package soot.JastAddJ; import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.LinkedHashSet;import;import java.util.*;import beaver.*;import java.util.ArrayList;import*;import*;import;import java.util.Collection;import soot.*;import soot.util.*;import soot.jimple.*;import soot.coffi.ClassFile;import soot.coffi.method_info;import soot.coffi.CONSTANT_Utf8_info;import soot.tagkit.SourceFileTag;import soot.coffi.CoffiMethodSource; // Generated with JastAdd II ( version R20090610 public class ASTNode<T extends ASTNode> extends beaver.Symbol implements Cloneable, Iterable<T> { public void flushCache() { } public void flushCollectionCache() { } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public ASTNode<T> clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { ASTNode node = (ASTNode)super.clone();$Circle(false);$Final(false); return node; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public ASTNode<T> copy() { try { ASTNode node = (ASTNode)clone(); if(children != null) node.children = (ASTNode[])children.clone(); return node; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { } System.err.println("Error: Could not clone node of type " + getClass().getName() + "!"); return null; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public ASTNode<T> fullCopy() { ASTNode res = (ASTNode)copy(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumChildNoTransform(); i++) { ASTNode node = getChildNoTransform(i); if(node != null) node = node.fullCopy(); res.setChild(node, i); } return res; } // Declared in AccessControl.jrag at line 125 public void accessControl() { } // Declared in AnonymousClasses.jrag at line 190 protected void collectExceptions(Collection c, ASTNode target) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) getChild(i).collectExceptions(c, target); } // Declared in BranchTarget.jrag at line 45 public void collectBranches(Collection c) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) getChild(i).collectBranches(c); } // Declared in BranchTarget.jrag at line 151 public Stmt branchTarget(Stmt branchStmt) { if(getParent() != null) return getParent().branchTarget(branchStmt); else return null; } // Declared in BranchTarget.jrag at line 191 public void collectFinally(Stmt branchStmt, ArrayList list) { if(getParent() != null) getParent().collectFinally(branchStmt, list); } // Declared in DeclareBeforeUse.jrag at line 13 public int varChildIndex(Block b) { ASTNode node = this; while(node.getParent().getParent() != b) { node = node.getParent(); } return b.getStmtListNoTransform().getIndexOfChild(node); } // Declared in DeclareBeforeUse.jrag at line 31 public int varChildIndex(TypeDecl t) { ASTNode node = this; while(node != null && node.getParent() != null && node.getParent().getParent() != t) { node = node.getParent(); } if(node == null) return -1; return t.getBodyDeclListNoTransform().getIndexOfChild(node); } // Declared in DefiniteAssignment.jrag at line 12 public void definiteAssignment() { } // Declared in DefiniteAssignment.jrag at line 451 // 16.2.2 9th, 10th bullet protected boolean checkDUeverywhere(Variable v) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) if(!getChild(i).checkDUeverywhere(v)) return false; return true; } // Declared in DefiniteAssignment.jrag at line 561 protected boolean isDescendantTo(ASTNode node) { if(this == node) return true; if(getParent() == null) return false; return getParent().isDescendantTo(node); } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 12 protected String sourceFile() { ASTNode node = this; while(node != null && !(node instanceof CompilationUnit)) node = node.getParent(); if(node == null) return "Unknown file"; CompilationUnit u = (CompilationUnit)node; return u.relativeName(); } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 34 // set start and end position to the same as the argument and return self public ASTNode setLocation(ASTNode node) { setStart(node.getStart()); setEnd(node.getEnd()); return this; } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 40 public ASTNode setStart(int i) { start = i; return this; } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 44 public int start() { return start; } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 47 public ASTNode setEnd(int i) { end = i; return this; } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 51 public int end() { return end; } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 55 public String location() { return "" + lineNumber(); } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 58 public String errorPrefix() { return sourceFile() + ":" + location() + ":\n" + " *** Semantic Error: "; } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 61 public String warningPrefix() { return sourceFile() + ":" + location() + ":\n" + " *** WARNING: "; } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 171 public void error(String s) { ASTNode node = this; while(node != null && !(node instanceof CompilationUnit)) node = node.getParent(); CompilationUnit cu = (CompilationUnit)node; if(getNumChild() == 0 && getStart() != 0 && getEnd() != 0) { int line = getLine(getStart()); int column = getColumn(getStart()); int endLine = getLine(getEnd()); int endColumn = getColumn(getEnd()); cu.errors.add(new Problem(sourceFile(), s, line, column, endLine, endColumn, Problem.Severity.ERROR, Problem.Kind.SEMANTIC)); } else cu.errors.add(new Problem(sourceFile(), s, lineNumber(), Problem.Severity.ERROR, Problem.Kind.SEMANTIC)); } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 187 public void warning(String s) { ASTNode node = this; while(node != null && !(node instanceof CompilationUnit)) node = node.getParent(); CompilationUnit cu = (CompilationUnit)node; cu.warnings.add(new Problem(sourceFile(), "WARNING: " + s, lineNumber(), Problem.Severity.WARNING)); } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 195 public void collectErrors() { nameCheck(); typeCheck(); accessControl(); exceptionHandling(); checkUnreachableStmt(); definiteAssignment(); checkModifiers(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) { getChild(i).collectErrors(); } } // Declared in ExceptionHandling.jrag at line 40 public void exceptionHandling() { } // Declared in ExceptionHandling.jrag at line 196 protected boolean reachedException(TypeDecl type) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) if(getChild(i).reachedException(type)) return true; return false; } // Declared in LookupMethod.jrag at line 54 public static Collection removeInstanceMethods(Collection c) { c = new LinkedList(c); for(Iterator iter = c.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { MethodDecl m = (MethodDecl); if(!m.isStatic()) iter.remove(); } return c; } // Declared in LookupMethod.jrag at line 342 protected static void putSimpleSetElement(HashMap map, Object key, Object value) { SimpleSet set = (SimpleSet)map.get(key); if(set == null) set = SimpleSet.emptySet; map.put(key, set.add(value)); } // Declared in LookupVariable.jrag at line 177 public SimpleSet removeInstanceVariables(SimpleSet oldSet) { SimpleSet newSet = SimpleSet.emptySet; for(Iterator iter = oldSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Variable v = (Variable); if(!v.isInstanceVariable()) newSet = newSet.add(v); } return newSet; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 11 void checkModifiers() { } // Declared in NameCheck.jrag at line 11 public void nameCheck() { } // Declared in NameCheck.jrag at line 14 public TypeDecl extractSingleType(SimpleSet c) { if(c.size() != 1) return null; return (TypeDecl)c.iterator().next(); } // Declared in Options.jadd at line 14 public Options options() { return state().options; } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 13 // Default output public String toString() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); toString(s); return s.toString().trim(); } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 19 public void toString(StringBuffer s) { throw new Error("Operation toString(StringBuffer s) not implemented for " + getClass().getName()); } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 769 // dump the AST to standard output public String dumpTree() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); dumpTree(s, 0); return s.toString(); } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 775 public void dumpTree(StringBuffer s, int j) { for(int i = 0; i < j; i++) { s.append(" "); } s.append(dumpString() + "\n"); for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) getChild(i).dumpTree(s, j + 1); } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 784 public String dumpTreeNoRewrite() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); dumpTreeNoRewrite(s, 0); return s.toString(); } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 789 protected void dumpTreeNoRewrite(StringBuffer s, int indent) { for(int i = 0; i < indent; i++) s.append(" "); s.append(dumpString()); s.append("\n"); for(int i = 0; i < getNumChildNoTransform(); i++) { getChildNoTransform(i).dumpTreeNoRewrite(s, indent+1); } } // Declared in PrimitiveTypes.jrag at line 11 protected static final String PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE_NAME = "@primitive"; // Declared in TypeCheck.jrag at line 12 public void typeCheck() { } // Declared in UnreachableStatements.jrag at line 12 void checkUnreachableStmt() { } // Declared in VariableDeclaration.jrag at line 141 public void clearLocations() { setStart(0); setEnd(0); for(int i = 0; i < getNumChildNoTransform(); i++) getChildNoTransform(i).clearLocations(); } // Declared in Enums.jrag at line 128 protected void transformEnumConstructors() { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChildNoTransform(); i++) { ASTNode child = getChildNoTransform(i); if(child != null) child.transformEnumConstructors(); } } // Declared in Enums.jrag at line 411 /* 14) It is a compile-time error to reference a static field of an enum type that is not a compile-time constant (\ufffd15.28) from constructors, instance initializer blocks, or instance variable initializer expressions of that type. */ protected void checkEnum(EnumDecl enumDecl) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) getChild(i).checkEnum(enumDecl); } // Declared in InnerClasses.jrag at line 155 public void collectEnclosingVariables(HashSet set, TypeDecl typeDecl) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) getChild(i).collectEnclosingVariables(set, typeDecl); } // Declared in Java2Rewrites.jrag at line 63 public void flushCaches() { flushCache(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) getChild(i).flushCaches(); } // Declared in Transformations.jrag at line 12 // generic traversal of the tree public void transformation() { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) { getChild(i).transformation(); } } // Declared in Transformations.jrag at line 209 // imperative transformation of the AST // syntax ASTNode.replace(sourcenode).with(destnode) // this syntax is used to allow for building the destnode using the sourcenode protected ASTNode replace(ASTNode node) { state().replacePos = node.getParent().getIndexOfChild(node); node.getParent().in$Circle(true); return node.getParent(); } // Declared in Transformations.jrag at line 214 protected ASTNode with(ASTNode node) { ((ASTNode)this).setChild(node, state().replacePos); in$Circle(false); return node; } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 60 public void jimplify1phase1() { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) getChild(i).jimplify1phase1(); } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 137 public void jimplify1phase2() { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) getChild(i).jimplify1phase2(); } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 366 public void jimplify2() { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) getChild(i).jimplify2(); } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 371 public void jimplify2(Body b) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) getChild(i).jimplify2(b); } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 405 public soot.Immediate asImmediate(Body b, soot.Value v) { if(v instanceof soot.Immediate) return (soot.Immediate)v; return b.newTemp(v); } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 409 public soot.Local asLocal(Body b, soot.Value v) { if(v instanceof soot.Local) return (soot.Local)v; return b.newTemp(v); } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 413 public soot.Local asLocal(Body b, soot.Value v, Type t) { if(v instanceof soot.Local) return (soot.Local)v; soot.Local local = b.newTemp(t); b.add(b.newAssignStmt(local, v, null)); b.copyLocation(v, local); return local; } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 420 public soot.Value asRValue(Body b, soot.Value v) { if(v instanceof soot.Local) return v; if(v instanceof soot.jimple.Constant) return v; if(v instanceof soot.jimple.ConcreteRef) return v; if(v instanceof soot.jimple.Expr) return v; throw new Error("Need to convert " + v.getClass().getName() + " to RValue"); } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 879 protected soot.jimple.Stmt newLabel() { return soot.jimple.Jimple.v().newNopStmt(); } // Declared in EmitJimple.jrag at line 959 public void addAttributes() { } // Declared in Expressions.jrag at line 718 public static soot.Value emitConstant(Constant constant) { if(constant instanceof Constant.ConstantInt) return IntType.emitConstant(constant.intValue()); else if(constant instanceof Constant.ConstantLong) return soot.jimple.LongConstant.v(constant.longValue()); else if(constant instanceof Constant.ConstantFloat) return soot.jimple.FloatConstant.v(constant.floatValue()); else if(constant instanceof Constant.ConstantDouble) return soot.jimple.DoubleConstant.v(constant.doubleValue()); else if(constant instanceof Constant.ConstantChar) return IntType.emitConstant(constant.intValue()); else if(constant instanceof Constant.ConstantBoolean) return BooleanType.emitConstant(constant.booleanValue()); else if(constant instanceof Constant.ConstantString) return soot.jimple.StringConstant.v(constant.stringValue()); throw new Error("Unexpected constant"); } // Declared in Statements.jrag at line 255 public void endExceptionRange(Body b, ArrayList list) { if(list != null) { soot.jimple.Stmt label = newLabel(); b.addLabel(label); list.add(label); //list.add(b.previousStmt()); } } // Declared in Statements.jrag at line 263 public void beginExceptionRange(Body b, ArrayList list) { if(list != null) b.addNextStmt(list); } // Declared in EmitJimpleRefinements.jrag at line 197 public void collectTypesToHierarchy(Collection<Type> set) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) getChild(i).collectTypesToHierarchy(set); } // Declared in EmitJimpleRefinements.jrag at line 215 public void collectTypesToSignatures(Collection<Type> set) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) getChild(i).collectTypesToSignatures(set); } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 3 // Declared in ASTNode.ast line 0 public ASTNode() { super(); } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 9 public static final boolean generatedWithCircularEnabled = true; // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 10 public static final boolean generatedWithCacheCycle = false; // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 11 public static final boolean generatedWithComponentCheck = false; // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 12 protected static ASTNode$State state = new ASTNode$State(); // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 13 public final ASTNode$State state() { return state; } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 14 public boolean in$Circle = false; // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 15 public boolean in$Circle() { return in$Circle; } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 16 public void in$Circle(boolean b) { in$Circle = b; } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 17 public boolean is$Final = false; // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 18 public boolean is$Final() { return is$Final; } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 19 public void is$Final(boolean b) { is$Final = b; } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 20 @SuppressWarnings("cast") public T getChild(int i) { return (T)ASTNode.getChild(this, i); } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 23 public static ASTNode getChild(ASTNode that, int i) { ASTNode node = that.getChildNoTransform(i); if($Final()) return node; if(!node.mayHaveRewrite()) {$Final($Final()); return node; } if(!$Circle()) { int rewriteState; int num = that.state().boundariesCrossed; do { that.state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_CHANGE); ASTNode oldNode = node;$Circle(true); node = node.rewriteTo(); if(node != oldNode) that.setChild(node, i);$Circle(false); rewriteState = that.state().pop(); } while(rewriteState == ASTNode$State.REWRITE_CHANGE); if(rewriteState == ASTNode$State.REWRITE_NOCHANGE &&$Final()) {$Final(true); that.state().boundariesCrossed = num; } } else if($Final() !=$Final()) that.state().boundariesCrossed++; return node; } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 51 private int childIndex; // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 52 public int getIndexOfChild(ASTNode node) { if(node != null && node.childIndex < getNumChildNoTransform() && node == getChildNoTransform(node.childIndex)) return node.childIndex; for(int i = 0; i < getNumChildNoTransform(); i++) if(getChildNoTransform(i) == node) { node.childIndex = i; return i; } return -1; } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 63 public void addChild(T node) { setChild(node, getNumChildNoTransform()); } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 66 @SuppressWarnings("cast") public final T getChildNoTransform(int i) { return (T)children[i]; } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 69 protected int numChildren; // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 70 protected int numChildren() { return numChildren; } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 73 public int getNumChild() { return numChildren(); } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 76 public final int getNumChildNoTransform() { return numChildren(); } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 79 public void setChild(T node, int i) { if(children == null) { children = new ASTNode[i + 1]; } else if (i >= children.length) { ASTNode c[] = new ASTNode[i << 1]; System.arraycopy(children, 0, c, 0, children.length); children = c; } children[i] = node; if(i >= numChildren) numChildren = i+1; if(node != null) { node.setParent(this); node.childIndex = i; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 91 public void insertChild(T node, int i) { if(children == null) { children = new ASTNode[i + 1]; children[i] = node; } else { ASTNode c[] = new ASTNode[children.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(children, 0, c, 0, i); c[i] = node; if(i < children.length) System.arraycopy(children, i, c, i+1, children.length-i); children = c; } numChildren++; if(node != null) { node.setParent(this); node.childIndex = i; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 106 public void removeChild(int i) { if(children != null) { ASTNode child = (ASTNode)children[i]; if(child != null) { child.setParent(null); child.childIndex = -1; } System.arraycopy(children, i+1, children, i, children.length-i-1); numChildren--; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 117 public ASTNode getParent() { if(parent != null && ((ASTNode)parent).is$Final() != is$Final()) { state().boundariesCrossed++; } return (ASTNode)parent; } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 123 public void setParent(ASTNode node) { parent = node; } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 126 protected ASTNode parent; // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 127 protected ASTNode[] children; // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 129 protected boolean duringLookupConstructor() { if(state().duringLookupConstructor == 0) { return false; } else { state().pop(); state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_INTERRUPT); return true; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 140 protected boolean duringBoundNames() { if(state().duringBoundNames == 0) { return false; } else { state().pop(); state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_INTERRUPT); return true; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 151 protected boolean duringResolveAmbiguousNames() { if(state().duringResolveAmbiguousNames == 0) { return false; } else { state().pop(); state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_INTERRUPT); return true; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 162 protected boolean duringSyntacticClassification() { if(state().duringSyntacticClassification == 0) { return false; } else { state().pop(); state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_INTERRUPT); return true; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 173 protected boolean duringAnonymousClasses() { if(state().duringAnonymousClasses == 0) { return false; } else { state().pop(); state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_INTERRUPT); return true; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 184 protected boolean duringVariableDeclaration() { if(state().duringVariableDeclaration == 0) { return false; } else { state().pop(); state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_INTERRUPT); return true; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 195 protected boolean duringConstantExpression() { if(state().duringConstantExpression == 0) { return false; } else { state().pop(); state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_INTERRUPT); return true; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 206 protected boolean duringDefiniteAssignment() { if(state().duringDefiniteAssignment == 0) { return false; } else { state().pop(); state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_INTERRUPT); return true; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 217 protected boolean duringAnnotations() { if(state().duringAnnotations == 0) { return false; } else { state().pop(); state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_INTERRUPT); return true; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 228 protected boolean duringEnums() { if(state().duringEnums == 0) { return false; } else { state().pop(); state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_INTERRUPT); return true; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 239 protected boolean duringGenericTypeVariables() { if(state().duringGenericTypeVariables == 0) { return false; } else { state().pop(); state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_INTERRUPT); return true; } } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 299 public java.util.Iterator<T> iterator() { return new java.util.Iterator<T>() { private int counter = 0; public boolean hasNext() { return counter < getNumChild(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T next() { if(hasNext()) return (T)getChild(counter++); else return null; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } // Declared in ASTNode.ast at line 316 public boolean mayHaveRewrite() { return false; } // Declared in DefiniteAssignment.jrag at line 1200 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean unassignedEverywhere(Variable v, TryStmt stmt) { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean unassignedEverywhere_Variable_TryStmt_value = unassignedEverywhere_compute(v, stmt); return unassignedEverywhere_Variable_TryStmt_value; } private boolean unassignedEverywhere_compute(Variable v, TryStmt stmt) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) { if(!getChild(i).unassignedEverywhere(v, stmt)) return false; } return true; } // Declared in ErrorCheck.jrag at line 22 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public int lineNumber() { ASTNode$State state = state(); int lineNumber_value = lineNumber_compute(); return lineNumber_value; } private int lineNumber_compute() { ASTNode n = this; while(n.getParent() != null && n.getStart() == 0) { n = n.getParent(); } return getLine(n.getStart()); } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 743 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public String indent() { ASTNode$State state = state(); String indent_value = indent_compute(); return indent_value; } private String indent_compute() { String indent = extractIndent(); return indent.startsWith("\n") ? indent : ("\n" + indent); } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 748 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public String extractIndent() { ASTNode$State state = state(); String extractIndent_value = extractIndent_compute(); return extractIndent_value; } private String extractIndent_compute() { if(getParent() == null) return ""; String indent = getParent().extractIndent(); if(getParent().addsIndentationLevel()) indent += " "; return indent; } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 757 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean addsIndentationLevel() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean addsIndentationLevel_value = addsIndentationLevel_compute(); return addsIndentationLevel_value; } private boolean addsIndentationLevel_compute() { return false; } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 799 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public String dumpString() { ASTNode$State state = state(); String dumpString_value = dumpString_compute(); return dumpString_value; } private String dumpString_compute() { return getClass().getName(); } // Declared in Generics.jrag at line 897 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean usesTypeVariable() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean usesTypeVariable_value = usesTypeVariable_compute(); return usesTypeVariable_value; } private boolean usesTypeVariable_compute() { for(int i = 0; i < getNumChild(); i++) if(getChild(i).usesTypeVariable()) return true; return false; } // Declared in InnerClasses.jrag at line 85 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isStringAdd() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean isStringAdd_value = isStringAdd_compute(); return isStringAdd_value; } private boolean isStringAdd_compute() { return false; } // Declared in BooleanExpressions.jrag at line 21 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean definesLabel() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean definesLabel_value = definesLabel_compute(); return definesLabel_value; } private boolean definesLabel_compute() { return false; } public ASTNode rewriteTo() { if(state().peek() == ASTNode$State.REWRITE_CHANGE) { state().pop(); state().push(ASTNode$State.REWRITE_NOCHANGE); } return this; } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_superType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_superType(this, caller); } public ConstructorDecl Define_ConstructorDecl_constructorDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_ConstructorDecl_constructorDecl(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_componentType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_componentType(this, caller); } public LabeledStmt Define_LabeledStmt_lookupLabel(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { return getParent().Define_LabeledStmt_lookupLabel(this, caller, name); } public boolean Define_boolean_isDest(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_isDest(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_isSource(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_isSource(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_isIncOrDec(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_isIncOrDec(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_isDAbefore(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, Variable v) { return getParent().Define_boolean_isDAbefore(this, caller, v); } public boolean Define_boolean_isDUbefore(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, Variable v) { return getParent().Define_boolean_isDUbefore(this, caller, v); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeException(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeException(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeRuntimeException(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeRuntimeException(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeError(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeError(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeNullPointerException(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeNullPointerException(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeThrowable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeThrowable(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_handlesException(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, TypeDecl exceptionType) { return getParent().Define_boolean_handlesException(this, caller, exceptionType); } public Collection Define_Collection_lookupConstructor(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_Collection_lookupConstructor(this, caller); } public Collection Define_Collection_lookupSuperConstructor(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_Collection_lookupSuperConstructor(this, caller); } public Expr Define_Expr_nestedScope(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_Expr_nestedScope(this, caller); } public Collection Define_Collection_lookupMethod(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { return getParent().Define_Collection_lookupMethod(this, caller, name); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeObject(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeObject(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeCloneable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeCloneable(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeSerializable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeSerializable(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeBoolean(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeBoolean(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeByte(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeByte(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeShort(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeShort(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeChar(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeChar(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeInt(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeInt(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeLong(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeLong(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeFloat(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeFloat(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeDouble(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeDouble(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeString(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeString(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeVoid(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeVoid(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeNull(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeNull(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_unknownType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_unknownType(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_hasPackage(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String packageName) { return getParent().Define_boolean_hasPackage(this, caller, packageName); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_lookupType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String packageName, String typeName) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_lookupType(this, caller, packageName, typeName); } public SimpleSet Define_SimpleSet_lookupType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { return getParent().Define_SimpleSet_lookupType(this, caller, name); } public SimpleSet Define_SimpleSet_lookupVariable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { return getParent().Define_SimpleSet_lookupVariable(this, caller, name); } public boolean Define_boolean_mayBePublic(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBePublic(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeProtected(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeProtected(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_mayBePrivate(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBePrivate(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeStatic(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeStatic(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeFinal(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeFinal(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeAbstract(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeAbstract(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeVolatile(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeVolatile(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeTransient(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeTransient(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeStrictfp(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeStrictfp(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeSynchronized(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeSynchronized(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_mayBeNative(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeNative(this, caller); } public ASTNode Define_ASTNode_enclosingBlock(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_ASTNode_enclosingBlock(this, caller); } public VariableScope Define_VariableScope_outerScope(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_VariableScope_outerScope(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_insideLoop(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_insideLoop(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_insideSwitch(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_insideSwitch(this, caller); } public Case Define_Case_bind(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, Case c) { return getParent().Define_Case_bind(this, caller, c); } public String Define_String_typeDeclIndent(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_String_typeDeclIndent(this, caller); } public NameType Define_NameType_nameType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_NameType_nameType(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_isAnonymous(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_isAnonymous(this, caller); } public Variable Define_Variable_unknownField(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_Variable_unknownField(this, caller); } public MethodDecl Define_MethodDecl_unknownMethod(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_MethodDecl_unknownMethod(this, caller); } public ConstructorDecl Define_ConstructorDecl_unknownConstructor(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_ConstructorDecl_unknownConstructor(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_declType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_declType(this, caller); } public BodyDecl Define_BodyDecl_enclosingBodyDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_BodyDecl_enclosingBodyDecl(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_isMemberType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_isMemberType(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_hostType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_hostType(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_switchType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_switchType(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_returnType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_returnType(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_enclosingInstance(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_enclosingInstance(this, caller); } public String Define_String_methodHost(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_String_methodHost(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_inExplicitConstructorInvocation(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_inExplicitConstructorInvocation(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_inStaticContext(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_inStaticContext(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_reportUnreachable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_reportUnreachable(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_isMethodParameter(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_isMethodParameter(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_isConstructorParameter(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_isConstructorParameter(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_isExceptionHandlerParameter(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_isExceptionHandlerParameter(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_mayUseAnnotationTarget(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { return getParent().Define_boolean_mayUseAnnotationTarget(this, caller, name); } public ElementValue Define_ElementValue_lookupElementTypeValue(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { return getParent().Define_ElementValue_lookupElementTypeValue(this, caller, name); } public boolean Define_boolean_withinSuppressWarnings(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String s) { return getParent().Define_boolean_withinSuppressWarnings(this, caller, s); } public boolean Define_boolean_withinDeprecatedAnnotation(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_withinDeprecatedAnnotation(this, caller); } public Annotation Define_Annotation_lookupAnnotation(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, TypeDecl typeDecl) { return getParent().Define_Annotation_lookupAnnotation(this, caller, typeDecl); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_enclosingAnnotationDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_enclosingAnnotationDecl(this, caller); } public GenericMethodDecl Define_GenericMethodDecl_genericMethodDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_GenericMethodDecl_genericMethodDecl(this, caller); } public GenericConstructorDecl Define_GenericConstructorDecl_genericConstructorDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_GenericConstructorDecl_genericConstructorDecl(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_assignConvertedType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_assignConvertedType(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_typeWildcard(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_typeWildcard(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_lookupWildcardExtends(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, TypeDecl typeDecl) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_lookupWildcardExtends(this, caller, typeDecl); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_lookupWildcardSuper(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, TypeDecl typeDecl) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_lookupWildcardSuper(this, caller, typeDecl); } public LUBType Define_LUBType_lookupLUBType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, Collection bounds) { return getParent().Define_LUBType_lookupLUBType(this, caller, bounds); } public GLBType Define_GLBType_lookupGLBType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, ArrayList bounds) { return getParent().Define_GLBType_lookupGLBType(this, caller, bounds); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_genericDecl(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_genericDecl(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_variableArityValid(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_variableArityValid(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_expectedType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_expectedType(this, caller); } public soot.jimple.Stmt Define_soot_jimple_Stmt_condition_false_label(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_soot_jimple_Stmt_condition_false_label(this, caller); } public soot.jimple.Stmt Define_soot_jimple_Stmt_condition_true_label(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_soot_jimple_Stmt_condition_true_label(this, caller); } public int Define_int_localNum(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_int_localNum(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_enclosedByExceptionHandler(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_enclosedByExceptionHandler(this, caller); } public ArrayList Define_ArrayList_exceptionRanges(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_ArrayList_exceptionRanges(this, caller); } public CompilationUnit Define_CompilationUnit_compilationUnit(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_CompilationUnit_compilationUnit(this, caller); } public SimpleSet Define_SimpleSet_allImportedTypes(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, String name) { return getParent().Define_SimpleSet_allImportedTypes(this, caller, name); } public String Define_String_packageName(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_String_packageName(this, caller); } public TypeDecl Define_TypeDecl_enclosingType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_TypeDecl_enclosingType(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_isNestedType(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_isNestedType(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_isLocalClass(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_isLocalClass(this, caller); } public String Define_String_hostPackage(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_String_hostPackage(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_reachable(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_reachable(this, caller); } public boolean Define_boolean_reachableCatchClause(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child) { return getParent().Define_boolean_reachableCatchClause(this, caller); } }