/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: LayerInfo.java * Technology Editor, layer information * Written by Steven M. Rubin, Sun Microsystems. * * Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.tool.user.tecEdit; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.EGraphics; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Library; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.NodeInst; import com.sun.electric.database.variable.TextDescriptor; import com.sun.electric.database.variable.Variable; import com.sun.electric.technology.Layer; import com.sun.electric.technology.technologies.Artwork; import com.sun.electric.technology.technologies.Generic; import com.sun.electric.util.TextUtils; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * This class defines information about layers in the Technology Editor. */ public class LayerInfo extends Info { String name; String javaName; EGraphics desc; Layer.Function fun; int funExtra; boolean pseudo; LayerInfo myPseudo; NodeInfo pureLayerNode; String cif; String dxf; String skill; String gds; double spiRes; double spiCap; double spiECap; double height3d; double thick3d; double coverage; Layer generated; static SpecialTextDescr [] layerTextTable = { new SpecialTextDescr(14, 18, LAYERFUNCTION), new SpecialTextDescr(14, 15, LAYERCOLOR), new SpecialTextDescr(14, 12, LAYERTRANSPARENCY), new SpecialTextDescr(14, 9, LAYERSTYLE), new SpecialTextDescr(14, 6, LAYERCIF), new SpecialTextDescr(14, 3, LAYERGDS), new SpecialTextDescr(14, 0, LAYERSPIRES), new SpecialTextDescr(14, -3, LAYERSPICAP), new SpecialTextDescr(14, -6, LAYERSPIECAP), new SpecialTextDescr(14, -9, LAYER3DHEIGHT), new SpecialTextDescr(14, -12, LAYER3DTHICK), new SpecialTextDescr(14, -15, LAYERCOVERAGE) }; LayerInfo() { name = ""; desc = new EGraphics(false, false, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, false, new int[16]); fun = Layer.Function.UNKNOWN; cif = ""; gds = ""; } /** * Method to return an array of cells that comprise the layers in a technology library. * @param lib the technology library. * @return an array of cells for each layer (in the proper order). */ public static Cell [] getLayerCells(Library lib) { Library [] oneLib = new Library[1]; oneLib[0] = lib; return findCellSequence(oneLib, "layer-", LAYERSEQUENCE_KEY); } /** * Method to build the appropriate descriptive information for a layer into * cell "np". The color is "colorindex"; the stipple array is in "stip"; the * layer style is in "style", the CIF layer is in "ciflayer"; the function is * in "functionindex"; the Calma GDS-II layer is in "gds"; the SPICE resistance is in "spires", * the SPICE capacitance is in "spicap", the SPICE edge capacitance is in "spiecap", * the 3D height is in "height3d", and the 3D thickness is in "thick3d". */ void generate(Cell np) { NodeInst stippleNode = null, patClearNode = null, patInvertNode = null, patCopyNode = null, patPasteNode = null, patchNode = null; for(Iterator<NodeInst> it = np.getNodes(); it.hasNext(); ) { NodeInst ni = it.next(); int opt = Manipulate.getOptionOnNode(ni); if (ni.getProto() == Artwork.tech().filledBoxNode) { if (opt != LAYERPATTERN) patchNode = ni; } switch (opt) { case LAYERPATTERN: stippleNode = ni; break; case LAYERPATCLEAR: patClearNode = ni; break; case LAYERPATINVERT: patInvertNode = ni; break; case LAYERPATCOPY: patCopyNode = ni; break; case LAYERPATPASTE: patPasteNode = ni; break; } } // create the transparency information if it is not there if (patchNode == null) { // create the graphic color object NodeInst ni = NodeInst.makeInstance(Artwork.tech().filledBoxNode, new Point2D.Double(-7.5, 7.5), 5, 5, np); if (ni == null) return; Manipulate.setPatch(ni, desc); } // create the stipple pattern objects if none are there int [] stip = desc.getPattern(); if (stippleNode == null) { for(int x=0; x<16; x++) for(int y=0; y<16; y++) { Point2D ctr = new Point2D.Double(x-19.5, 2.5-y); NodeInst ni = NodeInst.makeInstance(Artwork.tech().filledBoxNode, ctr, 1, 1, np); if (ni == null) return; if ((stip[y] & (1 << (15-x))) == 0) { Short [] spattern = new Short[16]; for(int i=0; i<16; i++) spattern[i] = new Short((short)0); ni.newVar(Artwork.ART_PATTERN, spattern); } ni.newVar(OPTION_KEY, new Integer(LAYERPATTERN)); } NodeInst ni = NodeInst.makeInstance(Generic.tech().invisiblePinNode, new Point2D.Double(-12, 3.5), 0, 0, np); if (ni == null) return; TextDescriptor td = TextDescriptor.getNodeTextDescriptor().withRelSize(0.5); ni.newVar(Artwork.ART_MESSAGE, "Stipple Pattern", td); } // create the patch control object if (patClearNode == null) { NodeInst ni = NodeInst.makeInstance(Generic.tech().invisiblePinNode, new Point2D.Double(-12, -14), 0, 0, np); if (ni == null) return; ni.newDisplayVar(Artwork.ART_MESSAGE, "Clear Pattern"); ni.newVar(OPTION_KEY, new Integer(LAYERPATCLEAR)); } if (patInvertNode == null) { NodeInst ni = NodeInst.makeInstance(Generic.tech().invisiblePinNode, new Point2D.Double(-12, -16), 0, 0, np); if (ni == null) return; ni.newDisplayVar(Artwork.ART_MESSAGE, "Invert Pattern"); ni.newVar(OPTION_KEY, new Integer(LAYERPATINVERT)); } if (patCopyNode == null) { NodeInst ni = NodeInst.makeInstance(Generic.tech().invisiblePinNode, new Point2D.Double(-12, -18), 0, 0, np); if (ni == null) return; ni.newDisplayVar(Artwork.ART_MESSAGE, "Copy Pattern"); ni.newVar(OPTION_KEY, new Integer(LAYERPATCOPY)); } if (patPasteNode == null) { NodeInst ni = NodeInst.makeInstance(Generic.tech().invisiblePinNode, new Point2D.Double(-12, -20), 0, 0, np); if (ni == null) return; ni.newDisplayVar(Artwork.ART_MESSAGE, "Paste Pattern"); ni.newVar(OPTION_KEY, new Integer(LAYERPATPASTE)); } // load up the structure with the current values loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYERFUNCTION, fun); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYERCOLOR, desc); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYERTRANSPARENCY, desc); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYERSTYLE, desc); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYERCIF, cif); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYERGDS, gds); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYERSPIRES, new Double(spiRes)); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYERSPICAP, new Double(spiCap)); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYERSPIECAP, new Double(spiECap)); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYER3DHEIGHT, new Double(height3d)); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYER3DTHICK, new Double(thick3d)); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYER3DMODE, desc); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYER3DFACTOR, desc); loadTableEntry(layerTextTable, LAYERCOVERAGE, new Double(coverage)); for(int i=0; i<layerTextTable.length; i++) { switch (layerTextTable[i].funct) { case LAYERFUNCTION: layerTextTable[i].value = fun; layerTextTable[i].extra = funExtra; break; } } // now create those text objects createSpecialText(np, layerTextTable); } /** * Method to parse the layer cell in "np" and return a LayerInfo object that describes it. */ static LayerInfo parseCell(Cell np) { // create and initialize the GRAPHICS structure LayerInfo li = new LayerInfo(); li.name = np.getName().substring(6); // look at all nodes in the layer description cell int patternCount = 0; Rectangle2D patternBounds = null; boolean patternOnPrinter = false, patternOnDisplay = false; EGraphics.Outline patternOutline = null; for(Iterator<NodeInst> it = np.getNodes(); it.hasNext(); ) { NodeInst ni = it.next(); Variable var = ni.getVar(OPTION_KEY); if (var == null) continue; String str = getValueOnNode(ni); switch (((Integer)var.getObject()).intValue()) { case LAYERFUNCTION: li.fun = Layer.Function.UNKNOWN; li.funExtra = 0; int commaPos = str.indexOf(','); String extras = ""; if (commaPos >= 0) { extras = str.substring(commaPos+1); str = str.substring(0, commaPos); } List<Layer.Function> allFuncs = Layer.Function.getFunctions(); for(Layer.Function fun : allFuncs) { if (fun.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(str)) { li.fun = fun; break; } } int [] allExtraBits = Layer.Function.getFunctionExtras(); while (extras.length() > 0) { int cp = extras.indexOf(','); String thisExtra = extras; if (cp >= 0) { thisExtra = extras.substring(0, cp); extras = extras.substring(cp+1); } else extras = ""; for(int j=0; j<allExtraBits.length; j++) { if (Layer.Function.getExtraName(allExtraBits[j]).equalsIgnoreCase(thisExtra)) { li.funExtra |= allExtraBits[j]; break; } } } break; case LAYERCOLOR: StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, ","); if (st.countTokens() != 5) { System.out.println("Color information must have 5 fields, separated by commas"); break; } int r = TextUtils.atoi(st.nextToken()); int g = TextUtils.atoi(st.nextToken()); int b = TextUtils.atoi(st.nextToken()); double o = TextUtils.atof(st.nextToken()); boolean f = st.nextToken().equalsIgnoreCase("on"); li.desc = li.desc.withColor(new Color(r, g, b)); li.desc = li.desc.withOpacity(o); li.desc = li.desc.withForeground(f); break; case LAYERTRANSPARENCY: if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) li.desc = li.desc.withTransparentLayer(0); else { int layerNum = TextUtils.atoi(str.substring(str.indexOf('-') + 1)); li.desc = li.desc.withTransparentLayer(layerNum); } break; case LAYERPATTERN: if (patternCount == 0) { patternBounds = ni.getLambdaBounds(null); } else { Rectangle2D.union(patternBounds, ni.getBounds(), patternBounds); } patternCount++; break; case LAYERSTYLE: patternOnPrinter = true; commaPos = str.indexOf(','); if (commaPos >= 0) { if (str.substring(commaPos+1).equals("PrintSolid")) patternOnPrinter = false; str = str.substring(0, commaPos); } if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("solid")) { patternOnDisplay = false; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("patterned")) { patternOnDisplay = true; patternOutline = EGraphics.Outline.NOPAT; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("patterned/outlined")) { patternOnDisplay = true; patternOutline = EGraphics.Outline.PAT_S; } else if (TextUtils.canonicString(str).startsWith("patterned/outline=")) { patternOnDisplay = true; patternOutline = EGraphics.Outline.findOutline(str.substring(18)); } break; case LAYERCIF: li.cif = str; break; case LAYERGDS: if (str.equals("-1")) str = ""; li.gds = str; break; case LAYERSPIRES: li.spiRes = TextUtils.atof(str); break; case LAYERSPICAP: li.spiCap = TextUtils.atof(str); break; case LAYERSPIECAP: li.spiECap = TextUtils.atof(str); break; case LAYER3DHEIGHT: li.height3d = TextUtils.atof(str); break; case LAYER3DTHICK: li.thick3d = TextUtils.atof(str); break; case LAYERCOVERAGE: li.coverage = TextUtils.atof(str); break; } } if (patternCount != 16*16 && patternCount != 16*8) { System.out.println("Incorrect number of pattern boxes in " + np + " (has " + patternCount + ", not " + (16*16) + ")"); return null; } // construct the pattern int [] newPat = new int[16]; for(Iterator<NodeInst> it = np.getNodes(); it.hasNext(); ) { NodeInst ni = it.next(); if (ni.getProto() != Artwork.tech().filledBoxNode) continue; Variable var = ni.getVar(OPTION_KEY); if (var == null) continue; if (((Integer)var.getObject()).intValue() != LAYERPATTERN) continue; var = ni.getVar(Artwork.ART_PATTERN); if (var != null) { Short [] pat = (Short [])var.getObject(); boolean nonZero = false; for(int i=0; i<pat.length; i++) if (pat[i].shortValue() != 0) { nonZero = true; break; } if (!nonZero) continue; } Rectangle2D niBounds = ni.getBounds(); int x = (int)((niBounds.getMinX() - patternBounds.getMinX()) / (patternBounds.getWidth() / 16)); int y = (int)((patternBounds.getMaxY() - niBounds.getMaxY()) / (patternBounds.getHeight() / 16)); newPat[y] |= (1 << (15-x)); } if (patternCount == 16*8) { // older, half-height pattern: extend it for(int y=0; y<8; y++) newPat[y+8] = newPat[y]; } li.desc = li.desc.withPattern(newPat); li.desc = li.desc.withPatternedOnPrinter(patternOnPrinter); li.desc = li.desc.withPatternedOnDisplay(patternOnDisplay); if (patternOutline != null) li.desc = li.desc.withOutlined(patternOutline); return li; } static String makeLayerFunctionName(Layer.Function fun, int extraBits) { String str = fun.getName(); int [] allExtraBits = Layer.Function.getFunctionExtras(); for(int j=0; j<allExtraBits.length; j++) { if ((allExtraBits[j] & extraBits) != 0) str += "," + Layer.Function.getExtraName(allExtraBits[j]); } return str; } }