package; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class SupplicantBridge { private final WifiNative mSupplicantHook; private final WifiConfigStore mConfigStore; private final Map<Long, ScanDetail> mRequestMap = new HashMap<>(); private static final Map<String, Constants.ANQPElementType> sWpsNames = new HashMap<>(); static { sWpsNames.put("anqp_venue_name", Constants.ANQPElementType.ANQPVenueName); sWpsNames.put("anqp_network_auth_type", Constants.ANQPElementType.ANQPNwkAuthType); sWpsNames.put("anqp_roaming_consortium", Constants.ANQPElementType.ANQPRoamingConsortium); sWpsNames.put("anqp_ip_addr_type_availability", Constants.ANQPElementType.ANQPIPAddrAvailability); sWpsNames.put("anqp_nai_realm", Constants.ANQPElementType.ANQPNAIRealm); sWpsNames.put("anqp_3gpp", Constants.ANQPElementType.ANQP3GPPNetwork); sWpsNames.put("anqp_domain_name", Constants.ANQPElementType.ANQPDomName); sWpsNames.put("hs20_operator_friendly_name", Constants.ANQPElementType.HSFriendlyName); sWpsNames.put("hs20_wan_metrics", Constants.ANQPElementType.HSWANMetrics); sWpsNames.put("hs20_connection_capability", Constants.ANQPElementType.HSConnCapability); sWpsNames.put("hs20_operating_class", Constants.ANQPElementType.HSOperatingclass); sWpsNames.put("hs20_osu_providers_list", Constants.ANQPElementType.HSOSUProviders); } public static boolean isAnqpAttribute(String line) { int split = line.indexOf('='); return split >= 0 && sWpsNames.containsKey(line.substring(0, split)); } public SupplicantBridge(WifiNative supplicantHook, WifiConfigStore configStore) { mSupplicantHook = supplicantHook; mConfigStore = configStore; } public static Map<Constants.ANQPElementType, ANQPElement> parseANQPLines(List<String> lines) { if (lines == null) { return null; } Map<Constants.ANQPElementType, ANQPElement> elements = new HashMap<>(lines.size()); for (String line : lines) { try { ANQPElement element = buildElement(line); if (element != null) { elements.put(element.getID(), element); } } catch (ProtocolException pe) { Log.e(Utils.hs2LogTag(SupplicantBridge.class), "Failed to parse ANQP: " + pe); } } return elements; } public void startANQP(ScanDetail scanDetail) { String anqpGet = buildWPSQueryRequest(scanDetail.getNetworkDetail()); synchronized (mRequestMap) { mRequestMap.put(scanDetail.getNetworkDetail().getBSSID(), scanDetail); } String result = mSupplicantHook.doCustomCommand(anqpGet); if (result != null && result.startsWith("OK")) { Log.d(Utils.hs2LogTag(getClass()), "ANQP initiated on " + scanDetail); } else { Log.d(Utils.hs2LogTag(getClass()), "ANQP failed on " + scanDetail + ": " + result); } } public void notifyANQPDone(Long bssid, boolean success) { ScanDetail scanDetail; synchronized (mRequestMap) { scanDetail = mRequestMap.remove(bssid); } if (scanDetail == null) { Log.d(Utils.hs2LogTag(getClass()), String.format("Spurious %s ANQP response for %012x", success ? "successful" : "failed", bssid)); return; } String bssData = mSupplicantHook.scanResult(scanDetail.getBSSIDString()); try { Map<Constants.ANQPElementType, ANQPElement> elements = parseWPSData(bssData); Log.d(Utils.hs2LogTag(getClass()), String.format("%s ANQP response for %012x: %s", success ? "successful" : "failed", bssid, elements)); mConfigStore.notifyANQPResponse(scanDetail, success ? elements : null); } catch (IOException ioe) { Log.e(Utils.hs2LogTag(getClass()), "Failed to parse ANQP: " + ioe.toString() + ": " + bssData); } catch (RuntimeException rte) { Log.e(Utils.hs2LogTag(getClass()), "Failed to parse ANQP: " + rte.toString() + ": " + bssData, rte); } mConfigStore.notifyANQPResponse(scanDetail, null); } /* public boolean addCredential(HomeSP homeSP, NetworkDetail networkDetail) { Credential credential = homeSP.getCredential(); if (credential == null) return false; String nwkID = null; if (mLastSSID != null) { String nwkList = mSupplicantHook.doCustomCommand("LIST_NETWORKS"); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(nwkList)); String line; try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String[] tokens = line.split("\\t"); if (tokens.length < 2 || ! Utils.isDecimal(tokens[0])) { continue; } if (unescapeSSID(tokens[1]).equals(mLastSSID)) { nwkID = tokens[0]; Log.d("HS2J", "Network " + tokens[0] + " matches last SSID '" + mLastSSID + "'"); break; } } } catch (IOException ioe) { // } } if (nwkID == null) { nwkID = mSupplicantHook.doCustomCommand("ADD_NETWORK"); Log.d("HS2J", "add_network: '" + nwkID + "'"); if (! Utils.isDecimal(nwkID)) { return false; } } List<String> credCommand = getWPSNetCommands(nwkID, networkDetail, credential); for (String command : credCommand) { String status = mSupplicantHook.doCustomCommand(command); Log.d("HS2J", "Status of '" + command + "': '" + status + "'"); } if (! networkDetail.getSSID().equals(mLastSSID)) { mLastSSID = networkDetail.getSSID(); PrintWriter out = null; try { out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(mLastSSIDFile, false), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); out.println(mLastSSID); } catch (IOException ioe) { // } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } } return true; } */ private static String escapeSSID(NetworkDetail networkDetail) { return escapeString(networkDetail.getSSID(), networkDetail.isSSID_UTF8()); } private static String escapeString(String s, boolean utf8) { boolean asciiOnly = true; for (int n = 0; n < s.length(); n++) { char ch = s.charAt(n); if (ch > 127) { asciiOnly = false; break; } } if (asciiOnly) { return '"' + s + '"'; } else { byte[] octets = s.getBytes(utf8 ? StandardCharsets.UTF_8 : StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (byte octet : octets) { sb.append(String.format("%02x", octet & Constants.BYTE_MASK)); } return sb.toString(); } } private static String buildWPSQueryRequest(NetworkDetail networkDetail) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("ANQP_GET ").append(networkDetail.getBSSIDString()).append(' '); boolean first = true; for (Constants.ANQPElementType elementType : ANQPFactory.getBaseANQPSet()) { if (networkDetail.getAnqpOICount() == 0 && elementType == Constants.ANQPElementType.ANQPRoamingConsortium) { continue; } if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append(','); } sb.append(Constants.getANQPElementID(elementType)); } if (networkDetail.getHSRelease() != null) { for (Constants.ANQPElementType elementType : ANQPFactory.getHS20ANQPSet()) { sb.append(",hs20:").append(Constants.getHS20ElementID(elementType)); } } return sb.toString(); } private static List<String> getWPSNetCommands(String netID, NetworkDetail networkDetail, Credential credential) { List<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>(); EAPMethod eapMethod = credential.getEAPMethod(); commands.add(String.format("SET_NETWORK %s key_mgmt WPA-EAP", netID)); commands.add(String.format("SET_NETWORK %s ssid %s", netID, escapeSSID(networkDetail))); commands.add(String.format("SET_NETWORK %s bssid %s", netID, networkDetail.getBSSIDString())); commands.add(String.format("SET_NETWORK %s eap %s", netID, mapEAPMethodName(eapMethod.getEAPMethodID()))); AuthParam authParam = credential.getEAPMethod().getAuthParam(); if (authParam == null) { return null; // TLS or SIM/AKA } switch (authParam.getAuthInfoID()) { case NonEAPInnerAuthType: case InnerAuthEAPMethodType: commands.add(String.format("SET_NETWORK %s identity %s", netID, escapeString(credential.getUserName(), true))); commands.add(String.format("SET_NETWORK %s password %s", netID, escapeString(credential.getPassword(), true))); commands.add(String.format("SET_NETWORK %s anonymous_identity \"anonymous\"", netID)); break; default: // !!! Needs work. return null; } commands.add(String.format("SET_NETWORK %s priority 0", netID)); commands.add(String.format("ENABLE_NETWORK %s", netID)); commands.add(String.format("SAVE_CONFIG")); return commands; } private static Map<Constants.ANQPElementType, ANQPElement> parseWPSData(String bssInfo) throws IOException { Map<Constants.ANQPElementType, ANQPElement> elements = new HashMap<>(); if (bssInfo == null) { return elements; } BufferedReader lineReader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(bssInfo)); String line; while ((line=lineReader.readLine()) != null) { ANQPElement element = buildElement(line); if (element != null) { elements.put(element.getID(), element); } } return elements; } private static ANQPElement buildElement(String text) throws ProtocolException { int separator = text.indexOf('='); if (separator < 0) { return null; } String elementName = text.substring(0, separator); Constants.ANQPElementType elementType = sWpsNames.get(elementName); if (elementType == null) { return null; } byte[] payload; try { payload = Utils.hexToBytes(text.substring(separator + 1)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { Log.e(Utils.hs2LogTag(SupplicantBridge.class), "Failed to parse hex string"); return null; } return Constants.getANQPElementID(elementType) != null ? ANQPFactory.buildElement(ByteBuffer.wrap(payload), elementType, payload.length) : ANQPFactory.buildHS20Element(elementType, ByteBuffer.wrap(payload).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)); } private static String mapEAPMethodName(EAP.EAPMethodID eapMethodID) { switch (eapMethodID) { case EAP_AKA: return "AKA"; case EAP_AKAPrim: return "AKA'"; // eap.c:1514 case EAP_SIM: return "SIM"; case EAP_TLS: return "TLS"; case EAP_TTLS: return "TTLS"; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("No mapping for " + eapMethodID); } } private static final Map<Character,Integer> sMappings = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); static { sMappings.put('\\', (int)'\\'); sMappings.put('"', (int)'"'); sMappings.put('e', 0x1b); sMappings.put('n', (int)'\n'); sMappings.put('r', (int)'\n'); sMappings.put('t', (int)'\t'); } public static String unescapeSSID(String ssid) { CharIterator chars = new CharIterator(ssid); byte[] octets = new byte[ssid.length()]; int bo = 0; while (chars.hasNext()) { char ch =; if (ch != '\\' || ! chars.hasNext()) { octets[bo++] = (byte)ch; } else { char suffix =; Integer mapped = sMappings.get(suffix); if (mapped != null) { octets[bo++] = mapped.byteValue(); } else if (suffix == 'x' && chars.hasDoubleHex()) { octets[bo++] = (byte)chars.nextDoubleHex(); } else { octets[bo++] = '\\'; octets[bo++] = (byte)suffix; } } } boolean asciiOnly = true; for (byte b : octets) { if ((b&0x80) != 0) { asciiOnly = false; break; } } if (asciiOnly) { return new String(octets, 0, bo, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } else { try { // If UTF-8 decoding is successful it is almost certainly UTF-8 CharBuffer cb = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.newDecoder().decode( ByteBuffer.wrap(octets, 0, bo)); return cb.toString(); } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) { return new String(octets, 0, bo, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1); } } } private static class CharIterator { private final String mString; private int mPosition; private int mHex; private CharIterator(String s) { mString = s; } private boolean hasNext() { return mPosition < mString.length(); } private char next() { return mString.charAt(mPosition++); } private boolean hasDoubleHex() { if (mString.length() - mPosition < 2) { return false; } int nh = Utils.fromHex(mString.charAt(mPosition), true); if (nh < 0) { return false; } int nl = Utils.fromHex(mString.charAt(mPosition + 1), true); if (nl < 0) { return false; } mPosition += 2; mHex = (nh << 4) | nl; return true; } private int nextDoubleHex() { return mHex; } } private static final String[] TestStrings = { "test-ssid", "test\\nss\\tid", "test\\x2d\\x5f\\nss\\tid", "test\\x2d\\x5f\\nss\\tid\\\\", "test\\x2d\\x5f\\nss\\tid\\n", "test\\x2d\\x5f\\nss\\tid\\x4a", "another\\", "an\\other", "another\\x2" }; public static void main(String[] args) { for (String string : TestStrings) { System.out.println(unescapeSSID(string)); } } }