package soot.JastAddJ; import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.LinkedHashSet;import;import java.util.*;import beaver.*;import java.util.ArrayList;import*;import*;import;import java.util.Collection;import soot.*;import soot.util.*;import soot.jimple.*;import soot.coffi.ClassFile;import soot.coffi.method_info;import soot.coffi.CONSTANT_Utf8_info;import soot.tagkit.SourceFileTag;import soot.coffi.CoffiMethodSource; public class MethodDecl extends MemberDecl implements Cloneable, SimpleSet, Iterator { public void flushCache() { super.flushCache(); accessibleFrom_TypeDecl_values = null; throwsException_TypeDecl_values = null; signature_computed = false; signature_value = null; moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl_values = null; overrides_MethodDecl_values = null; hides_MethodDecl_values = null; parameterDeclaration_String_values = null; type_computed = false; type_value = null; usesTypeVariable_computed = false; sourceMethodDecl_computed = false; sourceMethodDecl_value = null; sootMethod_computed = false; sootMethod_value = null; sootRef_computed = false; sootRef_value = null; offsetBeforeParameters_computed = false; offsetAfterParameters_computed = false; handlesException_TypeDecl_values = null; } public void flushCollectionCache() { super.flushCollectionCache(); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public MethodDecl clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { MethodDecl node = (MethodDecl)super.clone(); node.accessibleFrom_TypeDecl_values = null; node.throwsException_TypeDecl_values = null; node.signature_computed = false; node.signature_value = null; node.moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl_values = null; node.overrides_MethodDecl_values = null; node.hides_MethodDecl_values = null; node.parameterDeclaration_String_values = null; node.type_computed = false; node.type_value = null; node.usesTypeVariable_computed = false; node.sourceMethodDecl_computed = false; node.sourceMethodDecl_value = null; node.sootMethod_computed = false; node.sootMethod_value = null; node.sootRef_computed = false; node.sootRef_value = null; node.offsetBeforeParameters_computed = false; node.offsetAfterParameters_computed = false; node.handlesException_TypeDecl_values = null;$Circle(false);$Final(false); return node; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public MethodDecl copy() { try { MethodDecl node = (MethodDecl)clone(); if(children != null) node.children = (ASTNode[])children.clone(); return node; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { } System.err.println("Error: Could not clone node of type " + getClass().getName() + "!"); return null; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public MethodDecl fullCopy() { MethodDecl res = (MethodDecl)copy(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumChildNoTransform(); i++) { ASTNode node = getChildNoTransform(i); if(node != null) node = node.fullCopy(); res.setChild(node, i); } return res; } // Declared in BoundNames.jrag at line 77 public Access createBoundAccess(List args) { if(isStatic()) { return hostType().createQualifiedAccess().qualifiesAccess( new BoundMethodAccess(name(), args, this) ); } return new BoundMethodAccess(name(), args, this); } // Declared in DataStructures.jrag at line 134 public SimpleSet add(Object o) { return new SimpleSetImpl().add(this).add(o); } // Declared in DataStructures.jrag at line 140 private MethodDecl iterElem; // Declared in DataStructures.jrag at line 141 public Iterator iterator() { iterElem = this; return this; } // Declared in DataStructures.jrag at line 142 public boolean hasNext() { return iterElem != null; } // Declared in DataStructures.jrag at line 143 public Object next() { Object o = iterElem; iterElem = null; return o; } // Declared in DataStructures.jrag at line 144 public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 127 // 8.4.3 public void checkModifiers() { super.checkModifiers(); if(hostType().isClassDecl()) { // if(isAbstract() && !hostType().isAbstract()) error("class must be abstract to include abstract methods"); // if(isAbstract() && isPrivate()) error("method may not be abstract and private"); // // if(isAbstract() && isStatic()) error("method may not be abstract and static"); if(isAbstract() && isSynchronized()) error("method may not be abstract and synchronized"); // if(isAbstract() && isNative()) error("method may not be abstract and native"); if(isAbstract() && isStrictfp()) error("method may not be abstract and strictfp"); if(isNative() && isStrictfp()) error("method may not be native and strictfp"); } if(hostType().isInterfaceDecl()) { // 9.4 if(isStatic()) error("interface method " + signature() + " in " + hostType().typeName() + " may not be static"); if(isStrictfp()) error("interface method " + signature() + " in " + hostType().typeName() + " may not be strictfp"); if(isNative()) error("interface method " + signature() + " in " + hostType().typeName() + " may not be native"); if(isSynchronized()) error("interface method " + signature() + " in " + hostType().typeName() + " may not be synchronized"); if(isProtected()) error("interface method " + signature() + " in " + hostType().typeName() + " may not be protected"); if(isPrivate()) error("interface method " + signature() + " in " + hostType().typeName() + " may not be private"); else if(isFinal()) error("interface method " + signature() + " in " + hostType().typeName() + " may not be final"); } } // Declared in NameCheck.jrag at line 96 public void nameCheck() { // 8.4 // 8.4.2 if(!hostType().methodsSignature(signature()).contains(this)) error("method with signature " + signature() + " is multiply declared in type " + hostType().typeName()); // if(isNative() && hasBlock()) error("native methods must have an empty semicolon body"); // 8.4.5 if(isAbstract() && hasBlock()) error("abstract methods must have an empty semicolon body"); // 8.4.5 if(!hasBlock() && !(isNative() || isAbstract())) error("only abstract and native methods may have an empty semicolon body"); } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 175 public void toString(StringBuffer s) { s.append(indent()); getModifiers().toString(s); getTypeAccess().toString(s); s.append(" " + name() + "("); if(getNumParameter() > 0) { getParameter(0).toString(s); for(int i = 1; i < getNumParameter(); i++) { s.append(", "); getParameter(i).toString(s); } } s.append(")"); if(getNumException() > 0) { s.append(" throws "); getException(0).toString(s); for(int i = 1; i < getNumException(); i++) { s.append(", "); getException(i).toString(s); } } if(hasBlock()) { s.append(" "); getBlock().toString(s); } else { s.append(";"); } } // Declared in TypeCheck.jrag at line 386 public void typeCheck() { // Thrown vs super class method see MethodDecl.nameCheck // 8.4.4 TypeDecl exceptionType = typeThrowable(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumException(); i++) { TypeDecl typeDecl = getException(i).type(); if(!typeDecl.instanceOf(exceptionType)) error(signature() + " throws non throwable type " + typeDecl.fullName()); } // check returns if(!isVoid() && hasBlock() && getBlock().canCompleteNormally()) error("the body of a non void method may not complete normally"); } // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 1001 public BodyDecl p(Parameterization parTypeDecl) { //System.out.println("Begin substituting " + signature() + " in " + hostType().typeName() + " with " + parTypeDecl.typeSignature()); MethodDecl m = new MethodDeclSubstituted( (Modifiers)getModifiers().fullCopy(), getTypeAccess().type().substituteReturnType(parTypeDecl), getID(), getParameterList().substitute(parTypeDecl), getExceptionList().substitute(parTypeDecl), new Opt(), this ); //System.out.println("End substituting " + signature()); return m; } // Declared in InnerClasses.jrag at line 196 public MethodDecl createAccessor(TypeDecl methodQualifier) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl)methodQualifier.getAccessor(this, "method"); if(m != null) return m; int accessorIndex = methodQualifier.accessorCounter++; List parameterList = new List(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) parameterList.add(new ParameterDeclaration(getParameter(i).type(), getParameter(i).name())); List exceptionList = new List(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumException(); i++) exceptionList.add(getException(i).type().createQualifiedAccess()); // add synthetic flag to modifiers Modifiers modifiers = new Modifiers(new List()); if(getModifiers().isStatic()) modifiers.addModifier(new Modifier("static")); modifiers.addModifier(new Modifier("synthetic")); modifiers.addModifier(new Modifier("public")); // build accessor declaration m = new MethodDecl( modifiers, type().createQualifiedAccess(), name() + "$access$" + accessorIndex, parameterList, exceptionList, new Opt( new Block( new List().add( createAccessorStmt() ) ) ) ); m = methodQualifier.addMemberMethod(m); methodQualifier.addAccessor(this, "method", m); return m; } // Declared in InnerClasses.jrag at line 235 private Stmt createAccessorStmt() { List argumentList = new List(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) argumentList.add(new VarAccess(getParameter(i).name())); Access access = new BoundMethodAccess(name(), argumentList, this); if(!isStatic()) access = new ThisAccess("this").qualifiesAccess(access); return isVoid() ? (Stmt) new ExprStmt(access) : new ReturnStmt(new Opt(access)); } // Declared in InnerClasses.jrag at line 245 public MethodDecl createSuperAccessor(TypeDecl methodQualifier) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl)methodQualifier.getAccessor(this, "method_super"); if(m != null) return m; int accessorIndex = methodQualifier.accessorCounter++; List parameters = new List(); List args = new List(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) { parameters.add(new ParameterDeclaration(getParameter(i).type(), getParameter(i).name())); args.add(new VarAccess(getParameter(i).name())); } Stmt stmt; if(type().isVoid()) stmt = new ExprStmt(new SuperAccess("super").qualifiesAccess(new MethodAccess(name(), args))); else stmt = new ReturnStmt(new Opt(new SuperAccess("super").qualifiesAccess(new MethodAccess(name(), args)))); m = new MethodDecl( new Modifiers(new List().add(new Modifier("synthetic"))), type().createQualifiedAccess(), name() + "$access$" + accessorIndex, parameters, new List(), new Opt( new Block( new List().add(stmt) ) ) ); m = methodQualifier.addMemberMethod(m); methodQualifier.addAccessor(this, "method_super", m); return m; } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 210 public void jimplify1phase2() { String name = name(); ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList(); ArrayList paramnames = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) { parameters.add(getParameter(i).type().getSootType()); paramnames.add(getParameter(i).name()); } soot.Type returnType = type().getSootType(); int modifiers = sootTypeModifiers(); ArrayList throwtypes = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumException(); i++) throwtypes.add(getException(i).type().getSootClassDecl()); String signature = SootMethod.getSubSignature(name, parameters, returnType); if(!hostType().getSootClassDecl().declaresMethod(signature)) { SootMethod m = new SootMethod(name, parameters, returnType, modifiers, throwtypes); hostType().getSootClassDecl().addMethod(m); m.addTag(new soot.tagkit.ParamNamesTag(paramnames)); sootMethod = m; } else { sootMethod = hostType().getSootClassDecl().getMethod(signature); } addAttributes(); } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 268 public SootMethod sootMethod; // Declared in AnnotationsCodegen.jrag at line 43 public void addAttributes() { super.addAttributes(); ArrayList c = new ArrayList(); getModifiers().addRuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute(c); getModifiers().addRuntimeInvisibleAnnotationsAttribute(c); addRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute(c); addRuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute(c); addSourceLevelParameterAnnotationsAttribute(c); getModifiers().addSourceOnlyAnnotations(c); for(Iterator iter = c.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { soot.tagkit.Tag tag = (soot.tagkit.Tag); sootMethod.addTag(tag); } } // Declared in AnnotationsCodegen.jrag at line 163 // 4.8.17 public void addRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute(Collection c) { boolean foundVisibleAnnotations = false; Collection annotations = new ArrayList(getNumParameter()); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) { Collection a = getParameter(i).getModifiers().runtimeVisibleAnnotations(); if(!a.isEmpty()) foundVisibleAnnotations = true; soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag tag = new soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag(soot.tagkit.AnnotationConstants.RUNTIME_VISIBLE); for(Iterator iter = a.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Annotation annotation = (Annotation); ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(1); annotation.appendAsAttributeTo(elements); tag.addAnnotation((soot.tagkit.AnnotationTag)elements.get(0)); } annotations.add(tag); } if(foundVisibleAnnotations) { soot.tagkit.VisibilityParameterAnnotationTag tag = new soot.tagkit.VisibilityParameterAnnotationTag(annotations.size(), soot.tagkit.AnnotationConstants.RUNTIME_VISIBLE); for(Iterator iter = annotations.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { tag.addVisibilityAnnotation((soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag); } c.add(tag); } } // Declared in AnnotationsCodegen.jrag at line 219 // 4.8.18 public void addRuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute(Collection c) { boolean foundVisibleAnnotations = false; Collection annotations = new ArrayList(getNumParameter()); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) { Collection a = getParameter(i).getModifiers().runtimeInvisibleAnnotations(); if(!a.isEmpty()) foundVisibleAnnotations = true; soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag tag = new soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag(soot.tagkit.AnnotationConstants.RUNTIME_INVISIBLE); for(Iterator iter = a.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Annotation annotation = (Annotation); ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(1); annotation.appendAsAttributeTo(elements); tag.addAnnotation((soot.tagkit.AnnotationTag)elements.get(0)); } annotations.add(tag); } if(foundVisibleAnnotations) { soot.tagkit.VisibilityParameterAnnotationTag tag = new soot.tagkit.VisibilityParameterAnnotationTag(annotations.size(), soot.tagkit.AnnotationConstants.RUNTIME_INVISIBLE); for(Iterator iter = annotations.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { tag.addVisibilityAnnotation((soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag); } c.add(tag); } } // Declared in AnnotationsCodegen.jrag at line 274 public void addSourceLevelParameterAnnotationsAttribute(Collection c) { boolean foundVisibleAnnotations = false; Collection annotations = new ArrayList(getNumParameter()); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) { getParameter(i).getModifiers().addSourceOnlyAnnotations(c); } } // Declared in GenericsCodegen.jrag at line 342 public void transformation() { super.transformation(); HashSet processed = new HashSet(); for(Iterator iter = hostType().bridgeCandidates(signature()).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl); if(this.overrides(m)) { MethodDecl erased = m.erasedMethod(); if(!erased.signature().equals(signature()) || erased.type().erasure() != type().erasure()) { StringBuffer keyBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) { keyBuffer.append(erased.getParameter(i).type().erasure().fullName()); } keyBuffer.append(erased.type().erasure().fullName()); String key = keyBuffer.toString(); if(!processed.contains(key)) { processed.add(key); List args = new List(); List parameters = new List(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) { args.add(new CastExpr(getParameter(i).type().erasure().createBoundAccess(), new VarAccess("p" + i))); parameters.add(new ParameterDeclaration(erased.getParameter(i).type().erasure(), "p" + i)); } Stmt stmt; if(type().isVoid()) { stmt = new ExprStmt( createBoundAccess( args ) ); } else { stmt = new ReturnStmt( createBoundAccess( args ) ); } List modifiersList = new List(); if(isPublic()) modifiersList.add(new Modifier("public")); else if(isProtected()) modifiersList.add(new Modifier("protected")); else if(isPrivate()) modifiersList.add(new Modifier("private")); MethodDecl bridge = new BridgeMethodDecl( new Modifiers(modifiersList), erased.type().erasure().createBoundAccess(),, parameters, (List)getExceptionList().fullCopy(), new Opt( new Block( new List().add(stmt) ) ) ); hostType().addBodyDecl(bridge); } } } } } // Declared in java.ast at line 3 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public MethodDecl() { super(); setChild(new List(), 2); setChild(new List(), 3); setChild(new Opt(), 4); } // Declared in java.ast at line 13 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public MethodDecl(Modifiers p0, Access p1, String p2, List<ParameterDeclaration> p3, List<Access> p4, Opt<Block> p5) { setChild(p0, 0); setChild(p1, 1); setID(p2); setChild(p3, 2); setChild(p4, 3); setChild(p5, 4); } // Declared in java.ast at line 23 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public MethodDecl(Modifiers p0, Access p1, beaver.Symbol p2, List<ParameterDeclaration> p3, List<Access> p4, Opt<Block> p5) { setChild(p0, 0); setChild(p1, 1); setID(p2); setChild(p3, 2); setChild(p4, 3); setChild(p5, 4); } // Declared in java.ast at line 32 protected int numChildren() { return 5; } // Declared in java.ast at line 35 public boolean mayHaveRewrite() { return false; } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public void setModifiers(Modifiers node) { setChild(node, 0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 5 public Modifiers getModifiers() { return (Modifiers)getChild(0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 9 public Modifiers getModifiersNoTransform() { return (Modifiers)getChildNoTransform(0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public void setTypeAccess(Access node) { setChild(node, 1); } // Declared in java.ast at line 5 public Access getTypeAccess() { return (Access)getChild(1); } // Declared in java.ast at line 9 public Access getTypeAccessNoTransform() { return (Access)getChildNoTransform(1); } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 88 protected String tokenString_ID; // Declared in java.ast at line 3 public void setID(String value) { tokenString_ID = value; } // Declared in java.ast at line 6 public int IDstart; // Declared in java.ast at line 7 public int IDend; // Declared in java.ast at line 8 public void setID(beaver.Symbol symbol) { if(symbol.value != null && !(symbol.value instanceof String)) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("setID is only valid for String lexemes"); tokenString_ID = (String)symbol.value; IDstart = symbol.getStart(); IDend = symbol.getEnd(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 15 public String getID() { return tokenString_ID != null ? tokenString_ID : ""; } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public void setParameterList(List<ParameterDeclaration> list) { setChild(list, 2); } // Declared in java.ast at line 6 public int getNumParameter() { return getParameterList().getNumChild(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 10 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public ParameterDeclaration getParameter(int i) { return (ParameterDeclaration)getParameterList().getChild(i); } // Declared in java.ast at line 14 public void addParameter(ParameterDeclaration node) { List<ParameterDeclaration> list = (parent == null || state == null) ? getParameterListNoTransform() : getParameterList(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in java.ast at line 19 public void addParameterNoTransform(ParameterDeclaration node) { List<ParameterDeclaration> list = getParameterListNoTransform(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in java.ast at line 24 public void setParameter(ParameterDeclaration node, int i) { List<ParameterDeclaration> list = getParameterList(); list.setChild(node, i); } // Declared in java.ast at line 28 public List<ParameterDeclaration> getParameters() { return getParameterList(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 31 public List<ParameterDeclaration> getParametersNoTransform() { return getParameterListNoTransform(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 35 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<ParameterDeclaration> getParameterList() { List<ParameterDeclaration> list = (List<ParameterDeclaration>)getChild(2); list.getNumChild(); return list; } // Declared in java.ast at line 41 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<ParameterDeclaration> getParameterListNoTransform() { return (List<ParameterDeclaration>)getChildNoTransform(2); } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public void setExceptionList(List<Access> list) { setChild(list, 3); } // Declared in java.ast at line 6 public int getNumException() { return getExceptionList().getNumChild(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 10 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Access getException(int i) { return (Access)getExceptionList().getChild(i); } // Declared in java.ast at line 14 public void addException(Access node) { List<Access> list = (parent == null || state == null) ? getExceptionListNoTransform() : getExceptionList(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in java.ast at line 19 public void addExceptionNoTransform(Access node) { List<Access> list = getExceptionListNoTransform(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in java.ast at line 24 public void setException(Access node, int i) { List<Access> list = getExceptionList(); list.setChild(node, i); } // Declared in java.ast at line 28 public List<Access> getExceptions() { return getExceptionList(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 31 public List<Access> getExceptionsNoTransform() { return getExceptionListNoTransform(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 35 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<Access> getExceptionList() { List<Access> list = (List<Access>)getChild(3); list.getNumChild(); return list; } // Declared in java.ast at line 41 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<Access> getExceptionListNoTransform() { return (List<Access>)getChildNoTransform(3); } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 88 public void setBlockOpt(Opt<Block> opt) { setChild(opt, 4); } // Declared in java.ast at line 6 public boolean hasBlock() { return getBlockOpt().getNumChild() != 0; } // Declared in java.ast at line 10 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Block getBlock() { return (Block)getBlockOpt().getChild(0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 14 public void setBlock(Block node) { getBlockOpt().setChild(node, 0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 17 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Opt<Block> getBlockOpt() { return (Opt<Block>)getChild(4); } // Declared in java.ast at line 21 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Opt<Block> getBlockOptNoTransform() { return (Opt<Block>)getChildNoTransform(4); } // Declared in EmitJimpleRefinements.jrag at line 100 public void jimplify2() { if(!generate() || sootMethod().hasActiveBody() || (sootMethod().getSource() != null && (sootMethod().getSource() instanceof soot.coffi.CoffiMethodSource)) ) return; try { if(hasBlock() && !(hostType().isInterfaceDecl())) { JimpleBody body = Jimple.v().newBody(sootMethod()); sootMethod().setActiveBody(body); Body b = new Body(hostType(), body, this); b.setLine(this); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) getParameter(i).jimplify2(b); getBlock().jimplify2(b); if(type() instanceof VoidType) b.add(Jimple.v().newReturnVoidStmt()); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Error generating " + hostType().typeName() + ": " + this); throw e; } } // Declared in LookupMethod.jrag at line 142 private boolean refined_MethodDecl_MethodDecl_moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl(MethodDecl m) { if(getNumParameter() == 0) return false; for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) { if(!getParameter(i).type().instanceOf(m.getParameter(i).type())) return false; } return true; } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 107 private int refined_EmitJimple_MethodDecl_sootTypeModifiers() { int result = 0; if(isPublic()) result |= soot.Modifier.PUBLIC; if(isProtected()) result |= soot.Modifier.PROTECTED; if(isPrivate()) result |= soot.Modifier.PRIVATE; if(isFinal()) result |= soot.Modifier.FINAL; if(isStatic()) result |= soot.Modifier.STATIC; if(isAbstract()) result |= soot.Modifier.ABSTRACT; if(isSynchronized()) result |= soot.Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED; if(isStrictfp()) result |= soot.Modifier.STRICTFP; if(isNative()) result |= soot.Modifier.NATIVE; return result; } protected java.util.Map accessibleFrom_TypeDecl_values; // Declared in AccessControl.jrag at line 77 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean accessibleFrom(TypeDecl type) { Object _parameters = type; if(accessibleFrom_TypeDecl_values == null) accessibleFrom_TypeDecl_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(accessibleFrom_TypeDecl_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return ((Boolean)accessibleFrom_TypeDecl_values.get(_parameters)).booleanValue(); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); boolean accessibleFrom_TypeDecl_value = accessibleFrom_compute(type); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) accessibleFrom_TypeDecl_values.put(_parameters, Boolean.valueOf(accessibleFrom_TypeDecl_value)); return accessibleFrom_TypeDecl_value; } private boolean accessibleFrom_compute(TypeDecl type) { if(isPublic()) { return true; } else if(isProtected()) { if(hostPackage().equals(type.hostPackage())) return true; if(type.withinBodyThatSubclasses(hostType()) != null) return true; return false; } else if(isPrivate()) return hostType().topLevelType() == type.topLevelType(); else return hostPackage().equals(type.hostPackage()); } // Declared in DataStructures.jrag at line 132 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public int size() { ASTNode$State state = state(); int size_value = size_compute(); return size_value; } private int size_compute() { return 1; } // Declared in DataStructures.jrag at line 133 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isEmpty() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isEmpty_value = isEmpty_compute(); return isEmpty_value; } private boolean isEmpty_compute() { return false; } // Declared in DataStructures.jrag at line 137 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean contains(Object o) { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean contains_Object_value = contains_compute(o); return contains_Object_value; } private boolean contains_compute(Object o) { return this == o; } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 31 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public int lineNumber() { ASTNode$State state = state(); int lineNumber_value = lineNumber_compute(); return lineNumber_value; } private int lineNumber_compute() { return getLine(IDstart); } protected java.util.Map throwsException_TypeDecl_values; // Declared in ExceptionHandling.jrag at line 123 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean throwsException(TypeDecl exceptionType) { Object _parameters = exceptionType; if(throwsException_TypeDecl_values == null) throwsException_TypeDecl_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(throwsException_TypeDecl_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return ((Boolean)throwsException_TypeDecl_values.get(_parameters)).booleanValue(); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); boolean throwsException_TypeDecl_value = throwsException_compute(exceptionType); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) throwsException_TypeDecl_values.put(_parameters, Boolean.valueOf(throwsException_TypeDecl_value)); return throwsException_TypeDecl_value; } private boolean throwsException_compute(TypeDecl exceptionType) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumException(); i++) if(exceptionType.instanceOf(getException(i).type())) return true; return false; } // Declared in LookupMethod.jrag at line 125 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public String name() { ASTNode$State state = state(); String name_value = name_compute(); return name_value; } private String name_compute() { return getID(); } protected boolean signature_computed = false; protected String signature_value; // Declared in MethodSignature.jrag at line 332 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public String signature() { if(signature_computed) { return signature_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); signature_value = signature_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) signature_computed = true; return signature_value; } private String signature_compute() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); s.append(name() + "("); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) { if(i != 0) s.append(", "); s.append(getParameter(i).type().erasure().typeName()); } s.append(")"); return s.toString(); } // Declared in LookupMethod.jrag at line 140 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean sameSignature(MethodDecl m) { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean sameSignature_MethodDecl_value = sameSignature_compute(m); return sameSignature_MethodDecl_value; } private boolean sameSignature_compute(MethodDecl m) { return signature().equals(m.signature()); } protected java.util.Map moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl_values; // Declared in MethodSignature.jrag at line 140 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean moreSpecificThan(MethodDecl m) { Object _parameters = m; if(moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl_values == null) moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return ((Boolean)moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl_values.get(_parameters)).booleanValue(); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); boolean moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl_value = moreSpecificThan_compute(m); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl_values.put(_parameters, Boolean.valueOf(moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl_value)); return moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl_value; } private boolean moreSpecificThan_compute(MethodDecl m) { if(!isVariableArity() && !m.isVariableArity()) return refined_MethodDecl_MethodDecl_moreSpecificThan_MethodDecl(m); int num = Math.max(getNumParameter(), m.getNumParameter()); for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { TypeDecl t1 = i < getNumParameter() - 1 ? getParameter(i).type() : getParameter(getNumParameter()-1).type().componentType(); TypeDecl t2 = i < m.getNumParameter() - 1 ? m.getParameter(i).type() : m.getParameter(m.getNumParameter()-1).type().componentType(); if(!t1.instanceOf(t2)) return false; } return true; } protected java.util.Map overrides_MethodDecl_values; // Declared in LookupMethod.jrag at line 183 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean overrides(MethodDecl m) { Object _parameters = m; if(overrides_MethodDecl_values == null) overrides_MethodDecl_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(overrides_MethodDecl_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return ((Boolean)overrides_MethodDecl_values.get(_parameters)).booleanValue(); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); boolean overrides_MethodDecl_value = overrides_compute(m); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) overrides_MethodDecl_values.put(_parameters, Boolean.valueOf(overrides_MethodDecl_value)); return overrides_MethodDecl_value; } private boolean overrides_compute(MethodDecl m) { return !isStatic() && !m.isPrivate() && m.accessibleFrom(hostType()) && hostType().instanceOf(m.hostType()) && m.signature().equals(signature()); } protected java.util.Map hides_MethodDecl_values; // Declared in LookupMethod.jrag at line 187 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean hides(MethodDecl m) { Object _parameters = m; if(hides_MethodDecl_values == null) hides_MethodDecl_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(hides_MethodDecl_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return ((Boolean)hides_MethodDecl_values.get(_parameters)).booleanValue(); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); boolean hides_MethodDecl_value = hides_compute(m); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) hides_MethodDecl_values.put(_parameters, Boolean.valueOf(hides_MethodDecl_value)); return hides_MethodDecl_value; } private boolean hides_compute(MethodDecl m) { return isStatic() && !m.isPrivate() && m.accessibleFrom(hostType()) && hostType().instanceOf(m.hostType()) && m.signature().equals(signature()); } protected java.util.Map parameterDeclaration_String_values; // Declared in LookupVariable.jrag at line 99 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public SimpleSet parameterDeclaration(String name) { Object _parameters = name; if(parameterDeclaration_String_values == null) parameterDeclaration_String_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(parameterDeclaration_String_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return (SimpleSet)parameterDeclaration_String_values.get(_parameters); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); SimpleSet parameterDeclaration_String_value = parameterDeclaration_compute(name); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) parameterDeclaration_String_values.put(_parameters, parameterDeclaration_String_value); return parameterDeclaration_String_value; } private SimpleSet parameterDeclaration_compute(String name) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) if(getParameter(i).name().equals(name)) return (ParameterDeclaration)getParameter(i); return SimpleSet.emptySet; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 213 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isSynthetic() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isSynthetic_value = isSynthetic_compute(); return isSynthetic_value; } private boolean isSynthetic_compute() { return getModifiers().isSynthetic(); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 222 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isPublic() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isPublic_value = isPublic_compute(); return isPublic_value; } private boolean isPublic_compute() { return getModifiers().isPublic() || hostType().isInterfaceDecl(); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 223 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isPrivate() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isPrivate_value = isPrivate_compute(); return isPrivate_value; } private boolean isPrivate_compute() { return getModifiers().isPrivate(); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 224 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isProtected() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isProtected_value = isProtected_compute(); return isProtected_value; } private boolean isProtected_compute() { return getModifiers().isProtected(); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 225 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isAbstract() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isAbstract_value = isAbstract_compute(); return isAbstract_value; } private boolean isAbstract_compute() { return getModifiers().isAbstract() || hostType().isInterfaceDecl(); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 226 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isStatic() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isStatic_value = isStatic_compute(); return isStatic_value; } private boolean isStatic_compute() { return getModifiers().isStatic(); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 228 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isFinal() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isFinal_value = isFinal_compute(); return isFinal_value; } private boolean isFinal_compute() { return getModifiers().isFinal() || hostType().isFinal() || isPrivate(); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 229 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isSynchronized() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isSynchronized_value = isSynchronized_compute(); return isSynchronized_value; } private boolean isSynchronized_compute() { return getModifiers().isSynchronized(); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 230 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isNative() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isNative_value = isNative_compute(); return isNative_value; } private boolean isNative_compute() { return getModifiers().isNative(); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 231 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isStrictfp() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isStrictfp_value = isStrictfp_compute(); return isStrictfp_value; } private boolean isStrictfp_compute() { return getModifiers().isStrictfp(); } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 813 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public String dumpString() { ASTNode$State state = state(); String dumpString_value = dumpString_compute(); return dumpString_value; } private String dumpString_compute() { return getClass().getName() + " [" + getID() + "]"; } protected boolean type_computed = false; protected TypeDecl type_value; // Declared in TypeAnalysis.jrag at line 269 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl type() { if(type_computed) { return type_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); type_value = type_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) type_computed = true; return type_value; } private TypeDecl type_compute() { return getTypeAccess().type(); } // Declared in TypeAnalysis.jrag at line 272 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isVoid() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isVoid_value = isVoid_compute(); return isVoid_value; } private boolean isVoid_compute() { return type().isVoid(); } // Declared in GenericMethods.jrag at line 84 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean mayOverrideReturn(MethodDecl m) { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean mayOverrideReturn_MethodDecl_value = mayOverrideReturn_compute(m); return mayOverrideReturn_MethodDecl_value; } private boolean mayOverrideReturn_compute(MethodDecl m) { return type().instanceOf(m.type()); } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 139 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean annotationMethodOverride() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean annotationMethodOverride_value = annotationMethodOverride_compute(); return annotationMethodOverride_value; } private boolean annotationMethodOverride_compute() { return !hostType().ancestorMethods(signature()).isEmpty(); } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 285 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean hasAnnotationSuppressWarnings(String s) { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean hasAnnotationSuppressWarnings_String_value = hasAnnotationSuppressWarnings_compute(s); return hasAnnotationSuppressWarnings_String_value; } private boolean hasAnnotationSuppressWarnings_compute(String s) { return getModifiers().hasAnnotationSuppressWarnings(s); } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 323 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isDeprecated() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isDeprecated_value = isDeprecated_compute(); return isDeprecated_value; } private boolean isDeprecated_compute() { return getModifiers().hasDeprecatedAnnotation(); } protected boolean usesTypeVariable_computed = false; protected boolean usesTypeVariable_value; // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 903 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean usesTypeVariable() { if(usesTypeVariable_computed) { return usesTypeVariable_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); usesTypeVariable_value = usesTypeVariable_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) usesTypeVariable_computed = true; return usesTypeVariable_value; } private boolean usesTypeVariable_compute() { return getModifiers().usesTypeVariable() || getTypeAccess().usesTypeVariable() || getParameterList().usesTypeVariable() || getExceptionList().usesTypeVariable(); } protected boolean sourceMethodDecl_computed = false; protected MethodDecl sourceMethodDecl_value; // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 1265 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public MethodDecl sourceMethodDecl() { if(sourceMethodDecl_computed) { return sourceMethodDecl_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); sourceMethodDecl_value = sourceMethodDecl_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) sourceMethodDecl_computed = true; return sourceMethodDecl_value; } private MethodDecl sourceMethodDecl_compute() { return this; } // Declared in GenericsParTypeDecl.jrag at line 65 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean visibleTypeParameters() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean visibleTypeParameters_value = visibleTypeParameters_compute(); return visibleTypeParameters_value; } private boolean visibleTypeParameters_compute() { return !isStatic(); } // Declared in MethodSignature.jrag at line 269 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public int arity() { ASTNode$State state = state(); int arity_value = arity_compute(); return arity_value; } private int arity_compute() { return getNumParameter(); } // Declared in VariableArityParameters.jrag at line 33 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isVariableArity() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isVariableArity_value = isVariableArity_compute(); return isVariableArity_value; } private boolean isVariableArity_compute() { return getNumParameter() == 0 ? false : getParameter(getNumParameter()-1).isVariableArity(); } // Declared in VariableArityParameters.jrag at line 38 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public ParameterDeclaration lastParameter() { ASTNode$State state = state(); ParameterDeclaration lastParameter_value = lastParameter_compute(); return lastParameter_value; } private ParameterDeclaration lastParameter_compute() { return getParameter(getNumParameter() - 1); } // Declared in VariableArityParametersCodegen.jrag at line 80 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public int sootTypeModifiers() { ASTNode$State state = state(); int sootTypeModifiers_value = sootTypeModifiers_compute(); return sootTypeModifiers_value; } private int sootTypeModifiers_compute() { int res = refined_EmitJimple_MethodDecl_sootTypeModifiers(); if(isVariableArity()) res |= Modifiers.ACC_VARARGS; return res; } protected boolean sootMethod_computed = false; protected SootMethod sootMethod_value; // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 269 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public SootMethod sootMethod() { if(sootMethod_computed) { return sootMethod_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); sootMethod_value = sootMethod_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) sootMethod_computed = true; return sootMethod_value; } private SootMethod sootMethod_compute() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) list.add(getParameter(i).type().getSootType()); if(hostType().isArrayDecl()) return typeObject().getSootClassDecl().getMethod(name(), list, type().getSootType()); return hostType().getSootClassDecl().getMethod(name(), list, type().getSootType()); } protected boolean sootRef_computed = false; protected SootMethodRef sootRef_value; // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 279 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public SootMethodRef sootRef() { if(sootRef_computed) { return sootRef_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); sootRef_value = sootRef_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) sootRef_computed = true; return sootRef_value; } private SootMethodRef sootRef_compute() { ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumParameter(); i++) parameters.add(getParameter(i).type().getSootType()); SootMethodRef ref = Scene.v().makeMethodRef( hostType().getSootClassDecl(), name(), parameters, type().getSootType(), isStatic() ); return ref; } protected boolean offsetBeforeParameters_computed = false; protected int offsetBeforeParameters_value; // Declared in LocalNum.jrag at line 17 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public int offsetBeforeParameters() { if(offsetBeforeParameters_computed) { return offsetBeforeParameters_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); offsetBeforeParameters_value = offsetBeforeParameters_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) offsetBeforeParameters_computed = true; return offsetBeforeParameters_value; } private int offsetBeforeParameters_compute() { return 0; } protected boolean offsetAfterParameters_computed = false; protected int offsetAfterParameters_value; // Declared in LocalNum.jrag at line 19 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public int offsetAfterParameters() { if(offsetAfterParameters_computed) { return offsetAfterParameters_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); offsetAfterParameters_value = offsetAfterParameters_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) offsetAfterParameters_computed = true; return offsetAfterParameters_value; } private int offsetAfterParameters_compute() { if(getNumParameter() == 0) return offsetBeforeParameters(); return getParameter(getNumParameter()-1).localNum() + getParameter(getNumParameter()-1).type().variableSize(); } // Declared in GenericsCodegen.jrag at line 34 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public MethodDecl erasedMethod() { ASTNode$State state = state(); MethodDecl erasedMethod_value = erasedMethod_compute(); return erasedMethod_value; } private MethodDecl erasedMethod_compute() { return this; } protected java.util.Map handlesException_TypeDecl_values; // Declared in ExceptionHandling.jrag at line 37 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean handlesException(TypeDecl exceptionType) { Object _parameters = exceptionType; if(handlesException_TypeDecl_values == null) handlesException_TypeDecl_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(handlesException_TypeDecl_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return ((Boolean)handlesException_TypeDecl_values.get(_parameters)).booleanValue(); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); boolean handlesException_TypeDecl_value = getParent().Define_boolean_handlesException(this, null, exceptionType); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) handlesException_TypeDecl_values.put(_parameters, Boolean.valueOf(handlesException_TypeDecl_value)); return handlesException_TypeDecl_value; } // Declared in LookupMethod.jrag at line 14 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public MethodDecl unknownMethod() { ASTNode$State state = state(); MethodDecl unknownMethod_value = getParent().Define_MethodDecl_unknownMethod(this, null); return unknownMethod_value; } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 277 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl typeObject() { ASTNode$State state = state(); TypeDecl typeObject_value = getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeObject(this, null); return typeObject_value; } // Declared in DefiniteAssignment.jrag at line 438 public boolean Define_boolean_isDAbefore(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, Variable v) { if(caller == getBlockOptNoTransform()) { return v.isFinal() && (v.isClassVariable() || v.isInstanceVariable()) ? true : isDAbefore(v); } return getParent().Define_boolean_isDAbefore(this, caller, v); } // Declared in DefiniteAssignment.jrag at line 872 public boolean Define_boolean_isDUbefore(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, Variable v) { if(caller == getBlockOptNoTransform()) { return v.isFinal() && (v.isClassVariable() || v.isInstanceVariable()) ? false : true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isDUbefore(this, caller, v); } // Declared in ExceptionHandling.jrag at line 120 public boolean Define_boolean_handlesException(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, TypeDecl exceptionType) { if(caller == getBlockOptNoTransform()) { return throwsException(exceptionType) || handlesException(exceptionType); } return getParent().Define_boolean_handlesException(this, caller, exceptionType); } // Declared in LookupVariable.jrag at line 46 public SimpleSet Define_SimpleSet_lookupVariable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { if(caller == getParameterListNoTransform()) { int childIndex = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); return parameterDeclaration(name); } if(caller == getBlockOptNoTransform()){ SimpleSet set = parameterDeclaration(name); // A declaration of a method parameter name shadows any other variable declarations if(!set.isEmpty()) return set; // Delegate to other declarations in scope return lookupVariable(name); } return getParent().Define_SimpleSet_lookupVariable(this, caller, name); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 269 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBePublic(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getModifiersNoTransform()) { return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBePublic(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 270 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeProtected(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getModifiersNoTransform()) { return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeProtected(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 271 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBePrivate(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getModifiersNoTransform()) { return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBePrivate(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 272 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeAbstract(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getModifiersNoTransform()) { return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeAbstract(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 273 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeStatic(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getModifiersNoTransform()) { return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeStatic(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 274 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeFinal(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getModifiersNoTransform()) { return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeFinal(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 275 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeSynchronized(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getModifiersNoTransform()) { return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeSynchronized(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 276 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeNative(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getModifiersNoTransform()) { return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeNative(this, caller); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 277 public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeStrictfp(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getModifiersNoTransform()) { return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeStrictfp(this, caller); } // Declared in NameCheck.jrag at line 241 public ASTNode Define_ASTNode_enclosingBlock(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getBlockOptNoTransform()) { return this; } return getParent().Define_ASTNode_enclosingBlock(this, caller); } // Declared in SyntacticClassification.jrag at line 82 public NameType Define_NameType_nameType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getExceptionListNoTransform()) { int childIndex = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); return NameType.TYPE_NAME; } if(caller == getParameterListNoTransform()) { int childIndex = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); return NameType.TYPE_NAME; } if(caller == getTypeAccessNoTransform()) { return NameType.TYPE_NAME; } return getParent().Define_NameType_nameType(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeCheck.jrag at line 405 public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_returnType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getBlockOptNoTransform()) { return type(); } return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_returnType(this, caller); } // Declared in TypeHierarchyCheck.jrag at line 142 public boolean Define_boolean_inStaticContext(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getBlockOptNoTransform()) { return isStatic(); } return getParent().Define_boolean_inStaticContext(this, caller); } // Declared in UnreachableStatements.jrag at line 33 public boolean Define_boolean_reachable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getBlockOptNoTransform()) { return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_reachable(this, caller); } // Declared in VariableDeclaration.jrag at line 80 public boolean Define_boolean_isMethodParameter(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getParameterListNoTransform()) { int childIndex = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); return true; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isMethodParameter(this, caller); } // Declared in VariableDeclaration.jrag at line 81 public boolean Define_boolean_isConstructorParameter(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getParameterListNoTransform()) { int childIndex = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isConstructorParameter(this, caller); } // Declared in VariableDeclaration.jrag at line 82 public boolean Define_boolean_isExceptionHandlerParameter(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getParameterListNoTransform()) { int childIndex = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); return false; } return getParent().Define_boolean_isExceptionHandlerParameter(this, caller); } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 86 public boolean Define_boolean_mayUseAnnotationTarget(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { if(caller == getModifiersNoTransform()) { return name.equals("METHOD"); } return getParent().Define_boolean_mayUseAnnotationTarget(this, caller, name); } // Declared in VariableArityParameters.jrag at line 22 public boolean Define_boolean_variableArityValid(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getParameterListNoTransform()) { int i = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); return i == getNumParameter() - 1; } return getParent().Define_boolean_variableArityValid(this, caller); } // Declared in LocalNum.jrag at line 26 public int Define_int_localNum(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getParameterListNoTransform()) { int index = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); { if(index == 0) return offsetBeforeParameters(); return getParameter(index-1).localNum() + getParameter(index-1).type().variableSize(); } } return getParent().Define_int_localNum(this, caller); } // Declared in Statements.jrag at line 350 public boolean Define_boolean_enclosedByExceptionHandler(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { if(caller == getBlockOptNoTransform()) { return getNumException() != 0; } return getParent().Define_boolean_enclosedByExceptionHandler(this, caller); } public ASTNode rewriteTo() { return super.rewriteTo(); } }