package soot.JastAddJ; import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.LinkedHashSet;import;import java.util.*;import beaver.*;import java.util.ArrayList;import*;import*;import;import java.util.Collection;import soot.*;import soot.util.*;import soot.jimple.*;import soot.coffi.ClassFile;import soot.coffi.method_info;import soot.coffi.CONSTANT_Utf8_info;import soot.tagkit.SourceFileTag;import soot.coffi.CoffiMethodSource; public class Modifiers extends ASTNode<ASTNode> implements Cloneable { public void flushCache() { super.flushCache(); isPublic_computed = false; isPrivate_computed = false; isProtected_computed = false; isStatic_computed = false; isFinal_computed = false; isAbstract_computed = false; isVolatile_computed = false; isTransient_computed = false; isStrictfp_computed = false; isSynchronized_computed = false; isNative_computed = false; isSynthetic_computed = false; numModifier_String_values = null; } public void flushCollectionCache() { super.flushCollectionCache(); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Modifiers clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { Modifiers node = (Modifiers)super.clone(); node.isPublic_computed = false; node.isPrivate_computed = false; node.isProtected_computed = false; node.isStatic_computed = false; node.isFinal_computed = false; node.isAbstract_computed = false; node.isVolatile_computed = false; node.isTransient_computed = false; node.isStrictfp_computed = false; node.isSynchronized_computed = false; node.isNative_computed = false; node.isSynthetic_computed = false; node.numModifier_String_values = null;$Circle(false);$Final(false); return node; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Modifiers copy() { try { Modifiers node = (Modifiers)clone(); if(children != null) node.children = (ASTNode[])children.clone(); return node; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { } System.err.println("Error: Could not clone node of type " + getClass().getName() + "!"); return null; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Modifiers fullCopy() { Modifiers res = (Modifiers)copy(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumChildNoTransform(); i++) { ASTNode node = getChildNoTransform(i); if(node != null) node = node.fullCopy(); res.setChild(node, i); } return res; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 312 // 8.4.3 public void checkModifiers() { super.checkModifiers(); if(numProtectionModifiers() > 1) error("only one public, protected, private allowed"); if(numModifier("static") > 1) error("only one static allowed"); // // // if(numCompletenessModifiers() > 1) error("only one of final, abstract, volatile allowed"); if(numModifier("synchronized") > 1) error("only one synchronized allowed"); if(numModifier("transient") > 1) error("only one transient allowed"); if(numModifier("native") > 1) error("only one native allowed"); if(numModifier("strictfp") > 1) error("only one strictfp allowed"); if(isPublic() && !mayBePublic()) error("modifier public not allowed in this context"); if(isPrivate() && !mayBePrivate()) error("modifier private not allowed in this context"); if(isProtected() && !mayBeProtected()) error("modifier protected not allowed in this context"); if(isStatic() && !mayBeStatic()) error("modifier static not allowed in this context"); if(isFinal() && !mayBeFinal()) error("modifier final not allowed in this context"); if(isAbstract() && !mayBeAbstract()) error("modifier abstract not allowed in this context"); if(isVolatile() && !mayBeVolatile()) error("modifier volatile not allowed in this context"); if(isTransient() && !mayBeTransient()) error("modifier transient not allowed in this context"); if(isStrictfp() && !mayBeStrictfp()) error("modifier strictfp not allowed in this context"); if(isSynchronized() && !mayBeSynchronized()) error("modifier synchronized not allowed in this context"); if(isNative() && !mayBeNative()) error("modifier native not allowed in this context"); } // Declared in PrettyPrint.jadd at line 434 public void toString(StringBuffer s) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumModifier(); i++) { getModifier(i).toString(s); s.append(" "); } } // Declared in AnnotationsCodegen.jrag at line 83 /* refine EmitJimple public void VariableDeclaration.jimplify2(Body b) { EmitJimple.VariableDeclaration.jimplify2(b); ArrayList c = new ArrayList(); getModifiers().addAllAnnotations(c); for(Iterator iter = c.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { soot.tagkit.Tag tag = (soot.tagkit.Tag); local.addTag(tag); } } */ public void addSourceOnlyAnnotations(Collection c) { if(new soot.options.JBOptions(soot.PhaseOptions.v().getPhaseOptions("jb")). preserve_source_annotations()) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumModifier(); i++) { if(getModifier(i) instanceof Annotation) { Annotation a = (Annotation)getModifier(i); if(!a.isRuntimeVisible() && !a.isRuntimeInvisible()) { soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag tag = new soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag(soot.tagkit.AnnotationConstants.SOURCE_VISIBLE); ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(1); a.appendAsAttributeTo(elements); tag.addAnnotation((soot.tagkit.AnnotationTag)elements.get(0)); c.add(tag); } } } } } // Declared in AnnotationsCodegen.jrag at line 101 public void addAllAnnotations(Collection c) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumModifier(); i++) { if(getModifier(i) instanceof Annotation) { Annotation a = (Annotation)getModifier(i); a.appendAsAttributeTo(c); } } } // Declared in AnnotationsCodegen.jrag at line 110 public void addRuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute(Collection c) { Collection annotations = runtimeVisibleAnnotations(); if(!annotations.isEmpty()) { soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag tag = new soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag(soot.tagkit.AnnotationConstants.RUNTIME_VISIBLE); for(Iterator iter = annotations.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Annotation annotation = (Annotation); ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(1); annotation.appendAsAttributeTo(elements); tag.addAnnotation((soot.tagkit.AnnotationTag)elements.get(0)); } c.add(tag); } } // Declared in AnnotationsCodegen.jrag at line 125 // 4.8.16 public void addRuntimeInvisibleAnnotationsAttribute(Collection c) { Collection annotations = runtimeInvisibleAnnotations(); if(!annotations.isEmpty()) { soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag tag = new soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag(soot.tagkit.AnnotationConstants.RUNTIME_INVISIBLE); for(Iterator iter = annotations.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Annotation annotation = (Annotation); ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(1); annotation.appendAsAttributeTo(elements); tag.addAnnotation((soot.tagkit.AnnotationTag)elements.get(0)); } c.add(tag); } } // Declared in AnnotationsCodegen.jrag at line 210 public Collection runtimeVisibleAnnotations() { Collection annotations = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumModifier(); i++) if(getModifier(i).isRuntimeVisible()) annotations.add(getModifier(i)); return annotations; } // Declared in AnnotationsCodegen.jrag at line 266 public Collection runtimeInvisibleAnnotations() { Collection annotations = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumModifier(); i++) if(getModifier(i).isRuntimeInvisible()) annotations.add(getModifier(i)); return annotations; } // Declared in AnnotationsCodegen.jrag at line 290 // Add ACC_ANNOTATION flag to generated class file public static final int ACC_ANNOTATION = 0x2000; // Declared in EnumsCodegen.jrag at line 12 // add flags to enums public static final int ACC_ENUM = 0x4000; // Declared in GenericsCodegen.jrag at line 325 public static final int ACC_BRIDGE = 0x0040; // Declared in VariableArityParametersCodegen.jrag at line 78 public static final int ACC_VARARGS = 0x0080; // Declared in java.ast at line 3 // Declared in java.ast line 193 public Modifiers() { super(); setChild(new List(), 0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 11 // Declared in java.ast line 193 public Modifiers(List<Modifier> p0) { setChild(p0, 0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 15 protected int numChildren() { return 1; } // Declared in java.ast at line 18 public boolean mayHaveRewrite() { return false; } // Declared in java.ast at line 2 // Declared in java.ast line 193 public void setModifierList(List<Modifier> list) { setChild(list, 0); } // Declared in java.ast at line 6 public int getNumModifier() { return getModifierList().getNumChild(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 10 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Modifier getModifier(int i) { return (Modifier)getModifierList().getChild(i); } // Declared in java.ast at line 14 public void addModifier(Modifier node) { List<Modifier> list = (parent == null || state == null) ? getModifierListNoTransform() : getModifierList(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in java.ast at line 19 public void addModifierNoTransform(Modifier node) { List<Modifier> list = getModifierListNoTransform(); list.addChild(node); } // Declared in java.ast at line 24 public void setModifier(Modifier node, int i) { List<Modifier> list = getModifierList(); list.setChild(node, i); } // Declared in java.ast at line 28 public List<Modifier> getModifiers() { return getModifierList(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 31 public List<Modifier> getModifiersNoTransform() { return getModifierListNoTransform(); } // Declared in java.ast at line 35 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<Modifier> getModifierList() { List<Modifier> list = (List<Modifier>)getChild(0); list.getNumChild(); return list; } // Declared in java.ast at line 41 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public List<Modifier> getModifierListNoTransform() { return (List<Modifier>)getChildNoTransform(0); } protected boolean isPublic_computed = false; protected boolean isPublic_value; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 370 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isPublic() { if(isPublic_computed) { return isPublic_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); isPublic_value = isPublic_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isPublic_computed = true; return isPublic_value; } private boolean isPublic_compute() { return numModifier("public") != 0; } protected boolean isPrivate_computed = false; protected boolean isPrivate_value; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 371 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isPrivate() { if(isPrivate_computed) { return isPrivate_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); isPrivate_value = isPrivate_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isPrivate_computed = true; return isPrivate_value; } private boolean isPrivate_compute() { return numModifier("private") != 0; } protected boolean isProtected_computed = false; protected boolean isProtected_value; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 372 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isProtected() { if(isProtected_computed) { return isProtected_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); isProtected_value = isProtected_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isProtected_computed = true; return isProtected_value; } private boolean isProtected_compute() { return numModifier("protected") != 0; } protected boolean isStatic_computed = false; protected boolean isStatic_value; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 373 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isStatic() { if(isStatic_computed) { return isStatic_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); isStatic_value = isStatic_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isStatic_computed = true; return isStatic_value; } private boolean isStatic_compute() { return numModifier("static") != 0; } protected boolean isFinal_computed = false; protected boolean isFinal_value; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 374 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isFinal() { if(isFinal_computed) { return isFinal_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); isFinal_value = isFinal_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isFinal_computed = true; return isFinal_value; } private boolean isFinal_compute() { return numModifier("final") != 0; } protected boolean isAbstract_computed = false; protected boolean isAbstract_value; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 375 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isAbstract() { if(isAbstract_computed) { return isAbstract_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); isAbstract_value = isAbstract_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isAbstract_computed = true; return isAbstract_value; } private boolean isAbstract_compute() { return numModifier("abstract") != 0; } protected boolean isVolatile_computed = false; protected boolean isVolatile_value; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 376 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isVolatile() { if(isVolatile_computed) { return isVolatile_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); isVolatile_value = isVolatile_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isVolatile_computed = true; return isVolatile_value; } private boolean isVolatile_compute() { return numModifier("volatile") != 0; } protected boolean isTransient_computed = false; protected boolean isTransient_value; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 377 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isTransient() { if(isTransient_computed) { return isTransient_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); isTransient_value = isTransient_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isTransient_computed = true; return isTransient_value; } private boolean isTransient_compute() { return numModifier("transient") != 0; } protected boolean isStrictfp_computed = false; protected boolean isStrictfp_value; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 378 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isStrictfp() { if(isStrictfp_computed) { return isStrictfp_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); isStrictfp_value = isStrictfp_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isStrictfp_computed = true; return isStrictfp_value; } private boolean isStrictfp_compute() { return numModifier("strictfp") != 0; } protected boolean isSynchronized_computed = false; protected boolean isSynchronized_value; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 379 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isSynchronized() { if(isSynchronized_computed) { return isSynchronized_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); isSynchronized_value = isSynchronized_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isSynchronized_computed = true; return isSynchronized_value; } private boolean isSynchronized_compute() { return numModifier("synchronized") != 0; } protected boolean isNative_computed = false; protected boolean isNative_value; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 380 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isNative() { if(isNative_computed) { return isNative_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); isNative_value = isNative_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isNative_computed = true; return isNative_value; } private boolean isNative_compute() { return numModifier("native") != 0; } protected boolean isSynthetic_computed = false; protected boolean isSynthetic_value; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 382 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean isSynthetic() { if(isSynthetic_computed) { return isSynthetic_value; } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); isSynthetic_value = isSynthetic_compute(); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) isSynthetic_computed = true; return isSynthetic_value; } private boolean isSynthetic_compute() { return numModifier("synthetic") != 0; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 384 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public int numProtectionModifiers() { ASTNode$State state = state(); int numProtectionModifiers_value = numProtectionModifiers_compute(); return numProtectionModifiers_value; } private int numProtectionModifiers_compute() { return numModifier("public") + numModifier("protected") + numModifier("private"); } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 387 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public int numCompletenessModifiers() { ASTNode$State state = state(); int numCompletenessModifiers_value = numCompletenessModifiers_compute(); return numCompletenessModifiers_value; } private int numCompletenessModifiers_compute() { return numModifier("abstract") + numModifier("final") + numModifier("volatile"); } protected java.util.Map numModifier_String_values; // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 390 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public int numModifier(String name) { Object _parameters = name; if(numModifier_String_values == null) numModifier_String_values = new java.util.HashMap(4); if(numModifier_String_values.containsKey(_parameters)) { return ((Integer)numModifier_String_values.get(_parameters)).intValue(); } ASTNode$State state = state(); int num = state.boundariesCrossed; boolean isFinal =$Final(); int numModifier_String_value = numModifier_compute(name); if(isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) numModifier_String_values.put(_parameters, Integer.valueOf(numModifier_String_value)); return numModifier_String_value; } private int numModifier_compute(String name) { int n = 0; for(int i = 0; i < getNumModifier(); i++) { String s = getModifier(i).getID(); if(s.equals(name)) n++; } return n; } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 214 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public Annotation annotation(TypeDecl typeDecl) { ASTNode$State state = state(); Annotation annotation_TypeDecl_value = annotation_compute(typeDecl); return annotation_TypeDecl_value; } private Annotation annotation_compute(TypeDecl typeDecl) { for(int i = 0; i < getNumModifier(); i++) { if(getModifier(i) instanceof Annotation) { Annotation a = (Annotation)getModifier(i); if(a.type() == typeDecl) return a; } } return null; } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 289 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean hasAnnotationSuppressWarnings(String s) { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean hasAnnotationSuppressWarnings_String_value = hasAnnotationSuppressWarnings_compute(s); return hasAnnotationSuppressWarnings_String_value; } private boolean hasAnnotationSuppressWarnings_compute(String s) { Annotation a = annotation(lookupType("java.lang", "SuppressWarnings")); if(a != null && a.getNumElementValuePair() == 1 && a.getElementValuePair(0).getName().equals("value")) return a.getElementValuePair(0).getElementValue().hasValue(s); return false; } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 319 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean hasDeprecatedAnnotation() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean hasDeprecatedAnnotation_value = hasDeprecatedAnnotation_compute(); return hasDeprecatedAnnotation_value; } private boolean hasDeprecatedAnnotation_compute() { return annotation(lookupType("java.lang", "Deprecated")) != null; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 356 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl hostType() { ASTNode$State state = state(); TypeDecl hostType_value = getParent().Define_TypeDecl_hostType(this, null); return hostType_value; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 358 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean mayBePublic() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean mayBePublic_value = getParent().Define_boolean_mayBePublic(this, null); return mayBePublic_value; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 359 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean mayBePrivate() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean mayBePrivate_value = getParent().Define_boolean_mayBePrivate(this, null); return mayBePrivate_value; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 360 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean mayBeProtected() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean mayBeProtected_value = getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeProtected(this, null); return mayBeProtected_value; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 361 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean mayBeStatic() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean mayBeStatic_value = getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeStatic(this, null); return mayBeStatic_value; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 362 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean mayBeFinal() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean mayBeFinal_value = getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeFinal(this, null); return mayBeFinal_value; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 363 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean mayBeAbstract() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean mayBeAbstract_value = getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeAbstract(this, null); return mayBeAbstract_value; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 364 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean mayBeVolatile() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean mayBeVolatile_value = getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeVolatile(this, null); return mayBeVolatile_value; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 365 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean mayBeTransient() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean mayBeTransient_value = getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeTransient(this, null); return mayBeTransient_value; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 366 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean mayBeStrictfp() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean mayBeStrictfp_value = getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeStrictfp(this, null); return mayBeStrictfp_value; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 367 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean mayBeSynchronized() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean mayBeSynchronized_value = getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeSynchronized(this, null); return mayBeSynchronized_value; } // Declared in Modifiers.jrag at line 368 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public boolean mayBeNative() { ASTNode$State state = state(); boolean mayBeNative_value = getParent().Define_boolean_mayBeNative(this, null); return mayBeNative_value; } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 56 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"}) public TypeDecl lookupType(String packageName, String typeName) { ASTNode$State state = state(); TypeDecl lookupType_String_String_value = getParent().Define_TypeDecl_lookupType(this, null, packageName, typeName); return lookupType_String_String_value; } // Declared in Annotations.jrag at line 424 public Annotation Define_Annotation_lookupAnnotation(ASTNode caller, ASTNode child, TypeDecl typeDecl) { if(caller == getModifierListNoTransform()) { int index = caller.getIndexOfChild(child); { return annotation(typeDecl); } } return getParent().Define_Annotation_lookupAnnotation(this, caller, typeDecl); } public ASTNode rewriteTo() { return super.rewriteTo(); } }