package soot.JastAddJ; import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.LinkedHashSet;import;import java.util.*;import beaver.*;import java.util.ArrayList;import*;import*;import;import java.util.Collection;import soot.*;import soot.util.*;import soot.jimple.*;import soot.coffi.ClassFile;import soot.coffi.method_info;import soot.coffi.CONSTANT_Utf8_info;import soot.tagkit.SourceFileTag;import soot.coffi.CoffiMethodSource; public class EnhancedForStmt extends BranchTargetStmt implements Cloneable, VariableScope { public void flushCache() { super.flushCache(); targetOf_ContinueStmt_values = null; targetOf_BreakStmt_values = null; canCompleteNormally_computed = false; isDAafter_Variable_values = null; isDUafter_Variable_values = null; cond_label_computed = false; cond_label_value = null; update_label_computed = false; update_label_value = null; end_label_computed = false; end_label_value = null; extraLocalIndex_computed = false; } public void flushCollectionCache() { super.flushCollectionCache(); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public EnhancedForStmt clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { EnhancedForStmt node = (EnhancedForStmt)super.clone(); node.targetOf_ContinueStmt_values = null; node.targetOf_BreakStmt_values = null; node.canCompleteNormally_computed = false; node.isDAafter_Variable_values = null; node.isDUafter_Variable_values = null; node.cond_label_computed = false; node.cond_label_value = null; node.update_label_computed = false; node.update_label_value = null; node.end_label_computed = false; node.end_label_value = null; node.extraLocalIndex_computed = false;$Circle(false);$Final(false); return node; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public EnhancedForStmt copy() { try { EnhancedForStmt node = (EnhancedForStmt)clone(); if(children != null) node.children = (ASTNode[])children.clone(); return node; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { } System.err.println("Error: Could not clone node of type " + getClass().getName() + "!"); return null; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public EnhancedForStmt fullCopy() { EnhancedForStmt res = (EnhancedForStmt)copy(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumChildNoTransform(); i++) { ASTNode node = getChildNoTransform(i); if(node != null) node = node.fullCopy(); res.setChild(node, i); } return res; } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 15 // type checking public void typeCheck() { if (!getExpr().type().isArrayDecl() && !getExpr().type().isIterable()) { error("type " + getExpr().type().name() + " of expression in foreach is neither array type nor java.lang.Iterable"); } else if(getExpr().type().isArrayDecl() && !getExpr().type().componentType().assignConversionTo(getVariableDeclaration().type(), null)) error("parameter of type " + getVariableDeclaration().type().typeName() + " can not be assigned an element of type " + getExpr().type().componentType().typeName()); else if(getExpr().type().isIterable() && !getExpr().type().isUnknown()) { MethodDecl iterator = (MethodDecl)getExpr().type().memberMethods("iterator").iterator().next(); MethodDecl next = (MethodDecl)iterator.type().memberMethods("next").iterator().next(); TypeDecl componentType = next.type(); if(!componentType.assignConversionTo(getVariableDeclaration().type(), null)) error("parameter of type " + getVariableDeclaration().type().typeName() + " can not be assigned an element of type " + componentType.typeName()); } } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 58 // pretty printing public void toString(StringBuffer s) { s.append("for ("); getVariableDeclaration().getModifiers().toString(s); getVariableDeclaration().getTypeAccess().toString(s); s.append(" " + getVariableDeclaration().name()); s.append(" : "); getExpr().toString(s); s.append(") "); getStmt().toString(s); } // Declared in EnhancedForCodegen.jrag at line 24 public void jimplify2(Body b) { if(getExpr().type().isArrayDecl()) { soot.Local array = asLocal(b, getExpr().eval(b)); soot.Local index = asLocal(b, soot.jimple.IntConstant.v(0)); soot.Local parameter = b.newLocal(getVariableDeclaration().name(), getVariableDeclaration().type().getSootType()); getVariableDeclaration().local = parameter; b.addLabel(cond_label()); b.add( b.newIfStmt( b.newGeExpr( asImmediate(b, index), asImmediate(b, b.newLengthExpr(asImmediate(b, array), this)), this ), end_label(), this ) ); b.add( b.newAssignStmt( parameter, asRValue(b, getExpr().type().elementType().emitCastTo(b, asLocal(b, b.newArrayRef( array, index, this ) ), getVariableDeclaration().type(), this ) ), this ) ); getStmt().jimplify2(b); b.addLabel(update_label()); b.add( b.newAssignStmt( index, b.newAddExpr( index, soot.jimple.IntConstant.v(1), this ), this ) ); b.add(b.newGotoStmt(cond_label(), this)); b.addLabel(end_label()); } else { soot.Local iterator = asLocal(b, b.newInterfaceInvokeExpr( asLocal(b, getExpr().eval(b)), iteratorMethod().sootRef(), new ArrayList(), this ) ); soot.Local parameter = b.newLocal(getVariableDeclaration().name(), getVariableDeclaration().type().getSootType()); getVariableDeclaration().local = parameter; b.addLabel(cond_label()); b.add( b.newIfStmt( b.newEqExpr( asImmediate(b, b.newInterfaceInvokeExpr( iterator, hasNextMethod().sootRef(), new ArrayList(), this ) ), BooleanType.emitConstant(false), this ), end_label(), this ) ); b.add( b.newAssignStmt( parameter, nextMethod().type().emitCastTo(b, b.newInterfaceInvokeExpr( iterator, nextMethod().sootRef(), new ArrayList(), this ), getVariableDeclaration().type(), this ), this ) ); getStmt().jimplify2(b); b.addLabel(update_label()); b.add(b.newGotoStmt(cond_label(), this)); b.addLabel(end_label()); /* getExpr().createBCode(gen); iteratorMethod().emitInvokeMethod(gen, lookupType("java.lang", "Iterable")); gen.emitStoreReference(extraLocalIndex()); gen.addLabel(cond_label()); gen.emitLoadReference(extraLocalIndex()); hasNextMethod().emitInvokeMethod(gen, lookupType("java.util", "Iterator")); gen.emitCompare(Bytecode.IFEQ, end_label()); gen.emitLoadReference(extraLocalIndex()); nextMethod().emitInvokeMethod(gen, lookupType("java.util", "Iterator")); gen.emitCheckCast(getVariableDeclaration().type()); gen.emitStoreReference(getVariableDeclaration().localNum()); getStmt().createBCode(gen); gen.addLabel(update_label()); gen.emitGoto(cond_label()); gen.addLabel(end_label()); */ } } // Declared in EnhancedForCodegen.jrag at line 150 private MethodDecl iteratorMethod() { TypeDecl typeDecl = lookupType("java.lang", "Iterable"); for (Iterator iter = typeDecl.memberMethods("iterator").iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl); if (m.getNumParameter() == 0) { return m; } } throw new Error("Could not find java.lang.Iterable.iterator()"); } // Declared in EnhancedForCodegen.jrag at line 160 private MethodDecl hasNextMethod() { TypeDecl typeDecl = lookupType("java.util", "Iterator"); for (Iterator iter = typeDecl.memberMethods("hasNext").iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl); if (m.getNumParameter() == 0) { return m; } } throw new Error("Could not find java.util.Collection.hasNext()"); } // Declared in EnhancedForCodegen.jrag at line 170 private MethodDecl nextMethod() { TypeDecl typeDecl = lookupType("java.util", "Iterator"); for (Iterator iter = typeDecl.memberMethods("next").iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl); if (m.getNumParameter() == 0) { return m; } } throw new Error("Could not find"); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 3 // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast line 1 public EnhancedForStmt() { super(); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 10 // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast line 1 public EnhancedForStmt(VariableDeclaration p0, Expr p1, Stmt p2) { setChild(p0, 0); setChild(p1, 1); setChild(p2, 2); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 16 protected int numChildren() { return 3; } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 19 public boolean mayHaveRewrite() { return false; } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 2 // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast line 1 public void setVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) { setChild(node, 0); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 5 public VariableDeclaration getVariableDeclaration() { return (VariableDeclaration)getChild(0); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 9 public VariableDeclaration getVariableDeclarationNoTransform() { return (VariableDeclaration)getChildNoTransform(0); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 2 // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast line 1 public void setExpr(Expr node) { setChild(node, 1); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 5 public Expr getExpr() { return (Expr)getChild(1); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 9 public Expr getExprNoTransform() { return (Expr)getChildNoTransform(1); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 2 // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast line 1 public void setStmt(Stmt node) { setChild(node, 2); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 5 public Stmt getStmt() { return (Stmt)getChild(2); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.ast at line 9 public Stmt getStmtNoTransform() { return (Stmt)getChildNoTransform(2); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 50 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public SimpleSet localLookupVariable(String name) { ASTNode$State state = state(); SimpleSet localLookupVariable_String_value = localLookupVariable_compute(name); return localLookupVariable_String_value; } private SimpleSet localLookupVariable_compute(String name) { if(getVariableDeclaration().name().equals(name)) { return SimpleSet.emptySet.add(getVariableDeclaration()); } return lookupVariable(name); } protected java.util.Map targetOf_ContinueStmt_values; // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 74 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean targetOf(ContinueStmt stmt) { Object _parameters = stmt; if(targetOf_ContinueStmt_values == null) targetOf_ContinueStmt_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(targetOf_ContinueStmt_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return ((Boolean)targetOf_ContinueStmt_values.get(_parameters)).booleanValue(); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); boolean targetOf_ContinueStmt_value = targetOf_compute(stmt); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) targetOf_ContinueStmt_values.put(_parameters, Boolean.valueOf(targetOf_ContinueStmt_value)); return targetOf_ContinueStmt_value; } private boolean targetOf_compute(ContinueStmt stmt) { return !stmt.hasLabel(); } protected java.util.Map targetOf_BreakStmt_values; // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 75 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean targetOf(BreakStmt stmt) { Object _parameters = stmt; if(targetOf_BreakStmt_values == null) targetOf_BreakStmt_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(targetOf_BreakStmt_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return ((Boolean)targetOf_BreakStmt_values.get(_parameters)).booleanValue(); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); boolean targetOf_BreakStmt_value = targetOf_compute(stmt); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) targetOf_BreakStmt_values.put(_parameters, Boolean.valueOf(targetOf_BreakStmt_value)); return targetOf_BreakStmt_value; } private boolean targetOf_compute(BreakStmt stmt) { return !stmt.hasLabel(); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 78 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean canCompleteNormally() { if(canCompleteNormally_computed) { return canCompleteNormally_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); canCompleteNormally_value = canCompleteNormally_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) canCompleteNormally_computed = true; return canCompleteNormally_value; } private boolean canCompleteNormally_compute() { return reachable(); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 82 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isDAafter(Variable v) { Object _parameters = v; if(isDAafter_Variable_values == null) isDAafter_Variable_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(isDAafter_Variable_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return ((Boolean)isDAafter_Variable_values.get(_parameters)).booleanValue(); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); boolean isDAafter_Variable_value = isDAafter_compute(v); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isDAafter_Variable_values.put(_parameters, Boolean.valueOf(isDAafter_Variable_value)); return isDAafter_Variable_value; } private boolean isDAafter_compute(Variable v) { if(!getExpr().isDAafter(v)) return false; /* for(Iterator iter = targetBreaks().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { BreakStmt stmt = (BreakStmt); if(!stmt.isDAafterReachedFinallyBlocks(v)) return false; } */ return true; } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 98 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isDUafter(Variable v) { Object _parameters = v; if(isDUafter_Variable_values == null) isDUafter_Variable_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(isDUafter_Variable_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return ((Boolean)isDUafter_Variable_values.get(_parameters)).booleanValue(); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); boolean isDUafter_Variable_value = isDUafter_compute(v); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isDUafter_Variable_values.put(_parameters, Boolean.valueOf(isDUafter_Variable_value)); return isDUafter_Variable_value; } private boolean isDUafter_compute(Variable v) { if(!getExpr().isDUafter(v)) return false; for(Iterator iter = targetBreaks().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { BreakStmt stmt = (BreakStmt); if(!stmt.isDUafterReachedFinallyBlocks(v)) return false; } return true; } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 113 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean continueLabel() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean continueLabel_value = continueLabel_compute(); return continueLabel_value; } private boolean continueLabel_compute() { return true; } protected boolean cond_label_computed = false; protected soot.jimple.Stmt cond_label_value; // Declared in EnhancedForCodegen.jrag at line 12 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public soot.jimple.Stmt cond_label() { if(cond_label_computed) { return cond_label_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); cond_label_value = cond_label_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) cond_label_computed = true; return cond_label_value; } private soot.jimple.Stmt cond_label_compute() { return newLabel(); } protected boolean update_label_computed = false; protected soot.jimple.Stmt update_label_value; // Declared in EnhancedForCodegen.jrag at line 13 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public soot.jimple.Stmt update_label() { if(update_label_computed) { return update_label_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); update_label_value = update_label_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) update_label_computed = true; return update_label_value; } private soot.jimple.Stmt update_label_compute() { return newLabel(); } protected boolean end_label_computed = false; protected soot.jimple.Stmt end_label_value; // Declared in EnhancedForCodegen.jrag at line 14 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public soot.jimple.Stmt end_label() { if(end_label_computed) { return end_label_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); end_label_value = end_label_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) end_label_computed = true; return end_label_value; } private soot.jimple.Stmt end_label_compute() { return newLabel(); } protected boolean extraLocalIndex_computed = false; protected int extraLocalIndex_value; // Declared in EnhancedForCodegen.jrag at line 16 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public int extraLocalIndex() { if(extraLocalIndex_computed) { return extraLocalIndex_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); extraLocalIndex_value = extraLocalIndex_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) extraLocalIndex_computed = true; return extraLocalIndex_value; } private int extraLocalIndex_compute() { return localNum(); } // Declared in EnhancedForCodegen.jrag at line 21 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public soot.jimple.Stmt break_label() { ASTNode$State state = state(); soot.jimple.Stmt break_label_value = break_label_compute(); return break_label_value; } private soot.jimple.Stmt break_label_compute() { return end_label(); } // Declared in EnhancedForCodegen.jrag at line 22 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public soot.jimple.Stmt continue_label() { ASTNode$State state = state(); soot.jimple.Stmt continue_label_value = continue_label_compute(); return continue_label_value; } private soot.jimple.Stmt continue_label_compute() { return update_label(); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 38 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public SimpleSet lookupVariable(String name) { ASTNode$State state = state(); SimpleSet lookupVariable_String_value = getParent().Define_SimpleSet_lookupVariable(this, null, name); return lookupVariable_String_value; } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 41 public SimpleSet Define_SimpleSet_lookupVariable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { if(caller == getStmtNoTransform()) { return localLookupVariable(name); } if(caller == getExprNoTransform()) { return localLookupVariable(name); } if(caller == getVariableDeclarationNoTransform()) { return localLookupVariable(name); } return getParent().Define_SimpleSet_lookupVariable(this, caller, name); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 43 public NameType Define_NameType_nameType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getVariableDeclarationNoTransform()) { return NameType.TYPE_NAME; } return getParent().Define_NameType_nameType(this, caller); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 48 public VariableScope Define_VariableScope_outerScope(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getStmtNoTransform()) { return this; } if(caller == getExprNoTransform()) { return this; } if(caller == getVariableDeclarationNoTransform()) { return this; } return getParent().Define_VariableScope_outerScope(this, caller); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 70 public boolean Define_boolean_isMethodParameter(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getVariableDeclarationNoTransform()) { return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isMethodParameter(this, caller); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 71 public boolean Define_boolean_isConstructorParameter(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getVariableDeclarationNoTransform()) { return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isConstructorParameter(this, caller); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 72 public boolean Define_boolean_isExceptionHandlerParameter(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getVariableDeclarationNoTransform()) { return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isExceptionHandlerParameter(this, caller); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 79 public boolean Define_boolean_reachable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getStmtNoTransform()) { return reachable(); } return getParent().Define_boolean_reachable(this, caller); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 96 public boolean Define_boolean_isDAbefore(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, Variable v) { if(caller == getStmtNoTransform()) { return getExpr().isDAafter(v); } if(caller == getExprNoTransform()) { return v == getVariableDeclaration() || isDAbefore(v); } return getParent().Define_boolean_isDAbefore(this, caller, v); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 110 public boolean Define_boolean_isDUbefore(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, Variable v) { if(caller == getStmtNoTransform()) { return getExpr().isDUafter(v); } if(caller == getExprNoTransform()) { return v != getVariableDeclaration() && isDUbefore(v); } return getParent().Define_boolean_isDUbefore(this, caller, v); } // Declared in EnhancedFor.jrag at line 112 public boolean Define_boolean_insideLoop(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getStmtNoTransform()) { return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_insideLoop(this, caller); } // Declared in EnhancedForCodegen.jrag at line 18 public int Define_int_localNum(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getStmtNoTransform()) { return getVariableDeclaration().localNum() + getVariableDeclaration().type().size(); } if(caller == getVariableDeclarationNoTransform()) { return localNum() + (getExpr().type().isArrayDecl() ? 2 : 1); } return getParent().Define_int_localNum(this, caller); } public ASTNode rewriteTo() { return super.rewriteTo(); } }