/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package android.support.v4.util; /** * CircularIntArray is a circular integer array data structure that provides O(1) random read, O(1) * prepend and O(1) append. The CircularIntArray automatically grows its capacity when number of * added integers is over its capacity. */ public final class CircularIntArray { private int[] mElements; private int mHead; private int mTail; private int mCapacityBitmask; private void doubleCapacity() { int n = mElements.length; int r = n - mHead; int newCapacity = n << 1; if (newCapacity < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Max array capacity exceeded"); } int[] a = new int[newCapacity]; System.arraycopy(mElements, mHead, a, 0, r); System.arraycopy(mElements, 0, a, r, mHead); mElements = a; mHead = 0; mTail = n; mCapacityBitmask = newCapacity - 1; } /** * Create a CircularIntArray with default capacity. */ public CircularIntArray() { this(8); } /** * Create a CircularIntArray with capacity for at least minCapacity elements. * * @param minCapacity The minimum capacity required for the CircularIntArray. */ public CircularIntArray(int minCapacity) { if (minCapacity <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity must be positive"); } int arrayCapacity = minCapacity; // If minCapacity isn't a power of 2, round up to the next highest power // of 2. if (Integer.bitCount(minCapacity) != 1) { arrayCapacity = 1 << (Integer.highestOneBit(minCapacity) + 1); } mCapacityBitmask = arrayCapacity - 1; mElements = new int[arrayCapacity]; } /** * Add an integer in front of the CircularIntArray. * @param e Integer to add. */ public void addFirst(int e) { mHead = (mHead - 1) & mCapacityBitmask; mElements[mHead] = e; if (mHead == mTail) { doubleCapacity(); } } /** * Add an integer at end of the CircularIntArray. * @param e Integer to add. */ public void addLast(int e) { mElements[mTail] = e; mTail = (mTail + 1) & mCapacityBitmask; if (mTail == mHead) { doubleCapacity(); } } /** * Remove first integer from front of the CircularIntArray and return it. * @return The integer removed. * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if CircularIntArray is empty. */ public int popFirst() { if (mHead == mTail) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); int result = mElements[mHead]; mHead = (mHead + 1) & mCapacityBitmask; return result; } /** * Remove last integer from end of the CircularIntArray and return it. * @return The integer removed. * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if CircularIntArray is empty. */ public int popLast() { if (mHead == mTail) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); int t = (mTail - 1) & mCapacityBitmask; int result = mElements[t]; mTail = t; return result; } /** * Remove all integers from the CircularIntArray. */ public void clear() { mTail = mHead; } /** * Remove multiple integers from front of the CircularIntArray, ignore when numOfElements * is less than or equals to 0. * @param numOfElements Number of integers to remove. * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if numOfElements is larger than * {@link #size()} */ public void removeFromStart(int numOfElements) { if (numOfElements <= 0) { return; } if (numOfElements > size()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } mHead = (mHead + numOfElements) & mCapacityBitmask; } /** * Remove multiple elements from end of the CircularIntArray, ignore when numOfElements * is less than or equals to 0. * @param numOfElements Number of integers to remove. * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if numOfElements is larger than * {@link #size()} */ public void removeFromEnd(int numOfElements) { if (numOfElements <= 0) { return; } if (numOfElements > size()) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } mTail = (mTail - numOfElements) & mCapacityBitmask; } /** * Get first integer of the CircularIntArray. * @return The first integer. * @throws {@link ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException} if CircularIntArray is empty. */ public int getFirst() { if (mHead == mTail) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); return mElements[mHead]; } /** * Get last integer of the CircularIntArray. * @return The last integer. * @throws {@link ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException} if CircularIntArray is empty. */ public int getLast() { if (mHead == mTail) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); return mElements[(mTail - 1) & mCapacityBitmask]; } /** * Get nth (0 <= n <= size()-1) integer of the CircularIntArray. * @param n The zero based element index in the CircularIntArray. * @return The nth integer. * @throws {@link ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException} if n < 0 or n >= size(). */ public int get(int n) { if (n < 0 || n >= size()) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); return mElements[(mHead + n) & mCapacityBitmask]; } /** * Get number of integers in the CircularIntArray. * @return Number of integers in the CircularIntArray. */ public int size() { return (mTail - mHead) & mCapacityBitmask; } /** * Return true if size() is 0. * @return true if size() is 0. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return mHead == mTail; } }