package; import android.util.Log; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.*; public class MOTree { public static final String MgmtTreeTag = "MgmtTree"; private static final String NodeTag = "Node"; private static final String NodeNameTag = "NodeName"; private static final String PathTag = "Path"; private static final String ValueTag = "Value"; private static final String RTPropTag = "RTProperties"; private static final String TypeTag = "Type"; private static final String DDFNameTag = "DDFName"; private final String mUrn; private final String mDtdRev; private final OMAConstructed mRoot; public MOTree(XMLNode node, String urn) throws IOException, SAXException { Iterator<XMLNode> children = node.getChildren().iterator(); String dtdRev = null; while (children.hasNext()) { XMLNode child =; if (child.getTag().equals(OMAConstants.SyncMLVersionTag)) { dtdRev = child.getText(); children.remove(); break; } } mUrn = urn; mDtdRev = dtdRev; mRoot = new OMAConstructed(null, MgmtTreeTag, null); for (XMLNode child : node.getChildren()) { buildNode(mRoot, child); } } public MOTree(String urn, String rev, OMAConstructed root) { mUrn = urn; mDtdRev = rev; mRoot = root; } private static class NodeData { private final String mName; private String mPath; private String mValue; private NodeData(String name) { mName = name; } private void setPath(String path) { mPath = path; } private void setValue(String value) { mValue = value; } public String getName() { return mName; } public String getPath() { return mPath; } public String getValue() { return mValue; } } private static void buildNode(OMANode parent, XMLNode node) throws IOException { if (!node.getTag().equals(NodeTag)) throw new IOException("Node is a '" + node.getTag() + "' instead of a 'Node'"); Map<String, XMLNode> checkMap = new HashMap<String, XMLNode>(3); String context = null; List<NodeData> values = new ArrayList<NodeData>(); List<XMLNode> children = new ArrayList<XMLNode>(); NodeData curValue = null; for (XMLNode child : node.getChildren()) { XMLNode old = checkMap.put(child.getTag(), child); if (child.getTag().equals(NodeNameTag)) { if (curValue != null) throw new IOException(NodeNameTag + " not expected"); curValue = new NodeData(child.getText()); } else if (child.getTag().equals(PathTag)) { if (curValue == null || curValue.getPath() != null) throw new IOException(PathTag + " not expected"); curValue.setPath(child.getText()); } else if (child.getTag().equals(ValueTag)) { if (!children.isEmpty()) throw new IOException(ValueTag + " in constructed node"); if (curValue == null || curValue.getValue() != null) throw new IOException(ValueTag + " not expected"); curValue.setValue(child.getText()); values.add(curValue); curValue = null; } else if (child.getTag().equals(RTPropTag)) { if (old != null) throw new IOException("Duplicate " + RTPropTag); XMLNode typeNode = getNextNode(child, TypeTag); XMLNode ddfName = getNextNode(typeNode, DDFNameTag); context = ddfName.getText(); if (context == null) throw new IOException("No text in " + DDFNameTag); } else if (child.getTag().equals(NodeTag)) { if (!values.isEmpty()) throw new IOException("Scalar node " + node.getText() + " has Node child"); children.add(child); } } if (values.isEmpty()) { if (curValue == null) throw new IOException("Missing name"); OMANode subNode = parent.addChild(curValue.getName(), context, null, curValue.getPath()); for (XMLNode child : children) { buildNode(subNode, child); } } else { if (!children.isEmpty()) throw new IOException("Got both sub nodes and value(s)"); for (NodeData nodeData : values) { parent.addChild(nodeData.getName(), context, nodeData.getValue(), nodeData.getPath()); } } } private static XMLNode getNextNode(XMLNode node, String tag) throws IOException { if (node == null) throw new IOException("No node for " + tag); if (node.getChildren().size() != 1) throw new IOException("Expected " + node.getTag() + " to have exactly one child"); XMLNode child = node.getChildren().iterator().next(); if (!child.getTag().equals(tag)) throw new IOException("Expected " + node.getTag() + " to have child '" + tag + "' instead of '" + child.getTag() + "'"); return child; } public String getUrn() { return mUrn; } public String getDtdRev() { return mDtdRev; } public OMAConstructed getRoot() { return mRoot; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("MO Tree v").append(mDtdRev).append(", urn ").append(mUrn).append(")\n"); sb.append(mRoot); return sb.toString(); } public void marshal(OutputStream out) throws IOException { out.write("tree ".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); OMAConstants.serializeString(mDtdRev, out); out.write(String.format("(%s)\n", mUrn).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); mRoot.marshal(out, 0); } public static MOTree unmarshal(InputStream in) throws IOException { boolean strip = true; StringBuilder tree = new StringBuilder(); for (; ; ) { int octet =; if (octet < 0) { return null; } else if (octet > ' ') { tree.append((char) octet); strip = false; } else if (!strip) { break; } } if (!tree.toString().equals("tree")) { throw new IOException("Not a tree: " + tree); } String version = OMAConstants.deserializeString(in); String urn = OMAConstants.readURN(in); OMAConstructed root = OMANode.unmarshal(in); return new MOTree(urn, version, root); } }