/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: GDS.java * Input/output tool: GDS input * Original C code written by Glen M. Lawson, S-MOS Systems, Inc. * Translated into Java by Steven M. Rubin, Sun Microsystems. * * Copyright (c) 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.tool.io.input; import com.sun.electric.database.ImmutableExport; import com.sun.electric.database.ImmutableNodeInst; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.EPoint; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.ERectangle; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.GeometryHandler; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.Poly; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.PolyBase; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.PolyMerge; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.PolySweepMerge; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.EDatabase; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Export; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Library; import com.sun.electric.database.id.CellId; import com.sun.electric.database.id.ExportId; import com.sun.electric.database.id.PortProtoId; import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.NodeProto; import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.PortCharacteristic; import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.PortProto; import com.sun.electric.database.text.Name; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.Geometric; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.NodeInst; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.RTBounds; import com.sun.electric.database.variable.ElectricObject; import com.sun.electric.database.variable.MutableTextDescriptor; import com.sun.electric.database.variable.TextDescriptor; import com.sun.electric.technology.ArcProto; import com.sun.electric.technology.Layer; import com.sun.electric.technology.PrimitiveNode; import com.sun.electric.technology.SizeOffset; import com.sun.electric.technology.Technology; import com.sun.electric.technology.Technology.NodeLayer; import com.sun.electric.technology.technologies.Generic; import com.sun.electric.tool.Job; import com.sun.electric.tool.io.GDSLayers; import com.sun.electric.tool.io.IOTool; import com.sun.electric.tool.ncc.basic.NccCellAnnotations; import com.sun.electric.util.TextUtils; import com.sun.electric.util.math.DBMath; import com.sun.electric.util.math.GenMath; import com.sun.electric.util.math.GenMath.MutableInteger; import com.sun.electric.util.math.Orientation; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * This class reads files in GDS files. * <BR> * Notes: * <UL> * <LI>Case sensitive.</LI> * <LI>NODEs, TEXTNODEs, BOXs - don't have an example.</LI> * <LI>PATHTYPE 1 - rounded ends on paths, not supported.</LI> * <LI>Path dogears - no cleanup yet, simpler to map paths into arcs.</LI> * <LI>Absolute angle - ???</LI> * <LI>SUBLAYERS or XXXTYPE fields are not supported.</LI> * <LI>PROPERTIES are not supported.</LI> * <LI>REFLIBS are not supported.</LI> * <LI>PATH-ARC mapping - should be done, problem is that any layer can be a path, only connection layers in Electric are arcs. * Someone could make a GDS mapping technology for this purpose, defaults could be taken from this technology.</LI> * <LI>Miscellaneous fields mapped to variables - should be done.</LI> * <LI>MAG - no scaling is possible, must create a separate object for each value, don't scale. (TEXT does scale.)</LI> * </UL> */ public class GDS extends Input<Object> { private static final boolean DEBUGALL = false; /* true for debugging */ private static final boolean SHOWPROGRESS = false; /* true for debugging */ // private static final boolean IGNOREIMMENSECELLS = false; /* true for debugging */ private static final boolean TALLYCONTENTS = false; /* true for debugging */ // data declarations private static final int MAXPOINTS = 4096; private static final int MINFONTWIDTH = 130; private static final int MINFONTHEIGHT = 190; private static class ShapeType {} private static final ShapeType SHAPEPOLY = new ShapeType(); private static final ShapeType SHAPERECTANGLE = new ShapeType(); private static final ShapeType SHAPEOBLIQUE = new ShapeType(); private static final ShapeType SHAPELINE = new ShapeType(); private static final ShapeType SHAPECLOSED = new ShapeType(); private static class DatatypeSymbol {} private static final DatatypeSymbol TYPEERR = new DatatypeSymbol(); private static final DatatypeSymbol TYPENONE = new DatatypeSymbol(); private static final DatatypeSymbol TYPEFLAGS = new DatatypeSymbol(); private static final DatatypeSymbol TYPESHORT = new DatatypeSymbol(); private static final DatatypeSymbol TYPELONG = new DatatypeSymbol(); private static final DatatypeSymbol TYPEFLOAT = new DatatypeSymbol(); private static final DatatypeSymbol TYPEDOUBLE = new DatatypeSymbol(); private static final DatatypeSymbol TYPESTRING = new DatatypeSymbol(); private final static double twoTo32 = makePower(2, 32); private final static double twoToNeg56 = 1.0 / makePower (2, 56); private int countBox, countText, countNode, countPath, countShape, countSRef, countARef, countATotal; private Library theLibrary; private Map<Library,Cell> currentCells; private CellBuilder theCell; private NodeProto theNodeProto; private PrimitiveNode layerNodeProto; private UnknownLayerMessage currentUnknownLayerMessage; private PrimitiveNode pinNodeProto; private int randomLayerSelection; private boolean layerIsPin; private Technology curTech; private int recordCount; private int curLayerNum, curLayerType; private GSymbol theToken; private DatatypeSymbol valuetype; private int tokenFlags; private int tokenValue16; private int tokenValue32; private double tokenValueDouble; private String tokenString; private Point2D [] theVertices; private int numVertices; private double theScale; private Map<Integer,Layer> layerNames; private Map<Integer,UnknownLayerMessage> layerErrorMessages; private static Map<UnknownLayerMessage,Set<Cell>> cellLayerErrors; private Set<Integer> pinLayers; private PolyMerge merge; private static boolean arraySimplificationUseful; private Set<Cell> missingCells; private static class GSymbol { private int value; private static List<GSymbol> symbols = new ArrayList<GSymbol>(); private GSymbol(int value) { this.value = value; symbols.add(this); } private static GSymbol findSymbol(int value) { for(GSymbol gs : symbols) { if (gs.value == value) return gs; } return null; } } private static final GSymbol GDS_HEADER = new GSymbol(0); private static final GSymbol GDS_BGNLIB = new GSymbol(1); private static final GSymbol GDS_LIBNAME = new GSymbol(2); private static final GSymbol GDS_UNITS = new GSymbol(3); private static final GSymbol GDS_ENDLIB = new GSymbol(4); private static final GSymbol GDS_BGNSTR = new GSymbol(5); private static final GSymbol GDS_STRNAME = new GSymbol(6); private static final GSymbol GDS_ENDSTR = new GSymbol(7); private static final GSymbol GDS_BOUNDARY = new GSymbol(8); private static final GSymbol GDS_PATH = new GSymbol(9); private static final GSymbol GDS_SREF = new GSymbol(10); private static final GSymbol GDS_AREF = new GSymbol(11); private static final GSymbol GDS_TEXTSYM = new GSymbol(12); private static final GSymbol GDS_LAYER = new GSymbol(13); private static final GSymbol GDS_DATATYPSYM = new GSymbol(14); private static final GSymbol GDS_WIDTH = new GSymbol(15); private static final GSymbol GDS_XY = new GSymbol(16); private static final GSymbol GDS_ENDEL = new GSymbol(17); private static final GSymbol GDS_SNAME = new GSymbol(18); private static final GSymbol GDS_COLROW = new GSymbol(19); private static final GSymbol GDS_TEXTNODE = new GSymbol(20); private static final GSymbol GDS_NODE = new GSymbol(21); private static final GSymbol GDS_TEXTTYPE = new GSymbol(22); private static final GSymbol GDS_PRESENTATION = new GSymbol(23); // private static final GSymbol GDS_SPACING = new GSymbol(24); private static final GSymbol GDS_STRING = new GSymbol(25); private static final GSymbol GDS_STRANS = new GSymbol(26); private static final GSymbol GDS_MAG = new GSymbol(27); private static final GSymbol GDS_ANGLE = new GSymbol(28); // private static final GSymbol GDS_UINTEGER = new GSymbol(29); // private static final GSymbol GDS_USTRING = new GSymbol(30); private static final GSymbol GDS_REFLIBS = new GSymbol(31); private static final GSymbol GDS_FONTS = new GSymbol(32); private static final GSymbol GDS_PATHTYPE = new GSymbol(33); private static final GSymbol GDS_GENERATIONS = new GSymbol(34); private static final GSymbol GDS_ATTRTABLE = new GSymbol(35); // private static final GSymbol GDS_STYPTABLE = new GSymbol(36); // private static final GSymbol GDS_STRTYPE = new GSymbol(37); private static final GSymbol GDS_ELFLAGS = new GSymbol(38); // private static final GSymbol GDS_ELKEY = new GSymbol(39); // private static final GSymbol GDS_LINKTYPE = new GSymbol(40); // private static final GSymbol GDS_LINKKEYS = new GSymbol(41); private static final GSymbol GDS_NODETYPE = new GSymbol(42); private static final GSymbol GDS_PROPATTR = new GSymbol(43); private static final GSymbol GDS_PROPVALUE = new GSymbol(44); private static final GSymbol GDS_BOX = new GSymbol(45); private static final GSymbol GDS_BOXTYPE = new GSymbol(46); private static final GSymbol GDS_PLEX = new GSymbol(47); private static final GSymbol GDS_BGNEXTN = new GSymbol(48); private static final GSymbol GDS_ENDEXTN = new GSymbol(49); // private static final GSymbol GDS_TAPENUM = new GSymbol(50); // private static final GSymbol GDS_TAPECODE = new GSymbol(51); // private static final GSymbol GDS_STRCLASS = new GSymbol(52); // private static final GSymbol GDS_NUMTYPES = new GSymbol(53); private static final GSymbol GDS_IDENT = new GSymbol(54); private static final GSymbol GDS_REALNUM = new GSymbol(55); private static final GSymbol GDS_SHORT_NUMBER = new GSymbol(56); private static final GSymbol GDS_NUMBER = new GSymbol(57); private static final GSymbol GDS_FLAGSYM = new GSymbol(58); private static final GSymbol GDS_FORMAT = new GSymbol(59); private static final GSymbol GDS_MASK = new GSymbol(60); private static final GSymbol GDS_ENDMASKS = new GSymbol(61); private static GSymbol [] optionSet = {GDS_ATTRTABLE, GDS_REFLIBS, GDS_FONTS, GDS_GENERATIONS}; private static GSymbol [] shapeSet = {GDS_AREF, GDS_SREF, GDS_BOUNDARY, GDS_PATH, GDS_NODE, GDS_TEXTSYM, GDS_BOX}; private static GSymbol [] goodOpSet = {GDS_HEADER, GDS_BGNLIB, GDS_LIBNAME, GDS_UNITS, GDS_ENDLIB, GDS_BGNSTR, GDS_STRNAME, GDS_ENDSTR, GDS_BOUNDARY, GDS_PATH, GDS_SREF, GDS_AREF, GDS_TEXTSYM, GDS_LAYER, GDS_DATATYPSYM, GDS_WIDTH, GDS_XY, GDS_ENDEL, GDS_SNAME, GDS_COLROW, GDS_TEXTNODE, GDS_NODE, GDS_TEXTTYPE, GDS_PRESENTATION, GDS_STRING, GDS_STRANS, GDS_MAG, GDS_ANGLE, GDS_REFLIBS, GDS_FONTS, GDS_PATHTYPE, GDS_GENERATIONS, GDS_ATTRTABLE, GDS_NODETYPE, GDS_PROPATTR, GDS_PROPVALUE, GDS_BOX, GDS_BOXTYPE, GDS_FORMAT, GDS_MASK, GDS_ENDMASKS}; private static GSymbol [] maskSet = {GDS_DATATYPSYM, GDS_TEXTTYPE, GDS_BOXTYPE, GDS_NODETYPE}; private static GSymbol [] unsupportedSet = {GDS_ELFLAGS, GDS_PLEX}; private GDSPreferences localPrefs; public static class GDSPreferences extends InputPreferences { public double inputScale; public boolean simplifyCells; public int arraySimplification; public boolean instantiateArrays; public boolean expandCells; public boolean mergeBoxes; public boolean includeText; public int unknownLayerHandling; public boolean cadenceCompatibility; public GDSPreferences(boolean factory) { super(factory); if (factory) { inputScale = IOTool.getFactoryGDSInputScale(); simplifyCells = IOTool.isFactoryGDSInSimplifyCells(); arraySimplification = IOTool.getFactoryGDSArraySimplification(); instantiateArrays = IOTool.isFactoryGDSInInstantiatesArrays(); expandCells = IOTool.isFactoryGDSInExpandsCells(); mergeBoxes = IOTool.isFactoryGDSInMergesBoxes(); includeText = IOTool.isFactoryGDSInIncludesText(); unknownLayerHandling = IOTool.getFactoryGDSInUnknownLayerHandling(); cadenceCompatibility = IOTool.isFactoryGDSCadenceCompatibility(); } else { inputScale = IOTool.getGDSInputScale(); simplifyCells = IOTool.isGDSInSimplifyCells(); arraySimplification = IOTool.getGDSArraySimplification(); instantiateArrays = IOTool.isGDSInInstantiatesArrays(); expandCells = IOTool.isGDSInExpandsCells(); mergeBoxes = IOTool.isGDSInMergesBoxes(); includeText = IOTool.isGDSInIncludesText(); unknownLayerHandling = IOTool.getGDSInUnknownLayerHandling(); cadenceCompatibility = IOTool.isGDSCadenceCompatibility(); } } @Override public Library doInput(URL fileURL, Library lib, Technology tech, Map<Library,Cell> currentCells, Map<CellId,BitSet> nodesToExpand, Job job) { GDS in = new GDS(this); if (in.openBinaryInput(fileURL)) return null; // Libraries before loading Set<Library> oldLibs = new HashSet<Library>(); for (Iterator<Library> it = Library.getLibraries(); it.hasNext(); ) oldLibs.add(it.next()); oldLibs.remove(lib); lib = in.importALibrary(lib, tech, currentCells); in.closeInput(); if (expandCells) { // Expand subCells EDatabase database = EDatabase.currentDatabase(); for (Iterator<Library> it = Library.getLibraries(); it.hasNext(); ) { Library l = it.next(); if (oldLibs.contains(l)) continue; for (Iterator<Cell> cit = l.getCells(); cit.hasNext(); ) { Cell cell =cit.next(); for (Iterator<NodeInst> nit = cell.getNodes(); nit.hasNext(); ) { NodeInst ni = nit.next(); if (ni.isCellInstance()) database.addToNodes(nodesToExpand, ni); } } } } return lib; } } /** * Creates a new instance of GDS. */ GDS(GDSPreferences ap) { localPrefs = ap; } /** * Method to import a library from disk. * @param lib the library to fill * @param currentCells this map will be filled with currentCells in Libraries found in library file * @return the created library (null on error). */ @Override protected Library importALibrary(Library lib, Technology tech, Map<Library,Cell> currentCells) { // initialize this.currentCells = currentCells; arraySimplificationUseful = false; CellBuilder.init(); theLibrary = lib; curTech = tech; initialize(); try { loadFile(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.out.println("ERROR reading GDS file: " + e.getMessage()); if (Job.getDebug()) e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR reading GDS file: check input file, " + e.getMessage()); if (Job.getDebug()) e.printStackTrace(); return null; } // fix references to unknown cells that may be in other libraries Map<Cell,Cell> foundCellMap = CellBuilder.substituteExternalCells(missingCells, theLibrary); if (foundCellMap.size() > 0) { System.out.println("Note: these cells from other libraries were referenced in the GDS:"); for(Cell mCell : foundCellMap.keySet()) { Cell found = foundCellMap.get(mCell); System.out.println(" " + found.libDescribe()); missingCells.remove(mCell); } } if (missingCells.size() > 0) { System.out.println("Note: these cells are missing in the GDS and were created with no contents:"); for(Cell cell : missingCells) System.out.println(" " + cell.noLibDescribe()); } // now build all instances recursively CellBuilder.buildInstances(); CellBuilder.term(); // show unknown error messages for(UnknownLayerMessage message : cellLayerErrors.keySet()) { Set<Cell> cellList = cellLayerErrors.get(message); System.out.println(message.message + " in cells:"); String prev = " "; int count = 0; for(Cell cell : cellList) { System.out.print(prev + cell.describe(false)); prev = ", "; // break into lines otherwise the message line is too long if (count > 10) { count = 0; System.out.print("\n\t"); } count++; } System.out.println(); } if (arraySimplificationUseful) { System.out.println("NOTE: Found array references that could be simplified to save space and time"); System.out.println(" To simplify arrays, set the 'Input array simplification' in GDS Preferences"); } return lib; } private void initialize() { layerNodeProto = Generic.tech().drcNode; missingCells = new HashSet<Cell>(); theVertices = new Point2D[MAXPOINTS]; for(int i=0; i<MAXPOINTS; i++) theVertices[i] = new Point2D.Double(); recordCount = 0; // get the array of GDS names layerNames = new HashMap<Integer,Layer>(); layerErrorMessages = new HashMap<Integer,UnknownLayerMessage>(); cellLayerErrors = new HashMap<UnknownLayerMessage,Set<Cell>>(); pinLayers = new HashSet<Integer>(); randomLayerSelection = 0; boolean valid = false; for(Map.Entry<Layer,String> e: curTech.getGDSLayers().entrySet()) { Layer layer = e.getKey(); String gdsName = e.getValue(); GDSLayers gdsl = GDSLayers.parseLayerString(gdsName); for(Iterator<Integer> lIt = gdsl.getLayers(); lIt.hasNext(); ) { Integer lVal = lIt.next(); Integer lay = new Integer(lVal.intValue()); if (layerNames.get(lay) == null) layerNames.put(lay, layer); } if (gdsl.getPinLayer() != -1) { pinLayers.add(new Integer(gdsl.getPinLayer())); layerNames.put(new Integer(gdsl.getPinLayer()), layer); } if (gdsl.getTextLayer() != -1) layerNames.put(new Integer(gdsl.getTextLayer()), layer); valid = true; } if (!valid) { System.out.println("There are no GDS layer names assigned in the " + curTech.getTechName() + " technology"); } } private static class CellBuilder { private static Map<CellId,CellBuilder> allBuilders; // private static Set<CellId> cellsTooComplex; private GDSPreferences localPrefs; private Technology tech; private Cell cell; private List<MakeInstance> insts = new ArrayList<MakeInstance>(); private Map<UnknownLayerMessage,List<MakeInstance>> allErrorInsts = new LinkedHashMap<UnknownLayerMessage,List<MakeInstance>>(); private List<MakeInstanceArray> instArrays = new ArrayList<MakeInstanceArray>(); private final TextDescriptor traceDescriptor; private int nodeId; private List<ImmutableNodeInst> nodesToCreate = new ArrayList<ImmutableNodeInst>(); private Map<String,ImmutableExport> exportsByName = new HashMap<String,ImmutableExport>(); private Set<String> alreadyExports = exportsByName.keySet(); private Map<String,GenMath.MutableInteger> nextExportPlainIndex = new HashMap<String,GenMath.MutableInteger>(); private Map<String,GenMath.MutableInteger> maxSuffixes = new HashMap<String,GenMath.MutableInteger>(); private Set<String> userNames = new HashSet<String>(); private MutableInteger count = new MutableInteger(0); private CellBuilder(Cell cell, Technology tech, GDSPreferences localPrefs) { this.cell = cell; this.tech = tech; this.localPrefs = localPrefs; traceDescriptor = cell.getEditingPreferences().getTextDescriptor(TextDescriptor.TextType.NODE, false); allBuilders.put(cell.getId(), this); // sanity Set<Export> exportsToKill = new HashSet<Export>(); for (Iterator<Export> it = cell.getExports(); it.hasNext(); ) exportsToKill.add(it.next()); cell.killExports(exportsToKill); } private void makeInstance(NodeProto proto, Point2D loc, Orientation orient, double wid, double hei, EPoint[] points, UnknownLayerMessage ulm) { MakeInstance mi = null; if (proto != null) { mi = new MakeInstance(this, proto, loc, orient, wid, hei, points, null, null); insts.add(mi); if (ulm != null) { List<MakeInstance> errorList = allErrorInsts.get(ulm); if (errorList == null) allErrorInsts.put(ulm, errorList = new ArrayList<MakeInstance>()); errorList.add(mi); } } } private void makeInstanceArray(NodeProto proto, int nCols, int nRows, Orientation orient, Point2D startLoc, Point2D rowOffset, Point2D colOffset) { MakeInstanceArray mia = new MakeInstanceArray(proto, nCols, nRows, orient, new Point2D.Double(startLoc.getX(), startLoc.getY()), rowOffset, colOffset, localPrefs); instArrays.add(mia); } private void makeExport(NodeProto proto, Point2D loc, Orientation orient, String exportName, UnknownLayerMessage ulm) { MakeInstance mi = null; if (proto != null && proto.getNumPorts() > 0) { double wid = proto.getDefWidth(); double hei = proto.getDefHeight(); mi = new MakeInstance(this, proto, loc, orient, wid, hei, null, exportName, null); insts.add(mi); if (ulm != null) { List<MakeInstance> errorList = allErrorInsts.get(ulm); if (errorList == null) allErrorInsts.put(ulm, errorList = new ArrayList<MakeInstance>()); errorList.add(mi); } } } private void makeText(NodeProto proto, Point2D loc, String text, TextDescriptor textDescriptor, UnknownLayerMessage ulm) { MakeInstance mi = null; if (proto != null) { mi = new MakeInstance(this, proto, loc, Orientation.IDENT, 0, 0, null, null, Name.findName(text)); insts.add(mi); if (ulm != null) { List<MakeInstance> errorList = allErrorInsts.get(ulm); if (errorList == null) allErrorInsts.put(ulm, errorList = new ArrayList<MakeInstance>()); errorList.add(mi); } } } private static void init() { allBuilders = new HashMap<CellId,CellBuilder>(); // cellsTooComplex = new HashSet<CellId>(); } private static void term() { allBuilders = null; // if (cellsTooComplex.size() > 0) // { // System.out.print("THESE CELLS WERE TOO COMPLEX AND NOT FULLY READ:"); // for(CellId cellId : cellsTooComplex) System.out.print(" " + cellId/*.describe(false)*/); // System.out.println(); // } } private void makeInstances(Set<CellId> builtCells) { if (builtCells.contains(cell.getId())) return; builtCells.add(cell.getId()); // Traverse all subcells for(MakeInstance mi : insts) { if (mi.proto instanceof Cell) { Cell subCell = (Cell)mi.proto; CellBuilder cellBuilder = allBuilders.get(subCell.getId()); if (cellBuilder != null) cellBuilder.makeInstances(builtCells); } } // for(List<MakeInstance> errorList: allErrorInsts.values()) // { // for(MakeInstance mi : errorList) // { // if (mi == null) continue; // if (mi.proto instanceof Cell) { // Cell subCell = (Cell)mi.proto; // CellBuilder cellBuilder = allBuilders.get(subCell.getId()); // if (cellBuilder != null) // cellBuilder.makeInstances(builtCells); // } // } // } for(MakeInstanceArray mia : instArrays) { if (mia.proto instanceof Cell) { Cell subCell = (Cell)mia.proto; CellBuilder cellBuilder = allBuilders.get(subCell.getId()); if (cellBuilder != null) cellBuilder.makeInstances(builtCells); } } makeInstances(); assert builtCells.contains(this.cell.getId()); } private void makeInstances() { boolean countOff = false; if (SHOWPROGRESS /*|| IGNOREIMMENSECELLS*/) { int size = insts.size(); int arraySize = instArrays.size(); System.out.println("Building cell " + this.cell.describe(false) + " with " + size + " single instances and " + arraySize + " arrayed instances"); if (size+arraySize >= 100000) { countOff = true; // ignore internal contents when cell is very large (for testing only) // if (IGNOREIMMENSECELLS) // { // cellsTooComplex.add(cell.getId()); // MakeInstance ll = null, ul = null, lr = null, ur = null; // for(MakeInstance mi : insts) // { // if (ll == null) ll = ul = lr = ur = mi; // if (mi.loc.getX() <= ll.loc.getX() && mi.loc.getY() <= ll.loc.getY()) ll = mi; // if (mi.loc.getX() <= ul.loc.getX() && mi.loc.getY() >= ul.loc.getY()) ul = mi; // if (mi.loc.getX() >= lr.loc.getX() && mi.loc.getY() <= lr.loc.getY()) lr = mi; // if (mi.loc.getX() >= ur.loc.getX() && mi.loc.getY() >= ur.loc.getY()) ur = mi; // } // insts.clear(); // instArrays.clear(); // insts.add(ll); // if (!insts.contains(ul)) insts.add(ul); // if (!insts.contains(lr)) insts.add(lr); // if (!insts.contains(ur)) insts.add(ur); // } } } int count = 0; Map<String,String> exportUnify = new HashMap<String,String>(); // first make the geometry and instances for(MakeInstance mi : insts) { if (mi.exportName != null) continue; if (countOff && ((++count % 1000) == 0)) System.out.println(" Made " + count + " instances"); // make the instance mi.instantiate(this, exportUnify, null); } createNodes(); // next make the exports for(MakeInstance mi : insts) { if (mi.exportName == null) continue; if (countOff && ((++count % 1000) == 0)) System.out.println(" Made " + count + " instances"); if (localPrefs.cadenceCompatibility) { // center the export if possible ArcProto theArc = mi.proto.getPort(0).getBasePort().getConnections()[0]; Layer theLayer = theArc.getLayer(0); NodeProto theProto = theLayer.getPureLayerNode(); Rectangle2D search = new Rectangle2D.Double(mi.loc.getX(), mi.loc.getY(), 0, 0); for(Iterator<RTBounds> it = this.cell.searchIterator(search); it.hasNext(); ) { Geometric geom = (Geometric)it.next(); if (geom instanceof NodeInst) { NodeInst ni = (NodeInst)geom; if (ni.getProto() != theProto) continue; Rectangle2D pointBounds = ni.getBounds(); double cX = pointBounds.getCenterX(); double cY = pointBounds.getCenterY(); EPoint [] trace = ni.getTrace(); if (trace != null) { Point2D [] newPoints = new Point2D[trace.length]; for(int i=0; i<trace.length; i++) { if (trace[i] != null) newPoints[i] = new Point2D.Double(trace[i].getX()+cX, trace[i].getY()+cY); } PolyBase poly = new PolyBase(newPoints); poly.transform(ni.rotateOut()); if (poly.contains(mi.loc)) { GeometryHandler thisMerge = GeometryHandler.createGeometryHandler(GeometryHandler.GHMode.ALGO_SWEEP, 1); thisMerge.add(theLayer, poly); thisMerge.postProcess(true); Collection<PolyBase> set = ((PolySweepMerge)thisMerge).getPolyPartition(theLayer); for(PolyBase simplePoly : set) { Rectangle2D polyBounds = simplePoly.getBounds2D(); if (polyBounds.contains(mi.loc)) { mi.loc.setLocation(polyBounds.getCenterX(), polyBounds.getCenterY()); break; } } break; } } else { if (pointBounds.contains(mi.loc)) { mi.loc.setLocation(cX, cY); break; } } } } // grid-align the export location double scaledResolution = tech.getFactoryScaledResolution(); if (scaledResolution > 0) { double x = Math.round(mi.loc.getX() / scaledResolution) * scaledResolution; double y = Math.round(mi.loc.getY() / scaledResolution) * scaledResolution; mi.loc.setLocation(x, y); } } // make the instance mi.instantiate(this, exportUnify, null); } for(UnknownLayerMessage ulm : allErrorInsts.keySet()) { List<ImmutableNodeInst> instantiated = new ArrayList<ImmutableNodeInst>(); List<MakeInstance> errorList = allErrorInsts.get(ulm); for(MakeInstance mi : errorList) { if (mi == null) continue; if (countOff && ((++count % 1000) == 0)) System.out.println(" Made " + count + " instances"); // make the instance instantiated.add(mi.n); // mi.instantiate(this, exportUnify, instantiated); } String msg = "Cell " + this.cell.noLibDescribe() + ": " + ulm.message; Set<Cell> cellsWithError = cellLayerErrors.get(ulm); if (cellsWithError == null) cellLayerErrors.put(ulm, cellsWithError = new TreeSet<Cell>()); cellsWithError.add(cell); errorLogger.logMessage(msg, instantiated, cell, -1, true); } createNodes(); Map<NodeProto,List<EPoint>> massiveMerge = new HashMap<NodeProto,List<EPoint>>(); for(MakeInstanceArray mia : instArrays) { if (countOff && ((++count % 1000) == 0)) System.out.println(" Made " + count + " instances"); // make the instance array mia.instantiate(this, massiveMerge); } List<NodeProto> mergeNodeSet = new ArrayList<NodeProto>(); for(NodeProto np : massiveMerge.keySet()) mergeNodeSet.add(np); for(NodeProto np : mergeNodeSet) { // place a pure-layer node that embodies all arrays for the whole cell List<EPoint> points = massiveMerge.get(np); buildComplexNode(points, np, this.cell); } cell.addExports(exportsByName.values()); if (!exportUnify.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Cell " + this.cell.describe(false) + ": Renamed and NCC-unified " + exportUnify.size() + " exports with duplicate names"); Map<String,String> unifyStrings = new HashMap<String,String>(); Set<String> finalNames = exportUnify.keySet(); for(String finalName : finalNames) { String singleName = exportUnify.get(finalName); String us = unifyStrings.get(singleName); if (us == null) us = singleName; us += " " + finalName; unifyStrings.put(singleName, us); } List<String> annotations = new ArrayList<String>(); for(String us : unifyStrings.keySet()) annotations.add("exportsConnectedByParent " + unifyStrings.get(us)); if (annotations.size() > 0) { String [] anArr = new String[annotations.size()]; for(int i=0; i<annotations.size(); i++) anArr[i] = annotations.get(i); TextDescriptor td = TextDescriptor.getCellTextDescriptor().withInterior(true).withDispPart(TextDescriptor.DispPos.NAMEVALUE); this.cell.newVar(NccCellAnnotations.NCC_ANNOTATION_KEY, anArr, td); } } if (localPrefs.simplifyCells) simplifyNodes(this.cell, tech); } private void createNodes() { cell.addNodes(nodesToCreate); nodesToCreate.clear(); } /** Method to see if existing primitive nodesToCreate could be merged and define more complex nodesToCreate * such as contacts */ private void simplifyNodes(Cell cell, Technology tech) { Map<Layer, List<NodeInst>> map = new HashMap<Layer, List<NodeInst>>(); for (Iterator<NodeInst> itNi = cell.getNodes(); itNi.hasNext();) { NodeInst ni = itNi.next(); if (!(ni.getProto() instanceof PrimitiveNode)) continue; // not primitive PrimitiveNode pn = (PrimitiveNode)ni.getProto(); if (pn.getFunction() != PrimitiveNode.Function.NODE) continue; // not pure layer node. Layer layer = pn.getLayerIterator().next(); // they are supposed to have only 1 List<NodeInst> list = map.get(layer); if (list == null) // first time { list = new ArrayList<NodeInst>(); map.put(layer, list); } list.add(ni); } Set<NodeInst> toDelete = new HashSet<NodeInst>(); Set<NodeInst> viaToDelete = new HashSet<NodeInst>(); List<Geometric> geomList = new ArrayList<Geometric>(); for (Iterator<PrimitiveNode> itPn = tech.getNodes(); itPn.hasNext();) { PrimitiveNode pn = itPn.next(); boolean allFound = true; if (!pn.getFunction().isContact()) continue; // only dealing with metal contacts for now. Layer m1Layer = null, m2Layer = null; Layer viaLayer = null; SizeOffset so = pn.getProtoSizeOffset(); for (Iterator<Layer> itLa = pn.getLayerIterator(); itLa.hasNext();) { Layer l = itLa.next(); if (map.get(l) == null) { allFound = false; break; } if (l.getFunction().isMetal()) { if (m1Layer == null) m1Layer = l; else m2Layer = l; } else if (l.getFunction().isContact()) viaLayer = l; } if (!allFound) continue; // not all layers for this particular node found if (viaLayer == null) continue; // not metal contact assert(m1Layer != null); List<NodeInst> list = map.get(m1Layer); assert(list != null); Layer.Function.Set thisLayer = new Layer.Function.Set(viaLayer.getFunction()); List<NodeInst> viasList = map.get(viaLayer); for (NodeInst ni : list) { Poly[] polys = tech.getShapeOfNode(ni, true, false, null); assert(polys.length == 1); // it must be only 1 Poly m1P = polys[0]; List<NodeInst> nList = map.get(m2Layer); if (nList == null) continue; // nothing found in m2Layer for (NodeInst n : nList) { Poly[] otherPolys = tech.getShapeOfNode(n, true, false, null); assert(otherPolys.length == 1); // it must be only 1 Poly m2P = otherPolys[0]; if (!m2P.getBounds2D().equals(m1P.getBounds2D())) continue; // no match ImmutableNodeInst d = ni.getD(); String name = ni.getName(); int atIndex = name.indexOf('@'); if (atIndex < 0) name += "tmp"; else name = name.substring(0, atIndex) + "tmp" + name.substring(atIndex); NodeInst newNi = NodeInst.makeInstance(pn, d.anchor, m2P.getBounds2D().getWidth() + so.getLowXOffset() + so.getHighXOffset(), m2P.getBounds2D().getHeight() + so.getLowYOffset() + so.getHighYOffset(), ni.getParent(), ni.getOrient(), name); if (newNi == null) continue; // Searching for vias to delete assert(viasList != null); Poly[] viaPolys = tech.getShapeOfNode(newNi, true, false, thisLayer); boolean found = false; // Can be more than 1 due to MxN cuts viaToDelete.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < viaPolys.length; i++) { Poly poly = viaPolys[i]; Rectangle2D bb = poly.getBounds2D(); bb.setRect(ERectangle.fromLambda(bb)); found = false; for (NodeInst viaNi : viasList) { Poly[] thisViaList = tech.getShapeOfNode(viaNi, true, false, thisLayer); assert(thisViaList.length == 1); // hack to get rid of the resolution issue Poly p = thisViaList[0]; Rectangle2D b = p.getBounds2D(); b.setRect(ERectangle.fromLambda(b)); if (thisViaList[0].polySame(poly)) { viaToDelete.add(viaNi); assert(!found); found = true; } } if (!found) { break; // fail to find all nodesToCreate } } if (!found) // rolling back new node { newNi.kill(); } else { if (SHOWPROGRESS) System.out.println("Adding " + newNi.getName()); toDelete.clear(); geomList.clear(); toDelete.add(ni); toDelete.add(n); toDelete.addAll(viaToDelete); String message = toDelete.size() + " nodes were replaced for more complex primitives in cell '" + cell.getName() + "'"; geomList.add(newNi); errorLogger.logMessage(message, geomList, cell, -1, false); // Deleting now replaced pure primitives cell.killNodes(toDelete); } } } } } /** * Method to find missing cells in the GDS and substitute references to cells in other libraries. * @param missingCells * @param theLibrary * @return */ private static Map<Cell,Cell> substituteExternalCells(Set<Cell> missingCells, Library theLibrary) { Map<Cell,Cell> missingCellMap = new HashMap<Cell,Cell>(); // make a list of other libraries to scan List<Library> otherLibraries = new ArrayList<Library>(); for(Library lib : Library.getVisibleLibraries()) { if (lib != theLibrary) otherLibraries.add(lib); } if (otherLibraries.size() == 0) return missingCellMap; // first map missing cells to found ones for(Cell mCell : missingCells) { for(Library lib : otherLibraries) { Cell found = lib.findNodeProto(mCell.getName()); if (found != null) { missingCellMap.put(mCell, found); mCell.kill(); break; } } } for(CellBuilder cellBuilder : allBuilders.values()) { for(MakeInstance mi : cellBuilder.insts) { if (mi.proto instanceof Cell) { Cell found = missingCellMap.get(mi.proto); if (found != null) mi.proto = found; } } for(MakeInstanceArray mia : cellBuilder.instArrays) { if (mia.proto instanceof Cell) { Cell found = missingCellMap.get(mia.proto); if (found != null) mia.proto = found; } } } return missingCellMap; } private static void buildInstances() { Set<CellId> builtCells = new HashSet<CellId>(); for(CellBuilder cellBuilder : allBuilders.values()) cellBuilder.makeInstances(builtCells); } } /** * Class to save instance array information. */ private static class MakeInstanceArray { private NodeProto proto; private int nCols, nRows; private Orientation orient; private Point2D startLoc, rowOffset, colOffset; private GDSPreferences localPrefs; private MakeInstanceArray(NodeProto proto, int nCols, int nRows, Orientation orient, Point2D startLoc, Point2D rowOffset, Point2D colOffset, GDSPreferences localPrefs) { this.proto = proto; this.nCols = nCols; this.nRows = nRows; this.orient = orient; this.startLoc = startLoc; this.rowOffset = rowOffset; this.colOffset = colOffset; this.localPrefs = localPrefs; } /** * Method to instantiate an array of cell instances. * @param parent the Cell in which to create the geometry. */ private void instantiate(CellBuilder theCell, Map<NodeProto,List<EPoint>> massiveMerge) { Cell parent = theCell.cell; int arraySimplification = localPrefs.arraySimplification; NodeInst subNi = null; Cell subCell = (Cell)proto; int numArcs = subCell.getNumArcs(); int numNodes = subCell.getNumNodes(); int numExports = subCell.getNumPorts(); if (numArcs == 0 && numExports == 0 && numNodes == 1) { subNi = subCell.getNode(0); if (subNi.getProto().getFunction() != PrimitiveNode.Function.NODE) subNi = null; } if (subNi != null && subNi.getTrace() != null) subNi = null; if (subNi != null) { if (arraySimplification > 0) { List<EPoint> points = buildArray(); if (arraySimplification == 2) { // add the array's geometry the layer's outline List<EPoint> soFar = massiveMerge.get(subNi.getProto()); if (soFar == null) { soFar = new ArrayList<EPoint>(); massiveMerge.put(subNi.getProto(), soFar); } if (soFar.size() > 0) soFar.add(null); for(EPoint ep : points) soFar.add(ep); } else { // place a pure-layer node that embodies the array buildComplexNode(points, subNi.getProto(), parent); } return; } else { // remember that array simplification would have helped arraySimplificationUseful = true; } } // generate an array double ptcX = startLoc.getX(); double ptcY = startLoc.getY(); for (int ic = 0; ic < nCols; ic++) { double ptX = ptcX; double ptY = ptcY; for (int ir = 0; ir < nRows; ir++) { // create the node if (localPrefs.instantiateArrays || (ir == 0 && ic == 0) || (ir == (nRows-1) && ic == (nCols-1))) { Point2D loc = new Point2D.Double(ptX, ptY); /* NodeInst ni = */ NodeInst.makeInstance(proto, loc, proto.getDefWidth(), proto.getDefHeight(), parent, orient, null); // if (ni != null) // { // if (localPrefs.expandCells && ni.isCellInstance()) // ni.setExpanded(true); // } } // add the row displacement ptX += rowOffset.getX(); ptY += rowOffset.getY(); } // add displacement ptcX += colOffset.getX(); ptcY += colOffset.getY(); } } private List<EPoint> buildArray() { List<EPoint> points = new ArrayList<EPoint>(); Rectangle2D bounds = ((Cell)proto).getBounds(); Rectangle2D boundCopy = new Rectangle2D.Double(bounds.getMinX(), bounds.getMinY(), bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight()); DBMath.transformRect(boundCopy, orient.pureRotate()); double ptcX = startLoc.getX(); double ptcY = startLoc.getY(); for (int ic = 0; ic < nCols; ic++) { double ptX = ptcX; double ptY = ptcY; for (int ir = 0; ir < nRows; ir++) { points.add(new EPoint(ptX+boundCopy.getMinX(), ptY+boundCopy.getMinY())); points.add(new EPoint(ptX+boundCopy.getMaxX(), ptY+boundCopy.getMinY())); points.add(new EPoint(ptX+boundCopy.getMaxX(), ptY+boundCopy.getMaxY())); points.add(new EPoint(ptX+boundCopy.getMinX(), ptY+boundCopy.getMaxY())); // insert a "break" marker to start a new polygon if (ic < nCols-1 || ir < nRows-1) points.add(null); // add the row displacement ptX += rowOffset.getX(); ptY += rowOffset.getY(); } // add displacement ptcX += colOffset.getX(); ptcY += colOffset.getY(); } return points; } } private static class MakeInstance { private NodeProto proto; private final Point2D loc; private final Orientation orient; private final double wid, hei; private final EPoint[] points; // trace private String exportName; // export private final Name nodeName; // text private String origNodeName; // original text with invalid name private ImmutableNodeInst n; private MakeInstance(CellBuilder cb, NodeProto proto, Point2D loc, Orientation orient, double wid, double hei, EPoint[] points, String exportName, Name nodeName) { this.proto = proto; this.loc = loc; this.orient = orient; this.wid = DBMath.round(wid); this.hei = DBMath.round(hei); this.points = points; this.exportName = exportName; if (nodeName != null && !nodeName.isValid()) { origNodeName = nodeName.toString(); if (origNodeName.equals("[@instanceName]")) { origNodeName = null; nodeName = null; } else if (origNodeName.endsWith(":")) { nodeName = Name.findName(origNodeName.substring(0, origNodeName.length()-1)); if (nodeName.isValid()) origNodeName = null; } else { nodeName = null; } } cb.count.increment(); // if (countOff && ((count.intValue() % 2000) == 0)) // System.out.println(" Named " + count + " instances"); if (nodeName != null) { if (!validGdsNodeName(nodeName)) { System.out.println(" Warning: Node name '" + nodeName + "' in cell " + cb.cell.describe(false) + " is bad (" + Name.checkName(nodeName.toString()) + ")...ignoring the name"); } else if (!cb.userNames.contains(nodeName.toString())) { cb.userNames.add(nodeName.toString()); this.nodeName = nodeName; return; } } Name baseName; if (proto instanceof Cell) baseName = ((Cell)proto).getBasename(); else { PrimitiveNode np = (PrimitiveNode)proto; baseName = np.getFunction().getBasename(); } String basenameString = baseName.toString(); GenMath.MutableInteger maxSuffix = cb.maxSuffixes.get(basenameString); if (maxSuffix == null) { maxSuffix = new GenMath.MutableInteger(-1); cb.maxSuffixes.put(basenameString, maxSuffix); } maxSuffix.increment(); this.nodeName = baseName.findSuffixed(maxSuffix.intValue()); } private boolean validGdsNodeName(Name name) { return name.isValid() && !name.hasEmptySubnames() && !name.isBus() || !name.isTempname(); } /** * Method to instantiate a node/export in a Cell. * @param parent the Cell in which to create the geometry. * @param exportUnify a map that shows how renamed exports connect. * @param saveHere a list of ImmutableNodeInst to save this instance in. * @return true if the export had to be renamed. */ private void instantiate(CellBuilder cb, Map<String,String> exportUnify, List<ImmutableNodeInst> saveHere) { Cell parent = cb.cell; assert parent.isLinked(); // search for spare nodeId int nodeId = cb.nodeId++; assert nodeName != null; String name = nodeName.toString(); assert parent.findNode(name) == null; assert !NodeInst.checkNameKey(nodeName, parent) && !nodeName.isBus(); TextDescriptor nameDescriptor = TextDescriptor.getNodeTextDescriptor(); EPoint anchor = EPoint.snap(loc); EPoint size = EPoint.ORIGIN; if (proto instanceof PrimitiveNode) { ERectangle full = ((PrimitiveNode) proto).getFullRectangle(); long gridWidth = DBMath.lambdaToSizeGrid(wid - full.getLambdaWidth()); long gridHeight = DBMath.lambdaToSizeGrid(hei - full.getLambdaHeight()); size = EPoint.fromGrid(gridWidth, gridHeight); } else { assert ((Cell)proto).isLinked(); } int flags = 0; int techBits = 0; TextDescriptor protoDescriptor = TextDescriptor.getInstanceTextDescriptor(); n = ImmutableNodeInst.newInstance(nodeId, proto.getId(), nodeName, nameDescriptor, orient, anchor, size, flags, techBits, protoDescriptor); if (points != null && GenMath.getAreaOfPoints(points) != wid*hei) { n = n.withTrace(points, cb.traceDescriptor); } cb.nodesToCreate.add(n); String errorMsg = null; if (saveHere != null) saveHere.add(n); if (origNodeName != null) { errorMsg = "Cell " + parent.describe(false) + ": Original GDS name of '" + name + "' was '" + origNodeName + "'"; } if (errorMsg != null) { errorLogger.logMessage(errorMsg, Collections.singleton(n), parent, -1, false); System.out.println(errorMsg); } if (exportName != null) { if (exportName.endsWith(":")) exportName = exportName.substring(0, exportName.length()-1); exportName = exportName.replace(':', '_'); if (cb.alreadyExports.contains(exportName)) { String newName = ElectricObject.uniqueObjectName(exportName, parent, Export.class, cb.alreadyExports, cb.nextExportPlainIndex, true, true); // while (exportNames.contains(newName)) // { // int lastUnder = newName.lastIndexOf('_'); // if (lastUnder > 0 && TextUtils.isANumber(newName.substring(lastUnder+1))) // { // newName = newName.substring(0, lastUnder+1) + (TextUtils.atoi(newName.substring(lastUnder+1))+1); // } else // { // newName += "_1"; // } // } //System.out.println(" Warning: Multiple exports called '" + exportName + "' in cell " + // parent.describe(false) + " (renamed to " + newName + ")"); exportUnify.put(newName, exportName); exportName = newName; } // Create ImmutableExport ExportId exportId = parent.getD().cellId.newPortId(exportName); boolean busNamesAllowed = false; Name exportNameKey = ImmutableExport.validExportName(exportName, busNamesAllowed); if (exportNameKey == null) { String newName = Export.repairExportName(parent, exportName); if (newName == null) newName = Export.repairExportName(parent, "X"); if (newName != null) exportNameKey = ImmutableExport.validExportName(newName, busNamesAllowed); if (exportNameKey == null) { System.out.print("Error: Pin '" + exportName + "' is invalid"); if (newName != null) System.out.print(" and alternate name, '" + newName + "' cannot be used"); System.out.println(". Pin ignored."); return; } System.out.println("Warning: Pin '" + exportName + "' is invalid and was renamed to '" + newName + "'"); exportName = newName; } TextDescriptor nameTextDescriptor = TextDescriptor.getExportTextDescriptor(); PortProtoId portProtoId = proto.getPort(0).getId(); boolean alwaysDrawn = false; boolean bodyOnly = false; assert parent.findExport(exportName) == null; PortCharacteristic characteristic = PortCharacteristic.UNKNOWN; ImmutableExport d = ImmutableExport.newInstance(exportId, exportNameKey, nameTextDescriptor, nodeId, portProtoId, alwaysDrawn, bodyOnly, characteristic); // Put ImmutableExport in the CellBuiler. // This also modifies the cb.alreadyExports cb.exportsByName.put(exportName, d); } } } private void loadFile() throws IOException { getToken(); readHeader(); getToken(); readLibrary(); getToken(); while (isMember(theToken, optionSet)) { if (theToken == GDS_REFLIBS) readRefLibs(); else if (theToken == GDS_FONTS) readFonts(); else if (theToken == GDS_ATTRTABLE) readAttrTable(); else if (theToken == GDS_GENERATIONS) readGenerations(); } while (theToken != GDS_UNITS) getToken(); readUnits(); getToken(); while (theToken != GDS_ENDLIB) { readStructure(); getToken(); } } private void readHeader() throws IOException { if (theToken != GDS_HEADER) handleError("GDS II header statement is missing"); getToken(); if (theToken != GDS_SHORT_NUMBER) handleError("GDS II version number is not decipherable"); // version "tokenValue16" } private void readLibrary() throws IOException { if (theToken != GDS_BGNLIB) handleError("Begin library statement is missing"); getToken(); determineTime(); // creation time determineTime(); // modification time if (theToken == GDS_LIBNAME) { getToken(); if (theToken != GDS_IDENT) handleError("Library name is missing"); } } private void readRefLibs() throws IOException { getToken(); getToken(); } private void readFonts() throws IOException { getToken(); getToken(); } private void readAttrTable() throws IOException { getToken(); if (theToken == GDS_IDENT) { getToken(); } } private void readUnits() throws IOException { if (theToken != GDS_UNITS) handleError("Units statement is missing"); getToken(); if (theToken != GDS_REALNUM) handleError("Units statement has invalid number format"); // get the meter unit getToken(); double meterUnit = tokenValueDouble; // round the meter unit double shift = 1; double roundedScale = meterUnit; while (roundedScale < 1) { roundedScale *= 10; shift *= 10; } roundedScale = DBMath.round(roundedScale) / shift; meterUnit = roundedScale; // compute the scale double microScale = TextUtils.convertFromDistance(1, curTech, TextUtils.UnitScale.MICRO); theScale = meterUnit * 1000000.0 * microScale * localPrefs.inputScale; // // round the scale // double shift = 1; // double roundedScale = theScale; // while (roundedScale < 1) // { // roundedScale *= 10; // shift *= 10; // } // roundedScale = DBMath.round(roundedScale) / shift; // theScale = roundedScale; } private double scaleValue(double value) { double result = value * theScale; return result; } private void showResultsOfCell() { System.out.print("**** Cell "+theCell.cell.describe(false)+" has"); if (countBox > 0) System.out.print(" "+countBox+" boxes"); if (countText > 0) System.out.print(" "+countText+" texts"); if (countNode > 0) System.out.print(" "+countNode+" nodes"); if (countPath > 0) System.out.print(" "+countPath+" paths"); if (countShape > 0) System.out.print(" "+countShape+" shapes"); if (countSRef > 0) System.out.print(" "+countSRef+" instances"); if (countARef > 0) System.out.print(" "+countARef+" arrays with "+countATotal+" elements"); System.out.println(); } private void readStructure() throws IOException { beginStructure(); getToken(); if (localPrefs.mergeBoxes) { // initialize merge if merging this cell merge = new PolyMerge(); } // read the cell countBox = countText = countNode = countPath = countShape = countSRef = countARef = countATotal = 0; while (theToken != GDS_ENDSTR) { getElement(); getToken(); } if (TALLYCONTENTS) showResultsOfCell(); if (localPrefs.mergeBoxes) { // extract merge information for this cell for(Layer layer : merge.getKeySet()) { Layer primLayer = layer; PrimitiveNode pnp = primLayer.getPureLayerNode(); List<PolyBase> polys = merge.getMergedPoints(layer, false); for(PolyBase poly : polys) { Rectangle2D box = poly.getBox(); if (box == null) { box = poly.getBounds2D(); Point2D ctr = new EPoint(box.getCenterX(), box.getCenterY()); // store the trace information Point2D [] pPoints = poly.getPoints(); EPoint [] points = new EPoint[pPoints.length]; for(int i=0; i<pPoints.length; i++) { points[i] = new EPoint(pPoints[i].getX(), pPoints[i].getY()); } // store the trace information theCell.makeInstance(pnp, ctr, Orientation.IDENT, box.getWidth(), box.getHeight(), points, null); } else { Point2D ctr = new EPoint(box.getCenterX(), box.getCenterY()); theCell.makeInstance(pnp, ctr, Orientation.IDENT, box.getWidth(), box.getHeight(), null, null); } } } } } private void beginStructure() throws IOException { if (theToken != GDS_BGNSTR) handleError("Begin structure statement is missing"); getToken(); determineTime(); // creation time determineTime(); // modification time if (theToken != GDS_STRNAME) handleError("Strname statement is missing"); getToken(); if (theToken != GDS_IDENT) handleError("Structure name is missing"); // look for this nodeproto String name = tokenString + "{lay}"; Cell cell = findCell(name); if (cell == null) { // create the prototype cell = Cell.newInstance(theLibrary, name); if (cell == null) handleError("Failed to create structure"); System.out.println("Reading " + name); if (!currentCells.containsKey(theLibrary)) currentCells.put(theLibrary, cell); } else { missingCells.remove(cell); } theCell = new CellBuilder(cell, curTech, localPrefs); } private Cell findCell(String name) { return theLibrary.findNodeProto(name); } /** * Method to create a pure-layer node with a complex outline. * @param points the outline description. * @param pureType the type of the pure-layer node. * @param parent the Cell in which to create the node. */ private static void buildComplexNode(List<EPoint> points, NodeProto pureType, Cell parent) { EPoint [] pointArray = new EPoint[points.size()]; double lX=0, hX=0, lY=0, hY=0; for(int i=0; i<points.size(); i++) { pointArray[i] = points.get(i); if (pointArray[i] == null) continue; if (i == 0) { lX = hX = pointArray[i].getX(); lY = hY = pointArray[i].getY(); } else { if (pointArray[i].getX() < lX) lX = pointArray[i].getX(); if (pointArray[i].getX() > hX) hX = pointArray[i].getX(); if (pointArray[i].getY() < lY) lY = pointArray[i].getY(); if (pointArray[i].getY() > hY) hY = pointArray[i].getY(); } } NodeInst ni = NodeInst.makeInstance(pureType, new Point2D.Double((lX+hX)/2, (lY+hY)/2), hX-lX, hY-lY, parent, Orientation.IDENT, null); if (ni != null && GenMath.getAreaOfPoints(pointArray) != (hX-lX)*(hY-lY)) ni.setTrace(pointArray); } private void getElement() throws IOException { while (isMember(theToken, shapeSet)) { if (theToken == GDS_AREF) { determineARef(); } else if (theToken == GDS_SREF) { determineSRef(); } else if (theToken == GDS_BOUNDARY) { determineShape(); } else if (theToken == GDS_PATH) { determinePath(); } else if (theToken == GDS_NODE) { determineNode(); } else if (theToken == GDS_TEXTSYM) { determineText(); } else if (theToken == GDS_BOX) { determineBox(); } } while (theToken == GDS_PROPATTR) determineProperty(); if (theToken != GDS_ENDEL) { showResultsOfCell(); handleError("Element end statement is missing"); } } private void determineARef() throws IOException { getToken(); readUnsupported(unsupportedSet); if (theToken != GDS_SNAME) handleError("Array reference name is missing"); getToken(); // get this nodeproto getPrototype(tokenString); getToken(); int angle = 0; boolean trans = false; if (theToken == GDS_STRANS) { ReadOrientation ro = new ReadOrientation(); ro.doIt(); angle = ro.angle; trans = ro.trans; } int nCols = 0, nRows = 0; if (theToken == GDS_COLROW) { getToken(); nCols = tokenValue16; getToken(); nRows = tokenValue16; getToken(); } if (theToken != GDS_XY) handleError("Array reference has no parameters"); getToken(); determinePoints(3, 3); // see if the instance is a single object if (TALLYCONTENTS) { countARef++; countATotal += nCols*nRows; return; } boolean mY = false; boolean mX = false; if (trans) { mY = true; angle = (angle + 900) % 3600; } Point2D colInterval = new Point2D.Double(0, 0); if (nCols != 1) { colInterval.setLocation((theVertices[1].getX() - theVertices[0].getX()) / nCols, (theVertices[1].getY() - theVertices[0].getY()) / nCols); } Point2D rowInterval = new Point2D.Double(0, 0); if (nRows != 1) { rowInterval.setLocation((theVertices[2].getX() - theVertices[0].getX()) / nRows, (theVertices[2].getY() - theVertices[0].getY()) / nRows); } theCell.makeInstanceArray(theNodeProto, nCols, nRows, Orientation.fromJava(angle, mX, mY), theVertices[0], rowInterval, colInterval); if (DEBUGALL) System.out.println("---- Array Reference: " + nCols + "x" + nRows + " of " + theNodeProto.describe(false)); } private class ReadOrientation { private int angle; private boolean trans; private double scale; private void doIt() throws IOException { double anglevalue = 0.0; scale = 1.0; boolean mirror_x = false; getToken(); if (theToken != GDS_FLAGSYM) handleError("Structure reference is missing its flags field"); if ((tokenFlags&0100000) != 0) mirror_x = true; getToken(); if (theToken == GDS_MAG) { getToken(); scale = tokenValueDouble; getToken(); } if (theToken == GDS_ANGLE) { getToken(); anglevalue = tokenValueDouble * 10; getToken(); } angle = ((int)anglevalue) % 3600; trans = mirror_x; if (trans) angle = (2700 - angle) % 3600; // should not happen...*/ if (angle < 0) angle = angle + 3600; } } private void determineSRef() throws IOException { getToken(); readUnsupported(unsupportedSet); if (theToken != GDS_SNAME) handleError("Structure reference name is missing"); getToken(); getPrototype(tokenString); getToken(); int angle = 0; boolean trans = false; if (theToken == GDS_STRANS) { ReadOrientation ro = new ReadOrientation(); ro.doIt(); angle = ro.angle; trans = ro.trans; } if (theToken != GDS_XY) handleError("Structure reference has no translation value"); getToken(); determinePoints(1, 1); if (TALLYCONTENTS) { countSRef++; return; } Point2D loc = new Point2D.Double(theVertices[0].getX(), theVertices[0].getY()); boolean mY = false; if (trans) { mY = true; angle = (angle + 900) % 3600; } theCell.makeInstance(theNodeProto, loc, Orientation.fromJava(angle, false, mY), 0, 0, null, null); if (DEBUGALL) System.out.println("---- Instance of " + theNodeProto.describe(false) + " at (" + loc.getX() + "," + loc.getY() + ")"); } private void determineShape() throws IOException { getToken(); readUnsupported(unsupportedSet); determineLayer(); getToken(); if (theToken != GDS_XY) handleError("Boundary has no points"); getToken(); determinePoints(3, MAXPOINTS); if (TALLYCONTENTS) { countShape++; return; } determineBoundary(); if (DEBUGALL) System.out.println("---- Shape on " + (layerIsPin ? "pin " : "") + "layer " + curLayerNum + "/" + curLayerType + " (" + layerNodeProto + ") has " + numVertices + " points"); } private void determineBoundary() { boolean is90 = true; boolean is45 = true; for (int i=0; i<numVertices-1 && i<MAXPOINTS-1; i++) { double dx = theVertices[i+1].getX() - theVertices[i].getX(); double dy = theVertices[i+1].getY() - theVertices[i].getY(); if (dx != 0 && dy != 0) { is90 = false; if (Math.abs(dx) != Math.abs(dy)) is45 = false; } } ShapeType perimeter = SHAPELINE; if (theVertices[0].getX() == theVertices[numVertices-1].getX() && theVertices[0].getY() == theVertices[numVertices-1].getY()) perimeter = SHAPECLOSED; ShapeType oclass = SHAPEOBLIQUE; if (perimeter == SHAPECLOSED && (is90 || is45)) oclass = SHAPEPOLY; if (numVertices == 5 && is90 && perimeter == SHAPECLOSED) oclass = SHAPERECTANGLE; if (oclass == SHAPERECTANGLE) { readBox(); // create the rectangle Point2D ctr = new Point2D.Double((theVertices[0].getX()+theVertices[1].getX())/2, (theVertices[0].getY()+theVertices[1].getY())/2); double sX = Math.abs(theVertices[1].getX() - theVertices[0].getX()); double sY = Math.abs(theVertices[1].getY() - theVertices[0].getY()); if (localPrefs.mergeBoxes) { if (layerNodeProto != null) { PrimitiveNode plnp = layerNodeProto; NodeLayer [] layers = plnp.getNodeLayers(); merge.addPolygon(layers[0].getLayer(), new Poly(ctr.getX(), ctr.getY(), sX, sY)); } } else { theCell.makeInstance(layerNodeProto, ctr, Orientation.IDENT, sX, sY, null, currentUnknownLayerMessage); } return; } if (oclass == SHAPEOBLIQUE || oclass == SHAPEPOLY) { if (localPrefs.mergeBoxes) { NodeLayer [] layers = layerNodeProto.getNodeLayers(); if (layerNodeProto != null) merge.addPolygon(layers[0].getLayer(), new Poly(theVertices)); } else { // determine the bounds of the polygon double lx = theVertices[0].getX(); double hx = theVertices[0].getX(); double ly = theVertices[0].getY(); double hy = theVertices[0].getY(); for (int i=1; i<numVertices;i++) { if (lx > theVertices[i].getX()) lx = theVertices[i].getX(); if (hx < theVertices[i].getX()) hx = theVertices[i].getX(); if (ly > theVertices[i].getY()) ly = theVertices[i].getY(); if (hy < theVertices[i].getY()) hy = theVertices[i].getY(); } // store the trace information EPoint [] points = new EPoint[numVertices]; for(int i=0; i<numVertices; i++) { points[i] = new EPoint(theVertices[i].getX(), theVertices[i].getY()); } // now create the node theCell.makeInstance(layerNodeProto, new EPoint((lx+hx)/2, (ly+hy)/2), Orientation.IDENT, hx-lx, hy-ly, points, currentUnknownLayerMessage); } return; } } private void readBox() { double pxm = theVertices[4].getX(); double pxs = theVertices[4].getX(); double pym = theVertices[4].getY(); double pys = theVertices[4].getY(); for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) { if (theVertices[i].getX() > pxm) pxm = theVertices[i].getX(); if (theVertices[i].getX() < pxs) pxs = theVertices[i].getX(); if (theVertices[i].getY() > pym) pym = theVertices[i].getY(); if (theVertices[i].getY() < pys) pys = theVertices[i].getY(); } theVertices[0].setLocation(pxs, pys); theVertices[1].setLocation(pxm, pym); } private void determinePath() throws IOException { int endcode = 0; getToken(); readUnsupported(unsupportedSet); determineLayer(); getToken(); if (theToken == GDS_PATHTYPE) { getToken(); endcode = tokenValue16; getToken(); } double width = 0; if (theToken == GDS_WIDTH) { getToken(); width = scaleValue(tokenValue32); getToken(); } double bgnextend = (endcode == 0 || endcode == 4 ? 0 : width/2); double endextend = bgnextend; if (theToken == GDS_BGNEXTN) { getToken(); if (endcode == 4) bgnextend = scaleValue(tokenValue32); getToken(); } if (theToken == GDS_ENDEXTN) { getToken(); if (endcode == 4) endextend = scaleValue(tokenValue32); getToken(); } if (theToken == GDS_XY) { getToken(); determinePoints(2, MAXPOINTS); if (TALLYCONTENTS) { countPath++; return; } // construct the path for (int i=0; i < numVertices-1; i++) { Point2D fromPt = theVertices[i]; Point2D toPt = theVertices[i+1]; // determine whether either end needs to be shrunk double fextend = width / 2; double textend = fextend; int thisAngle = GenMath.figureAngle(fromPt, toPt); if (i > 0) { Point2D prevPoint = theVertices[i-1]; int lastAngle = GenMath.figureAngle(prevPoint, fromPt); if (Math.abs(thisAngle-lastAngle) % 900 != 0) { int ang = Math.abs(thisAngle-lastAngle) / 10; if (ang > 180) ang = 360 - ang; if (ang > 90) ang = 180 - ang; fextend = Poly.getExtendFactor(width, ang); } } else { fextend = bgnextend; } if (i+1 < numVertices-1) { Point2D nextPoint = theVertices[i+2]; int nextAngle = GenMath.figureAngle(toPt, nextPoint); if (Math.abs(thisAngle-nextAngle) % 900 != 0) { int ang = Math.abs(thisAngle-nextAngle) / 10; if (ang > 180) ang = 360 - ang; if (ang > 90) ang = 180 - ang; textend = Poly.getExtendFactor(width, ang); } } else { textend = endextend; } // handle arbitrary angle path segment double length = fromPt.distance(toPt); Poly poly = Poly.makeEndPointPoly(length, width, GenMath.figureAngle(toPt, fromPt), fromPt, fextend, toPt, textend, Poly.Type.FILLED); if (localPrefs.mergeBoxes) { if (layerNodeProto != null) { NodeLayer [] layers = layerNodeProto.getNodeLayers(); merge.addPolygon(layers[0].getLayer(), poly); } } else { // make the node for this segment Rectangle2D polyBox = poly.getBox(); if (polyBox != null) { theCell.makeInstance(layerNodeProto, new EPoint(polyBox.getCenterX(), polyBox.getCenterY()), Orientation.IDENT, polyBox.getWidth(), polyBox.getHeight(), null, currentUnknownLayerMessage); } else { polyBox = poly.getBounds2D(); double cx = polyBox.getCenterX(); double cy = polyBox.getCenterY(); // store the trace information Point2D [] polyPoints = poly.getPoints(); EPoint [] points = new EPoint[polyPoints.length]; for(int j=0; j<polyPoints.length; j++) { points[j] = new EPoint(polyPoints[j].getX(), polyPoints[j].getY()); } // store the trace information theCell.makeInstance(layerNodeProto, new EPoint(cx, cy), Orientation.IDENT, polyBox.getWidth(), polyBox.getHeight(), points, currentUnknownLayerMessage); } } } } else { handleError("Path element has no points"); } if (DEBUGALL) System.out.println("---- Path on " + (layerIsPin ? "pin " : "") + "layer " + curLayerNum + "/" + curLayerType + " (" + layerNodeProto + ") has " + numVertices + " points"); } private void determineNode() throws IOException { getToken(); readUnsupported(unsupportedSet); if (theToken != GDS_LAYER) handleError("Boundary has no points"); getToken(); int layerNum = tokenValue16; if (theToken == GDS_SHORT_NUMBER) { getToken(); } // also get node type int layerType = tokenValue16; if (theToken == GDS_NODETYPE) { getToken(); getToken(); } setLayer(layerNum, layerType); // make a dot if (theToken != GDS_XY) handleError("Boundary has no points"); getToken(); determinePoints(1, 1); if (TALLYCONTENTS) { countNode++; return; } // create the node if (localPrefs.mergeBoxes) { } else { theCell.makeInstance(layerNodeProto, new Point2D.Double(theVertices[0].getX(), theVertices[0].getY()), Orientation.IDENT, 0, 0, null, currentUnknownLayerMessage); } if (DEBUGALL) System.out.println("---- Node on " + (layerIsPin ? "pin " : "") + "layer " + curLayerNum + "/" + curLayerType + " (" + layerNodeProto + ") at (" + theVertices[0].getX() + "," + theVertices[0].getY() + ")"); } private void determineText() throws IOException { getToken(); readUnsupported(unsupportedSet); determineLayer(); getToken(); int vert_just = -1; int horiz_just = -1; if (theToken == GDS_PRESENTATION) { Point just = determineJustification(); vert_just = just.x; horiz_just = just.y; } if (theToken == GDS_PATHTYPE) { getToken(); // code = tokenValue16; getToken(); } if (theToken == GDS_WIDTH) { getToken(); // width = tokenValue32 * theScale; getToken(); } int angle = 0; boolean trans = false; double scale = 1.0; String textString = ""; for(;;) { if (theToken == GDS_STRANS) { ReadOrientation ro = new ReadOrientation(); ro.doIt(); angle = ro.angle; trans = ro.trans; scale = ro.scale; continue; } if (theToken == GDS_XY) { getToken(); determinePoints(1, 1); continue; } if (theToken == GDS_ANGLE) { getToken(); angle = (int)(tokenValueDouble * 10.0); getToken(); continue; } if (theToken == GDS_STRING) { if (recordCount != 0) { getToken(); textString = tokenString; } getToken(); break; } if (theToken == GDS_MAG) { getToken(); getToken(); continue; } handleError("Text element has no reference point"); break; } if (TALLYCONTENTS) { countText++; return; } readText(textString, vert_just, horiz_just, angle, trans, scale); if (DEBUGALL) System.out.println("---- Text " + (layerIsPin ? "(pin) " : "") + "'" + textString.replace('\n', '/') + "' at (" + theVertices[0].getX() + "," + theVertices[0].getY() + ")"); } private void readText(String charstring, int vjust, int hjust, int angle, boolean trans, double scale) { // handle pins specially if (layerIsPin) { theCell.makeExport(pinNodeProto, new Point2D.Double(theVertices[0].getX(), theVertices[0].getY()), Orientation.IDENT, charstring, currentUnknownLayerMessage); return; } // stop if not handling text in GDS if (!localPrefs.includeText) return; double x = theVertices[0].getX() + MINFONTWIDTH * charstring.length(); double y = theVertices[0].getY() + MINFONTHEIGHT; theVertices[1].setLocation(x, y); // set the text size and orientation MutableTextDescriptor td = MutableTextDescriptor.getNodeTextDescriptor(); double size = scale; if (size <= 0) size = 2; if (size > TextDescriptor.Size.TXTMAXQGRID) size = TextDescriptor.Size.TXTMAXQGRID; if (size < TextDescriptor.Size.TXTMINQGRID) size = TextDescriptor.Size.TXTMINQGRID; td.setRelSize(size); // determine the presentation td.setPos(TextDescriptor.Position.CENT); switch (vjust) { case 1: // top switch (hjust) { case 1: td.setPos(TextDescriptor.Position.UPRIGHT); break; case 2: td.setPos(TextDescriptor.Position.UPLEFT); break; default: td.setPos(TextDescriptor.Position.UP); break; } break; case 2: // bottom switch (hjust) { case 1: td.setPos(TextDescriptor.Position.DOWNRIGHT); break; case 2: td.setPos(TextDescriptor.Position.DOWNLEFT); break; default: td.setPos(TextDescriptor.Position.DOWN); break; } break; default: // centered switch (hjust) { case 1: td.setPos(TextDescriptor.Position.RIGHT); break; case 2: td.setPos(TextDescriptor.Position.LEFT); break; default: td.setPos(TextDescriptor.Position.CENT); break; } } theCell.makeText(layerNodeProto, new Point2D.Double(theVertices[0].getX(), theVertices[0].getY()), charstring, TextDescriptor.newTextDescriptor(td), currentUnknownLayerMessage); } /** * untested feature, I don't have a box type */ private void determineBox() throws IOException { getToken(); readUnsupported(unsupportedSet); determineLayer(); if (theToken != GDS_XY) handleError("Boundary has no points"); getToken(); determinePoints(2, MAXPOINTS); if (TALLYCONTENTS) { countBox++; return; } // create the box if (localPrefs.mergeBoxes) { if (layerNodeProto != null) { } } else { theCell.makeInstance(layerNodeProto, new Point2D.Double(theVertices[0].getX(), theVertices[0].getY()), Orientation.IDENT, 0, 0, null, currentUnknownLayerMessage); } if (DEBUGALL) System.out.println("---- Box on " + (layerIsPin ? "pin " : "") + "layer " + curLayerNum + "/" + curLayerType + " (" + layerNodeProto + ") has " + numVertices + " points"); } private static class UnknownLayerMessage { String message; UnknownLayerMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } } private void setLayer(int layerNum, int layerType) { curLayerNum = layerNum; curLayerType = layerType; layerIsPin = false; currentUnknownLayerMessage = null; Integer layerInt = new Integer(layerNum + (layerType<<16)); Layer layer = layerNames.get(layerInt); if (layer == null) { layer = Generic.tech().drcLay; if (localPrefs.unknownLayerHandling == IOTool.GDSUNKNOWNLAYERUSERANDOM) { // assign an unused layer here for(Iterator<Layer> it = curTech.getLayers(); it.hasNext(); ) { Layer l = it.next(); if (layerNames.values().contains(l)) continue; layer = l; break; } if (layer == null) { // no unused layers: start picking at random if (randomLayerSelection >= curTech.getNumLayers()) randomLayerSelection = 0; layer = curTech.getLayer(randomLayerSelection); randomLayerSelection++; } } layerNames.put(layerInt, layer); String message = "GDS layer " + layerNum + ", type " + layerType + " unknown, "; switch (localPrefs.unknownLayerHandling) { case IOTool.GDSUNKNOWNLAYERIGNORE: message += "ignoring it"; break; case IOTool.GDSUNKNOWNLAYERUSEDRC: message += "using Generic:DRC layer"; break; case IOTool.GDSUNKNOWNLAYERUSERANDOM: message += "using layer " + layer.getName(); break; } currentUnknownLayerMessage = layerErrorMessages.get(layerInt); if (currentUnknownLayerMessage == null) { currentUnknownLayerMessage = new UnknownLayerMessage(message); layerErrorMessages.put(layerInt, currentUnknownLayerMessage); } } if (layer != null) { currentUnknownLayerMessage = layerErrorMessages.get(layerInt); if (layer == Generic.tech().drcLay && localPrefs.unknownLayerHandling == IOTool.GDSUNKNOWNLAYERIGNORE) { layerNodeProto = null; pinNodeProto = null; return; } layerNodeProto = layer.getNonPseudoLayer().getPureLayerNode(); pinNodeProto = Generic.tech().universalPinNode; if (pinLayers.contains(layerInt)) { layerIsPin = true; if (layerNodeProto != null && layerNodeProto.getNumPorts() > 0) { PortProto pp = layerNodeProto.getPort(0); for (Iterator<ArcProto> it = layer.getTechnology().getArcs(); it.hasNext(); ) { ArcProto arc = it.next(); if (pp.connectsTo(arc)) { pinNodeProto = arc.findOverridablePinProto(ep); break; } } } } if (layerNodeProto == null) { String message = "Error: no pure layer node for layer '" + layer.getName() + "', ignoring it"; layerNames.put(layerInt, Generic.tech().drcLay); currentUnknownLayerMessage = new UnknownLayerMessage(message); layerErrorMessages.put(layerInt, currentUnknownLayerMessage); } } } private void determineLayer() throws IOException { if (theToken != GDS_LAYER) handleError("Layer statement is missing"); getToken(); if (theToken != GDS_SHORT_NUMBER) handleError("Invalid layer number"); int layerNum = tokenValue16; getToken(); if (!isMember(theToken, maskSet)) handleError("No datatype field"); getToken(); setLayer(layerNum, tokenValue16); } /** * Method to get the justification information into a Point. * @return a point whose "x" is the vertical justification and whose * "y" is the horizontal justification. */ private Point determineJustification() throws IOException { Point just = new Point(); getToken(); if (theToken != GDS_FLAGSYM) handleError("Array reference has no parameters"); int font_libno = tokenFlags & 0x0030; font_libno = font_libno >> 4; just.x = tokenFlags & 0x000C; just.x = just.x >> 2; just.y = tokenFlags & 0x0003; getToken(); return just; } private void determineProperty() throws IOException { getToken(); getToken(); if (theToken != GDS_PROPVALUE) handleError("Property has no value"); getToken(); // add to the current structure as a variable? getToken(); } private void getPrototype(String name) throws IOException { // scan for this prototype name = name + "{lay}"; Cell np = findCell(name); if (np == null) { // FILO order, create this nodeproto np = Cell.newInstance(theLibrary, name); if (np == null) handleError("Failed to create SREF proto"); setProgressValue(0); setProgressNote("Reading " + name); missingCells.add(np); } // set the reference node prototype theNodeProto = np; } private void readGenerations() throws IOException { getToken(); if (theToken != GDS_SHORT_NUMBER) handleError("Generations value is invalid"); getToken(); } private boolean isMember(GSymbol tok, GSymbol [] set) { for(int i=0; i<set.length; i++) if (set[i] == tok) return true; return false; } private void getToken() throws IOException { if (recordCount == 0) { valuetype = readRecord(); } else { if (valuetype == TYPEFLAGS) { tokenFlags = getWord(); theToken = GDS_FLAGSYM; return; } if (valuetype == TYPESHORT) { tokenValue16 = getWord(); theToken = GDS_SHORT_NUMBER; return; } if (valuetype == TYPELONG) { tokenValue32 = getInteger(); theToken = GDS_NUMBER; return; } if (valuetype == TYPEFLOAT) { tokenValueDouble = getFloat(); theToken = GDS_REALNUM; return; } if (valuetype == TYPEDOUBLE) { tokenValueDouble = getDouble(); theToken = GDS_REALNUM; return; } if (valuetype == TYPESTRING) { tokenString = getString(); theToken = GDS_IDENT; return; } if (valuetype == TYPEERR) handleError("Invalid GDS II datatype"); } } private DatatypeSymbol readRecord() throws IOException { int dataword = getWord(); recordCount = dataword - 2; int recordtype = getByte() & 0xFF; theToken = GSymbol.findSymbol(recordtype); DatatypeSymbol datatypeSymbol = TYPEERR; switch (getByte()) { case 0: datatypeSymbol = TYPENONE; break; case 1: datatypeSymbol = TYPEFLAGS; break; case 2: datatypeSymbol = TYPESHORT; break; case 3: datatypeSymbol = TYPELONG; break; case 4: datatypeSymbol = TYPEFLOAT; break; case 5: datatypeSymbol = TYPEDOUBLE; break; case 6: datatypeSymbol = TYPESTRING; break; } return datatypeSymbol; } private void handleError(String msg) throws IOException { String message = "Error: " + msg + " at byte " + byteCount + " in '" + filePath + "'"; Cell cell = theCell != null ? theCell.cell : null; System.out.println(message); errorLogger.logError(message, cell, 0); throw new IOException(); } private void readUnsupported(GSymbol bad_op_set[]) throws IOException { if (isMember(theToken, bad_op_set)) { do { getToken(); } while (!isMember(theToken, goodOpSet)); } } private void determinePoints(int min_points, int max_points) throws IOException { numVertices = 0; while (theToken == GDS_NUMBER) { double x = scaleValue(tokenValue32); getToken(); double y = scaleValue(tokenValue32); theVertices[numVertices].setLocation(x, y); numVertices++; if (numVertices > max_points) { System.out.println("Found " + numVertices + " points (too many)"); handleError("Too many points in the shape"); } getToken(); } if (numVertices < min_points) { System.out.println("Found " + numVertices + " points (too few)"); handleError("Not enough points in the shape"); } } private String determineTime() throws IOException { String [] time_array = new String[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (theToken != GDS_SHORT_NUMBER) handleError("Date value is not a valid number"); if (i == 0 && tokenValue16 < 1900) { // handle Y2K date issues if (tokenValue16 > 60) tokenValue16 += 1900; else tokenValue16 += 2000; } time_array[i] = Integer.toString(tokenValue16); getToken(); } return time_array[1] + "-" + time_array[2] + "-" + time_array[0] + " at " + time_array[3] + ":" + time_array[4] + ":" + time_array[5]; } private float getFloat() throws IOException { int reg = getByte() & 0xFF; int sign = 1; if ((reg & 0x00000080) != 0) sign = -1; reg = reg & 0x0000007F; // generate the exponent, currently in Excess-64 representation int binary_exponent = (reg - 64) << 2; reg = (getByte() & 0xFF) << 16; int dataword = getWord(); reg = reg + dataword; int shift_count = 0; // normalize the mantissa while ((reg & 0x00800000) == 0) { reg = reg << 1; shift_count++; } // this is the exponent + normalize shift - precision of mantissa // binary_exponent = binary_exponent + shift_count - 24; binary_exponent = binary_exponent - shift_count - 24; if (binary_exponent > 0) { return (float)(sign * reg * makePower(2, binary_exponent)); } if (binary_exponent < 0) return (float)(sign * reg / makePower(2, -binary_exponent)); return sign * reg; } private static double makePower(int val, int power) { return Math.pow(val, power); // double result = 1.0; // for(int count=0; count<power; count++) // result *= val; // return result; } private double getDouble() throws IOException { // first byte is the exponent field (hex) int register1 = getByte() & 0xFF; // plus sign bit double realValue = 1; if ((register1 & 0x00000080) != 0) realValue = -1.0; // the hex exponent is in excess 64 format register1 = register1 & 0x0000007F; int exponent = register1 - 64; // bytes 2-4 are the high ordered bits of the mantissa register1 = (getByte() & 0xFF) << 16; int dataword = getWord(); register1 = register1 + dataword; // next word completes the mantissa (1/16 to 1) int long_integer = getInteger(); int register2 = long_integer; // now normalize the value if (register1 != 0 || register2 != 0) { // while ((register1 & 0x00800000) == 0) // check for 0 in the high-order nibble while ((register1 & 0x00F00000) == 0) { // register1 = register1 << 1; // shift the 2 registers by 4 bits register1 = (register1 << 4) + (register2>>28); register2 = register2 << 4; exponent--; } } else { // true 0 return 0; } // now create the mantissa (fraction between 1/16 to 1) realValue *= (register1 * twoTo32 + register2) * twoToNeg56; if (exponent > 0) { double pow = makePower(16, exponent); realValue *= pow; } else { if (exponent < 0) { double pow = makePower(16, -exponent); realValue /= pow; } } return realValue; } private String getString() throws IOException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (recordCount != 0) { char letter = (char)getByte(); if (letter != 0) sb.append(letter); } return sb.toString(); } private int getInteger() throws IOException { int highWord = getWord(); int lowWord = getWord(); return (highWord << 16) | lowWord; } private int getWord() throws IOException { int highByte = getByte() & 0xFF; int lowByte = getByte() & 0xFF; return (highByte << 8) | lowByte; } private byte getByte() throws IOException { byte b = dataInputStream.readByte(); updateProgressDialog(1); recordCount--; return b; } }