/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 RoboVM AB * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.bugvm.apple.uikit; /*<imports>*/ import java.io.*; import java.nio.*; import java.util.*; import com.bugvm.objc.*; import com.bugvm.objc.annotation.*; import com.bugvm.objc.block.*; import com.bugvm.rt.*; import com.bugvm.rt.annotation.*; import com.bugvm.rt.bro.*; import com.bugvm.rt.bro.annotation.*; import com.bugvm.rt.bro.ptr.*; import com.bugvm.apple.foundation.*; import com.bugvm.apple.coreanimation.*; import com.bugvm.apple.coregraphics.*; import com.bugvm.apple.coredata.*; import com.bugvm.apple.coreimage.*; import com.bugvm.apple.coretext.*; import com.bugvm.apple.corelocation.*; /*</imports>*/ /*<javadoc>*/ /*</javadoc>*/ /*<annotations>*//*</annotations>*/ /*<visibility>*/public/*</visibility>*/ interface /*<name>*/UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext/*</name>*/ /*<implements>*/extends NSObjectProtocol/*</implements>*/ { /*<ptr>*/ /*</ptr>*/ /*<bind>*/ /*</bind>*/ /*<constants>*//*</constants>*/ /*<properties>*/ /*</properties>*/ /*<methods>*/ @Method(selector = "isAnimated") boolean isAnimated(); @Method(selector = "presentationStyle") UIModalPresentationStyle getPresentationStyle(); @Method(selector = "initiallyInteractive") boolean isInitiallyInteractive(); @Method(selector = "isInteractive") boolean isInteractive(); @Method(selector = "isCancelled") boolean isCancelled(); @Method(selector = "transitionDuration") double getTransitionDuration(); @Method(selector = "percentComplete") @MachineSizedFloat double getPercentComplete(); @Method(selector = "completionVelocity") @MachineSizedFloat double getCompletionVelocity(); @Method(selector = "completionCurve") UIViewAnimationCurve getCompletionCurve(); @Method(selector = "viewControllerForKey:") UIViewController getViewController(String key); /** * @since Available in iOS 8.0 and later. */ @Method(selector = "viewForKey:") UIView getView(String key); @Method(selector = "containerView") UIView getContainerView(); /** * @since Available in iOS 8.0 and later. */ @Method(selector = "targetTransform") @ByVal CGAffineTransform getTargetTransform(); /*</methods>*/ /*<adapter>*/ /*</adapter>*/ }