/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: WindowMenu.java * * Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.tool.user.menus; import static com.sun.electric.tool.user.menus.EMenuItem.SEPARATOR; import com.sun.electric.Main; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.EDatabase; import com.sun.electric.database.text.Pref; import com.sun.electric.technology.Layer; import com.sun.electric.technology.Technology; import com.sun.electric.tool.Job; import com.sun.electric.tool.io.FileType; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.MessagesStream; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.Resources; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.User; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.UserInterfaceMain; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.dialogs.OpenFile; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.dialogs.SetFocus; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ui.ClickZoomWireListener; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ui.EditWindow; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ui.EditWindowFocusBrowser; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ui.InvisibleLayerConfiguration; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ui.LayerTab; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ui.MeasureListener; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ui.MessagesWindow; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ui.ToolBar; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ui.WindowContent; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ui.WindowFrame; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ui.ZoomAndPanListener; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ui.ToolBar.CursorMode; import com.sun.electric.tool.user.waveform.*; import com.sun.electric.tool.simulation.*; import com.sun.electric.util.TextUtils; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; import java.awt.GraphicsDevice; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EventListener; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; /** * Class to handle the commands in the "Window" pulldown menu. */ public class WindowMenu { public static KeyStroke getCloseWindowAccelerator() { return EMenuItem.shortcut(KeyEvent.VK_W); } private static EMenu thisWindowMenu = null; private static EMenu visibleLayersMenu = null; private static EMenuItem hiddenWindowCycleMenuItem = null; static EMenu makeMenu() { /****************************** THE WINDOW MENU ******************************/ // bindings for numpad keys. Need extra one because over VNC, they get sent as shift+KP_* int ctrlshift = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask() | InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK; KeyStroke [] numpad4 = new KeyStroke [] { EMenuItem.shortcut('4'), EMenuItem.shortcut(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD4), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_KP_LEFT, ctrlshift)}; KeyStroke [] numpad6 = new KeyStroke [] { EMenuItem.shortcut('6'), EMenuItem.shortcut(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD6), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_KP_RIGHT, ctrlshift)}; KeyStroke [] numpad8 = new KeyStroke [] { EMenuItem.shortcut('8'), EMenuItem.shortcut(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD8), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_KP_UP, ctrlshift)}; KeyStroke [] numpad2 = new KeyStroke [] { EMenuItem.shortcut('2'), EMenuItem.shortcut(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD2), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_KP_DOWN, ctrlshift)}; KeyStroke [] numpad9 = new KeyStroke [] { EMenuItem.shortcut('9'), EMenuItem.shortcut(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD9), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, ctrlshift)}; KeyStroke [] numpad7 = new KeyStroke [] { EMenuItem.shortcut('7'), EMenuItem.shortcut(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD7), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_HOME, ctrlshift)}; KeyStroke [] numpad0 = new KeyStroke [] { EMenuItem.shortcut('0'), EMenuItem.shortcut(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD0), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_INSERT, ctrlshift)}; KeyStroke [] numpad5 = new KeyStroke [] { EMenuItem.shortcut('5'), EMenuItem.shortcut(KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD5), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_BEGIN, ctrlshift)}; visibleLayersMenu = new EMenu("Visible La_yers", new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(1), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_1, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(1); }}, new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(2), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_2, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(2); }}, new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(3), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_3, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(3); }}, new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(4), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_4, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(4); }}, new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(5), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_5, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(5); }}, new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(6), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_6, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(6); }}, new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(7), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_7, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(7); }}, new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(8), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_8, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(8); }}, new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(9), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_9, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(9); }}, new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(10), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_0, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK | InputEvent.CTRL_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(10); }}, new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(11), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_1, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK | InputEvent.CTRL_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(11); }}, new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(12), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_2, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK | InputEvent.CTRL_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(12); }}, new EMenuItem(InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getMenuName(0), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_0, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK)) { public void run() { setLayerVisible(0); }}); // mnemonic keys available: K Q T EMenu menu = new EMenu("_Window", new EMenuItem("_Fill Window", numpad9) { public void run() { fullDisplay(); }}, new EMenuItem("Redisplay _Window") { public void run() { ZoomAndPanListener.redrawDisplay(); }}, new EMenuItem("Zoom _Out", numpad0) { public void run() { zoomOutDisplay(); }}, new EMenuItem("Zoom _In", numpad7) { public void run() { zoomInDisplay(); }}, // mnemonic keys available: ABCDEF IJKLMNOPQRSTUV XY new EMenu("Special _Zoom", new EMenuItem("Focus on _Highlighted", 'F') { public void run() { focusOnHighlighted(); }}, new EMenuItem("_Zoom Box") { public void run() { zoomBoxCommand(); }}, new EMenuItem("Make _Grid Just Visible") { public void run() { makeGridJustVisibleCommand(); }}, new EMenuItem("Match Other _Window") { public void run() { matchOtherWindowCommand(0); }}), SEPARATOR, new EMenuItem("Pan _Left", numpad4) { public void run() { ZoomAndPanListener.panXOrY(0, WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(), 1); }}, new EMenuItem("Pan _Right", numpad6) { public void run() { ZoomAndPanListener.panXOrY(0, WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(), -1); }}, new EMenuItem("Pan _Up", numpad8) { public void run() { ZoomAndPanListener.panXOrY(1, WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(), -1); }}, new EMenuItem("Pan _Down", numpad2) { public void run() { ZoomAndPanListener.panXOrY(1, WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(), 1); }}, // mnemonic keys available: B DEFGHIJKLMNOPQR TUVW Z new EMenu("Special _Pan", new EMenuItem("Center _Selection") { public void run() { ZoomAndPanListener.centerSelection(); }}, new EMenuItem("Center _Cursor", numpad5) { public void run() { ZoomAndPanListener.centerCursor(WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame()); }}, new EMenuItem("Match Other Window in _X") { public void run() { matchOtherWindowCommand(1); }}, new EMenuItem("Match Other Window in _Y") { public void run() { matchOtherWindowCommand(2); }}, new EMenuItem("Match Other Window in X, Y, _and Scale") { public void run() { matchOtherWindowCommand(3); }}), // new EMenuItem("Saved Views...") { public void run() { // SavedViews.showSavedViewsDialog(); }}, new EMenuItem("Go To Pre_vious Focus") { public void run() { goToPreviousSavedFocus(); }}, new EMenuItem("Go To Ne_xt Focus") { public void run() { goToNextSavedFocus(); }}, new EMenuItem("_Set Focus...") { public void run() { SetFocus.showSetFocusDialog(); }}, SEPARATOR, // mnemonic keys available: AB DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS UVWXYZ new EMenuItem("Toggle _Grid", 'G') { public void run() { toggleGridCommand(); }}, new EMenu("Me_asurements", new EMenuItem("_Toggle Measurement Mode") { public void run() { ToolBar.setCursorMode(CursorMode.MEASURE); }}, new EMenuItem("_Clear Measurements") { public void run() { MeasureListener.theOne.reset(); }}), SEPARATOR, // mnemonic keys available: AB DEFG IJKLMNOPQRSTU WXYZ new EMenu("Ad_just Position", new EMenuItem("Tile _Horizontally") { public void run() { tileHorizontallyCommand(); }}, new EMenuItem("Tile _Vertically", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F9, 0)) { public void run() { tileVerticallyCommand(); }}, new EMenuItem("_Cascade") { public void run() { cascadeWindowsCommand(); }}), new EMenuItem("Clos_e Window", getCloseWindowAccelerator()) { public void run() { closeWindowCommand(); }}, // new EMenuItem("Select Next Window") { public void run() { // nextWindowCommand(); }}, SEPARATOR, visibleLayersMenu, // mnemonic keys available: A DEFGHIJKLMNOPQ STUV XYZ new EMenu("_Color Schemes", new EMenuItem("_Restore Default Colors") { public void run() { defaultBackgroundCommand(); }}, new EMenuItem("_Black Background Colors") { public void run() { blackBackgroundCommand(); }}, new EMenuItem("_White Background Colors") { public void run() { whiteBackgroundCommand(); }}, new EMenuItem("_Cadence Colors, Layers and Keystrokes") { public void run() { importCadencePreferences(); }} ), // mnemonic keys available: AB FGHIJKLMNO Q TUVW Z new EMenu("W_aveform Window", new EMenuItem("_Save Waveform Window Configuration to Disk...") { public void run() { WaveformWindow.saveConfiguration(); }}, new EMenuItem("_Restore Waveform Window Configuration from Disk...") { public void run() { WaveformWindow.restoreConfiguration(); }}, SEPARATOR, new EMenuItem("Refresh Simulation _Data", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonSimRefresh.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.refreshSimulationData(); }}, SEPARATOR, new EMenuItem("_Clear All Signals in Waveform Window") { public void run() { WaveformWindow.clearSimulationData(); }}, SEPARATOR, new EMenuItem("_Export Simulation Data...") { public void run() { WaveformWindow.exportSimulationData(); }}, new EMenuItem("_Export Simulation Data As CSV...") { public void run() { WaveformWindow.exportSimulationDataAsCSV(OpenFile.chooseOutputFile((FileType)null, "Save Simulation Data as CSV", "simulation.csv")); }}, new EMenuItem("_Plot Simulation Data On Screen") { public void run() { WaveformWindow.plotSimulationData(null,null); }}, new EMenuItem("Plot Simulation Data as PS...") { public void run() { WaveformWindow.plotSimulationData(OpenFile.chooseOutputFile((FileType)null, "Save Plot as PS", "plot.ps"),"postscript eps color dashed"); }}, SEPARATOR, new EMenuItem("Fill Only in _X") { public void run() { WaveformWindow.fillInX(); }}, new EMenuItem("Fill Only in _Y") { public void run() { WaveformWindow.fillInY(); }}, SEPARATOR, new EMenuItem("Create New Waveform Panel", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonSimAddPanel.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().makeNewPanel(-1); }}, new EMenuItem("Toggle Horizontal Panel Lock", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonSimLockTime.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().togglePanelXAxisLock(); }}, SEPARATOR, new EMenuItem("Show Points and Lines", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonSimLineOnPointOn.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().toggleShowPoints(); }}, new EMenuItem("Show Lines", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonSimLineOnPointOff.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().toggleShowPoints(); }}, new EMenuItem("Show Points", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonSimLineOffPointOn.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().toggleShowPoints(); }}, SEPARATOR, new EMenuItem("Toggle Grid Points", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonSimGrid.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().toggleGridPoints(); }}, SEPARATOR, new EMenuItem("Increase Minimum Panel Height", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonSimGrow.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().growPanels(1.25); }}, new EMenuItem("Decrease Minimum Panel Height", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonSimShrink.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().growPanels(0.8); }}, SEPARATOR, new EMenuItem("Rewind Main X Axis Cursor to Start", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonVCRRewind.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().vcrClickRewind(); }}, new EMenuItem("Play Main X Axis Cursor Backwards", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonVCRPlayBackward.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().vcrClickPlayBackwards(); }}, new EMenuItem("Stop Moving Main X Axis Cursor", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonVCRStop.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().vcrClickStop(); }}, new EMenuItem("Play Main X Axis Cursor", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonVCRPlay.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().vcrClickPlay(); }}, new EMenuItem("Move Main X Axis Cursor to End", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonVCRToEnd.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().vcrClickToEnd(); }}, new EMenuItem("Move Main X Axis Cursor Faster", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonVCRFaster.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().vcrClickFaster(); }}, new EMenuItem("Move Main X Axis Cursor Slower", Resources.getResource(WaveformWindow.class, "ButtonVCRSlower.gif")) { public void run() { WaveformWindow.getCurrentWaveformWindow().vcrClickSlower(); }}, SEPARATOR, new EMenuItem("Generate Digital Signal from Analog Signal (0.5v threshold)") { public void run() { WindowFrame current = WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(); WindowContent content = current.getContent(); if (!(content instanceof WaveformWindow)) { System.out.println("Must select a Waveform window first"); return; } WaveformWindow ww = (WaveformWindow)content; Panel panel = ww.getPanel(0); Stimuli stim = ww.getSimData(); Signal<?> s1 = panel.getSignals().get(0).getSignal(); SignalCollection sc = Stimuli.newSignalCollection(stim, "DC SIGNALS"); Signal<?> derived = new DerivedSignal<DigitalSample,ScalarSample> (sc, stim, s1.getSignalName(), s1.getSignalContext(), true, new Signal[] { s1 }) { public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } public double getMinValue() { return 0; } public double getMaxValue() { return 1; } public RangeSample<DigitalSample> getDerivedRange(RangeSample<ScalarSample>[] s) { if (s[0]==null) return null; double min = s[0].getMin().getValue(); double max = s[0].getMax().getValue(); return new RangeSample<DigitalSample>(min < 0.5 ? DigitalSample.LOGIC_0 : DigitalSample.LOGIC_1, max >= 0.5 ? DigitalSample.LOGIC_1 : DigitalSample.LOGIC_0); } }; new WaveSignal(panel, derived); } } ), // mnemonic keys available: AB DE GHIJKLMNOPQR UVWXYZ new EMenu("_Messages Window", new EMenuItem("_Tile with Edit Window") { public void run() { MessagesWindow.tileWithEdit(); }}, new EMenuItem("_Save Messages...") { public void run() { MessagesStream.getMessagesStream().save(); }}, new EMenuItem("_Clear") { public void run() { MessagesWindow.clearAll(); }}, new EMenuItem("Set F_ont...") { public void run() { MessagesWindow.selectFont(); }}), MenuCommands.makeExtraMenu("j3d.ui.J3DMenu"), // mnemonic keys available: ABCDEFGHIJK MNOPQ STUVWXYZ new EMenu("Side _Bar", new EMenuItem("On _Left") { public void run() { WindowFrame.setSideBarLocation(true); }}, new EMenuItem("On _Right") { public void run() { WindowFrame.setSideBarLocation(false); }}), SEPARATOR ); thisWindowMenu = menu; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { setDynamicVisibleLayerMenus(); } }); return menu; } static EMenuItem getHiddenWindowCycleMenuItem() { if (hiddenWindowCycleMenuItem == null) { hiddenWindowCycleMenuItem = new EMenuItem("Window Cycle", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('Q', 0)) { public void run() { WindowFrame.getWindows().next().requestFocus(); }}; } return hiddenWindowCycleMenuItem; } private static DynamicEMenuItem messageDynamicMenu = null; public static void setDynamicMenus() { List<DynamicEMenuItem> list = new ArrayList<DynamicEMenuItem>(); KeyStroke accelerator = getHiddenWindowCycleMenuItem().getAccelerator(); for (Iterator<WindowFrame> it = WindowFrame.getWindows(); it.hasNext();) { WindowFrame wf = it.next(); list.add(new DynamicEMenuItem(wf, accelerator)); accelerator = null; } if (messageDynamicMenu == null) messageDynamicMenu = new DynamicEMenuItem(accelerator); list.add(messageDynamicMenu); // Sort list of dynamic menus before adding into the menus Collections.sort(list, new TextUtils.ObjectsByToString()); thisWindowMenu.setDynamicItems(list); } /** * Method to change the Visible Layer pulldown entry to reflect the current configurations. */ public static void setDynamicVisibleLayerMenus() { List<DynamicLayerVisibilityMenuItem> list = new ArrayList<DynamicLayerVisibilityMenuItem>(); for(String cName : InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getConfigurationNames()) { if (InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().getConfigurationHardwiredIndex(cName) >= 0) continue; list.add(new DynamicLayerVisibilityMenuItem(cName)); } for (EMenuBar.Instance menuBarInstance: Main.getMenuBars()) { JMenu menu = (JMenu)menuBarInstance.findMenuItem(visibleLayersMenu.getPath()); while (menu.getMenuComponentCount() > InvisibleLayerConfiguration.NUM_CONFIGS) menu.remove(menu.getMenuComponentCount()-1); boolean hasMore = false; for (EMenuItem elem : list) { if (elem == EMenuItem.SEPARATOR) { menu.addSeparator(); continue; } if (!hasMore) menu.addSeparator(); hasMore = true; JMenuItem item = elem.genMenu(); menu.add(item); } } } public static void setLayerVisible(int level) { EditWindow wnd = EditWindow.needCurrent(); if (wnd == null) return; WindowFrame frame = wnd.getWindowFrame(); if (frame == null) return; LayerTab layerTab = frame.getLayersTab(); if (layerTab == null) return; String cName = InvisibleLayerConfiguration.getOnly().findHardWiredConfiguration(level); if (cName == null) { // nothing saved: use old way Cell cell = wnd.getCell(); if (cell == null) return; Technology tech = cell.getTechnology(); if (!tech.isLayout()) return; layerTab.setVisibilityLevel(level); } else { layerTab.setInvisibleLayerConfiguration(cName); } } private static class DynamicLayerVisibilityMenuItem extends EMenuItem { private String cName; public DynamicLayerVisibilityMenuItem(String cName) { super(cName); this.cName = cName; } public String getDescription() { return "Visible Layer Combination"; } protected void updateButtons() {} public void run() { for (Iterator<WindowFrame> it = WindowFrame.getWindows(); it.hasNext();) { WindowFrame wf = it.next(); wf.getLayersTab().setInvisibleLayerConfiguration(cName); } } } private static class DynamicEMenuItem extends EMenuItem { private WindowFrame window; public DynamicEMenuItem(WindowFrame w, KeyStroke accelerator) { super(w.getTitle(), accelerator); window = w; } public DynamicEMenuItem(KeyStroke accelerator) { super("Electric Messages", accelerator); window = null; } public String getDescription() { return "Window Cycle"; } protected void updateButtons() {} public void run() { if (window != null) window.requestFocus(); else for(MessagesWindow mw : MessagesWindow.getMessagesWindows()) { // message window. This could be done by creating another interface mw.requestFocus(); break; } } } public static void fullDisplay() { // get the current frame WindowFrame wf = WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(); if (wf == null) return; // make the circuit fill the window wf.getContent().fillScreen(); } public static void zoomOutDisplay() { // get the current frame WindowFrame wf = WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(); if (wf == null) return; // zoom out wf.getContent().zoomOutContents(); } public static void zoomInDisplay() { // get the current frame WindowFrame wf = WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(); if (wf == null) return; // zoom in wf.getContent().zoomInContents(); } public static void zoomBoxCommand() { // only works with click zoom wire listener EventListener oldListener = WindowFrame.getListener(); WindowFrame.setListener(ClickZoomWireListener.theOne); ClickZoomWireListener.theOne.zoomBoxSingleShot(oldListener); } /** * Method to make the current window's grid be just visible. * If it is zoomed-out beyond grid visibility, it is zoomed-in so that the grid is shown. * If it is zoomed-in such that the grid is not at minimum pitch, * it is zoomed-out so that the grid is barely able to fit. */ public static void makeGridJustVisibleCommand() { EditWindow wnd = EditWindow.needCurrent(); if (wnd == null) return; Rectangle2D displayable = wnd.displayableBounds(); Dimension sz = wnd.getSize(); double scaleX = wnd.getGridXSpacing() * sz.width / 5.01 / displayable.getWidth(); double scaleY = wnd.getGridYSpacing() * sz.height / 5.01 / displayable.getHeight(); double scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY); wnd.setScale(wnd.getScale() / scale); wnd.setGrid(true); } /** * Method to adjust the current window so that it matches that of the "other" window. * For this to work, there must be exactly one other window shown. * @param how 0 to match scale; 1 to match in X; 2 to match in Y; 3 to match all. */ public static void matchOtherWindowCommand(int how) { EditWindow wnd = EditWindow.needCurrent(); if (wnd == null) return; int numOthers = 0; EditWindow other = null; for(Iterator<WindowFrame> it = WindowFrame.getWindows(); it.hasNext(); ) { WindowFrame wf = it.next(); if (wf.getContent() instanceof EditWindow) { EditWindow wfWnd = (EditWindow)wf.getContent(); if (wfWnd == wnd) continue; numOthers++; other = wfWnd; } } if (numOthers != 1) { System.out.println("There must be exactly two windows in order for one to match the other"); return; } switch (how) { case 0: wnd.setScale(other.getScale()); break; case 1: wnd.setOffset(new Point2D.Double(other.getOffset().getX(), wnd.getOffset().getY())); break; case 2: wnd.setOffset(new Point2D.Double(wnd.getOffset().getX(), other.getOffset().getY())); break; case 3: wnd.setScale(other.getScale()); wnd.setOffset(new Point2D.Double(other.getOffset().getX(), other.getOffset().getY())); break; } wnd.fullRepaint(); } public static void focusOnHighlighted() { // get the current frame WindowFrame wf = WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(); if (wf == null) return; // focus on highlighted wf.getContent().focusOnHighlighted(); } /** * This method implements the command to toggle the display of the grid. */ public static void toggleGridCommand() { // get the current frame WindowFrame wf = WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(); if (wf == null) return; if (wf.getContent() instanceof EditWindow) { EditWindow wnd = (EditWindow)wf.getContent(); if (wnd == null) return; wnd.setGrid(!wnd.isGrid()); } else if (wf.getContent() instanceof WaveformWindow) { WaveformWindow ww = (WaveformWindow)wf.getContent(); ww.toggleGridPoints(); } else { System.out.println("Cannot draw a grid in this type of window"); } } /** * This method implements the command to tile the windows horizontally. */ public static void tileHorizontallyCommand() { // get the overall area in which to work Rectangle [] areas = getArrangementWindowAreas(); // find offset for multiscreen systems Point loc = new Point(0, 0); Main tl = (Main) Main.getCurrentJFrame(); loc = tl.getContentPane().getLocationOnScreen(); // tile the windows in each area for (Rectangle area : areas) { // see how many windows are on this screen int count = 0; for(Iterator<WindowFrame> it = WindowFrame.getWindows(); it.hasNext(); ) { WindowFrame wf = it.next(); Rectangle wfBounds = wf.getFrame().getBounds(); int locX = (int)wfBounds.getCenterX() - loc.x; int locY = (int)wfBounds.getCenterY() - loc.y; if (locX >= area.x && locX < area.x+area.width && locY >= area.y && locY < area.y+area.height) count++; } if (count == 0) continue; int windowHeight = area.height / count; count = 0; for(Iterator<WindowFrame> it = WindowFrame.getWindows(); it.hasNext(); ) { WindowFrame wf = it.next(); Rectangle wfBounds = wf.getFrame().getBounds(); int locX = (int)wfBounds.getCenterX() - loc.x; int locY = (int)wfBounds.getCenterY() - loc.y; if (locX >= area.x && locX < area.x+area.width && locY >= area.y && locY < area.y+area.height) { Rectangle windowArea = new Rectangle(area.x, area.y + count*windowHeight, area.width, windowHeight); count++; wf.setWindowSize(windowArea); } } } } /** * This method implements the command to tile the windows vertically. */ public static void tileVerticallyCommand() { // get the overall area in which to work Rectangle [] areas = getArrangementWindowAreas(); // find offset for multiscreen systems Point loc = new Point(0, 0); Main tl = (Main) Main.getCurrentJFrame(); loc = tl.getContentPane().getLocationOnScreen(); // tile the windows in each area for (Rectangle area : areas) { // see how many windows are on this screen int count = 0; for(Iterator<WindowFrame> it = WindowFrame.getWindows(); it.hasNext(); ) { WindowFrame wf = it.next(); Rectangle wfBounds = wf.getFrame().getBounds(); int locX = (int)wfBounds.getCenterX() - loc.x; int locY = (int)wfBounds.getCenterY() - loc.y; if (locX >= area.x && locX < area.x+area.width && locY >= area.y && locY < area.y+area.height) count++; } if (count == 0) continue; int windowWidth = area.width / count; count = 0; for(Iterator<WindowFrame> it = WindowFrame.getWindows(); it.hasNext(); ) { WindowFrame wf = it.next(); Rectangle wfBounds = wf.getFrame().getBounds(); int locX = (int)wfBounds.getCenterX() - loc.x; int locY = (int)wfBounds.getCenterY() - loc.y; if (locX >= area.x && locX < area.x+area.width && locY >= area.y && locY < area.y+area.height) { Rectangle windowArea = new Rectangle(area.x + count*windowWidth, area.y, windowWidth, area.height); count++; wf.setWindowSize(windowArea); } } } } /** * This method implements the command to tile the windows cascaded. */ public static void cascadeWindowsCommand() { // get the overall area in which to work Rectangle [] areas = getArrangementWindowAreas(); // find offset for multiscreen systems Point loc = new Point(0, 0); Main tl = (Main) Main.getCurrentJFrame(); loc = tl.getContentPane().getLocationOnScreen(); // tile the windows in each area for (Rectangle area : areas) { // see how many windows are on this screen int count = 0; for(Iterator<WindowFrame> it = WindowFrame.getWindows(); it.hasNext(); ) { WindowFrame wf = it.next(); Rectangle wfBounds = wf.getFrame().getBounds(); int locX = (int)wfBounds.getCenterX() - loc.x; int locY = (int)wfBounds.getCenterY() - loc.y; if (locX >= area.x && locX < area.x+area.width && locY >= area.y && locY < area.y+area.height) count++; } if (count == 0) continue; int numRuns = 1; int windowXSpacing = 0, windowYSpacing = 0; int windowWidth = area.width; int windowHeight = area.height; if (count > 1) { windowWidth = area.width * 3 / 4; windowHeight = area.height * 3 / 4; int windowSpacing = Math.min(area.width - windowWidth, area.height - windowHeight) / (count-1); if (windowSpacing < 70) { numRuns = 70 / windowSpacing; if (70 % windowSpacing != 0) numRuns++; windowSpacing *= numRuns; } windowXSpacing = (area.width - windowWidth) / (count-1) * numRuns; windowYSpacing = (area.height - windowHeight) / (count-1) * numRuns; } count = 0; for(Iterator<WindowFrame> it = WindowFrame.getWindows(); it.hasNext(); ) { WindowFrame wf = it.next(); Rectangle wfBounds = wf.getFrame().getBounds(); int locX = (int)wfBounds.getCenterX() - loc.x; int locY = (int)wfBounds.getCenterY() - loc.y; if (locX >= area.x && locX < area.x+area.width && locY >= area.y && locY < area.y+area.height) { int index = count / numRuns; Rectangle windowArea = new Rectangle(area.x + index*windowXSpacing, area.y + index*windowYSpacing, windowWidth, windowHeight); count++; wf.setWindowSize(windowArea); } } } } private static void closeWindowCommand() { WindowFrame curWF = WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(); curWF.finished(); } // private static void nextWindowCommand() // { // Object cur = null; // List<Object> frames = new ArrayList<Object>(); // for(Iterator<WindowFrame> it = WindowFrame.getWindows(); it.hasNext(); ) // { // WindowFrame wf = it.next(); // if (wf.isFocusOwner()) cur = wf; // frames.add(wf); // } // MessagesWindow mw = TopLevel.getMessagesWindow(); // if (mw.isFocusOwner()) cur = mw; // frames.add(mw); // // // find current frame in the list // int found = -1; // for(int i=0; i<frames.size(); i++) // { // if (cur == frames.get(i)) // { // found = i; // break; // } // } // if (found >= 0) // { // found++; // if (found >= frames.size()) found = 0; // Object newCur = frames.get(found); // if (newCur instanceof WindowFrame) // ((WindowFrame)newCur).requestFocus(); else // ((MessagesWindow)newCur).requestFocus(); // } // } private static Rectangle [] getArrangementWindowAreas() { // get list of possible window areas Rectangle [] areas = Main.getWindowAreas(); // remove the messages window for (MessagesWindow mw : MessagesWindow.getMessagesWindows()) { Rectangle mb = mw.getMessagesLocation(); if (mb!=null) removeOccludingRectangle(areas, mb); } return areas; } private static void removeOccludingRectangle(Rectangle [] areas, Rectangle occluding) { int cX = occluding.x + occluding.width/2; int cY = occluding.y + occluding.height/2; for (Rectangle area : areas) { int lX = (int)area.getMinX(); int hX = (int)area.getMaxX(); int lY = (int)area.getMinY(); int hY = (int)area.getMaxY(); if (cX > lX && cX < hX && cY > lY && cY < hY) { if (occluding.width > occluding.height) { // horizontally occluding window if (occluding.getMaxY() - lY < hY - occluding.getMinY()) { // occluding window on top lY = (int)occluding.getMaxY(); } else { // occluding window on bottom hY = (int)occluding.getMinY(); } } else { if (occluding.getMaxX() - lX < hX - occluding.getMinX()) { // occluding window on left lX = (int)occluding.getMaxX(); } else { // occluding window on right hX = (int)occluding.getMinX(); } } area.x = lX; area.width = hX - lX; area.y = lY; area.height = hY - lY; } } } /** * This method implements the command to set default background colors. This function resets colors * set by blackBackgroundCommand or whiteBackgroundCommand. */ public static void defaultBackgroundCommand() { User.resetFactoryColor(User.ColorPrefType.BACKGROUND); User.resetFactoryColor(User.ColorPrefType.GRID); User.resetFactoryColor(User.ColorPrefType.MEASUREMENT); User.resetFactoryColor(User.ColorPrefType.HIGHLIGHT); User.resetFactoryColor(User.ColorPrefType.PORT_HIGHLIGHT); User.resetFactoryColor(User.ColorPrefType.TEXT); User.resetFactoryColor(User.ColorPrefType.INSTANCE); User.resetFactoryColor(User.ColorPrefType.WAVE_BACKGROUND); User.resetFactoryColor(User.ColorPrefType.WAVE_FOREGROUND); User.resetFactoryColor(User.ColorPrefType.WAVE_STIMULI); EDatabase database = EDatabase.clientDatabase(); // change default Artwork graphics color Layer layer = database.getArtwork().defaultLayer; layer.setGraphics(layer.getGraphics().withColor(Color.BLACK)); // change the colors in the "Generic" technology database.getGeneric().setBackgroudColor(Color.BLACK); // redraw WindowFrame.repaintAllWindows(); } /** * This method implements the command to set colors so that there is a black background. */ public static void blackBackgroundCommand() { User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.BACKGROUND, Color.BLACK.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.GRID, Color.WHITE.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.MEASUREMENT, Color.RED.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.HIGHLIGHT, Color.RED.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.PORT_HIGHLIGHT, Color.YELLOW.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.TEXT, Color.WHITE.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.INSTANCE, Color.WHITE.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.WAVE_BACKGROUND, Color.BLACK.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.WAVE_FOREGROUND, Color.WHITE.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.WAVE_STIMULI, Color.RED.getRGB()); EDatabase database = EDatabase.clientDatabase(); // change default Artwork graphics color Layer layer = database.getArtwork().defaultLayer; layer.setGraphics(layer.getGraphics().withColor(Color.WHITE)); // change the colors in the "Generic" technology database.getGeneric().setBackgroudColor(Color.WHITE); // redraw WindowFrame.repaintAllWindows(); } /** * This method implements the command to set colors so that there is a white background. */ public static void whiteBackgroundCommand() { User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.BACKGROUND, Color.WHITE.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.GRID, Color.BLACK.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.MEASUREMENT, Color.RED.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.HIGHLIGHT, Color.RED.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.PORT_HIGHLIGHT, Color.DARK_GRAY.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.TEXT, Color.BLACK.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.INSTANCE, Color.BLACK.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.WAVE_BACKGROUND, Color.WHITE.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.WAVE_FOREGROUND, Color.BLACK.getRGB()); User.setColor(User.ColorPrefType.WAVE_STIMULI, Color.RED.getRGB()); EDatabase database = EDatabase.clientDatabase(); // change default Artwork graphics color Layer layer = database.getArtwork().defaultLayer; layer.setGraphics(layer.getGraphics().withColor(Color.BLACK)); // change the colors in the "Generic" technology database.getGeneric().setBackgroudColor(Color.BLACK); // redraw WindowFrame.repaintAllWindows(); } private static GraphicsDevice [] getAllGraphicsDevices() { GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice[] gs = ge.getScreenDevices(); return gs; } public static void moveToOtherDisplayCommand() { // this only works in SDI mode return; // // find current screen // WindowFrame curWF = WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(); // WindowContent content = curWF.getContent(); // GraphicsConfiguration curConfig = content.getPanel().getGraphicsConfiguration(); // GraphicsDevice curDevice = curConfig.getDevice(); // // // get all screens // GraphicsDevice[] gs = getAllGraphicsDevices(); //// for (int j=0; j<gs.length; j++) { //// //System.out.println("Found GraphicsDevice: "+gs[j]+", type: "+gs[j].getType()); //// } // // find screen after current screen // int i; // for (i=0; i<gs.length; i++) { // if (gs[i] == curDevice) break; // } // if (i == (gs.length - 1)) i = 0; else i++; // go to next device // // curWF.moveEditWindow(gs[i].getDefaultConfiguration()); } public static void rememberDisplayLocation() { // this only works in SDI mode return; // // remember main window information // WindowFrame curWF = WindowFrame.getCurrentWindowFrame(); // TopLevel tl = curWF.getFrame(); // Point pt = tl.getLocation(); // User.setDefaultWindowPos(pt); // Dimension sz = tl.getSize(); // User.setDefaultWindowSize(sz); // // // remember messages information; arbitrarily use only the first window if there exist more than one // for (MessagesWindow mw : MessagesWindow.getMessagesWindows()) { // Rectangle rect = mw.getMessagesLocation(); // User.setDefaultMessagesPos(new Point(rect.x, rect.y)); // User.setDefaultMessagesSize(new Dimension(rect.width, rect.height)); // break; // } } /** * Go to the previous saved view for the current Edit Window */ public static void goToPreviousSavedFocus() { EditWindow wnd = EditWindow.needCurrent(); if (wnd == null) return; EditWindowFocusBrowser browser = wnd.getSavedFocusBrowser(); browser.goBack(); } /** * Go to the previous saved view for the current Edit Window */ public static void goToNextSavedFocus() { EditWindow wnd = EditWindow.needCurrent(); if (wnd == null) return; EditWindowFocusBrowser browser = wnd.getSavedFocusBrowser(); browser.goForward(); } /** * Method to import color pattern used in Cadence */ private static void importCadencePreferences() { String [] options = { "Yes", "No", "Cancel Import"}; int response = Job.getUserInterface().askForChoice("You won't be able to restore previous preferences.\nDo you want to backup your preferences " + "before importing Cadence values?", "Import Cadence Preferences", options, options[1]); if (response == 0) // Save previous preferences { String backFileName = OpenFile.chooseOutputFile(FileType.XML, "Backup Preferences", "electricPrefsBack.xml"); if (backFileName != null) Pref.exportPrefs(backFileName); else System.out.println("Previous Preferences not backup"); } if (response != 2) // cancel { String cadenceFileName = "CadencePrefs.xml"; URL fileURL = Resources.getURLResource(Main.class, cadenceFileName); if (fileURL != null) UserInterfaceMain.importPrefs(fileURL); else System.out.println("Cannot import '" + cadenceFileName + "'"); } } }