package soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar; import soot.*; import java.util.*; import soot.toolkits.graph.*; import soot.toolkits.scalar.*; import soot.jimple.*; // EqualLocalsAnalysis written by Richard L. Halpert, 2006-12-04 // Finds equal/equavalent/aliasing locals to a given local at a given statement, on demand // The answer provided is occasionally suboptimal (but correct) in the event where // a _re_definition of the given local causes it to become equal to existing locals. public class EqualLocalsAnalysis extends ForwardFlowAnalysis { Local l; Stmt s; public EqualLocalsAnalysis(UnitGraph g) { super(g); l = null; s = null; // analysis is done on-demand, not now } /** Returns a list of EquivalentValue wrapped Locals and Refs that must always be equal to l at s */ public List getCopiesOfAt(Local l, Stmt s) { this.l = l; this.s = s; doAnalysis(); List aliasList = new ArrayList(); aliasList.addAll(((FlowSet) getFlowBefore(s)).toList()); if(aliasList.contains(new EquivalentValue(l))) return aliasList; return new ArrayList(); } protected void merge(Object in1, Object in2, Object out) { FlowSet inSet1 = (FlowSet) in1; FlowSet inSet2 = (FlowSet) in2; FlowSet outSet = (FlowSet) out; inSet1.intersection(inSet2, outSet); } protected void flowThrough(Object inValue, Object unit, Object outValue) { FlowSet in = (FlowSet) inValue; FlowSet out = (FlowSet) outValue; Stmt stmt = (Stmt) unit; in.copy(out); // get list of definitions at this unit List<EquivalentValue> newDefs = new ArrayList<EquivalentValue>(); Iterator newDefBoxesIt = stmt.getDefBoxes().iterator(); while( newDefBoxesIt.hasNext() ) { newDefs.add( new EquivalentValue( ((ValueBox) ); } // If the local of interest was defined in this statement, then we must // generate a new list of aliases to it starting here if( newDefs.contains(new EquivalentValue(l)) ) { List<Object> existingDefStmts = new ArrayList<Object>(); Iterator outIt = out.iterator(); while(outIt.hasNext()) { Object o =; if(o instanceof Stmt) existingDefStmts.add(o); } out.clear(); Iterator<EquivalentValue> newDefsIt = newDefs.iterator(); while(newDefsIt.hasNext()) out.add( ); if( stmt instanceof DefinitionStmt ) { if( !stmt.containsInvokeExpr() && !(stmt instanceof IdentityStmt) ) { out.add( new EquivalentValue(((DefinitionStmt)stmt).getRightOp()) ); } } Iterator<Object> existingDefIt = existingDefStmts.iterator(); while(existingDefIt.hasNext()) { Stmt s = (Stmt); List sNewDefs = new ArrayList(); Iterator sNewDefBoxesIt = s.getDefBoxes().iterator(); while( sNewDefBoxesIt.hasNext() ) { sNewDefs.add( ((ValueBox) ); } if( s instanceof DefinitionStmt ) { if( out.contains( new EquivalentValue(((DefinitionStmt)s).getRightOp()) ) ) { Iterator sNewDefsIt = sNewDefs.iterator(); while(sNewDefsIt.hasNext()) out.add( new EquivalentValue( (Value) ) ); } else { Iterator sNewDefsIt = sNewDefs.iterator(); while(sNewDefsIt.hasNext()) out.remove( new EquivalentValue( (Value) ) ); } } } } else { if( stmt instanceof DefinitionStmt ) { if( out.contains( new EquivalentValue(l) ) ) { if( out.contains( new EquivalentValue(((DefinitionStmt)stmt).getRightOp()) ) ) { Iterator<EquivalentValue> newDefsIt = newDefs.iterator(); while(newDefsIt.hasNext()) out.add( ); } else { Iterator<EquivalentValue> newDefsIt = newDefs.iterator(); while(newDefsIt.hasNext()) out.remove( ); } } else // before finding a def for l, just keep track of all definition statements // note that if l is redefined, then we'll miss existing values that then // become equal to l. It is suboptimal but correct to miss these values. { out.add( stmt ); } } } } protected void copy(Object source, Object dest) { FlowSet sourceSet = (FlowSet) source; FlowSet destSet = (FlowSet) dest; sourceSet.copy(destSet); } protected Object entryInitialFlow() { return new ArraySparseSet(); } protected Object newInitialFlow() { return new ArraySparseSet(); } }