/* * Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.support.v7.graphics; import android.support.v4.graphics.ColorUtils; import android.support.v7.graphics.Palette.Swatch; import java.util.List; class DefaultGenerator extends Palette.Generator { private static final float TARGET_DARK_LUMA = 0.26f; private static final float MAX_DARK_LUMA = 0.45f; private static final float MIN_LIGHT_LUMA = 0.55f; private static final float TARGET_LIGHT_LUMA = 0.74f; private static final float MIN_NORMAL_LUMA = 0.3f; private static final float TARGET_NORMAL_LUMA = 0.5f; private static final float MAX_NORMAL_LUMA = 0.7f; private static final float TARGET_MUTED_SATURATION = 0.3f; private static final float MAX_MUTED_SATURATION = 0.4f; private static final float TARGET_VIBRANT_SATURATION = 1f; private static final float MIN_VIBRANT_SATURATION = 0.35f; private static final float WEIGHT_SATURATION = 3f; private static final float WEIGHT_LUMA = 6f; private static final float WEIGHT_POPULATION = 1f; private List<Swatch> mSwatches; private int mHighestPopulation; private Swatch mVibrantSwatch; private Swatch mMutedSwatch; private Swatch mDarkVibrantSwatch; private Swatch mDarkMutedSwatch; private Swatch mLightVibrantSwatch; private Swatch mLightMutedSwatch; @Override public void generate(final List<Swatch> swatches) { mSwatches = swatches; mHighestPopulation = findMaxPopulation(); generateVariationColors(); // Now try and generate any missing colors generateEmptySwatches(); } @Override public Swatch getVibrantSwatch() { return mVibrantSwatch; } @Override public Swatch getLightVibrantSwatch() { return mLightVibrantSwatch; } @Override public Swatch getDarkVibrantSwatch() { return mDarkVibrantSwatch; } @Override public Swatch getMutedSwatch() { return mMutedSwatch; } @Override public Swatch getLightMutedSwatch() { return mLightMutedSwatch; } @Override public Swatch getDarkMutedSwatch() { return mDarkMutedSwatch; } private void generateVariationColors() { mVibrantSwatch = findColorVariation(TARGET_NORMAL_LUMA, MIN_NORMAL_LUMA, MAX_NORMAL_LUMA, TARGET_VIBRANT_SATURATION, MIN_VIBRANT_SATURATION, 1f); mLightVibrantSwatch = findColorVariation(TARGET_LIGHT_LUMA, MIN_LIGHT_LUMA, 1f, TARGET_VIBRANT_SATURATION, MIN_VIBRANT_SATURATION, 1f); mDarkVibrantSwatch = findColorVariation(TARGET_DARK_LUMA, 0f, MAX_DARK_LUMA, TARGET_VIBRANT_SATURATION, MIN_VIBRANT_SATURATION, 1f); mMutedSwatch = findColorVariation(TARGET_NORMAL_LUMA, MIN_NORMAL_LUMA, MAX_NORMAL_LUMA, TARGET_MUTED_SATURATION, 0f, MAX_MUTED_SATURATION); mLightMutedSwatch = findColorVariation(TARGET_LIGHT_LUMA, MIN_LIGHT_LUMA, 1f, TARGET_MUTED_SATURATION, 0f, MAX_MUTED_SATURATION); mDarkMutedSwatch = findColorVariation(TARGET_DARK_LUMA, 0f, MAX_DARK_LUMA, TARGET_MUTED_SATURATION, 0f, MAX_MUTED_SATURATION); } /** * Try and generate any missing swatches from the swatches we did find. */ private void generateEmptySwatches() { if (mVibrantSwatch == null) { // If we do not have a vibrant color... if (mDarkVibrantSwatch != null) { // ...but we do have a dark vibrant, generate the value by modifying the luma final float[] newHsl = copyHslValues(mDarkVibrantSwatch); newHsl[2] = TARGET_NORMAL_LUMA; mVibrantSwatch = new Swatch(ColorUtils.HSLToColor(newHsl), 0); } } if (mDarkVibrantSwatch == null) { // If we do not have a dark vibrant color... if (mVibrantSwatch != null) { // ...but we do have a vibrant, generate the value by modifying the luma final float[] newHsl = copyHslValues(mVibrantSwatch); newHsl[2] = TARGET_DARK_LUMA; mDarkVibrantSwatch = new Swatch(ColorUtils.HSLToColor(newHsl), 0); } } } /** * Find the {@link Palette.Swatch} with the highest population value and return the population. */ private int findMaxPopulation() { int population = 0; for (Swatch swatch : mSwatches) { population = Math.max(population, swatch.getPopulation()); } return population; } private Swatch findColorVariation(float targetLuma, float minLuma, float maxLuma, float targetSaturation, float minSaturation, float maxSaturation) { Swatch max = null; float maxValue = 0f; for (Swatch swatch : mSwatches) { final float sat = swatch.getHsl()[1]; final float luma = swatch.getHsl()[2]; if (sat >= minSaturation && sat <= maxSaturation && luma >= minLuma && luma <= maxLuma && !isAlreadySelected(swatch)) { float value = createComparisonValue(sat, targetSaturation, luma, targetLuma, swatch.getPopulation(), mHighestPopulation); if (max == null || value > maxValue) { max = swatch; maxValue = value; } } } return max; } /** * @return true if we have already selected {@code swatch} */ private boolean isAlreadySelected(Swatch swatch) { return mVibrantSwatch == swatch || mDarkVibrantSwatch == swatch || mLightVibrantSwatch == swatch || mMutedSwatch == swatch || mDarkMutedSwatch == swatch || mLightMutedSwatch == swatch; } private static float createComparisonValue(float saturation, float targetSaturation, float luma, float targetLuma, int population, int maxPopulation) { return createComparisonValue(saturation, targetSaturation, WEIGHT_SATURATION, luma, targetLuma, WEIGHT_LUMA, population, maxPopulation, WEIGHT_POPULATION); } private static float createComparisonValue( float saturation, float targetSaturation, float saturationWeight, float luma, float targetLuma, float lumaWeight, int population, int maxPopulation, float populationWeight) { return weightedMean( invertDiff(saturation, targetSaturation), saturationWeight, invertDiff(luma, targetLuma), lumaWeight, population / (float) maxPopulation, populationWeight ); } /** * Copy a {@link Swatch}'s HSL values into a new float[]. */ private static float[] copyHslValues(Swatch color) { final float[] newHsl = new float[3]; System.arraycopy(color.getHsl(), 0, newHsl, 0, 3); return newHsl; } /** * Returns a value in the range 0-1. 1 is returned when {@code value} equals the * {@code targetValue} and then decreases as the absolute difference between {@code value} and * {@code targetValue} increases. * * @param value the item's value * @param targetValue the value which we desire */ private static float invertDiff(float value, float targetValue) { return 1f - Math.abs(value - targetValue); } private static float weightedMean(float... values) { float sum = 0f; float sumWeight = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i += 2) { float value = values[i]; float weight = values[i + 1]; sum += (value * weight); sumWeight += weight; } return sum / sumWeight; } }