package soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow; import soot.*; import java.util.*; import soot.toolkits.graph.*; import soot.jimple.*; // ClassInfoFlowAnalysis written by Richard L. Halpert, 2007-02-22 // Constructs data flow tables for each method of a class. Ignores indirect flow. // These tables conservatively approximate how data flows from parameters, // fields, and globals to parameters, fields, globals, and the return value. // Note that a ref-type parameter (or field or global) might allow access to a // large data structure, but that entire structure will be represented only by // the parameter's one node in the data flow graph. public class ClassInfoFlowAnalysis { SootClass sootClass; InfoFlowAnalysis dfa; // used to access the data flow analyses of other classes Map<SootMethod, SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis> methodToInfoFlowAnalysis; Map<SootMethod, HashMutableDirectedGraph> methodToInfoFlowSummary; public static int methodCount = 0; public ClassInfoFlowAnalysis(SootClass sootClass, InfoFlowAnalysis dfa) { this.sootClass = sootClass; this.dfa = dfa; methodToInfoFlowAnalysis = new HashMap<SootMethod, SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis>(); methodToInfoFlowSummary = new HashMap<SootMethod, HashMutableDirectedGraph>(); // doSimpleConservativeDataFlowAnalysis(); } public SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis getMethodInfoFlowAnalysis(SootMethod method) { if(!methodToInfoFlowAnalysis.containsKey(method)) { methodCount++; // First do simple version that doesn't follow invoke expressions // The "smart" version will be computed later, but since it may // request its own DataFlowGraph, we need this simple version first. if(!methodToInfoFlowSummary.containsKey(method)) { HashMutableDirectedGraph dataFlowGraph = simpleConservativeInfoFlowAnalysis(method); methodToInfoFlowSummary.put(method, dataFlowGraph); } // Then do smart version that does follow invoke expressions, if possible if(method.isConcrete()) { Body b = method.retrieveActiveBody(); UnitGraph g = new ExceptionalUnitGraph(b); SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis smdfa = new SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis(g, dfa); methodToInfoFlowAnalysis.put(method, smdfa); methodToInfoFlowSummary.remove(method); methodToInfoFlowSummary.put(method, smdfa.getMethodInfoFlowSummary()); return smdfa; // G.v().out.println(method + " has SMART infoFlowGraph: "); // printDataFlowGraph(mdfa.getMethodDataFlowGraph()); } } return methodToInfoFlowAnalysis.get(method); } public MutableDirectedGraph getMethodInfoFlowSummary(SootMethod method) { return getMethodInfoFlowSummary(method, true); } public HashMutableDirectedGraph getMethodInfoFlowSummary(SootMethod method, boolean doFullAnalysis) { if(!methodToInfoFlowSummary.containsKey(method)) { methodCount++; // First do simple version that doesn't follow invoke expressions // The "smart" version will be computed later, but since it may // request its own DataFlowGraph, we need this simple version first. HashMutableDirectedGraph dataFlowGraph = simpleConservativeInfoFlowAnalysis(method); methodToInfoFlowSummary.put(method, dataFlowGraph); // Then do smart version that does follow invoke expressions, if possible if(method.isConcrete() && doFullAnalysis)// && method.getDeclaringClass().isApplicationClass()) { Body b = method.retrieveActiveBody(); UnitGraph g = new ExceptionalUnitGraph(b); SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis smdfa = new SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis(g, dfa); methodToInfoFlowAnalysis.put(method, smdfa); methodToInfoFlowSummary.remove(method); methodToInfoFlowSummary.put(method, smdfa.getMethodInfoFlowSummary()); // G.v().out.println(method + " has SMART infoFlowGraph: "); // printDataFlowGraph(mdfa.getMethodDataFlowGraph()); } } return methodToInfoFlowSummary.get(method); } /* public void doFixedPointDataFlowAnalysis() { Iterator it = sootClass.getMethods().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { SootMethod method = (SootMethod); if(method.isConcrete()) { Body b = method.retrieveActiveBody(); UnitGraph g = new ExceptionalUnitGraph(b); SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis smdfa = new SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis(g, dfa, true); if(methodToInfoFlowSummary.containsKey(method)) methodToInfoFlowSummary.remove(method); else methodCount++; methodToInfoFlowSummary.put(method, smdfa.getMethodDataFlowSummary()); // G.v().out.println(method + " has FLOW SENSITIVE infoFlowGraph: "); // printDataFlowGraph(mdfa.getMethodDataFlowGraph()); } else { if(methodToInfoFlowSummary.containsKey(method)) methodToInfoFlowSummary.remove(method); else methodCount++; methodToInfoFlowSummary.put(method, triviallyConservativeDataFlowAnalysis(method)); // G.v().out.println(method + " has TRIVIALLY CONSERVATIVE infoFlowGraph: "); // printDataFlowGraph((MutableDirectedGraph) methodToInfoFlowSummary.get(method)); } } } //*/ /* private void doSimpleConservativeDataFlowAnalysis() { Iterator it = sootClass.getMethods().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { SootMethod method = (SootMethod); MutableDirectedGraph infoFlowGraph = simpleConservativeDataFlowAnalysis(method); if(methodToInfoFlowSummary.containsKey(method)) methodToInfoFlowSummary.remove(method); else methodCount++; methodToInfoFlowSummary.put(method, infoFlowGraph); // G.v().out.println(method + " has infoFlowGraph: "); // printDataFlowGraph(infoFlowGraph); } } //*/ /** Does not require any fixed point calculation */ private HashMutableDirectedGraph simpleConservativeInfoFlowAnalysis(SootMethod sm) { // Constructs a graph representing the data flow between fields, parameters, and the // return value of this method. The graph nodes are EquivalentValue wrapped Refs. // This version is rather stupid... it just assumes all values flow to all others, // except for the return value, which is flowed to by all, but flows to none. // This version is also broken... it can't handle the ThisRef without // flow sensitivity. // If this method cannot have a body, then we can't analyze it... if(!sm.isConcrete()) return triviallyConservativeInfoFlowAnalysis(sm); Body b = sm.retrieveActiveBody(); UnitGraph g = new ExceptionalUnitGraph(b); HashSet<EquivalentValue> fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed = new HashSet<EquivalentValue>(); // Get list of fields, globals, and parameters that are accessed Iterator stmtIt = g.iterator(); while(stmtIt.hasNext()) { Stmt s = (Stmt); if( s instanceof IdentityStmt ) { IdentityStmt is = (IdentityStmt) s; IdentityRef ir = (IdentityRef) is.getRightOp(); if( ir instanceof ParameterRef ) { ParameterRef pr = (ParameterRef) ir; fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.add(InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForParameterRef(sm, pr.getIndex())); } } if(s.containsFieldRef()) { FieldRef ref = s.getFieldRef(); if( ref instanceof StaticFieldRef ) { // This should be added to the list of fields accessed // static fields "belong to everyone" StaticFieldRef sfr = (StaticFieldRef) ref; fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.add(InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForFieldRef(sm, sfr.getField())); } else if( ref instanceof InstanceFieldRef ) { // If this field is a field of this class, // then this should be added to the list of fields accessed InstanceFieldRef ifr = (InstanceFieldRef) ref; Value base = ifr.getBase(); if(base instanceof Local) { if( dfa.includesInnerFields() || ((!sm.isStatic()) && base.equivTo(b.getThisLocal())) ) fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.add(InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForFieldRef(sm, ifr.getField())); } } } } // Each accessed field, global, and parameter becomes a node in the graph HashMutableDirectedGraph dataFlowGraph = new MemoryEfficientGraph(); Iterator<EquivalentValue> accessedIt1 = fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.iterator(); while(accessedIt1.hasNext()) { Object o =; dataFlowGraph.addNode(o); } // Add all of the nodes necessary to ensure that this is a complete data flow graph // Add every parameter of this method for(int i = 0; i < sm.getParameterCount(); i++) { EquivalentValue parameterRefEqVal = InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForParameterRef(sm, i); if(!dataFlowGraph.containsNode(parameterRefEqVal)) dataFlowGraph.addNode(parameterRefEqVal); } // Add every relevant field of this class (static methods don't get non-static fields) for(Iterator it = sm.getDeclaringClass().getFields().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { SootField sf = (SootField); if(sf.isStatic() || !sm.isStatic()) { EquivalentValue fieldRefEqVal = InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForFieldRef(sm, sf); if(!dataFlowGraph.containsNode(fieldRefEqVal)) dataFlowGraph.addNode(fieldRefEqVal); } } // Add every field of this class's superclasses SootClass superclass = sm.getDeclaringClass(); if(superclass.hasSuperclass()) superclass = sm.getDeclaringClass().getSuperclass(); while(superclass.hasSuperclass()) // we don't want to process Object { Iterator scFieldsIt = superclass.getFields().iterator(); while(scFieldsIt.hasNext()) { SootField scField = (SootField); if(scField.isStatic() || !sm.isStatic()) { EquivalentValue fieldRefEqVal = InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForFieldRef(sm, scField); if(!dataFlowGraph.containsNode(fieldRefEqVal)) dataFlowGraph.addNode(fieldRefEqVal); } } superclass = superclass.getSuperclass(); } // The return value also becomes a node in the graph ParameterRef returnValueRef = null; if(sm.getReturnType() != VoidType.v()) { returnValueRef = new ParameterRef(sm.getReturnType(), -1); dataFlowGraph.addNode(InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForReturnRef(sm)); } // ThisRef thisRef = null; if(!sm.isStatic()) { // thisRef = new ThisRef(sootClass.getType()); dataFlowGraph.addNode(InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForThisRef(sm)); fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.add(InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForThisRef(sm)); } // Create an edge from each node (except the return value) to every other node (including the return value) // non-Ref-type nodes are ignored accessedIt1 = fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.iterator(); while(accessedIt1.hasNext()) { Object r =; Ref rRef = (Ref) ((EquivalentValue) r).getValue(); if( !(rRef.getType() instanceof RefLikeType) && !dfa.includesPrimitiveInfoFlow()) continue; Iterator<EquivalentValue> accessedIt2 = fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.iterator(); while(accessedIt2.hasNext()) { Object s =; Ref sRef = (Ref) ((EquivalentValue) s).getValue(); if( rRef instanceof ThisRef && sRef instanceof InstanceFieldRef ) ; // don't add this edge else if( sRef instanceof ThisRef && rRef instanceof InstanceFieldRef ) ; // don't add this edge else if( sRef instanceof ParameterRef && dfa.includesInnerFields()) ; // don't add edges to parameters if we are including inner fields else if( sRef.getType() instanceof RefLikeType ) dataFlowGraph.addEdge(r, s); } if( returnValueRef != null && (returnValueRef.getType() instanceof RefLikeType || dfa.includesPrimitiveInfoFlow())) dataFlowGraph.addEdge(r, InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForReturnRef(sm)); } return dataFlowGraph; } /** Does not require the method to have a body */ public HashMutableDirectedGraph triviallyConservativeInfoFlowAnalysis(SootMethod sm) { HashSet<EquivalentValue> fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed = new HashSet<EquivalentValue>(); // Add all of the nodes necessary to ensure that this is a complete data flow graph // Add every parameter of this method for(int i = 0; i < sm.getParameterCount(); i++) { EquivalentValue parameterRefEqVal = InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForParameterRef(sm, i); fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.add(parameterRefEqVal); } // Add every relevant field of this class (static methods don't get non-static fields) for(Iterator it = sm.getDeclaringClass().getFields().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { SootField sf = (SootField); if(sf.isStatic() || !sm.isStatic()) { EquivalentValue fieldRefEqVal = InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForFieldRef(sm, sf); fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.add(fieldRefEqVal); } } // Add every field of this class's superclasses SootClass superclass = sm.getDeclaringClass(); if(superclass.hasSuperclass()) superclass = sm.getDeclaringClass().getSuperclass(); while(superclass.hasSuperclass()) // we don't want to process Object { Iterator scFieldsIt = superclass.getFields().iterator(); while(scFieldsIt.hasNext()) { SootField scField = (SootField); if(scField.isStatic() || !sm.isStatic()) { EquivalentValue fieldRefEqVal = InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForFieldRef(sm, scField); fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.add(fieldRefEqVal); } } superclass = superclass.getSuperclass(); } // Don't add any static fields outside of the class... unsafe??? // Each field, global, and parameter becomes a node in the graph HashMutableDirectedGraph dataFlowGraph = new MemoryEfficientGraph(); Iterator<EquivalentValue> accessedIt1 = fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.iterator(); while(accessedIt1.hasNext()) { Object o =; dataFlowGraph.addNode(o); } // The return value also becomes a node in the graph ParameterRef returnValueRef = null; if(sm.getReturnType() != VoidType.v()) { returnValueRef = new ParameterRef(sm.getReturnType(), -1); dataFlowGraph.addNode(InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForReturnRef(sm)); } ThisRef thisRef = null; if(!sm.isStatic()) { thisRef = new ThisRef(sootClass.getType()); dataFlowGraph.addNode(InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForThisRef(sm)); fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.add(InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForThisRef(sm)); } // Create an edge from each node (except the return value) to every other node (including the return value) // non-Ref-type nodes are ignored accessedIt1 = fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.iterator(); while(accessedIt1.hasNext()) { Object r =; Ref rRef = (Ref) ((EquivalentValue) r).getValue(); if( !(rRef.getType() instanceof RefLikeType) && !dfa.includesPrimitiveInfoFlow() ) continue; Iterator<EquivalentValue> accessedIt2 = fieldsStaticsParamsAccessed.iterator(); while(accessedIt2.hasNext()) { Object s =; Ref sRef = (Ref) ((EquivalentValue) s).getValue(); if( rRef instanceof ThisRef && sRef instanceof InstanceFieldRef ) ; // don't add this edge else if( sRef instanceof ThisRef && rRef instanceof InstanceFieldRef ) ; // don't add this edge else if( sRef.getType() instanceof RefLikeType ) dataFlowGraph.addEdge(r, s); } if( returnValueRef != null && (returnValueRef.getType() instanceof RefLikeType || dfa.includesPrimitiveInfoFlow()) ) dataFlowGraph.addEdge(r, InfoFlowAnalysis.getNodeForReturnRef(sm)); } return dataFlowGraph; } }