String s) { data = s; pos = 0; } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 556 public boolean next(String s) { for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) if(data.charAt(pos + i) != s.charAt(i)) return false; return true; } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 563 public void eat(String s) { for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) if(data.charAt(pos + i) != s.charAt(i)) error(s); pos += s.length(); } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 570 public void error(String s) { throw new Error("Expected " + s + " but found " + data.substring(pos)); } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 574 public String identifier() { int i = pos; while(Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(data.charAt(i))) i++; String result = data.substring(pos, i); pos = i; return result; } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 583 public boolean eof() { return pos == data.length(); } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 589 // 4.4.4 Signatures public static class ClassSignature extends Signatures { public ClassSignature(String s) { super(s); classSignature(); } void classSignature() { if(next("<")) formalTypeParameters(); superclassSignature = parseSuperclassSignature(); while(!eof()) { superinterfaceSignature.add(parseSuperinterfaceSignature()); } } public boolean hasFormalTypeParameters() { return typeParameters != null; } public List typeParameters() { return typeParameters; } public boolean hasSuperclassSignature() { return superclassSignature != null; } public Access superclassSignature() { return superclassSignature; } protected Access superclassSignature; public boolean hasSuperinterfaceSignature() { return superinterfaceSignature.getNumChildNoTransform() != 0; } public List superinterfaceSignature() { return superinterfaceSignature; } protected List superinterfaceSignature = new List(); Access parseSuperclassSignature() { return classTypeSignature(); } Access parseSuperinterfaceSignature() { return classTypeSignature(); } } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 623 public static class FieldSignature extends Signatures { public FieldSignature(String s) { super(s); fieldTypeAccess = fieldTypeSignature(); } Access fieldTypeAccess() { return fieldTypeAccess; } private Access fieldTypeAccess; } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 634 public static class MethodSignature extends Signatures { public MethodSignature(String s) { super(s); methodTypeSignature(); } void methodTypeSignature() { if(next("<")) formalTypeParameters(); eat("("); while(!next(")")) { parameterTypes.add(typeSignature()); } eat(")"); returnType = parseReturnType(); while(!eof()) { exceptionList.add(throwsSignature()); } } Access parseReturnType() { if(next("V")) { eat("V"); return new PrimitiveTypeAccess("void"); } else { return typeSignature(); } } Access throwsSignature() { eat("^"); if(next("L")) { return classTypeSignature(); } else { return typeVariableSignature(); } } public boolean hasFormalTypeParameters() { return typeParameters != null; } public List typeParameters() { return typeParameters; } public Collection parameterTypes() { return parameterTypes; } protected Collection parameterTypes = new ArrayList(); public List exceptionList() { return exceptionList; } public boolean hasExceptionList() { return exceptionList.getNumChildNoTransform() != 0; } protected List exceptionList = new List(); protected Access returnType = null; public boolean hasReturnType() { return returnType != null; } public Access returnType() { return returnType; } } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 687 protected List typeParameters; // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 689 void formalTypeParameters() { eat("<"); typeParameters = new List(); do { typeParameters.add(formalTypeParameter()); } while(!next(">")); eat(">"); } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 698 TypeVariable formalTypeParameter() { String id = identifier(); List bounds = new List(); Access classBound = classBound(); if(classBound != null) bounds.add(classBound); while(next(":")) { bounds.add(interfaceBound()); } if(bounds.getNumChildNoTransform() == 0) bounds.add(new TypeAccess("java.lang", "Object")); return new TypeVariable(new Modifiers(new List()), id, new List(), bounds); } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 712 Access classBound() { eat(":"); if(nextIsFieldTypeSignature()) { return fieldTypeSignature(); } else { return null; //return new TypeAccess("java.lang", "Object"); } } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 723 Access interfaceBound() { eat(":"); return fieldTypeSignature(); } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 729 Access fieldTypeSignature() { if(next("L")) return classTypeSignature(); else if(next("[")) return arrayTypeSignature(); else if(next("T")) return typeVariableSignature(); else error("L or [ or T"); return null; // error never returns } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 740 boolean nextIsFieldTypeSignature() { return next("L") || next("[") || next("T"); } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 744 Access classTypeSignature() { eat("L"); // Package and Type Name StringBuffer packageName = new StringBuffer(); String typeName = identifier(); while(next("/")) { eat("/"); if(packageName.length() != 0) packageName.append("."); packageName.append(typeName); typeName = identifier(); } Access a = typeName.indexOf('$') == -1 ? new TypeAccess(packageName.toString(), typeName) : new BytecodeTypeAccess(packageName.toString(), typeName); if(next("<")) { // type arguments of top level type a = new ParTypeAccess(a, typeArguments()); } while(next(".")) { // inner classes a = a.qualifiesAccess(classTypeSignatureSuffix()); } eat(";"); return a; } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 769 Access classTypeSignatureSuffix() { eat("."); String id = identifier(); Access a = id.indexOf('$') == -1 ? new TypeAccess(id) : new BytecodeTypeAccess("", id); if(next("<")) { a = new ParTypeAccess(a, typeArguments()); } return a; } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 780 Access typeVariableSignature() { eat("T"); String id = identifier(); eat(";"); return new TypeAccess(id); } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 787 List typeArguments() { eat("<"); List list = new List(); do { list.add(typeArgument()); } while(!next(">")); eat(">"); return list; } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 797 Access typeArgument() { if(next("*")) { eat("*"); return new Wildcard(); } else if(next("+")) { eat("+"); return new WildcardExtends(fieldTypeSignature()); } else if(next("-")) { eat("-"); return new WildcardSuper(fieldTypeSignature()); } else { return fieldTypeSignature(); } } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 815 Access arrayTypeSignature() { eat("["); return new ArrayTypeAccess(typeSignature()); } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 820 Access typeSignature() { if(nextIsFieldTypeSignature()) { return fieldTypeSignature(); } else { return baseType(); } } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 829 Access baseType() { if(next("B")) { eat("B"); return new PrimitiveTypeAccess("byte"); } else if(next("C")) { eat("C"); return new PrimitiveTypeAccess("char"); } else if(next("D")) { eat("D"); return new PrimitiveTypeAccess("double"); } else if(next("F")) { eat("F"); return new PrimitiveTypeAccess("float"); } else if(next("I")) { eat("I"); return new PrimitiveTypeAccess("int"); } else if(next("J")) { eat("J"); return new PrimitiveTypeAccess("long"); } else if(next("S")) { eat("S"); return new PrimitiveTypeAccess("short"); } else if(next("Z")) { eat("Z"); return new PrimitiveTypeAccess("boolean"); } error("baseType"); return null; // error never returns } // Declared in BytecodeReader.jrag at line 842 public static void main(String[] args) { //new Signatures("<T:Ljava/lang/Object;:Ljava/lang/String;>Ljava/lang/Object;").classSignature(); //new ClassSignature("<T:Ljava/lang/Object;:Ljava/lang/String;>Ljava/lang/Object;").classSignature(); new ClassSignature("Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Comparable<Ljava/lang/String;>;"); } }