/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package android.hardware.location; import android.Manifest; import android.content.Context; import android.os.RemoteCallbackList; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; /** * A class that implements an {@link IActivityRecognitionHardware} backed up by the Activity * Recognition HAL. * * @hide */ public class ActivityRecognitionHardware extends IActivityRecognitionHardware.Stub { private static final String TAG = "ActivityRecognitionHardware"; private static final String HARDWARE_PERMISSION = Manifest.permission.LOCATION_HARDWARE; private static final int INVALID_ACTIVITY_TYPE = -1; private static final int NATIVE_SUCCESS_RESULT = 0; private static ActivityRecognitionHardware sSingletonInstance = null; private static final Object sSingletonInstanceLock = new Object(); private final Context mContext; private final String[] mSupportedActivities; private final RemoteCallbackList<IActivityRecognitionHardwareSink> mSinks = new RemoteCallbackList<IActivityRecognitionHardwareSink>(); private static class Event { public int activity; public int type; public long timestamp; } private ActivityRecognitionHardware(Context context) { nativeInitialize(); mContext = context; mSupportedActivities = fetchSupportedActivities(); } public static ActivityRecognitionHardware getInstance(Context context) { synchronized (sSingletonInstanceLock) { if (sSingletonInstance == null) { sSingletonInstance = new ActivityRecognitionHardware(context); } return sSingletonInstance; } } public static boolean isSupported() { return nativeIsSupported(); } @Override public String[] getSupportedActivities() { checkPermissions(); return mSupportedActivities; } @Override public boolean isActivitySupported(String activity) { checkPermissions(); int activityType = getActivityType(activity); return activityType != INVALID_ACTIVITY_TYPE; } @Override public boolean registerSink(IActivityRecognitionHardwareSink sink) { checkPermissions(); return mSinks.register(sink); } @Override public boolean unregisterSink(IActivityRecognitionHardwareSink sink) { checkPermissions(); return mSinks.unregister(sink); } @Override public boolean enableActivityEvent(String activity, int eventType, long reportLatencyNs) { checkPermissions(); int activityType = getActivityType(activity); if (activityType == INVALID_ACTIVITY_TYPE) { return false; } int result = nativeEnableActivityEvent(activityType, eventType, reportLatencyNs); return result == NATIVE_SUCCESS_RESULT; } @Override public boolean disableActivityEvent(String activity, int eventType) { checkPermissions(); int activityType = getActivityType(activity); if (activityType == INVALID_ACTIVITY_TYPE) { return false; } int result = nativeDisableActivityEvent(activityType, eventType); return result == NATIVE_SUCCESS_RESULT; } @Override public boolean flush() { checkPermissions(); int result = nativeFlush(); return result == NATIVE_SUCCESS_RESULT; } /** * Called by the Activity-Recognition HAL. */ private void onActivityChanged(Event[] events) { if (events == null || events.length == 0) { Log.d(TAG, "No events to broadcast for onActivityChanged."); return; } int eventsLength = events.length; ActivityRecognitionEvent activityRecognitionEventArray[] = new ActivityRecognitionEvent[eventsLength]; for (int i = 0; i < eventsLength; ++i) { Event event = events[i]; String activityName = getActivityName(event.activity); activityRecognitionEventArray[i] = new ActivityRecognitionEvent(activityName, event.type, event.timestamp); } ActivityChangedEvent activityChangedEvent = new ActivityChangedEvent(activityRecognitionEventArray); int size = mSinks.beginBroadcast(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { IActivityRecognitionHardwareSink sink = mSinks.getBroadcastItem(i); try { sink.onActivityChanged(activityChangedEvent); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error delivering activity changed event.", e); } } mSinks.finishBroadcast(); } private String getActivityName(int activityType) { if (activityType < 0 || activityType >= mSupportedActivities.length) { String message = String.format( "Invalid ActivityType: %d, SupportedActivities: %d", activityType, mSupportedActivities.length); Log.e(TAG, message); return null; } return mSupportedActivities[activityType]; } private int getActivityType(String activity) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(activity)) { return INVALID_ACTIVITY_TYPE; } int supportedActivitiesLength = mSupportedActivities.length; for (int i = 0; i < supportedActivitiesLength; ++i) { if (activity.equals(mSupportedActivities[i])) { return i; } } return INVALID_ACTIVITY_TYPE; } private void checkPermissions() { String message = String.format( "Permission '%s' not granted to access ActivityRecognitionHardware", HARDWARE_PERMISSION); mContext.enforceCallingPermission(HARDWARE_PERMISSION, message); } private String[] fetchSupportedActivities() { String[] supportedActivities = nativeGetSupportedActivities(); if (supportedActivities != null) { return supportedActivities; } return new String[0]; } // native bindings static { nativeClassInit(); } private static native void nativeClassInit(); private static native boolean nativeIsSupported(); private native void nativeInitialize(); private native void nativeRelease(); private native String[] nativeGetSupportedActivities(); private native int nativeEnableActivityEvent( int activityType, int eventType, long reportLatenceNs); private native int nativeDisableActivityEvent(int activityType, int eventType); private native int nativeFlush(); }