/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: GraphicsPreferences.java * * Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.tool.user; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.EGraphics; import com.sun.electric.database.id.LayerId; import com.sun.electric.database.text.PrefPackage; import com.sun.electric.database.variable.TextDescriptor; import com.sun.electric.technology.Layer; import com.sun.electric.technology.TechPool; import com.sun.electric.technology.Technology; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; /** * */ public class GraphicsPreferences extends PrefPackage { // In TECH_NODE private static final String KEY_TRANSPARENT_COLOR = "TransparentLayer"; private static final String KEY_PATTERN_DISPLAY = "UsePatternDisplayFor"; private static final String KEY_PATTERN_PRINTER = "UsePatternPrinterFor"; private static final String KEY_OUTLINE = "OutlinePatternFor"; private static final String KEY_TRANSPARENT = "TransparentLayerFor"; private static final String KEY_COLOR = "ColorFor"; private static final String KEY_OPACITY = "OpacityFor"; private static final String KEY_PATTERN = "PatternFor"; private static final String KEY_TRANSPARENCY_MODE = "3DTransparencyModeOf"; private static final String KEY_TRANSPARENCY_FACTOR = "3DTransparencyFactorOf"; private static final String KEY_TEXT_VISIBILITY = "TextVisibility"; public static final int RGB_MASK = 0xFFFFFF; /** * How to display ports. * 0: full port names (the default). * 1: short port names (stopping at the first nonalphabetic character). * 2: ports drawn as crosses. */ @IntegerPref(node = USER_NODE, key = "PortDisplayLevel", factory = DEF_PORT_DISPLAY_LEVEL) public int portDisplayLevel; private static final int DEF_PORT_DISPLAY_LEVEL = 0; /** * How to display exports. * 0: full export names (the default). * 1: short export names (stopping at the first nonalphabetic character). * 2: exports drawn as crosses. */ @IntegerPref(node = USER_NODE, key = "ExportDisplayLevel", factory = DEF_EXPORT_DISPLAY_LEVEL) public int exportDisplayLevel; private static final int DEF_EXPORT_DISPLAY_LEVEL = 0; /** The default font to use on the display. The default is "SansSerif". */ @StringPref(node = USER_NODE, key = "DefaultFont", factory = FACTORY_DEFAULT_FONT) public String defaultFont; public static final String FACTORY_DEFAULT_FONT = "SansSerif"; /** Whether to show temporary names on nodes and arcs. The default is false. */ @BooleanPref(node = USER_NODE, key = "ShowTempNames", factory = false) public boolean showTempNames; private transient final TechPool techPool; private final Color[] defaultColors; private final boolean[] textVisibility; private final TechData[] techData; private class TechData implements Serializable { private final Technology tech; private final Color[] transparentColors; private transient Color[] colorMap; private final EGraphics[] layerGraphics; private TechData(Technology tech, Preferences techPrefs) { this.tech = tech; assert techPool.getTech(tech.getId()) == tech; transparentColors = tech.getFactoryTransparentLayerColors(); for (int i = 0; i < transparentColors.length; i++) { String key = getKey(KEY_TRANSPARENT_COLOR + (i+1) + "For", tech.getId()); int factoryRgb = transparentColors[i].getRGB(); int rgb = techPrefs.getInt(key, factoryRgb); if (rgb == factoryRgb) continue; transparentColors[i] = new Color(rgb); } layerGraphics = new EGraphics[tech.getNumLayers()]; for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerGraphics.length; layerIndex++) { Layer layer = tech.getLayer(layerIndex); LayerId layerId = layer.getId(); EGraphics factoryGraphics = layer.getFactoryGraphics(); EGraphics graphics = factoryGraphics; // TECH_NODE String keyPatternDisplay = getKeyIn(KEY_PATTERN_DISPLAY, layerId); boolean factoryPatternDisplay = factoryGraphics.isPatternedOnDisplay(); boolean patternDisplay = techPrefs.getBoolean(keyPatternDisplay, factoryPatternDisplay); graphics = graphics.withPatternedOnDisplay(patternDisplay); String keyPatternPrinter = getKeyIn(KEY_PATTERN_PRINTER, layerId); boolean factoryPatternPrinter = factoryGraphics.isPatternedOnPrinter(); boolean patternPrinter = techPrefs.getBoolean(keyPatternPrinter, factoryPatternPrinter); graphics = graphics.withPatternedOnPrinter(patternPrinter); String keyOutline = getKeyIn(KEY_OUTLINE, layerId); EGraphics.Outline factoryOutline = factoryGraphics.getOutlined(); int outlineIndex = techPrefs.getInt(keyOutline, factoryOutline.getIndex()); EGraphics.Outline outline = EGraphics.Outline.findOutline(outlineIndex); graphics = graphics.withOutlined(outline); String keyTransparent = getKeyIn(KEY_TRANSPARENT, layerId); int factoryTransparent = factoryGraphics.getTransparentLayer(); int transparent = techPrefs.getInt(keyTransparent, factoryTransparent); graphics = graphics.withTransparentLayer(transparent); String keyColor = getKeyIn(KEY_COLOR, layerId); int factoryColorRgb = factoryGraphics.getRGB(); int colorRgb = techPrefs.getInt(keyColor, factoryColorRgb); graphics = graphics.withColor(new Color(colorRgb)); String keyOpacity = getKeyIn(KEY_OPACITY, layerId); double factoryOpacity = factoryGraphics.getOpacity(); double opacity = techPrefs.getDouble(keyOpacity, factoryOpacity); graphics = graphics.withOpacity(opacity); String keyPattern = getKeyIn(KEY_PATTERN, layerId); String factoryPatternStr = factoryGraphics.getPatternString(); String patternStr = techPrefs.get(keyPattern, factoryPatternStr); graphics = graphics.withPattern(patternStr); String keyTransparencyMode = getKey(KEY_TRANSPARENCY_MODE, layerId); String factoryTransparencyModeStr = factoryGraphics.getTransparencyMode().name(); String transparencyModeStr = techPrefs.get(keyTransparencyMode, factoryTransparencyModeStr); EGraphics.J3DTransparencyOption transparencyMode = EGraphics.J3DTransparencyOption.valueOf(transparencyModeStr); graphics = graphics.withTransparencyMode(transparencyMode); String keyTransparencyFactor = getKey(KEY_TRANSPARENCY_FACTOR, layerId); double factoryTransparenceyFactor = factoryGraphics.getTransparencyFactor(); double transparencyFactor = techPrefs.getDouble(keyTransparencyFactor, factoryTransparenceyFactor); graphics = graphics.withTransparencyFactor(transparencyFactor); layerGraphics[layerIndex] = graphics; } } private TechData(TechData that, Color[] transparentColors, EGraphics[] layerGraphics) { this.tech = that.tech; this.transparentColors = transparentColors; this.layerGraphics = layerGraphics; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o instanceof TechData) { TechData that = (TechData)o; return this.tech == that.tech && Arrays.equals(this.transparentColors, that.transparentColors) && Arrays.equals(this.layerGraphics, that.layerGraphics); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return 0; } private void putPrefs(Preferences techPrefs, boolean removeDefaults, TechData oldTd) { if (oldTd != null && oldTd.tech != tech) oldTd = null; if (oldTd == null || transparentColors != oldTd.transparentColors) { Color[] factoryColors = tech.getFactoryTransparentLayerColors(); for (int i = 0; i < factoryColors.length; i++) { String key = getKey(KEY_TRANSPARENT_COLOR + (i+1) + "For", tech.getId()); int factoryRgb = factoryColors[i].getRGB(); int rgb = transparentColors[i].getRGB(); if (removeDefaults && rgb == factoryRgb) techPrefs.remove(key); else techPrefs.putInt(key, rgb); } } assert layerGraphics.length == tech.getNumLayers(); for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerGraphics.length; layerIndex++) { Layer layer = tech.getLayer(layerIndex); LayerId layerId = layer.getId(); EGraphics graphics = layerGraphics[layerIndex]; if (oldTd == null || graphics != oldTd.layerGraphics[layerIndex]) { EGraphics factoryGraphics = layer.getFactoryGraphics(); String keyPatternDisplay = getKeyIn(KEY_PATTERN_DISPLAY, layerId); if (removeDefaults && graphics.isPatternedOnDisplay() == factoryGraphics.isPatternedOnDisplay()) techPrefs.remove(keyPatternDisplay); else techPrefs.putBoolean(keyPatternDisplay, graphics.isPatternedOnDisplay()); String keyPatternPrinter = getKeyIn(KEY_PATTERN_PRINTER, layerId); if (removeDefaults && graphics.isPatternedOnPrinter() == factoryGraphics.isPatternedOnPrinter()) techPrefs.remove(keyPatternPrinter); else techPrefs.putBoolean(keyPatternPrinter, graphics.isPatternedOnPrinter()); String keyOutline = getKeyIn(KEY_OUTLINE, layerId); if (removeDefaults && graphics.getOutlined() == factoryGraphics.getOutlined()) techPrefs.remove(keyOutline); else techPrefs.putInt(keyOutline, graphics.getOutlined().getIndex()); String keyTransparent = getKeyIn(KEY_TRANSPARENT, layerId); if (removeDefaults && graphics.getTransparentLayer() == factoryGraphics.getTransparentLayer()) techPrefs.remove(keyTransparent); else techPrefs.putInt(keyTransparent, graphics.getTransparentLayer()); String keyColor = getKeyIn(KEY_COLOR, layerId); if (removeDefaults && graphics.getColor().equals(factoryGraphics.getColor())) techPrefs.remove(keyColor); else techPrefs.putInt(keyColor, graphics.getRGB()); String keyOpacity = getKeyIn(KEY_OPACITY, layerId); if (removeDefaults && graphics.getOpacity() == factoryGraphics.getOpacity()) techPrefs.remove(keyOpacity); else techPrefs.putDouble(keyOpacity, graphics.getOpacity()); String keyPattern = getKeyIn(KEY_PATTERN, layerId); if (removeDefaults && Arrays.equals(graphics.getPattern(), factoryGraphics.getPattern())) techPrefs.remove(keyPattern); else techPrefs.put(keyPattern, graphics.getPatternString()); String keyTrancparencyMode = getKey(KEY_TRANSPARENCY_MODE, layerId); if (removeDefaults && graphics.getTransparencyMode() == factoryGraphics.getTransparencyMode()) techPrefs.remove(keyTrancparencyMode); else techPrefs.put(keyTrancparencyMode, graphics.getTransparencyMode().name()); String keyTrancparencyFactor = getKey(KEY_TRANSPARENCY_FACTOR, layerId); if (removeDefaults && graphics.getTransparencyFactor() == factoryGraphics.getTransparencyFactor()) techPrefs.remove(keyTrancparencyFactor); else techPrefs.putDouble(keyTrancparencyFactor, graphics.getTransparencyFactor()); } } } private TechData withTransparentColor(int transparentLayer, Color transparentColor) { if (transparentLayer < 0 || transparentLayer >= transparentColors.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (transparentColor.equals(transparentColors[transparentLayer])) return this; Color[] newTransparentColors = transparentColors.clone(); newTransparentColors[transparentLayer] = transparentColor; return new TechData(this, newTransparentColors, layerGraphics); } private TechData withTransparentColors(Color[] transparentColors) { if (Arrays.equals(this.transparentColors, transparentColors)) return this; Color[] factoryColors = tech.getFactoryTransparentLayerColors(); if (transparentColors.length < factoryColors.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); transparentColors = transparentColors.clone(); for (Color color: transparentColors) { if (color.getAlpha() != 255) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return new TechData(this, transparentColors, layerGraphics); } private TechData withGraphics(Layer layer, EGraphics graphics) { assert layer.getTechnology() == tech; int layerIndex = layer.getIndex(); EGraphics currentGraphics = layerGraphics[layerIndex]; if (currentGraphics.equals(graphics)) return this; EGraphics[] newLayerGraphics = layerGraphics.clone(); newLayerGraphics[layerIndex] = graphics; return new TechData(this, transparentColors, newLayerGraphics); } /** * Returns the color map for transparent layers in this technology. * @return the color map for transparent layers in this technology. * The number of entries in this map equals 2 to the power "getNumTransparentLayers()". */ private Color[] getColorMap() { if (colorMap == null) colorMap = Technology.makeColorMap(transparentColors); return colorMap.clone(); } // private Color [] makeColorMap() { // int numEntries = 1 << transparentColors.length; // Color [] map = new Color[numEntries]; // for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { // int r=200, g=200, b=200; // boolean hasPrevious = false; // for (int j = 0; j < transparentColors.length; j++) { // if ((i & (1<<j)) == 0) continue; // Color layerColor = transparentColors[j]; // if (hasPrevious) { // // get the previous color // double [] lastColor = new double[3]; // lastColor[0] = r / 255.0; // lastColor[1] = g / 255.0; // lastColor[2] = b / 255.0; // normalizeColor(lastColor); // // // get the current color // double [] curColor = new double[3]; // curColor[0] = layerColor.getRed() / 255.0; // curColor[1] = layerColor.getGreen() / 255.0; // curColor[2] = layerColor.getBlue() / 255.0; // normalizeColor(curColor); // // // combine them // for(int k=0; k<3; k++) curColor[k] += lastColor[k]; // normalizeColor(curColor); // r = (int)(curColor[0] * 255.0); // g = (int)(curColor[1] * 255.0); // b = (int)(curColor[2] * 255.0); // } else { // r = layerColor.getRed(); // g = layerColor.getGreen(); // b = layerColor.getBlue(); // hasPrevious = true; // } // } // map[i] = new Color(r, g, b); // } // return map; // } // // /** // * Method to normalize a color stored in a 3-long array. // * @param a the array of 3 doubles that holds the color. // * All values range from 0 to 1. // * The values are adjusted so that they are normalized. // */ // private void normalizeColor(double [] a) // { // double mag = Math.sqrt(a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1] + a[2] * a[2]); // if (mag < 1.0e-11f) return; // a[0] /= mag; // a[1] /= mag; // a[2] /= mag; // } } public GraphicsPreferences(boolean factory) { this(factory, TechPool.getThreadTechPool()); } public GraphicsPreferences(boolean factory, TechPool techPool) { super(factory); this.techPool = techPool; int maxTechIndex = -1; for (Technology tech: techPool.values()) maxTechIndex = Math.max(maxTechIndex, tech.getId().techIndex); techData = new TechData[maxTechIndex+1]; Preferences prefRoot = factory ? getFactoryPrefRoot() : getPrefRoot(); Preferences techPrefs = prefRoot.node(TECH_NODE); Preferences userPrefs = prefRoot.node(USER_NODE); for (Technology tech: techPool.values()) techData[tech.getId().techIndex] = new TechData(tech, techPrefs); User.ColorPrefType[] colorPrefTypes = User.ColorPrefType.class.getEnumConstants(); defaultColors = new Color[colorPrefTypes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < colorPrefTypes.length; i++) { User.ColorPrefType e = colorPrefTypes[i]; Color factoryColor = e.getFactoryDefaultColor(); int factoryRgb = factoryColor.getRGB(); int rgb = userPrefs.getInt(e.getPrefKey(), factoryRgb); Color color = rgb == factoryRgb ? factoryColor : new Color(rgb); defaultColors[i] = color; } TextDescriptor.TextType[] textTypes = TextDescriptor.TextType.class.getEnumConstants(); textVisibility = new boolean[textTypes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < textTypes.length; i++) textVisibility[i] = userPrefs.getBoolean(textTypes[i].getKey(KEY_TEXT_VISIBILITY), true); } @Override public void putPrefs(Preferences prefRoot, boolean removeDefaults) { putPrefs(prefRoot, removeDefaults, null); } public void putPrefs(Preferences prefRoot, boolean removeDefaults, GraphicsPreferences oldGp) { super.putPrefs(prefRoot, removeDefaults); if (oldGp != null && oldGp.techPool != techPool) oldGp = null; Preferences techPrefs = prefRoot.node(TECH_NODE); Preferences userPrefs = prefRoot.node(USER_NODE); for (int techIndex = 0; techIndex < techData.length; techIndex++) { TechData td = techData[techIndex]; if (td == null) continue; TechData oldTd = oldGp != null ? oldGp.techData[techIndex] : null; td.putPrefs(techPrefs, removeDefaults, oldTd); } if (oldGp == null || defaultColors != oldGp.defaultColors) { User.ColorPrefType[] colorPrefTypes = User.ColorPrefType.class.getEnumConstants(); for (int i = 0; i < colorPrefTypes.length; i++) { User.ColorPrefType t = colorPrefTypes[i]; if (removeDefaults && defaultColors[i].equals(t.getFactoryDefaultColor())) userPrefs.remove(t.getPrefKey()); else userPrefs.putInt(t.getPrefKey(), defaultColors[i].getRGB()); } } if (oldGp == null || textVisibility != oldGp.textVisibility) { TextDescriptor.TextType[] textTypes = TextDescriptor.TextType.class.getEnumConstants(); for (int i = 0; i < textTypes.length; i++) { TextDescriptor.TextType t = textTypes[i]; String key = t.getKey(KEY_TEXT_VISIBILITY); if (removeDefaults && textVisibility[i]) userPrefs.remove(key); else userPrefs.putBoolean(key, textVisibility[i]); } } } public GraphicsPreferences withTransparentLayerColors(Technology tech, Color[] tranparentColors) { TechData td = getTechData(tech); return withTechData(td.withTransparentColors(tranparentColors)); } public GraphicsPreferences withTransparentLayerColor(Technology tech, int transparentLayer, Color tranparentColor) { TechData td = getTechData(tech); return withTechData(td.withTransparentColor(transparentLayer, tranparentColor)); } public GraphicsPreferences withGraphics(Layer layer, EGraphics graphics) { TechData td = getTechData(layer.getTechnology()); return withTechData(td.withGraphics(layer, graphics)); } public GraphicsPreferences withColor(User.ColorPrefType t, Color color) { if (color.equals(defaultColors[t.ordinal()])) return this; Color[] newDefaultColors = defaultColors.clone(); newDefaultColors[t.ordinal()] = color; return (GraphicsPreferences)withField("defaultColors", newDefaultColors); } public GraphicsPreferences withFactoryColor(User.ColorPrefType t) { return withColor(t, t.getFactoryDefaultColor()); } public GraphicsPreferences withTextVisibilityOn(TextDescriptor.TextType t, boolean b) { if (b == textVisibility[t.ordinal()]) return this; boolean[] newTextVisibility = textVisibility.clone(); newTextVisibility[t.ordinal()] = b; return (GraphicsPreferences)withField("textVisibility", newTextVisibility); } public GraphicsPreferences withPortDisplayLevel(int portDisplayLevel) { if (portDisplayLevel == this.portDisplayLevel) return this; return (GraphicsPreferences)withField("portDisplayLevel", Integer.valueOf(portDisplayLevel)); } public GraphicsPreferences withExportDisplayLevel(int exportDisplayLevel) { if (exportDisplayLevel == this.exportDisplayLevel) return this; return (GraphicsPreferences)withField("exportDisplayLevel", Integer.valueOf(exportDisplayLevel)); } public GraphicsPreferences withDisplayLevelReset() { return withPortDisplayLevel(DEF_PORT_DISPLAY_LEVEL).withExportDisplayLevel(DEF_EXPORT_DISPLAY_LEVEL); } public GraphicsPreferences withDefaultFont(String defaultFont) { if (defaultFont.equals(this.defaultFont)) return this; return (GraphicsPreferences)withField("defaultFont", defaultFont); } public GraphicsPreferences withShowTempNames(boolean showTempNames) { if (showTempNames == this.isShowTempNames()) return this; return (GraphicsPreferences)withField("showTempNames", Boolean.valueOf(showTempNames)); } /** * Returns the number of transparent layers in specified technology. * Informs the display system of the number of overlapping or transparent layers * in use. * @param tech specified Technology * @return the number of transparent layers in specified technology. * There may be 0 transparent layers in technologies that don't do overlapping, * such as Schematics. */ public int getNumTransparentLayers(Technology tech) { return getTechData(tech).transparentColors.length; } /** * Method to return the colors for the transparent layers in specified Technology. * @param tech specified Technoology * @return the factory for the transparent layers in this Technology. */ public Color[] getTransparentLayerColors(Technology tech) { return getTechData(tech).transparentColors.clone(); } /** * Returns the color map for transparent layers in specified technology. * @param tech specified Technology * @return the color map for transparent layers in specified technology. * The number of entries in this map equals 2 to the power "getNumTransparentLayers()". */ public Color [] getColorMap(Technology tech) { return getTechData(tech).getColorMap(); } /** * Method to return the graphics description of specified Layer. * @param layer specified Layer * @return the graphics description of specified Layer. */ public EGraphics getGraphics(Layer layer) { return getTechData(layer.getTechnology()).layerGraphics[layer.getIndex()]; } /** * Method to get the color of a given special layer type on the display. * @param t layer type in question. * @return color of the special layer type. */ public Color getColor(User.ColorPrefType t) { return defaultColors[t.ordinal()]; } /** * Method to tell whether to draw text of particular text type. * The default is "true". * @param t specified text type. * @return true if the system should text of specified type. */ public boolean isTextVisibilityOn(TextDescriptor.TextType t) { return textVisibility[t.ordinal()]; } /** * Whether to show temporary names on nodes and arcs. * true to show temporary names. * The default is false. * @return true to show temporary names on nodes and arcs. */ public boolean isShowTempNames() { return showTempNames; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o instanceof GraphicsPreferences) { GraphicsPreferences that = (GraphicsPreferences)o; return this.techPool == that.techPool && Arrays.equals(this.techData, that.techData) && Arrays.equals(this.defaultColors, that.defaultColors) && Arrays.equals(this.textVisibility, that.textVisibility) && this.portDisplayLevel == that.portDisplayLevel && this.exportDisplayLevel == that.exportDisplayLevel && this.defaultFont.equals(that.defaultFont) && this.isShowTempNames() == that.isShowTempNames(); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return 0; } private GraphicsPreferences withTechData(TechData td) { int techIndex = td.tech.getId().techIndex; if (td == techData[techIndex]) return this; TechData[] newTechData = techData.clone(); newTechData[techIndex] = td; return (GraphicsPreferences)withField("techData", newTechData); } // public GraphicsPreferences withLayersReset() { // if (defaultGraphics.isEmpty()) return this; // return new GraphicsPreferences(this, // new HashMap<LayerId,EGraphics>(), // defaultColors); // } private TechData getTechData(Technology tech) { TechData td = techData[tech.getId().techIndex]; assert td.tech == tech; return td; } protected String getKeyIn(String what, LayerId layerId) { int len = what.length() + layerId.fullName.length() + 1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len); sb.append(what); sb.append(layerId.name); sb.append("In"); sb.append(layerId.techId.techName); assert sb.length() == len; return sb.toString(); } }