/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: StratSizes.java * * Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.tool.ncc.strategy; import java.util.Iterator; import com.sun.electric.tool.ncc.NccGlobals; import com.sun.electric.tool.ncc.lists.LeafList; import com.sun.electric.tool.ncc.netlist.Mos; import com.sun.electric.tool.ncc.netlist.NetObject; import com.sun.electric.tool.ncc.netlist.Part; import com.sun.electric.tool.ncc.netlist.Resistor; import com.sun.electric.tool.ncc.trees.Circuit; import com.sun.electric.tool.ncc.trees.EquivRecord; /** The OutlierTrans for each Circuit in the EquivRecord */ class OutlierRecord { /** The Part in the Circuit that is most different from the others */ private static class Outlier { public final Part part; public final double deviation; Outlier(Part p, double diff) {part=p; deviation=diff;} } private final Part[] parts; private final double deviation; private boolean hasSize(Part p) { return p instanceof Resistor || p instanceof Mos; } private double getWidth(Part p) { if (p instanceof Resistor) { return ((Resistor)p).getWidth(); } else { return ((Mos)p).getWidth(); } } private double getLength(Part p) { if (p instanceof Resistor) { return ((Resistor)p).getLength(); } else { return ((Mos)p).getLength(); } } private double[] computeAverageWidthLength(Circuit c) { double totLen=0, totWid=0; for (Iterator<NetObject> it=c.getNetObjs(); it.hasNext();) { Part p = (Part) it.next(); totLen += getLength(p); totWid += getWidth(p); } int numParts = c.numNetObjs(); return new double[] {totWid/numParts, totLen/numParts}; } private double computeWidthLengthDeviation(double avgWid, double avgLen, Part p) { double deltaW = (getWidth(p)-avgWid) / avgWid; double deltaL = (getLength(p)-avgLen) / avgLen; return Math.abs(deltaW) + Math.abs(deltaL); } private double computeWidthLengthMismatch(Part p1, Part p2) { double w1 = getWidth(p1); double l1 = getLength(p1); double w2 = getWidth(p2); double l2 = getLength(p2); double avgW = (w1+w2)/2; double avgL = (l1+l2)/2; return Math.abs((w1-w2)/avgW) + Math.abs((l1-l2)/avgL); } private Outlier findOutlier(Circuit c) { if (!hasSize((Part)c.getNetObjs().next())) return new Outlier(null, 0); double[] avgWidLen = computeAverageWidthLength(c); double avgWid = avgWidLen[0]; double avgLen = avgWidLen[1]; Part worstPart = null; double worstDeviation = 0; for (Iterator<NetObject> it=c.getNetObjs(); it.hasNext();) { Part p = (Part) it.next(); double deviation = computeWidthLengthDeviation(avgWid, avgLen, p); if (deviation>worstDeviation) { worstPart = p; worstDeviation = deviation; } } return new Outlier(worstPart, worstDeviation); } private Part findClosestSizedPart(Circuit c, Part outlier) { Part bestPart = null; double bestMismatch = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (Iterator<NetObject> it=c.getNetObjs(); it.hasNext();) { Part p = (Part) it.next(); double mismatch = computeWidthLengthMismatch(outlier, p); if (mismatch<bestMismatch) { bestPart = p; bestMismatch = mismatch; } } return bestPart; } public OutlierRecord(EquivRecord r) { parts = new Part[r.numCircuits()]; Iterator<Circuit> it = r.getCircuits(); // find outlier of 0th Circuit Outlier outlier = findOutlier((Circuit) it.next()); deviation = outlier.deviation; parts[0] = outlier.part; if (deviation==0) return; // find closest sized Parts from all other Circuits // parts[0] already initialized for (int cktNdx=1; it.hasNext(); cktNdx++) { Circuit c = (Circuit) it.next(); parts[cktNdx] = findClosestSizedPart(c, outlier.part); } } public double deviation() {return deviation;} public EquivRecord getEquivRecord() { return parts[0].getParent().getParent(); } public boolean isOutlier(Part p) { for (int i=0; i<parts.length; i++) { if (p==parts[i]) return true; } return false; } } /** If Hash code partitioning fails to match all equivalence classes then try to * partition equivalence classes containing Transistors and Resistors based on * widths and lengths. This must be done before random matching or else we'll * get width and length mismatches. */ public class StratSizes extends Strategy { private static final Integer CODE_OUTLIER = new Integer(1); private static final Integer CODE_REST = new Integer(2); private OutlierRecord outlierRecord; private StratSizes(NccGlobals globals) {super(globals);} private OutlierRecord findOutlierRecordWithLargestDeviation() { OutlierRecord furthestOut = null; Iterator<EquivRecord> frontier = globals.getPartLeafEquivRecs().getNotMatched(); while (frontier.hasNext()) { EquivRecord r = frontier.next(); if (!r.isBalanced()) continue; OutlierRecord farOut = new OutlierRecord(r); if (farOut.deviation()==0) continue; if (furthestOut==null) { furthestOut = farOut; } else if (farOut.deviation()>furthestOut.deviation()) { furthestOut = farOut; } } return furthestOut; } private LeafList doYourJob() { OutlierRecord r = findOutlierRecordWithLargestDeviation(); if (r==null) return new LeafList(); outlierRecord = r; return doFor(r.getEquivRecord()); } @Override public Integer doFor(NetObject n){ Part p = (Part) n; return outlierRecord.isOutlier(p) ? CODE_OUTLIER : CODE_REST; } //----------------------------- intended interface ------------------------ /** Find the equivalence class with the largest deviation in Part * sizes and partition that class based on sizes. * @return the offspring resulting from the partition. Return an empty list * if no partitioning was possible. */ public static LeafList doYourJob(NccGlobals globals){ StratSizes ss = new StratSizes(globals); return ss.doYourJob(); } }