/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: SchemToLay.java * * Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Export; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Nodable; import com.sun.electric.database.network.Netlist; import com.sun.electric.database.network.Network; import com.sun.electric.database.network.Netlist.ShortResistors; import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.NodeProto; import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.PortCharacteristic; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.NodeInst; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.PortInst; import com.sun.electric.database.variable.VarContext; import com.sun.electric.database.variable.Variable; import com.sun.electric.technology.PrimitiveNode; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Inv; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Inv2i; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Inv2iKn; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Inv2iKp; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.InvCTLn; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.InvHT; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.InvLT; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Inv_passgate; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand2; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand2HLT; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand2HLT_sy; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand2LT; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand2LT_sy; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand2PH; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand2PHfk; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand2_sy; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand2en; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand2en_sy; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand3; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand3LT; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand3LT_sy3; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand3MLT; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand3_sy3; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand3en_sy; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nand3en_sy3; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nms1; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nms2; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nms2_sy; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nms3_sy3; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nor2; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nor2LT; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Nor2kresetV; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Pms1; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Pms2; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.Pms2_sy; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.TieHi; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.gates.VertTrack; import com.sun.electric.tool.Job; public class SchemToLay { // ------------------------ private types --------------------------------- // A RouteSeg is a list of layout ports that should be connected // and a list of exports on that net. Networks that connect to // both NMOS stack and PMOS stack devices need to be divided into // two RouteSeg's, one in the lower half of the cell and one in // the upper half of the cell. Otherwise there is a one to one // relationship between a Network and a RouteSeg private static class RouteSeg { private static final Iterator<Export> NO_EXPORTS = new ArrayList<Export>().iterator(); private ArrayList<PortInst> pStkPorts = new ArrayList<PortInst>(); private ArrayList<PortInst> nStkPorts = new ArrayList<PortInst>(); private ArrayList<PortInst> nonStkPorts = new ArrayList<PortInst>(); private Iterator<Export> exports = NO_EXPORTS; private Integer exportTrack = null; // Has this RouteSeg been assigned a track for its exports? // WARNING!! Export tracks are PHYSICAL!!!!! They include blocked // tracks. Everywhere else in this program we talk about // available tracks which exclude blocked tracks. private boolean hasExpTrk() {return exportTrack!=null;} private int getExpTrk() {return exportTrack.intValue();} private boolean hasPmosExpTrk() {return hasExpTrk() && getExpTrk()>0;} private boolean hasNmosExpTrk() {return hasExpTrk() && getExpTrk()<0;} private static ArrayList<PortInst> schemNetToLayPorts(Network net, HashMap<NodeInst,NodeInst> iconToLay) { ArrayList<PortInst> layPorts = new ArrayList<PortInst>(); Iterator<PortInst> iPorts = SKIP_WIRE_PORTINSTS.filter(net.getPorts()); while (iPorts.hasNext()) { PortInst iconPort = iPorts.next(); NodeInst layInst = iconToLay.get(iconPort.getNodeInst()); error(layInst==null, "SchemToLay: no layout instance for Icon? "+ iconPort.getNodeInst()); String portNm = iconPort.getPortProto().getName(); PortInst layPort = layInst.findPortInst(portNm); error(layPort==null, "Port: "+portNm+" missing from Part: "+ layInst.getProto().getName()); layPorts.add(layPort); } return layPorts; } private static Integer findExportTrack(Network net, HashMap<String,Object> expTrkAsgn) { Integer expTrk = null; for (Iterator<Export> it=net.getExports(); it.hasNext();) { String expNm = it.next().getName(); if (expTrkAsgn.containsKey(expNm)) { error(expTrk!=null, "more than one track assigned to segment!"); expTrk = (Integer)expTrkAsgn.get(expNm); } } return expTrk; } private boolean hasNstk() { return nStkPorts.size()!=0 || hasNmosExpTrk(); } private boolean hasPstk() { return pStkPorts.size()!=0 || hasPmosExpTrk(); } private Iterator<Export> removeExports() { exportTrack = null; Iterator<Export> oldExports = exports; exports = NO_EXPORTS; return oldExports; } private RouteSeg(ArrayList<PortInst> layPorts, Iterator<Export> exports, Integer expTrk) { this.exports = exports; this.exportTrack = expTrk; for (int i=0; i<layPorts.size(); i++) { PortInst p = layPorts.get(i); if (isNstk(p.getNodeInst())) nStkPorts.add(p); else if (isPstk(p.getNodeInst())) pStkPorts.add(p); else nonStkPorts.add(p); } } public RouteSeg(Network net, HashMap<NodeInst,NodeInst> iconToLay, HashMap<String,Object> expTrkAsgn) { this(schemNetToLayPorts(net, iconToLay), net.getExports(), findExportTrack(net, expTrkAsgn)); } public boolean hasExports() {return exports.hasNext();} public Iterator<Export> findExports() {return exports;} public boolean hasNonStk() {return nonStkPorts.size()!=0;} // A RouteSeg containing both NMOS and PMOS stacks must be divided into // two RouteSegs public RouteSeg splitOffPstkRouteSeg(ArrayList<NodeInst> vertTracks, StdCellParams stdCell, Cell gasp) { error(!hasPstk() || !hasNstk(), "can't split off anything"); if (!hasNonStk()) { // There is no non-stack part on this segment. We need to add // a part containing a vertical routing track so we can // connect the NMOS and PMOS stacks. NodeProto vtProt = VertTrack.makePart(stdCell); NodeInst vtInst = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(vtProt, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, gasp); vertTracks.add(vtInst); nonStkPorts.add(vtInst.findPortInst("in")); } // For now, old segment contains nStk and nonStk, new segment // contains pStk and one nonStk to bind the two segments // together. Optimize this later. ArrayList<PortInst> pPorts = pStkPorts; pStkPorts = new ArrayList<PortInst>(); pPorts.add(nonStkPorts.get(0)); Integer pExpTrk = hasPmosExpTrk() ? new Integer(getExpTrk()) : null; Iterator<Export> pExports = hasPmosExpTrk() ? removeExports() : NO_EXPORTS; return new RouteSeg(pPorts, pExports, pExpTrk); } public ArrayList<PortInst> getAllPorts() { ArrayList<PortInst> ports = new ArrayList<PortInst>(pStkPorts); ports.addAll(nStkPorts); ports.addAll(nonStkPorts); return ports; } public double estimateLength() { double minX = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double maxX = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; ArrayList<PortInst> ports = getAllPorts(); for (int i=0; i<ports.size(); i++) { double x = LayoutLib.roundCenterX(ports.get(i)); minX = Math.min(minX, x); maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); } double weight = hasExports() ? 1/*.5*/ : 1; return weight*(maxX-minX); } public double getLoX() { double minX = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; ArrayList<PortInst> ports = getAllPorts(); for (int i=0; i<ports.size(); i++) { double x = LayoutLib.roundCenterX(ports.get(i)); minX = Math.min(minX, x); } return minX; } public double getHiX() { double maxX = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; ArrayList<PortInst> ports = getAllPorts(); for (int i=0; i<ports.size(); i++) { double x = LayoutLib.roundCenterX(ports.get(i)); maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); } return maxX; } } private static class TrackAllocator { private static final double FULL_TRACK_XLO = -Integer.MAX_VALUE; private static final double FULL_TRACK_WID = 2.0 * Integer.MAX_VALUE; private static final boolean PMOS = true; private static final boolean NMOS = false; private final int nbNmosTracks, nbPmosTracks; private StdCellParams stdCell; private ArrayList<Rectangle2D> blockages = new ArrayList<Rectangle2D>(); public TrackAllocator(StdCellParams stdCell) { this.stdCell = stdCell; nbNmosTracks = stdCell.nbNmosTracks(); nbPmosTracks = stdCell.nbPmosTracks(); } private boolean isBlocked(double x, double y, double w, double h) { for (int i=0; i<blockages.size(); i++) { Rectangle2D block = blockages.get(i); if (block.intersects(x, y, w, h)) return true; } return false; } private int findClearTrack(RouteSeg r, boolean isPmos, double wireWid) { // external nets block the entire track boolean ext = r.hasExports(); double xLo = ext ? FULL_TRACK_XLO : (r.getLoX() - wireWid/2); double wid = ext ? FULL_TRACK_WID : (r.getHiX() - r.getLoX() + wireWid); int maxTrack = isPmos ? nbPmosTracks : nbNmosTracks; int dir = isPmos ? 1 : -1; for (int track=1; track<=maxTrack; track++) { double yLo = stdCell.getTrackY(dir*track) - wireWid/2; if (!isBlocked(xLo, yLo, wid, wireWid)) return track*dir; } return 0; } public void occupyTrack(RouteSeg r, double y, double wireWid) { // external nets block the entire track boolean ext = r.hasExports(); double xLo = ext ? FULL_TRACK_XLO : (r.getLoX() - wireWid/2); double wid = ext ? FULL_TRACK_WID : (r.getHiX() - r.getLoX() + wireWid); double yLo = y - wireWid/2; Rectangle2D block = new Rectangle2D.Double(xLo, yLo, wid, wireWid); blockages.add(block); } public void occupyTrack(RouteSeg r, int trkNdx, double wireWid) { occupyTrack(r, stdCell.getTrackY(trkNdx), wireWid); } public double getTrackY(RouteSeg r, double wireWid) { int track; if (r.hasPstk()) { // segments with PMOS stacks must use tracks in P region error(r.hasNstk(), "RouteSeg requires 2 tracks"); track = findClearTrack(r, PMOS, wireWid); error(track==-1, "ran out of PMOS routing tracks"); } else if (r.hasNstk()) { // segments with NMOS stacks must use tracks in N region track = findClearTrack(r, NMOS, wireWid); error(track==0, "ran out of NMOS routing tracks"); } else { // Segments without stacks can be routed in either region. int pTrack = findClearTrack(r, PMOS, wireWid); int nTrack = findClearTrack(r, NMOS, wireWid); error(pTrack==0 && nTrack==0, "ran out of routing tracks"); if (pTrack!=0 && nTrack!=0) { // use the inner most track track = (pTrack < -nTrack) ? pTrack : nTrack; } else { // use the only track we've got track = (nTrack!=0) ? nTrack : pTrack; } } occupyTrack(r, track, wireWid); return stdCell.getTrackY(track); } } // In addition to the ordinary uninteresting schematic pieces, also // skip Cell wire{ic} private static class SkipWirePortInsts extends PortFilter.SchemPortFilter { @Override public boolean skipPort(PortInst pi) { // if it's a wire pin, bus pin, off page then pitch it if (super.skipPort(pi)) return true; NodeProto np = pi.getNodeInst().getProto(); // if it's an instance of the Cell wire{ic} then pitch it if (np instanceof Cell && np.getName().equals("wire{ic}")) { return true; } if (np instanceof PrimitiveNode && np.getName().equals("Global-Signal")) { return true; } return false; } } // ----------------------------- private data ----------------------------- static final PortFilter SKIP_WIRE_PORTINSTS = new SkipWirePortInsts(); private static void error(boolean pred, String msg) { Job.error(pred, msg); } private static double getNumericVal(Object val) { if (val==null) { System.out.println("null value detected, using 40"); return 40; } if (val instanceof Number) { return ((Number)val).doubleValue(); } error(true, "not a numeric value: "+val); return 0; } private static Cell getPurpleLay(NodeInst iconInst, VarContext context, StdCellParams stdCell) { TechType tech = stdCell.getTechType(); NodeProto prot = iconInst.getProto(); String pNm = prot.getName(); // we actually generate layout for two primitive nodes: Power and Ground if (!iconInst.isCellInstance()) { if (pNm.equals("Power")) { return TieHi.makePart(stdCell); } else if (pNm.equals("Ground")) { //return TieLo.makePart(stdCell); } error(true, "can't generate layout for PrimitiveNode: "+pNm); } // Keepers require special handling because they don't have sizes // attached to them. Instead, the components making up keepers // have sizes attached. We need to pass the schematic // implementing the keeper to the keeper generator. if (pNm.equals("keeper_high{ic}")) { NodeProto npe = ((Cell)iconInst.getProto()).getEquivalent(); return KeeperHigh.makePart((Cell)npe, context.push(iconInst), stdCell); } else if (pNm.equals("keeper_low{ic}")) { NodeProto npe = ((Cell)iconInst.getProto()).getEquivalent(); return KeeperLow.makePart((Cell)npe, context.push(iconInst), stdCell); } Variable var = iconInst.getParameterOrVariable(tech.getAttrS()); if (var==null) var = iconInst.getParameterOrVariable(tech.getAttrSP()); if (var==null) var = iconInst.getParameterOrVariable(tech.getAttrSN()); if (var==null) var = iconInst.getParameterOrVariable(tech.getAttrX()); double x = getNumericVal(context.evalVar(var)); //System.out.println("Gate Type: " + pNm + ", Gate Size: " + x); // Daniel StdCellParams sc = stdCell; if (pNm.equals("nms1{ic}")) return Nms1.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nms1K{ic}")) return Nms1.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nms2{ic}")) return Nms2.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nms2_sy{ic}")) return Nms2_sy.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nms3_sy3{ic}")) return Nms3_sy3.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("pms1{ic}")) return Pms1.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("pms1K{ic}")) return Pms1.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("pms2{ic}")) return Pms2.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("pms2_sy{ic}")) return Pms2_sy.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("inv{ic}")) return Inv.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("invCTLn{ic}")) return InvCTLn.makePart(x, sc); // for Daniel else if (pNm.equals("inv_ll{ic}")) return Inv.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("inv_passgate{ic}")) return Inv_passgate.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("inv2i{ic}")) return Inv2i.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("inv2iKp{ic}")) return Inv2iKp.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("inv2iKn{ic}")) return Inv2iKn.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("invLT{ic}")) return InvLT.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("invHT{ic}")) return InvHT.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand2{ic}")) return Nand2.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand2k{ic}")) return Nand2.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand2en{ic}")) return Nand2en.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand2en_sy{ic}")) return Nand2en_sy.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand2HLT{ic}")) return Nand2HLT.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand2LT{ic}")) return Nand2LT.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand2_sy{ic}")) return Nand2_sy.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand2HLT_sy{ic}")) return Nand2HLT_sy.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand2LT_sy{ic}")) return Nand2LT_sy.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand2PH{ic}")) return Nand2PH.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand2PHfk{ic}")) return Nand2PHfk.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand3{ic}")) return Nand3.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand3MLT{ic}")) return Nand3MLT.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand3LT{ic}")) return Nand3LT.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand3_sy3{ic}")) return Nand3_sy3.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand3en_sy{ic}")) return Nand3en_sy.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand3LT_sy3{ic}")) return Nand3LT_sy3.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nand3en_sy3{ic}")) return Nand3en_sy3.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nor2{ic}")) return Nor2.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nor2LT{ic}")) return Nor2LT.makePart(x, sc); else if (pNm.equals("nor2kresetV{ic}")) return Nor2kresetV.makePart(x, sc); // patch for Robert Drost else if (pNm.equals("invK{ic}")) return Inv.makePart(x, sc); else { error(true, "Don't know how to generate layout for schematic icon: "+ pNm); return null; } } private static boolean isNstkNm(String nm) { return nm.startsWith("nms1") || nm.startsWith("nms2") || nm.startsWith("NmosWellTie"); } private static boolean isPstkNm(String nm) { return nm.startsWith("pms1") || nm.startsWith("pms2") || nm.startsWith("PmosWellTie"); } // private static boolean isNstk(Cell c) { // return isNstkNm(c.getName()); // } // private static boolean isPstk(Cell c) { // return isPstkNm(c.getName()); // } private static boolean isNstk(NodeInst ni) { return isNstkNm(ni.getProto().getName()); } private static boolean isPstk(NodeInst ni) { return isPstkNm(ni.getProto().getName()); } private static boolean isUsefulIconInst(NodeInst ni, Cell schematic) { if (ni.isIconOfParent()) return false; NodeProto np = ni.getProto(); if (!ni.isCellInstance()) { // Power and Ground symbols mean we need to connect this net to // vdd or gnd. if (np.getName().equals("Power") || np.getName().equals("Ground")) return true; // skip all other primitive drawing nodes such as wire pins, // off-page. return false; } Cell c = (Cell) np; // skip anything that's not an Icon View if (!c.getView().getFullName().equals("icon")) return false; if (c.getName().equals("wire{ic}")) return false; return true; } // Return layout instances. iconToLay maps from the icon instance to // the layout instance. private static void makeLayoutInsts(ArrayList<NodeInst> layInsts, HashMap<NodeInst,NodeInst> iconToLay, Cell schematic, Cell gasp, VarContext context, StdCellParams stdCell) { Iterator<NodeInst> iconInsts = schematic.getNodes(); while (iconInsts.hasNext()) { NodeInst iconInst = iconInsts.next(); if (!isUsefulIconInst(iconInst, schematic)) continue; Cell lay = getPurpleLay(iconInst, context, stdCell); NodeInst layInst = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(lay, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, gasp); iconToLay.put(iconInst, layInst); layInsts.add(layInst); } } // Sort nets to reduce non-determinism. This isn't totally // satisfactory because only nets with names will be ordered. private static ArrayList<Network> sortNets(Iterator<Network> nets) { ArrayList<Network> sortedNets = new ArrayList<Network>(); while (nets.hasNext()) {sortedNets.add(nets.next());} Comparator<Network> netNmComp = new Comparator<Network>() { public int compare(Network n1, Network n2) { Iterator<String> nms1 = n1.getNames(); Iterator<String> nms2 = n2.getNames(); if (!nms1.hasNext() && !nms2.hasNext()) { // neither net has a name return 0; } else if (!nms1.hasNext()) { return 1; } else if (!nms2.hasNext()) { return -1; } String nm1 = nms1.next(); String nm2 = nms2.next(); return nm1.compareTo(nm2); } }; Collections.sort(sortedNets, netNmComp); return sortedNets; } // Build route segments and sort them into two groups. // // 1) stkSegs: segments with N-stacks but no P-stacks and segments // with P-stacks but no N-stacks // // 2) noStkSegs: segments with neither N-stacks nor P-stacks. // // Nets with both N-stacks and P-stacks are divided into two // segments, one N-stack only, and one P-stack only. If nets of // this type don't have at least one non-stack device then we need // to generate an additional part that contains a vertical routing // channel for connecting the two segments. private static void buildRouteSegs(ArrayList<RouteSeg> stkSegs, ArrayList<RouteSeg> noStkSegs, ArrayList<NodeInst> vertTracks, Iterator<Network> nets, HashMap<NodeInst,NodeInst> iconToLay, HashMap<String,Object> expTrkAsgn, StdCellParams stdCell, Cell gasp) { ArrayList<Network> sortedNets = sortNets(nets); for (int i=0; i<sortedNets.size(); i++) { Network net = sortedNets.get(i); RouteSeg r = new RouteSeg(net, iconToLay, expTrkAsgn); if (r.getAllPorts().size()==0) { // Schematic net had nothing useful attached to it } else if (r.hasNstk() && r.hasPstk()) { RouteSeg pr = r.splitOffPstkRouteSeg(vertTracks, stdCell, gasp); stkSegs.add(r); stkSegs.add(pr); } else if (r.hasNstk() || r.hasPstk()) { stkSegs.add(r); } else { noStkSegs.add(r); } } } private static void sortPortsLeftToRight(ArrayList<PortInst> ports) { Comparator<PortInst> compare = new Comparator<PortInst>() { public int compare(PortInst p1, PortInst p2) { double diff = LayoutLib.roundCenterX(p1) - LayoutLib.roundCenterX(p2); if (diff<0) return -1; if (diff==0) return 0; return 1; } }; Collections.sort(ports, compare); } private static void metal1route(PortInst prev, PortInst port, TechType tech) { NodeInst prevInst = prev.getNodeInst(); // If one gate is half height and the other full height then we // must route horizontally from the half height gate first because // the half height gate doesn't have a full vertical metal-1 // channel. if (isNstk(prevInst) || isPstk(prevInst)) { LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech.m1(), 4, prev, port); } else { // prev is full height so route vertically from prev LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech.m1(), 4, port, prev); } } // Try to route physically adjacent ports in metal-1. If we connect // a pair of ports in metal-1, then remove the first of the two // ports from the port list so the Track FillRouter doesn't connect them // also. // // The list of ports must be sorted in X from lowest to hightest. private static void metal1route(ArrayList<PortInst> ports, TechType tech) { final double ADJACENT_DIST = 7; for (int i=1; i<ports.size(); i++) { PortInst prev = ports.get(i-1); PortInst port = ports.get(i); double dx = LayoutLib.roundCenterX(port) - LayoutLib.roundCenterX(prev); error(dx<=0, "metal1route: ports not sorted left to right!"); if (dx<=ADJACENT_DIST) { metal1route(prev, port, tech); // Remove prev and back up so we consider the port that moves // into index i as a result of the deletion. ports.remove(--i); } prev = port; } } private static void connectSegment(RouteSeg r, TrackAllocator trackAlloc, StdCellParams stdCell, Cell gasp) { TechType tech = stdCell.getTechType(); ArrayList<PortInst> ports = r.getAllPorts(); sortPortsLeftToRight(ports); // first route physically adjacent ports in metal-1 metal1route(ports, tech); // Don't allocate a metal-2 track if the net is internal and there // is nothing left to connect in metal-2. if (ports.size()<=1 && !r.hasExports()) return; double trackY = r.hasExpTrk() ? ( stdCell.getPhysTrackY(r.getExpTrk()) ) : ( trackAlloc.getTrackY(r, 4.0) ); //if (r.hasExpTrk()) { //System.out.println("Using assigned track: "+trackY); //} TrackRouter route = new TrackRouterH(tech.m2(), 4.0, trackY, tech, gasp); // connect RouteSeg's exports Iterator<Export> expIt = r.findExports(); while (expIt.hasNext()) { Export exp = expIt.next(); String expNm = exp.getName(); // Align the export with left most port // RKao debug error(ports.size()==0, "No device ports on this net?: "+expNm); double x = LayoutLib.roundCenterX(ports.get(0)); LayoutLib.newExport(gasp, expNm, exp.getCharacteristic(), tech.m2(), 4, x, trackY); route.connect(gasp.findExport(expNm)); } // connect RouteSeg's ports route.connect(ports); } private static void connectSegments(TrackAllocator trackAlloc, ArrayList<RouteSeg> segs, boolean exports, StdCellParams stdCell, Cell gasp) { for (int i=0; i<segs.size(); i++) { RouteSeg r = segs.get(i); if (exports==r.hasExports()) connectSegment(r, trackAlloc, stdCell, gasp); } } // // find the sums of the lengths of all routing segments // private static double estimateWireLength(ArrayList<RouteSeg> routeSegs) { // double len = 0; // for (int i=0; i<routeSegs.size(); i++) { // len += routeSegs.get(i).estimateLength(); // } // return len; // } private static void buildPlacerNetlist(Placer placer, ArrayList<NodeInst> insts, ArrayList<RouteSeg> routeSegs) { // create Placer instances HashMap<PortInst,Placer.Port> portToPlacerPort = new HashMap<PortInst,Placer.Port>(); for (int i=0; i<insts.size(); i++) { NodeInst inst = insts.get(i); //inst.alterShape(1, 1, 0, 0, 0); int type; if (isNstk(inst)) type=Placer.N; else if (isPstk(inst)) type=Placer.P; else type=Placer.PN; double w = inst.getBounds().getWidth(); Placer.Inst plInst = placer.addInst(type, w, inst); Iterator<PortInst> it = inst.getPortInsts(); while (it.hasNext()) { PortInst port = it.next(); double x = LayoutLib.roundCenterX(port); double y = LayoutLib.roundCenterY(port); Placer.Port plPort = plInst.addPort(x, y); portToPlacerPort.put(port, plPort); } } // create Placer nets for (int i=0; i<routeSegs.size(); i++) { RouteSeg seg = routeSegs.get(i); Placer.Net plNet = placer.addNet(); ArrayList<PortInst> ports = seg.getAllPorts(); for (int j=0; j<ports.size(); j++) { PortInst port = ports.get(j); Placer.Port plPort = portToPlacerPort.get(port); error(plPort==null, "can't find placer port"); plNet.addPort(plPort); } } } // try again using data structures built just for placement private static ArrayList<NodeInst> place(ArrayList<NodeInst> insts, ArrayList<RouteSeg> routeSegs, StdCellParams stdCell, Cell gasp) { //long sT = System.currentTimeMillis(); Placer placer = new Placer(stdCell, gasp); buildPlacerNetlist(placer, insts, routeSegs); ArrayList<NodeInst> ans = placer.place1row(); //long eT = System.currentTimeMillis(); //double seconds = (eT-sT)/1000.0; //System.out.println("Placement took: "+seconds+" seconds"); return ans; } private static void connectWellTies(ArrayList<NodeInst> layInsts, StdCellParams stdCell, Cell gasp) { TechType tech = stdCell.getTechType(); if (stdCell.getSeparateWellTies()) { // Rock connects well ties to exports rather than to vdd or gnd TrackRouter nTie = new TrackRouterH(tech.m2(), stdCell.getNmosWellTieWidth(), stdCell.getNmosWellTieY(), tech, gasp); LayoutLib.newExport(gasp, stdCell.getNmosWellTieName(), stdCell.getNmosWellTieRole(), tech.m2(), 4, // m1_m1_sp/2 stdCell.getNmosWellTieWidth()/2 + 1.5, stdCell.getNmosWellTieY()); nTie.connect(gasp.findExport(stdCell.getNmosWellTieName())); nTie.connect(layInsts, stdCell.getNmosWellTieName()); TrackRouter pTie = new TrackRouterH(tech.m2(), stdCell.getPmosWellTieWidth(), stdCell.getPmosWellTieY(), tech, gasp); LayoutLib.newExport(gasp, stdCell.getPmosWellTieName(), stdCell.getPmosWellTieRole(), tech.m2(), 4, // m1_m1_sp/2 stdCell.getPmosWellTieWidth()/2 + 1.5, stdCell.getPmosWellTieY()); pTie.connect(gasp.findExport(stdCell.getPmosWellTieName())); pTie.connect(layInsts, stdCell.getPmosWellTieName()); } } /* private static ArrayList wireEquivPortsList() { ArrayList equivPortsLists = new ArrayList(); // search all libraries for the wire icon Iterator it = Electric.getLibraries(); while (it.hasNext()) { Library lib = it.next(); Cell wireIcon = lib.findCell("wire{ic}"); if (wireIcon==null) continue; PortProto a = wireIcon.findPort("a"); if (a==null) continue; PortProto b = wireIcon.findPort("b"); if (b==null) continue; // Well, it's got the right type, name, and port names. I might // as well treat it like a wire icon. ArrayList equivPortsList = new ArrayList(); equivPortsList.add(a); equivPortsList.add(b); equivPortsLists.add(equivPortsList); } return equivPortsLists; } */ // Remove from instance name first open bracket and everything // following it. private static String stripBusNotation(String instNm) { int openBrack = instNm.indexOf("["); return (openBrack>=0) ? instNm.substring(0,openBrack) : instNm; } private static void instPath1(StringBuffer path, VarContext context) { Nodable ni = context.getNodable(); if (ni==null) return; instPath1(path, context.pop()); String me = ni.getName(); error(me==null, "instance in VarContext with no name!!!"); String noBus = stripBusNotation(me); path.append("/"+noBus); } private static String instPath(VarContext context) { StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(); instPath1(path, context); return path.toString(); } private static PortInst findFirstPort(ArrayList<NodeInst> layInsts, String nm) { for (int i=0; i<layInsts.size(); i++) { NodeInst pi = layInsts.get(i); PortInst port = pi.findPortInst(nm); if (port!=null) return port; } error(true, "no NodeInst with port found: "+nm); return null; } // Create the name of the new layout Cell by appending the instance // path to the schematic facet name. private static String layoutCellName(Cell schematic, VarContext context) { // get the name of the schematic (without the "{sch}" suffix) String schemNm = schematic.getName(); int sfxPos = schemNm.indexOf("{sch}"); error(sfxPos==-1, "SchemToLay: no {sch} suffix on Cell schematic name?"); schemNm = schemNm.substring(0, sfxPos); return schemNm + "__" + instPath(context) + "{lay}"; } private static void blockAssignedTracks(TrackAllocator trackAlloc, ArrayList<RouteSeg> routeSegs, StdCellParams stdCell) { for (int i=0; i<routeSegs.size(); i++) { RouteSeg r = routeSegs.get(i); if (r.hasExpTrk()) { trackAlloc.occupyTrack(r, stdCell.getPhysTrackY(r.getExpTrk()), 4.0); } } } /** A schematic may have track assignments in the form of variables: * "ATTR_track=234" attached to Exports. Track assignments may also * be specified by the program calling SchemToLay.makePart(). In * the case of conflicts, the programatic assignments will override * the schematic assignments. */ private static HashMap<String,Object> mergeTrackAssign(Cell schem, HashMap<String,Object> progAsgn, StdCellParams stdCell) { // get assignment from schematic HashMap<String,Object> schAsgn = stdCell.getSchemTrackAssign(schem); // program assignments override schematic assignments HashMap<String,Object> combAsgn = new HashMap<String,Object>(schAsgn); combAsgn.putAll(progAsgn); // report erroneous assignments stdCell.validateTrackAssign(progAsgn, schem); stdCell.validateTrackAssign(combAsgn, schem); return combAsgn; } /** Read a Gasp cell schematic and produce the layout for it. <p> * Equivalent to: * *<p> <code> makePart(schematic, context, new HashMap(), stdCell); *</code>*/ public static Cell makePart(Cell schem, VarContext context, StdCellParams stdCell) { return makePart(schem, context, new HashMap<String,Object>(), stdCell); } /** Read a Gasp cell schematic and produce the layout for it. * @param schem Schematic view Cell * @param context Hierarchical path from root schematic. * @param exportTrackAssign Map from export name to Integer track * index. Negative indices represent NMOS tracks. Non-negative * indices represent PMOS tracks. Index 0 is PMOS track closest to * the center. Index -1 is NMOS track closest to the center. * @param stdCell Standard cell parameters used to build the layout */ public static Cell makePart(Cell schem, VarContext context, HashMap<String,Object> exportTrackAssign, StdCellParams stdCell) { TechType tech = stdCell.getTechType(); error(!schem.getView().getFullName().equals("schematic"), "not a schematic: "+schem.getName()); String nm = layoutCellName(schem, context); System.out.println("SchemToLay making: "+nm); Cell gasp = stdCell.findPart(nm); if (gasp!=null) return gasp; gasp = stdCell.newPart(nm); // create layout for each schematic instance HashMap<NodeInst,NodeInst> iconToLay = new HashMap<NodeInst,NodeInst>(); ArrayList<NodeInst> layInsts = new ArrayList<NodeInst>(); makeLayoutInsts(layInsts, iconToLay, schem, gasp, context, stdCell); HashMap<String,Object> combTrkAsgn = mergeTrackAssign(schem, exportTrackAssign, stdCell); // create routing segments that will each require a track to route Netlist netlist = schem.getNetlist(ShortResistors.PARASITIC); ArrayList<RouteSeg> stkSegs = new ArrayList<RouteSeg>(); ArrayList<RouteSeg> noStkSegs = new ArrayList<RouteSeg>(); ArrayList<NodeInst> vertTracks = new ArrayList<NodeInst>(); buildRouteSegs(stkSegs, noStkSegs, vertTracks, netlist.getNetworks(), iconToLay, combTrkAsgn, stdCell, gasp); // Append parts containing space for vertical routing tracks // needed to connect NMOS stacks and PMOS stacks. layInsts.addAll(vertTracks); ArrayList<RouteSeg> allSegs = new ArrayList<RouteSeg>(stkSegs); allSegs.addAll(noStkSegs); layInsts = place(layInsts, allSegs, stdCell, gasp); // vdd and gnd wires TrackRouter gnd = new TrackRouterH(tech.m2(), stdCell.getGndWidth(), stdCell.getGndY(), tech, gasp); TrackRouter vdd = new TrackRouterH(tech.m2(), stdCell.getVddWidth(), stdCell.getVddY(), tech, gasp); // place vdd and gnd exports on the first full height layout instance Export.newInstance(gasp, findFirstPort(layInsts, "gnd"), "gnd") .setCharacteristic(PortCharacteristic.GND); gnd.connect(gasp.findExport("gnd")); Export.newInstance(gasp, findFirstPort(layInsts, "vdd"), "vdd") .setCharacteristic(PortCharacteristic.PWR); vdd.connect(gasp.findExport("vdd")); // connect up vdd and gnd vdd.connect(layInsts, "vdd"); gnd.connect(layInsts, "gnd"); // Rock connect well ties to exports rather than to vdd or gnd connectWellTies(layInsts, stdCell, gasp); // // Route signal wires. // // The key problem is that a P-stack is only half height and only // allocates vertical routing channels in the upper half of a // cell. N-stack devices have a corresponding restriction. It's // difficult to connect a P-stack to an N-stack because there's no // single vertical channel that is guaranteed to be clear in both. // Thus we route nets connected to P-stacks in the upper half of // the cell, and nets connected to N-stacks in the lower half of // the cell. A Net that connects to both N-stacks and P-stacks // must be be split into an N-stack segment and a P-stack // segment. The two segments must be connected by a non-stack cell // or a special vertical routing channel. TrackAllocator trackAlloc = new TrackAllocator(stdCell); blockAssignedTracks(trackAlloc, stkSegs, stdCell); blockAssignedTracks(trackAlloc, noStkSegs, stdCell); // First connect segments that have no exports. These can // potentially share tracks. Then connect segments that are cell // exports. We need to leave track clear for these. for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { boolean exports = i==0 ? false : true; // Route RouteSegs that must be in the top of the cell and // RouteSegs that must be in the bottom of the cell. connectSegments(trackAlloc, stkSegs, exports, stdCell, gasp); // Route segments that can be either in the top or bottom of the // cell. connectSegments(trackAlloc, noStkSegs, exports, stdCell, gasp); } // Compare schematic to layout /* if (stdCell.nccEnabled()) { NccOptions options = new NccOptions(); options.checkExportNames = true; options.hierarchical = true; options.mergeParallel = true; boolean mismatch = Electric.networkConsistencyCheck(schem, context, gasp, options); error(mismatch, "SchemToLay: gasp cell topological mismatch"); } */ return gasp; } }