/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.provider.Settings; import android.util.Log; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashSet; import libcore.io.IoUtils; /** * Tests for {@link com.android.server.CertBlacklister} */ public class CertBlacklisterTest extends AndroidTestCase { private static final String BLACKLIST_ROOT = System.getenv("ANDROID_DATA") + "/misc/keychain/"; public static final String PUBKEY_PATH = BLACKLIST_ROOT + "pubkey_blacklist.txt"; public static final String SERIAL_PATH = BLACKLIST_ROOT + "serial_blacklist.txt"; public static final String PUBKEY_KEY = "pubkey_blacklist"; public static final String SERIAL_KEY = "serial_blacklist"; private void overrideSettings(String key, String value) throws Exception { Settings.Secure.putString(mContext.getContentResolver(), key, value); Thread.sleep(1000); } public void testClearBlacklistPubkey() throws Exception { // clear the gservices setting for a clean slate overrideSettings(PUBKEY_KEY, ""); // read the contents of the pubkey blacklist String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(PUBKEY_PATH); // Verify that it's empty assertEquals("", blacklist); } public void testSetBlacklistPubkey() throws Exception { // build a new thing to blacklist String badPubkey = "7ccabd7db47e94a5759901b6a7dfd45d1c091ccc"; // add the gservices override overrideSettings(PUBKEY_KEY, badPubkey); // check the contents again String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(PUBKEY_PATH); // make sure that we're equal to the string we sent out assertEquals(badPubkey, blacklist); } public void testChangeBlacklistPubkey() throws Exception { String badPubkey = "6ccabd7db47e94a5759901b6a7dfd45d1c091ccc"; overrideSettings(PUBKEY_KEY, badPubkey); badPubkey = "6ccabd7db47e94a5759901b6a7dfd45d1c091cce"; overrideSettings(PUBKEY_KEY, badPubkey); String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(PUBKEY_PATH); assertEquals(badPubkey, blacklist); } public void testMultiBlacklistPubkey() throws Exception { String badPubkey = "6ccabd7db47e94a5759901b6a7dfd45d1c091ccc,6ccabd7db47e94a5759901b6a7dfd45d1c091ccd"; overrideSettings(PUBKEY_KEY, badPubkey); String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(PUBKEY_PATH); assertEquals(badPubkey, blacklist); } public void testInvalidMultiBlacklistPubkey() throws Exception { String badPubkey = "6ccabd7db47e94a5759901b6a7dfd45d1c091ccc,ZZZZZ,6ccabd7db47e94a5759901b6a7dfd45d1c091ccd"; overrideSettings(PUBKEY_KEY, badPubkey); String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(PUBKEY_PATH); assertEquals(badPubkey, blacklist); } public void testInvalidCharsBlacklistPubkey() throws Exception { String badPubkey = "\n6ccabd7db47e94a5759901b6a7dfd45d1c091ccc,-ZZZZZ,+6ccabd7db47e94a5759901b6a7dfd45d1c091ccd"; overrideSettings(PUBKEY_KEY, badPubkey); String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(PUBKEY_PATH); assertEquals(badPubkey, blacklist); } public void testLotsOfBlacklistedPubkeys() throws Exception { StringBuilder bl = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0; i < 1000; i++) { bl.append("6ccabd7db47e94a5759901b6a7dfd45d1c091ccc,"); } overrideSettings(PUBKEY_KEY, bl.toString()); String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(PUBKEY_PATH); assertEquals(bl.toString(), blacklist); } public void testClearBlacklistSerial() throws Exception { // clear the gservices setting for a clean slate overrideSettings(SERIAL_KEY, ""); // read the contents of the pubkey blacklist String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(SERIAL_PATH); // Verify that it's empty assertEquals("", blacklist); } public void testSetBlacklistSerial() throws Exception { // build a new thing to blacklist String badSerial = "22e514121e61c643b1e9b06bd4b9f7d0"; // add the gservices override overrideSettings(SERIAL_KEY, badSerial); // check the contents again String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(SERIAL_PATH); // make sure that we're equal to the string we sent out assertEquals(badSerial, blacklist); } public void testChangeBlacklistSerial() throws Exception { String badSerial = "22e514121e61c643b1e9b06bd4b9f7d0"; overrideSettings(SERIAL_KEY, badSerial); badSerial = "22e514121e61c643b1e9b06bd4b9f7d1"; overrideSettings(SERIAL_KEY, badSerial); String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(SERIAL_PATH); assertEquals(badSerial, blacklist); } public void testMultiBlacklistSerial() throws Exception { String badSerial = "22e514121e61c643b1e9b06bd4b9f7d0,22e514121e61c643b1e9b06bd4b9f7d1"; overrideSettings(SERIAL_KEY, badSerial); String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(SERIAL_PATH); assertEquals(badSerial, blacklist); } public void testInvalidMultiBlacklistSerial() throws Exception { String badSerial = "22e514121e61c643b1e9b06bd4b9f7d0,ZZZZ,22e514121e61c643b1e9b06bd4b9f7d1"; overrideSettings(SERIAL_KEY, badSerial); String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(SERIAL_PATH); assertEquals(badSerial, blacklist); } public void testInvalidCharsBlacklistSerial() throws Exception { String badSerial = "\n22e514121e61c643b1e9b06bd4b9f7d0,-ZZZZ,+22e514121e61c643b1e9b06bd4b9f7d1"; overrideSettings(SERIAL_KEY, badSerial); String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(SERIAL_PATH); assertEquals(badSerial, blacklist); } public void testLotsOfBlacklistedSerials() throws Exception { StringBuilder bl = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0; i < 1000; i++) { bl.append("22e514121e61c643b1e9b06bd4b9f7d0,"); } overrideSettings(SERIAL_KEY, bl.toString()); String blacklist = IoUtils.readFileAsString(SERIAL_PATH); assertEquals(bl.toString(), blacklist); } }