/* * Copyright (C) 2012 RoboVM AB * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html>. */ package com.bugvm.compiler; import static com.bugvm.compiler.Types.*; import static com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Type.*; import static com.bugvm.compiler.Functions.*; import static com.bugvm.compiler.Strings.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import com.bugvm.compiler.config.Config; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.*; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Invoke; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Add; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.AliasRef; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Alloca; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.And; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.ArrayType; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Ashr; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.BasicBlock; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.BasicBlockRef; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Bitcast; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Br; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Call; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Constant; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.ConstantBitcast; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.ConstantTrunc; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Fadd; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Fdiv; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.FloatingPointConstant; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.FloatingPointType; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Fmul; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Fpext; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Fptrunc; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Fsub; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Function; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.FunctionRef; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.FunctionType; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Getelementptr; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Global; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.GlobalRef; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Icmp; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Icmp.Condition; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Instruction; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.IntegerConstant; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.IntegerType; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Label; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Load; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Lshr; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Mul; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.NullConstant; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Or; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.PointerType; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Ret; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Sext; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Shl; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Sitofp; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Store; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.StructureConstantBuilder; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Sub; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Switch; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Trunc; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Type; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Unreachable; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Value; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Variable; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.VariableRef; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Xor; import com.bugvm.compiler.llvm.Zext; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.Anewarray; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.Checkcast; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.GetField; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.GetStatic; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.Instanceof; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.Invokeinterface; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.Invokespecial; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.Invokestatic; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.Invokevirtual; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.LdcClass; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.Multianewarray; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.New; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.PutField; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.PutStatic; import com.bugvm.compiler.trampoline.Trampoline; import soot.Body; import soot.CharType; import soot.Immediate; import soot.Local; import soot.Modifier; import soot.NullType; import soot.PackManager; import soot.PatchingChain; import soot.PrimType; import soot.RefLikeType; import soot.SootClass; import soot.SootField; import soot.SootFieldRef; import soot.SootMethod; import soot.SootMethodRef; import soot.Trap; import soot.Unit; import soot.UnitBox; import soot.jimple.AddExpr; import soot.jimple.AndExpr; import soot.jimple.ArrayRef; import soot.jimple.BinopExpr; import soot.jimple.CastExpr; import soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef; import soot.jimple.CmpExpr; import soot.jimple.CmpgExpr; import soot.jimple.CmplExpr; import soot.jimple.ConditionExpr; import soot.jimple.DefinitionStmt; import soot.jimple.DivExpr; import soot.jimple.EnterMonitorStmt; import soot.jimple.EqExpr; import soot.jimple.ExitMonitorStmt; import soot.jimple.Expr; import soot.jimple.FieldRef; import soot.jimple.GeExpr; import soot.jimple.GotoStmt; import soot.jimple.GtExpr; import soot.jimple.IfStmt; import soot.jimple.InstanceFieldRef; import soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr; import soot.jimple.InstanceOfExpr; import soot.jimple.InterfaceInvokeExpr; import soot.jimple.InvokeExpr; import soot.jimple.InvokeStmt; import soot.jimple.Jimple; import soot.jimple.LeExpr; import soot.jimple.LengthExpr; import soot.jimple.LookupSwitchStmt; import soot.jimple.LtExpr; import soot.jimple.MulExpr; import soot.jimple.NeExpr; import soot.jimple.NegExpr; import soot.jimple.NewArrayExpr; import soot.jimple.NewExpr; import soot.jimple.NewMultiArrayExpr; import soot.jimple.NopStmt; import soot.jimple.OrExpr; import soot.jimple.ParameterRef; import soot.jimple.RemExpr; import soot.jimple.ReturnStmt; import soot.jimple.ReturnVoidStmt; import soot.jimple.ShlExpr; import soot.jimple.ShrExpr; import soot.jimple.SpecialInvokeExpr; import soot.jimple.StaticFieldRef; import soot.jimple.StaticInvokeExpr; import soot.jimple.Stmt; import soot.jimple.SubExpr; import soot.jimple.TableSwitchStmt; import soot.jimple.ThisRef; import soot.jimple.ThrowStmt; import soot.jimple.UshrExpr; import soot.jimple.VirtualInvokeExpr; import soot.jimple.XorExpr; import soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.tags.ArrayCheckTag; import soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.tags.NullCheckTag; import soot.tagkit.DoubleConstantValueTag; import soot.tagkit.FloatConstantValueTag; import soot.tagkit.IntegerConstantValueTag; import soot.tagkit.LongConstantValueTag; import soot.tagkit.StringConstantValueTag; import soot.tagkit.Tag; import soot.util.Chain; /** * * @version $Id$ */ public class MethodCompiler extends AbstractMethodCompiler { private Function function; private Map<Unit, List<Trap>> trapsAt; private Value env; private ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder; private Variable dims; public MethodCompiler(Config config) { super(config); } protected Function doCompile(ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, SootMethod method) { function = createMethodFunction(method); moduleBuilder.addFunction(function); this.moduleBuilder = moduleBuilder; env = function.getParameterRef(0); trapsAt = new HashMap<Unit, List<Trap>>(); Body body = method.retrieveActiveBody(); NopStmt prependedNop = null; if (method.isStatic() && !body.getUnits().getFirst().getBoxesPointingToThis().isEmpty()) { // Fix for issue #1. This prevents an NPE in Soot's ArrayBoundsCheckerAnalysis. The NPE // occurs for static methods which start with a unit that is the target of some other // unit. We work around this by inserting a nop statement as the first unit in such // methods. See http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/listarchives/soot-list/msg01397.html. Unit insertionPoint = body.getUnits().getFirst(); prependedNop = Jimple.v().newNopStmt(); body.getUnits().getNonPatchingChain().insertBefore(prependedNop, insertionPoint); } PackManager.v().getPack("jtp").apply(body); PackManager.v().getPack("jop").apply(body); PackManager.v().getPack("jap").apply(body); if (body.getUnits().getFirst() == prependedNop && prependedNop.getBoxesPointingToThis().isEmpty()) { // Remove the nop we inserted above to work around the bug in Soot's // ArrayBoundsCheckerAnalysis which has now been run. body.getUnits().getNonPatchingChain().removeFirst(); } PatchingChain<Unit> units = body.getUnits(); Map<Unit, List<Unit>> branchTargets = getBranchTargets(body); Map<Unit, Integer> trapHandlers = getTrapHandlers(body); Map<Unit, Integer> selChanges = new HashMap<Unit, Integer>(); int multiANewArrayMaxDims = 0; Set<Local> locals = new HashSet<Local>(); boolean emitCheckStackOverflow = false; for (Unit unit : units) { if (unit instanceof DefinitionStmt) { DefinitionStmt stmt = (DefinitionStmt) unit; if (stmt.getLeftOp() instanceof Local) { Local local = (Local) stmt.getLeftOp(); if (!locals.contains(local)) { Type type = Types.getLocalType(local.getType()); Alloca alloca = new Alloca(function.newVariable(local.getName(), type), type); alloca.attach(local); function.add(alloca); locals.add(local); } } if (stmt.getRightOp() instanceof NewMultiArrayExpr) { NewMultiArrayExpr expr = (NewMultiArrayExpr) stmt.getRightOp(); multiANewArrayMaxDims = Math.max(multiANewArrayMaxDims, expr.getSizeCount()); } if (stmt.getRightOp() instanceof InvokeExpr) { emitCheckStackOverflow = true; } } if (unit instanceof InvokeStmt) { emitCheckStackOverflow = true; } } dims = null; if (multiANewArrayMaxDims > 0) { dims = function.newVariable("dims", new PointerType(new ArrayType(multiANewArrayMaxDims, I32))); function.add(new Alloca(dims, new ArrayType(multiANewArrayMaxDims, I32))); } if (emitCheckStackOverflow) { call(CHECK_STACK_OVERFLOW); } Value trycatchContext = null; if (!body.getTraps().isEmpty()) { List<List<Trap>> recordedTraps = new ArrayList<List<Trap>>(); for (Unit unit : units) { // Calculate the predecessor units of unit Set<Unit> incoming = new HashSet<Unit>(); if (units.getFirst() != unit && units.getPredOf(unit).fallsThrough()) { incoming.add(units.getPredOf(unit)); } if (branchTargets.keySet().contains(unit)) { incoming.addAll(branchTargets.get(unit)); } if (unit == units.getFirst() || trapHandlers.containsKey(unit) || trapsDiffer(unit, incoming)) { List<Trap> traps = getTrapsAt(unit); if (traps.isEmpty()) { selChanges.put(unit, 0); } else { int index = recordedTraps.indexOf(traps); if (index == -1) { index = recordedTraps.size(); recordedTraps.add(traps); } selChanges.put(unit, index + 1); } } } StructureConstantBuilder landingPadsPtrs = new StructureConstantBuilder(); for (List<Trap> traps : recordedTraps) { StructureConstantBuilder landingPads = new StructureConstantBuilder(); for (Trap trap : traps) { SootClass exClass = trap.getException(); StructureConstantBuilder landingPad = new StructureConstantBuilder(); if ("java.lang.Throwable".equals(exClass.getName()) || exClass.isPhantom()) { landingPad.add(new NullConstant(I8_PTR)); } else { catches.add(Types.getInternalName(exClass)); if (exClass == sootClass) { /* * The class being compiled is an exception class * with a catch clause which catches itself. We * cannot reference the info struct directly since * we don't know the type of it and it hasn't been * emitted by ClassCompiler yet. Use the internal * i8* alias instead which ClassCompiler will emit. * See #1007. */ landingPad.add(new AliasRef(Symbols.infoStructSymbol(Types.getInternalName(exClass)) + "_i8ptr", I8_PTR)); } else { Global g = new Global(Symbols.infoStructSymbol(Types.getInternalName(exClass)), I8_PTR, true); if (!moduleBuilder.hasSymbol(g.getName())) { moduleBuilder.addGlobal(g); } landingPad.add(g.ref()); } } landingPad.add(new IntegerConstant(trapHandlers.get(trap.getHandlerUnit()) + 1)); landingPads.add(landingPad.build()); } landingPads.add(new StructureConstantBuilder().add(new NullConstant(I8_PTR)).add(new IntegerConstant(0)).build()); Global g = moduleBuilder.newGlobal(landingPads.build(), true); landingPadsPtrs.add(new ConstantBitcast(g.ref(), I8_PTR)); } Global g = moduleBuilder.newGlobal(landingPadsPtrs.build(), true); Variable ctx = function.newVariable(Types.TRYCATCH_CONTEXT_PTR); Variable bcCtx = function.newVariable(Types.BC_TRYCATCH_CONTEXT_PTR); function.add(new Alloca(bcCtx, Types.BC_TRYCATCH_CONTEXT)); Variable selPtr = function.newVariable(new PointerType(I32)); function.add(new Getelementptr(selPtr, bcCtx.ref(), 0, 0, 1)); function.add(new Store(new IntegerConstant(0), selPtr.ref())); Variable bcCtxLandingPadsPtr = function.newVariable(I8_PTR_PTR); function.add(new Getelementptr(bcCtxLandingPadsPtr, bcCtx.ref(), 0, 1)); function.add(new Store(new ConstantBitcast(g.ref(), I8_PTR), bcCtxLandingPadsPtr.ref())); function.add(new Bitcast(ctx, bcCtx.ref(), Types.TRYCATCH_CONTEXT_PTR)); trycatchContext = ctx.ref(); Value result = call(BUGVM_TRYCATCH_ENTER, env, trycatchContext); Map<IntegerConstant, BasicBlockRef> alt = new TreeMap<IntegerConstant, BasicBlockRef>(); for (Entry<Unit, Integer> entry : trapHandlers.entrySet()) { alt.put(new IntegerConstant(entry.getValue() + 1), function.newBasicBlockRef(new Label(entry.getKey()))); } function.add(new Switch(result, function.newBasicBlockRef(new Label(units.getFirst())), alt)); if (!branchTargets.containsKey(units.getFirst())) { function.newBasicBlock(new Label(units.getFirst())); } } if ("<clinit>".equals(method.getName())) { initializeClassFields(); } for (Unit unit : units) { if (branchTargets.containsKey(unit) || trapHandlers.containsKey(unit)) { BasicBlock oldBlock = function.getCurrentBasicBlock(); function.newBasicBlock(new Label(unit)); if (oldBlock != null) { Instruction last = oldBlock.last(); if (last == null || !isTerminator(last)) { oldBlock.add(new Br(function.newBasicBlockRef(new Label(unit)))); } } } if (selChanges.containsKey(unit)) { int sel = selChanges.get(unit); // trycatchContext->sel = sel Variable selPtr = function.newVariable(new PointerType(I32)); function.add(new Getelementptr(selPtr, trycatchContext, 0, 1)).attach(unit); function.add(new Store(new IntegerConstant(sel), selPtr.ref())).attach(unit); } if (unit instanceof DefinitionStmt) { assign((DefinitionStmt) unit); } else if (unit instanceof ReturnStmt) { if (!body.getTraps().isEmpty()) { trycatchLeave(function); } return_((ReturnStmt) unit); } else if (unit instanceof ReturnVoidStmt) { if (!body.getTraps().isEmpty()) { trycatchLeave(function); } returnVoid((ReturnVoidStmt) unit); } else if (unit instanceof IfStmt) { if_((IfStmt) unit); } else if (unit instanceof LookupSwitchStmt) { lookupSwitch((LookupSwitchStmt) unit); } else if (unit instanceof TableSwitchStmt) { tableSwitch((TableSwitchStmt) unit); } else if (unit instanceof GotoStmt) { goto_((GotoStmt) unit); } else if (unit instanceof ThrowStmt) { throw_((ThrowStmt) unit); } else if (unit instanceof InvokeStmt) { invoke((InvokeStmt) unit); } else if (unit instanceof EnterMonitorStmt) { enterMonitor((EnterMonitorStmt) unit); } else if (unit instanceof ExitMonitorStmt) { exitMonitor((ExitMonitorStmt) unit); } else if (unit instanceof NopStmt) { nop((NopStmt) unit); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Unit type: " + unit.getClass()); } } if (this.className.equals("java/lang/Object") && "<init>".equals(method.getName())) { // Compile Object.<init>(). JLS 12.6.1: "An object o is not finalizable until its constructor has invoked // the constructor for Object on o and that invocation has completed successfully". // Object.<init>() calls register_finalizable() in header.ll which checks if the class of 'this' is finalizable. // If it is the object will be registered for finalization. for (BasicBlock bb : function.getBasicBlocks()) { if (bb.last() instanceof Ret) { // Insert a call to register_finalizable() before this ret Call call = new Call(REGISTER_FINALIZABLE, env, function.getParameterRef(1)); call.attach(bb.last().getAttachment(Unit.class)); bb.insertBefore(bb.last(), call); } } } return function; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the {@link Trap}s at {@link Unit} <code>unit</code> * differ from any of those at the {@link Unit}s that branch to <code>unit</code>. */ private boolean trapsDiffer(Unit unit, Collection<Unit> incomingUnits) { List<Trap> traps = getTrapsAt(unit); for (Unit incomingUnit : incomingUnits) { if (!traps.equals(getTrapsAt(incomingUnit))) { return true; } } return false; } private Map<Unit, List<Unit>> getBranchTargets(Body body) { Map<Unit, List<Unit>> result = new HashMap<Unit, List<Unit>>(); for (Unit unit : body.getUnits()) { if (unit.branches()) { List<Unit> targetUnits = new ArrayList<Unit>(); for (UnitBox ub : unit.getUnitBoxes()) { targetUnits.add(ub.getUnit()); } if (unit.fallsThrough()) { targetUnits.add(body.getUnits().getSuccOf(unit)); } for (Unit targetUnit : targetUnits) { List<Unit> sourceUnits = result.get(targetUnit); if (sourceUnits == null) { sourceUnits = new ArrayList<Unit>(); result.put(targetUnit, sourceUnits); } sourceUnits.add(unit); } } } return result; } private Map<Unit, Integer> getTrapHandlers(Body body) { Map<Unit, Integer> trapHandlers = new HashMap<Unit, Integer>(); for (Trap trap : body.getTraps()) { Unit beginUnit = trap.getBeginUnit(); Unit endUnit = trap.getEndUnit(); if (beginUnit != endUnit && !trapHandlers.containsKey(trap.getHandlerUnit())) { trapHandlers.put(trap.getHandlerUnit(), trapHandlers.size()); } } return trapHandlers; } private void initializeClassFields() { for (SootField field : sootMethod.getDeclaringClass().getFields()) { if (!field.isStatic()) { continue; } for (Tag tag : field.getTags()) { Value value = null; if (tag instanceof DoubleConstantValueTag) { DoubleConstantValueTag dtag = (DoubleConstantValueTag) tag; value = new FloatingPointConstant(dtag.getDoubleValue()); } else if (tag instanceof FloatConstantValueTag) { FloatConstantValueTag ftag = (FloatConstantValueTag) tag; value = new FloatingPointConstant(ftag.getFloatValue()); } else if (tag instanceof IntegerConstantValueTag) { IntegerConstantValueTag itag = (IntegerConstantValueTag) tag; value = new IntegerConstant(itag.getIntValue()); IntegerType type = (IntegerType) Types.getType(field.getType()); if (type.getBits() < 32) { value = new ConstantTrunc((Constant) value, type); } } else if (tag instanceof LongConstantValueTag) { LongConstantValueTag ltag = (LongConstantValueTag) tag; value = new IntegerConstant(ltag.getLongValue()); } else if (tag instanceof StringConstantValueTag) { String s = ((StringConstantValueTag) tag).getStringValue(); value = call(ldcString(s), env); } if (value != null) { FunctionRef fn = FunctionBuilder.setter(field).ref(); call(fn, env, value); } } } } private static boolean isTerminator(Instruction instr) { return instr instanceof Ret || instr instanceof Br || instr instanceof Invoke || instr instanceof Unreachable || instr instanceof Switch; } private Value immediate(Unit unit, Immediate v) { // v is either a soot.Local or a soot.jimple.Constant if (v instanceof soot.Local) { Local local = (Local) v; Type type = Types.getLocalType(v.getType()); VariableRef var = new VariableRef(local.getName(), new PointerType(type)); Variable tmp = function.newVariable(type); function.add(new Load(tmp, var, !sootMethod.getActiveBody().getTraps().isEmpty())).attach(unit); return new VariableRef(tmp); } else if (v instanceof soot.jimple.IntConstant) { return new IntegerConstant(((soot.jimple.IntConstant) v).value); } else if (v instanceof soot.jimple.LongConstant) { return new IntegerConstant(((soot.jimple.LongConstant) v).value); } else if (v instanceof soot.jimple.FloatConstant) { return new FloatingPointConstant(((soot.jimple.FloatConstant) v).value); } else if (v instanceof soot.jimple.DoubleConstant) { return new FloatingPointConstant(((soot.jimple.DoubleConstant) v).value); } else if (v instanceof soot.jimple.NullConstant) { return new NullConstant(Types.OBJECT_PTR); } else if (v instanceof soot.jimple.StringConstant) { String s = ((soot.jimple.StringConstant) v).value; return call(unit, ldcString(s), env); } else if (v instanceof soot.jimple.ClassConstant) { // ClassConstant is either the internal name of a class or the descriptor of an array String targetClassName = ((soot.jimple.ClassConstant) v).getValue(); if (Types.isArray(targetClassName) && Types.isPrimitiveComponentType(targetClassName)) { String primitiveDesc = targetClassName.substring(1); Variable result = function.newVariable(Types.OBJECT_PTR); function.add(new Load(result, new ConstantBitcast( new GlobalRef("array_" + primitiveDesc, Types.CLASS_PTR), new PointerType(Types.OBJECT_PTR)))).attach(unit); return result.ref(); } else { FunctionRef fn = null; if (targetClassName.equals(this.className)) { fn = FunctionBuilder.ldcInternal(sootMethod.getDeclaringClass()).ref(); } else { Trampoline trampoline = new LdcClass(className, ((soot.jimple.ClassConstant) v).getValue()); trampolines.add(trampoline); fn = trampoline.getFunctionRef(); } return call(unit, fn, env); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Immediate type: " + v.getClass()); } private FunctionRef ldcString(String s) { byte[] modUtf8 = stringToModifiedUtf8Z(s); FunctionRef fref = new FunctionRef(Symbols.ldcStringSymbol(modUtf8), new FunctionType(Types.OBJECT_PTR, Types.ENV_PTR)); if (moduleBuilder.hasSymbol(fref.getName())) { return fref; } Global g = new Global(Symbols.ldcStringPtrSymbol(modUtf8), Linkage.weak, new NullConstant(Types.OBJECT_PTR)); moduleBuilder.addGlobal(g); Function f = new FunctionBuilder(fref).linkage(Linkage.weak).build(); moduleBuilder.addFunction(f); Value result = Functions.call(f, BC_LDC_STRING, f.getParameterRef(0), g.ref(), moduleBuilder.getString(s), new IntegerConstant(s.length())); f.add(new Ret(result)); return fref; } private Value widenToI32Value(Unit unit, Value value, boolean unsigned) { Type type = value.getType(); if (type instanceof IntegerType && ((IntegerType) type).getBits() < 32) { Variable t = function.newVariable(I32); if (unsigned) { function.add(new Zext(t, value, I32)).attach(unit); } else { function.add(new Sext(t, value, I32)).attach(unit); } return t.ref(); } else { return value; } } private Value narrowFromI32Value(Unit unit, Type type, Value value) { if (value.getType() == I32 && ((IntegerType) type).getBits() < 32) { Variable t = function.newVariable(type); function.add(new Trunc(t, value, type)).attach(unit); value = t.ref(); } return value; } private Value call(Value fn, Value ... args) { return call(null, fn, args); } private Value call(Unit unit, Value fn, Value ... args) { Variable result = null; Type returnType = ((FunctionType) fn.getType()).getReturnType(); if (returnType != VOID) { result = function.newVariable(returnType); } function.add(new Call(result, fn, args)).attach(unit); return result == null ? null : result.ref(); } // private Value callOrInvoke(Unit unit, Value fn, Value ... args) { // Variable result = null; // Type returnType = ((FunctionType) fn.getType()).getReturnType(); // if (returnType != VOID) { // result = this.function.newVariable(returnType); // } // List<Trap> traps = getTrapsAt(unit); // if (!traps.isEmpty()) { // Label label = new Label(); // BasicBlockRef to = function.newBasicBlockRef(label); // BasicBlockRef unwind = function.newBasicBlockRef(new Label(traps)); // function.add(new Invoke(result, fn, to, unwind, args)); // function.newBasicBlock(label); // recordedTraps.add(traps); // } else { // function.add(new Call(result, fn, args)); // } // return result == null ? null : result.ref(); // } private boolean canAccessDirectly(FieldRef ref) { SootClass sootClass = this.sootMethod.getDeclaringClass(); SootFieldRef fieldRef = ref.getFieldRef(); if (!fieldRef.declaringClass().equals(sootClass)) { return false; } try { SootField field = sootClass.getField(fieldRef.name(), fieldRef.type()); /* * The field exists. */ if (field.isStatic()) { // Static fields have to be accessed using getstatic/putstatic. // If not we want an exception to be thrown so we need a trampoline. return ref instanceof StaticFieldRef; } // Instance fields have to be accessed using getfield/putfield. // If not we want an exception to be thrown so we need a trampoline. return ref instanceof InstanceFieldRef; } catch (RuntimeException e) { // SootClass.getField(...) throws RuntimeException if the field // isn't declared in the class. return false; } } private boolean canCallDirectly(InvokeExpr expr) { if (expr instanceof InterfaceInvokeExpr) { // Never possible return false; } SootClass sootClass = this.sootMethod.getDeclaringClass(); SootMethodRef methodRef = expr.getMethodRef(); if (!methodRef.declaringClass().equals(sootClass)) { return false; } try { SootMethod method = sootClass.getMethod(methodRef.name(), methodRef.parameterTypes(), methodRef.returnType()); if (method.isAbstract()) { return false; } /* * The method exists and isn't abstract. Non virtual (invokespecial) * as well as static calls and calls to final methods can be done directly. */ if (method.isStatic()) { // Static methods must be called using invokestatic. If not we // want an exception to be thrown so we need a trampoline. return expr instanceof StaticInvokeExpr; } if (expr instanceof SpecialInvokeExpr) { return true; } if (expr instanceof VirtualInvokeExpr) { // Either the class or the method must be final or // the method must be private return Modifier.isFinal(sootClass.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isFinal(method.getModifiers()) || method.isPrivate(); } return false; } catch (RuntimeException e) { // SootClass.getMethod(...) throws RuntimeException if the method // isn't declared in the class. return false; } } private Value invokeExpr(Stmt stmt, InvokeExpr expr) { SootMethodRef methodRef = expr.getMethodRef(); ArrayList<Value> args = new ArrayList<Value>(); args.add(env); if (!(expr instanceof StaticInvokeExpr)) { Value base = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ((InstanceInvokeExpr) expr).getBase()); checkNull(stmt, base); args.add(base); } int i = 0; for (soot.Value sootArg : (List<soot.Value>) expr.getArgs()) { Value arg = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) sootArg); args.add(narrowFromI32Value(stmt, Types.getType(methodRef.parameterType(i)), arg)); i++; } Value result = null; FunctionRef functionRef = config.isDebug() ? null : Intrinsics.getIntrinsic(sootMethod, stmt, expr); if (functionRef == null) { Trampoline trampoline = null; String targetClassName = Types.getInternalName(methodRef.declaringClass()); String methodName = methodRef.name(); String methodDesc = Types.getDescriptor(methodRef); if (expr instanceof SpecialInvokeExpr) { soot.Type runtimeType = ((SpecialInvokeExpr) expr).getBase().getType(); String runtimeClassName = runtimeType == NullType.v() ? targetClassName : Types.getInternalName(runtimeType); trampoline = new Invokespecial(this.className, targetClassName, methodName, methodDesc, runtimeClassName); } else if (expr instanceof StaticInvokeExpr) { trampoline = new Invokestatic(this.className, targetClassName, methodName, methodDesc); } else if (expr instanceof VirtualInvokeExpr) { soot.Type runtimeType = ((VirtualInvokeExpr) expr).getBase().getType(); String runtimeClassName = runtimeType == NullType.v() ? targetClassName : Types.getInternalName(runtimeType); trampoline = new Invokevirtual(this.className, targetClassName, methodName, methodDesc, runtimeClassName); } else if (expr instanceof InterfaceInvokeExpr) { trampoline = new Invokeinterface(this.className, targetClassName, methodName, methodDesc); } trampolines.add(trampoline); if (canCallDirectly(expr)) { SootMethod method = this.sootMethod.getDeclaringClass().getMethod(methodRef.name(), methodRef.parameterTypes(), methodRef.returnType()); if (method.isSynchronized()) { functionRef = FunctionBuilder.synchronizedWrapper(method).ref(); } else { functionRef = createMethodFunction(method).ref(); } } else { functionRef = trampoline.getFunctionRef(); } } result = call(stmt, functionRef, args.toArray(new Value[0])); if (result != null) { return widenToI32Value(stmt, result, methodRef.returnType().equals(CharType.v())); } else { return null; } } private void checkNull(Stmt stmt, Value base) { NullCheckTag nullCheckTag = (NullCheckTag) stmt.getTag("NullCheckTag"); if (nullCheckTag == null || nullCheckTag.needCheck()) { call(stmt, CHECK_NULL, env, base); } } private void checkBounds(Stmt stmt, Value base, Value index) { ArrayCheckTag arrayCheckTag = (ArrayCheckTag) stmt.getTag("ArrayCheckTag"); if (arrayCheckTag == null || arrayCheckTag.isCheckLower()) { call(stmt, CHECK_LOWER, env, base, index); } if (arrayCheckTag == null || arrayCheckTag.isCheckUpper()) { call(stmt, CHECK_UPPER, env, base, index); } } private List<Trap> getTrapsAt(Unit u) { List<Trap> result = this.trapsAt.get(u); if (result == null) { Body body = sootMethod.getActiveBody(); Chain<Trap> traps = body.getTraps(); if (traps.isEmpty()) { result = Collections.emptyList(); } else { result = new ArrayList<Trap>(); PatchingChain<Unit> units = body.getUnits(); for (Trap trap : traps) { Unit beginUnit = trap.getBeginUnit(); Unit endUnit = trap.getEndUnit(); if (beginUnit != endUnit && u != endUnit) { if (u == beginUnit || (units.follows(u, beginUnit) && units.follows(endUnit, u))) { result.add(trap); } } } } this.trapsAt.put(u, result); } return result; } private void assign(DefinitionStmt stmt) { /* * leftOp is either a Local, an ArrayRef or a FieldRef * rightOp is either a Local, a Ref, or an Expr */ soot.Value rightOp = stmt.getRightOp(); Value result; if (rightOp instanceof Immediate) { Immediate immediate = (Immediate) rightOp; result = immediate(stmt, immediate); } else if (rightOp instanceof ThisRef) { result = function.getParameterRef(1); } else if (rightOp instanceof ParameterRef) { ParameterRef ref = (ParameterRef) rightOp; int index = (sootMethod.isStatic() ? 1 : 2) + ref.getIndex(); Value p = new VariableRef("p" + index, Types.getType(ref.getType())); result = widenToI32Value(stmt, p, Types.isUnsigned(ref.getType())); } else if (rightOp instanceof CaughtExceptionRef) { result = call(stmt, BC_EXCEPTION_CLEAR, env); } else if (rightOp instanceof ArrayRef) { ArrayRef ref = (ArrayRef) rightOp; VariableRef base = (VariableRef) immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ref.getBase()); if (ref.getType() instanceof NullType) { // The base value is always null. Do a null check which will // always throw NPE. checkNull(stmt, base); return; } else { Value index = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ref.getIndex()); checkNull(stmt, base); checkBounds(stmt, base, index); result = call(stmt, getArrayLoad(ref.getType()), base, index); result = widenToI32Value(stmt, result, Types.isUnsigned(ref.getType())); } } else if (rightOp instanceof InstanceFieldRef) { InstanceFieldRef ref = (InstanceFieldRef) rightOp; Value base = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ref.getBase()); checkNull(stmt, base); FunctionRef fn = null; if (canAccessDirectly(ref)) { fn = new FunctionRef(Symbols.getterSymbol(ref.getFieldRef()), new FunctionType(Types.getType(ref.getType()), Types.ENV_PTR, Types.OBJECT_PTR)); } else { soot.Type runtimeType = ref.getBase().getType(); String targetClassName = Types.getInternalName(ref.getFieldRef().declaringClass()); String runtimeClassName = runtimeType == NullType.v() ? targetClassName : Types.getInternalName(runtimeType); Trampoline trampoline = new GetField(this.className, targetClassName, ref.getFieldRef().name(), Types.getDescriptor(ref.getFieldRef().type()), runtimeClassName); trampolines.add(trampoline); fn = trampoline.getFunctionRef(); } result = call(stmt, fn, env, base); result = widenToI32Value(stmt, result, Types.isUnsigned(ref.getType())); } else if (rightOp instanceof StaticFieldRef) { StaticFieldRef ref = (StaticFieldRef) rightOp; FunctionRef fn = config.isDebug() ? null : Intrinsics.getIntrinsic(sootMethod, stmt); if (fn == null) { if (canAccessDirectly(ref)) { fn = new FunctionRef(Symbols.getterSymbol(ref.getFieldRef()), new FunctionType(Types.getType(ref.getType()), Types.ENV_PTR)); } else { String targetClassName = Types.getInternalName(ref.getFieldRef().declaringClass()); Trampoline trampoline = new GetStatic(this.className, targetClassName, ref.getFieldRef().name(), Types.getDescriptor(ref.getFieldRef().type())); trampolines.add(trampoline); fn = trampoline.getFunctionRef(); } } result = call(stmt, fn, env); result = widenToI32Value(stmt, result, Types.isUnsigned(ref.getType())); } else if (rightOp instanceof Expr) { if (rightOp instanceof BinopExpr) { BinopExpr expr = (BinopExpr) rightOp; Type rightType = Types.getLocalType(expr.getType()); Variable resultVar = function.newVariable(rightType); result = resultVar.ref(); Value op1 = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) expr.getOp1()); Value op2 = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) expr.getOp2()); if (rightOp instanceof AddExpr) { if (rightType instanceof IntegerType) { function.add(new Add(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } else { function.add(new Fadd(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } } else if (rightOp instanceof AndExpr) { function.add(new And(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } else if (rightOp instanceof CmpExpr) { Variable t1 = function.newVariable(I1); Variable t2 = function.newVariable(I1); Variable t3 = function.newVariable(resultVar.getType()); Variable t4 = function.newVariable(resultVar.getType()); function.add(new Icmp(t1, Condition.slt, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); function.add(new Icmp(t2, Condition.sgt, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); function.add(new Zext(t3, new VariableRef(t1), resultVar.getType())).attach(stmt); function.add(new Zext(t4, new VariableRef(t2), resultVar.getType())).attach(stmt); function.add(new Sub(resultVar, new VariableRef(t4), new VariableRef(t3))).attach(stmt); } else if (rightOp instanceof DivExpr) { if (rightType instanceof IntegerType) { FunctionRef f = rightType == I64 ? LDIV : IDIV; result = call(stmt, f, env, op1, op2); } else { // float or double function.add(new Fdiv(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } } else if (rightOp instanceof MulExpr) { if (rightType instanceof IntegerType) { function.add(new Mul(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } else { function.add(new Fmul(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } } else if (rightOp instanceof OrExpr) { function.add(new Or(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } else if (rightOp instanceof RemExpr) { if (rightType instanceof IntegerType) { FunctionRef f = rightType == I64 ? LREM : IREM; result = call(stmt, f, env, op1, op2); } else { FunctionRef f = rightType == DOUBLE ? DREM : FREM; result = call(stmt, f, env, op1, op2); } } else if (rightOp instanceof ShlExpr || rightOp instanceof ShrExpr || rightOp instanceof UshrExpr) { IntegerType type = (IntegerType) op1.getType(); int bits = type.getBits(); Variable t = function.newVariable(op2.getType()); function.add(new And(t, op2, new IntegerConstant(bits - 1, (IntegerType) op2.getType()))).attach(stmt); Value shift = t.ref(); if (((IntegerType) shift.getType()).getBits() < bits) { Variable tmp = function.newVariable(type); function.add(new Zext(tmp, shift, type)).attach(stmt); shift = tmp.ref(); } if (rightOp instanceof ShlExpr) { function.add(new Shl(resultVar, op1, shift)).attach(stmt); } else if (rightOp instanceof ShrExpr) { function.add(new Ashr(resultVar, op1, shift)).attach(stmt); } else { function.add(new Lshr(resultVar, op1, shift)).attach(stmt); } } else if (rightOp instanceof SubExpr) { if (rightType instanceof IntegerType) { function.add(new Sub(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } else { function.add(new Fsub(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } } else if (rightOp instanceof XorExpr) { function.add(new Xor(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } else if (rightOp instanceof XorExpr) { function.add(new Xor(resultVar, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } else if (rightOp instanceof CmplExpr) { FunctionRef f = op1.getType() == FLOAT ? FCMPL : DCMPL; function.add(new Call(resultVar, f, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } else if (rightOp instanceof CmpgExpr) { FunctionRef f = op1.getType() == FLOAT ? FCMPG : DCMPG; function.add(new Call(resultVar, f, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type for rightOp: " + rightOp.getClass()); } } else if (rightOp instanceof CastExpr) { Value op = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ((CastExpr) rightOp).getOp()); soot.Type sootTargetType = ((CastExpr) rightOp).getCastType(); soot.Type sootSourceType = ((CastExpr) rightOp).getOp().getType(); if (sootTargetType instanceof PrimType) { Type targetType = Types.getType(sootTargetType); Type sourceType = Types.getType(sootSourceType); if (targetType instanceof IntegerType && sourceType instanceof IntegerType) { // op is at least I32 and has already been widened if source type had fewer bits then I32 IntegerType toType = (IntegerType) targetType; IntegerType fromType = (IntegerType) op.getType(); Variable v = function.newVariable(toType); if (fromType.getBits() < toType.getBits()) { // Widening if (Types.isUnsigned(sootSourceType)) { function.add(new Zext(v, op, toType)).attach(stmt); } else { function.add(new Sext(v, op, toType)).attach(stmt); } } else if (fromType.getBits() == toType.getBits()) { function.add(new Bitcast(v, op, toType)).attach(stmt); } else { // Narrow function.add(new Trunc(v, op, toType)).attach(stmt); } result = widenToI32Value(stmt, v.ref(), Types.isUnsigned(sootTargetType)); } else if (targetType instanceof FloatingPointType && sourceType instanceof IntegerType) { // we always to a signed conversion since if op is char it has already been zero extended to I32 Variable v = function.newVariable(targetType); function.add(new Sitofp(v, op, targetType)).attach(stmt); result = v.ref(); } else if (targetType instanceof FloatingPointType && sourceType instanceof FloatingPointType) { Variable v = function.newVariable(targetType); if (targetType == FLOAT && sourceType == DOUBLE) { function.add(new Fptrunc(v, op, targetType)).attach(stmt); } else if (targetType == DOUBLE && sourceType == FLOAT) { function.add(new Fpext(v, op, targetType)).attach(stmt); } else { function.add(new Bitcast(v, op, targetType)).attach(stmt); } result = v.ref(); } else { // F2I, F2L, D2I, D2L FunctionRef f = null; if (targetType == I32 && sourceType == FLOAT) { f = F2I; } else if (targetType == I64 && sourceType == FLOAT) { f = F2L; } else if (targetType == I32 && sourceType == DOUBLE) { f = D2I; } else if (targetType == I64 && sourceType == DOUBLE) { f = D2L; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } Variable v = function.newVariable(targetType); function.add(new Call(v, f, op)).attach(stmt); result = v.ref(); } } else { if (sootTargetType instanceof soot.ArrayType && ((soot.ArrayType) sootTargetType).getElementType() instanceof PrimType) { soot.Type primType = ((soot.ArrayType) sootTargetType).getElementType(); GlobalRef arrayClassPtr = new GlobalRef("array_" + Types.getDescriptor(primType), Types.CLASS_PTR); Variable arrayClass = function.newVariable(Types.CLASS_PTR); function.add(new Load(arrayClass, arrayClassPtr)).attach(stmt); result = call(stmt, CHECKCAST_PRIM_ARRAY, env, arrayClass.ref(), op); } else { String targetClassName = Types.getInternalName(sootTargetType); Trampoline trampoline = new Checkcast(this.className, targetClassName); trampolines.add(trampoline); result = call(stmt, trampoline.getFunctionRef(), env, op); } } } else if (rightOp instanceof InstanceOfExpr) { Value op = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ((InstanceOfExpr) rightOp).getOp()); soot.Type checkType = ((InstanceOfExpr) rightOp).getCheckType(); if (checkType instanceof soot.ArrayType && ((soot.ArrayType) checkType).getElementType() instanceof PrimType) { soot.Type primType = ((soot.ArrayType) checkType).getElementType(); GlobalRef arrayClassPtr = new GlobalRef("array_" + Types.getDescriptor(primType), Types.CLASS_PTR); Variable arrayClass = function.newVariable(Types.CLASS_PTR); function.add(new Load(arrayClass, arrayClassPtr)).attach(stmt); result = call(stmt, INSTANCEOF_PRIM_ARRAY, env, arrayClass.ref(), op); } else { String targetClassName = Types.getInternalName(checkType); Trampoline trampoline = new Instanceof(this.className, targetClassName); trampolines.add(trampoline); result = call(stmt, trampoline.getFunctionRef(), env, op); } } else if (rightOp instanceof NewExpr) { String targetClassName = Types.getInternalName(((NewExpr) rightOp).getBaseType()); FunctionRef fn = null; if (targetClassName.equals(this.className)) { fn = FunctionBuilder.allocator(sootMethod.getDeclaringClass()).ref(); } else { Trampoline trampoline = new New(this.className, targetClassName); trampolines.add(trampoline); fn = trampoline.getFunctionRef(); } result = call(stmt, fn, env); } else if (rightOp instanceof NewArrayExpr) { NewArrayExpr expr = (NewArrayExpr) rightOp; Value size = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) expr.getSize()); if (expr.getBaseType() instanceof PrimType) { result = call(stmt, getNewArray(expr.getBaseType()), env, size); } else { String targetClassName = Types.getInternalName(expr.getType()); Trampoline trampoline = new Anewarray(this.className, targetClassName); trampolines.add(trampoline); result = call(stmt, trampoline.getFunctionRef(), env, size); } } else if (rightOp instanceof NewMultiArrayExpr) { NewMultiArrayExpr expr = (NewMultiArrayExpr) rightOp; if (expr.getBaseType().numDimensions == 1 && expr.getBaseType().getElementType() instanceof PrimType) { Value size = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) expr.getSize(0)); result = call(stmt, getNewArray(expr.getBaseType().getElementType()), env, size); } else { for (int i = 0; i < expr.getSizeCount(); i++) { Value size = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) expr.getSize(i)); Variable ptr = function.newVariable(new PointerType(I32)); function.add(new Getelementptr(ptr, dims.ref(), 0, i)).attach(stmt); function.add(new Store(size, ptr.ref())).attach(stmt); } Variable dimsI32 = function.newVariable(new PointerType(I32)); function.add(new Bitcast(dimsI32, dims.ref(), dimsI32.getType())).attach(stmt); String targetClassName = Types.getInternalName(expr.getType()); Trampoline trampoline = new Multianewarray(this.className, targetClassName); trampolines.add(trampoline); result = call(stmt, trampoline.getFunctionRef(), env, new IntegerConstant(expr.getSizeCount()), dimsI32.ref()); } } else if (rightOp instanceof InvokeExpr) { result = invokeExpr(stmt, (InvokeExpr) rightOp); } else if (rightOp instanceof LengthExpr) { Value op = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ((LengthExpr) rightOp).getOp()); checkNull(stmt, op); Variable v = function.newVariable(I32); function.add(new Call(v, ARRAY_LENGTH, op)).attach(stmt); result = v.ref(); } else if (rightOp instanceof NegExpr) { NegExpr expr = (NegExpr) rightOp; Value op = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) expr.getOp()); Type rightType = op.getType(); Variable v = function.newVariable(op.getType()); if (rightType instanceof IntegerType) { function.add(new Sub(v, new IntegerConstant(0, (IntegerType) rightType), op)).attach(stmt); } else { function.add(new Fmul(v, new FloatingPointConstant(-1.0, (FloatingPointType) rightType), op)).attach(stmt); } result = v.ref(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type for rightOp: " + rightOp.getClass()); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type for rightOp: " + rightOp.getClass()); } soot.Value leftOp = stmt.getLeftOp(); if (leftOp instanceof Local) { Local local = (Local) leftOp; VariableRef v = new VariableRef(local.getName(), new PointerType(Types.getLocalType(leftOp.getType()))); function.add(new Store(result, v, !sootMethod.getActiveBody().getTraps().isEmpty())).attach(stmt); } else { Type leftType = Types.getType(leftOp.getType()); Value narrowedResult = narrowFromI32Value(stmt, leftType, result); if (leftOp instanceof ArrayRef) { ArrayRef ref = (ArrayRef) leftOp; VariableRef base = (VariableRef) immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ref.getBase()); Value index = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ref.getIndex()); checkNull(stmt, base); checkBounds(stmt, base, index); if (leftOp.getType() instanceof RefLikeType) { call(stmt, BC_SET_OBJECT_ARRAY_ELEMENT, env, base, index, narrowedResult); } else { call(stmt, getArrayStore(leftOp.getType()), base, index, narrowedResult); } } else if (leftOp instanceof InstanceFieldRef) { InstanceFieldRef ref = (InstanceFieldRef) leftOp; Value base = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) ref.getBase()); checkNull(stmt, base); FunctionRef fn = null; if (canAccessDirectly(ref)) { fn = new FunctionRef(Symbols.setterSymbol(ref.getFieldRef()), new FunctionType(VOID, Types.ENV_PTR, Types.OBJECT_PTR, Types.getType(ref.getType()))); } else { soot.Type runtimeType = ref.getBase().getType(); String targetClassName = Types.getInternalName(ref.getFieldRef().declaringClass()); String runtimeClassName = runtimeType == NullType.v() ? targetClassName : Types.getInternalName(runtimeType); Trampoline trampoline = new PutField(this.className, targetClassName, ref.getFieldRef().name(), Types.getDescriptor(ref.getFieldRef().type()), runtimeClassName); trampolines.add(trampoline); fn = trampoline.getFunctionRef(); } call(stmt, fn, env, base, narrowedResult); } else if (leftOp instanceof StaticFieldRef) { StaticFieldRef ref = (StaticFieldRef) leftOp; FunctionRef fn = null; if (canAccessDirectly(ref)) { fn = new FunctionRef(Symbols.setterSymbol(ref.getFieldRef()), new FunctionType(VOID, Types.ENV_PTR, Types.getType(ref.getType()))); } else { String targetClassName = Types.getInternalName(ref.getFieldRef().declaringClass()); Trampoline trampoline = new PutStatic(this.className, targetClassName, ref.getFieldRef().name(), Types.getDescriptor(ref.getFieldRef().type())); trampolines.add(trampoline); fn = trampoline.getFunctionRef(); } call(stmt, fn, env, narrowedResult); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type for leftOp: " + leftOp.getClass()); } } } private void return_(ReturnStmt stmt) { /* * op is an Immediate. */ Value op = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) stmt.getOp()); Value value = narrowFromI32Value(stmt, function.getType().getReturnType(), op); function.add(new Ret(value)).attach(stmt); } private void returnVoid(ReturnVoidStmt stmt) { function.add(new Ret()).attach(stmt); } private void if_(IfStmt stmt) { ConditionExpr condition = (ConditionExpr) stmt.getCondition(); Value op1 = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) condition.getOp1()); Value op2 = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) condition.getOp2()); Icmp.Condition c = null; if (condition instanceof EqExpr) { c = Icmp.Condition.eq; } else if (condition instanceof NeExpr) { c = Icmp.Condition.ne; } else if (condition instanceof GtExpr) { c = Icmp.Condition.sgt; } else if (condition instanceof LtExpr) { c = Icmp.Condition.slt; } else if (condition instanceof GeExpr) { c = Icmp.Condition.sge; } else if (condition instanceof LeExpr) { c = Icmp.Condition.sle; } Variable result = function.newVariable(Type.I1); function.add(new Icmp(result, c, op1, op2)).attach(stmt); Unit nextUnit = sootMethod.getActiveBody().getUnits().getSuccOf(stmt); function.add(new Br(new VariableRef(result), function.newBasicBlockRef(new Label(stmt.getTarget())), function.newBasicBlockRef(new Label(nextUnit)))).attach(stmt); } private void lookupSwitch(LookupSwitchStmt stmt) { Map<IntegerConstant, BasicBlockRef> targets = new HashMap<IntegerConstant, BasicBlockRef>(); for (int i = 0; i < stmt.getTargetCount(); i++) { int value = stmt.getLookupValue(i); Unit target = stmt.getTarget(i); targets.put(new IntegerConstant(value), function.newBasicBlockRef(new Label(target))); } BasicBlockRef def = function.newBasicBlockRef(new Label(stmt.getDefaultTarget())); Value key = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) stmt.getKey()); function.add(new Switch(key, def, targets)).attach(stmt); } private void tableSwitch(TableSwitchStmt stmt) { Map<IntegerConstant, BasicBlockRef> targets = new HashMap<IntegerConstant, BasicBlockRef>(); for (int i = stmt.getLowIndex(); i <= stmt.getHighIndex(); i++) { Unit target = stmt.getTarget(i - stmt.getLowIndex()); targets.put(new IntegerConstant(i), function.newBasicBlockRef(new Label(target))); } BasicBlockRef def = function.newBasicBlockRef(new Label(stmt.getDefaultTarget())); Value key = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) stmt.getKey()); function.add(new Switch(key, def, targets)).attach(stmt); } private void goto_(GotoStmt stmt) { function.add(new Br(function.newBasicBlockRef(new Label(stmt.getTarget())))).attach(stmt); } private void throw_(ThrowStmt stmt) { Value obj = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) stmt.getOp()); checkNull(stmt, obj); call(stmt, BC_THROW, env, obj); function.add(new Unreachable()).attach(stmt); } private void invoke(InvokeStmt stmt) { invokeExpr(stmt, stmt.getInvokeExpr()); } private void enterMonitor(EnterMonitorStmt stmt) { Value op = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) stmt.getOp()); checkNull(stmt, op); call(stmt, MONITORENTER, env, op); } private void exitMonitor(ExitMonitorStmt stmt) { Value op = immediate(stmt, (Immediate) stmt.getOp()); checkNull(stmt, op); call(stmt, MONITOREXIT, env, op); } private void nop(NopStmt stmt) { /* * We need to preserve NOPs as they may be needed by compiler plugins to * work properly. There's no NOP bitcode instruction. Instead we use an * ADD instruction which has no side-effects. LLVM should be able to * optimize it out later on. */ Variable v = function.newVariable(I32); function.add(new Add(v, new IntegerConstant(0), new IntegerConstant(0))).attach(stmt); } }