/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: Environment.java * Written by: Dmitry Nadezhin, Sun Microsystems. * * Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.database; import com.sun.electric.database.id.IdManager; import com.sun.electric.database.id.IdReader; import com.sun.electric.database.id.IdWriter; import com.sun.electric.database.text.Pref; import com.sun.electric.database.text.Setting; import com.sun.electric.database.variable.Variable; import com.sun.electric.technology.TechFactory; import com.sun.electric.technology.TechPool; import com.sun.electric.technology.Technology; import com.sun.electric.tool.ToolSettings; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; /** * Immutable class to represent Database environment */ public class Environment { private static final ThreadLocal<Environment> threadEnvironment = new ThreadLocal<Environment>(); public final Setting.RootGroup toolSettings; public final TechPool techPool; private final HashMap<Setting, Object> rawSettingValues; public final Map<Setting, Object> settingValues; public Environment(IdManager idManager) { this(Setting.RootGroup.newEmptyGroup(), idManager.getInitialTechPool(), new HashMap<Setting, Object>()); } private Environment(Setting.RootGroup toolSettings, TechPool techPool, HashMap<Setting, Object> rawSettingValues) { this.toolSettings = toolSettings; this.techPool = techPool; this.rawSettingValues = rawSettingValues; settingValues = Collections.unmodifiableMap(rawSettingValues); check(); } public static Environment getThreadEnvironment() { return threadEnvironment.get(); } public static Environment setThreadEnvironment(Environment environment) { Environment oldEnvironment = threadEnvironment.get(); threadEnvironment.set(environment); return oldEnvironment; } /** Returns map from Setting to its value in this Snapshot */ public Map<Setting, Object> getSettings() { return settingValues; } public Object getValue(Setting setting) { return rawSettingValues.get(setting); } public void activate() { setThreadEnvironment(this); } public boolean isActive() { for (Map.Entry<Setting, Object> e : settingValues.entrySet()) { Setting setting = e.getKey(); Object value = e.getValue(); if (setting.getValue() != value) { return false; } } return true; } private Environment with(Setting.RootGroup toolSettings, TechPool techPool, Map<Setting, Object> settingValues) { if (this.techPool == techPool && this.toolSettings == toolSettings && this.settingValues.equals(settingValues)) { return this; } HashMap<Setting, Object> rawSettingValues = new HashMap<Setting, Object>(settingValues); return new Environment(toolSettings, techPool, rawSettingValues); } public Environment withToolSettings(Setting.RootGroup toolSettings) { HashMap<Setting, Object> newSettingValues = new HashMap<Setting, Object>(settingValues); for (Setting setting : this.toolSettings.getSettings()) { newSettingValues.remove(setting); } for (Setting setting : toolSettings.getSettings()) { newSettingValues.put(setting, setting.getFactoryValue()); } return with(toolSettings, this.techPool, newSettingValues); } public Environment addTech(Technology tech) { if (techPool.getTech(tech.getId()) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } TechPool newTechPool = techPool.withTech(tech); HashMap<Setting, Object> newSettingValues = new HashMap<Setting, Object>(settingValues); for (Setting setting : tech.getProjectSettings().getSettings()) { newSettingValues.put(setting, setting.getFactoryValue()); } for (Map.Entry<TechFactory.Param, Object> e : tech.getParamValues().entrySet()) { TechFactory.Param param = e.getKey(); newSettingValues.put(tech.getSetting(param), e.getValue()); } return with(toolSettings, newTechPool, newSettingValues); } public Environment withSettingChanges(Setting.SettingChangeBatch changeBatch) { // Look for tech param changes Map<TechFactory.Param, Object> techParams = techPool.getTechParams(); for (Map.Entry<TechFactory.Param, Object> e : techParams.entrySet()) { TechFactory.Param param = e.getKey(); Object oldValue = e.getValue(); String xmlPath = param.xmlPath; if (!changeBatch.changesForSettings.containsKey(xmlPath)) { continue; } Object newValue = changeBatch.changesForSettings.get(xmlPath); if (newValue == null) { newValue = param.factoryValue; } if (newValue.equals(oldValue)) { continue; } if (newValue.getClass() != oldValue.getClass()) { continue; } techParams.put(param, newValue); } TechPool newTechPool = techPool.withTechParams(techParams); String softTechnologies = (String) changeBatch.changesForSettings.get(ToolSettings.getSoftTechnologiesSetting().getXmlPath()); if (softTechnologies != null) { newTechPool = newTechPool.withSoftTechnologies(softTechnologies); } // Gather by xmlPath HashMap<String, Object> valuesByXmlPath = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Map.Entry<Setting, Object> e : settingValues.entrySet()) { Setting oldSetting = e.getKey(); String xmlPath = oldSetting.getXmlPath(); Object value = e.getValue(); if (changeBatch.changesForSettings.containsKey(xmlPath)) { value = changeBatch.changesForSettings.get(xmlPath); } valuesByXmlPath.put(xmlPath, value); } for (Map.Entry<TechFactory.Param, Object> e : newTechPool.getTechParams().entrySet()) { TechFactory.Param param = e.getKey(); valuesByXmlPath.put(param.xmlPath, e.getValue()); } // Prepare new Setting Values HashMap<Setting, Object> newSettingValues = new HashMap<Setting, Object>(); for (Setting setting : toolSettings.getSettings()) { Object value = valuesByXmlPath.get(setting.getXmlPath()); Object factoryValue = setting.getFactoryValue(); if (value == null || value.getClass() != factoryValue.getClass() || value.equals(factoryValue)) { value = factoryValue; } newSettingValues.put(setting, value); } for (Technology tech : newTechPool.values()) { for (Setting setting : tech.getProjectSettings().getSettings()) { Object value = valuesByXmlPath.get(setting.getXmlPath()); Object factoryValue = setting.getFactoryValue(); if (value == null || value.getClass() != factoryValue.getClass() || value.equals(factoryValue)) { value = factoryValue; } newSettingValues.put(setting, value); } } return with(toolSettings, newTechPool, newSettingValues); } public Environment deepClone() { TechPool newTechPool = techPool.deepClone(); HashMap<String, Object> oldSettingsByXmlPath = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Setting setting : toolSettings.getSettings()) { oldSettingsByXmlPath.put(setting.getXmlPath(), setting); } for (Technology tech : techPool.values()) { for (Setting setting : tech.getProjectSettings().getSettings()) { oldSettingsByXmlPath.put(setting.getXmlPath(), setting); } } HashMap<Setting, Object> newSettingValues = new HashMap<Setting, Object>(); for (Setting setting : toolSettings.getSettings()) { newSettingValues.put(setting, settingValues.get(setting)); } for (Technology tech : techPool.values()) { for (Setting setting : tech.getProjectSettings().getSettings()) { Object oldSetting = oldSettingsByXmlPath.get(setting.getXmlPath()); Object value = settingValues.get(oldSetting); Object factoryValue = setting.getFactoryValue(); if (value == null || value.getClass() != factoryValue.getClass()) { value = factoryValue; } newSettingValues.put(setting, value); } } return new Environment(toolSettings, newTechPool, newSettingValues); } public void saveToPreferences() { saveToPreferences(Pref.getPrefRoot()); } public void saveToPreferences(Preferences prefs) { for (Map.Entry<Setting, Object> e : getSettings().entrySet()) { Setting setting = e.getKey(); setting.saveToPreferences(prefs, e.getValue()); } Pref.flushAll(); } /** * Writes this Environment to IdWriter * @param writer IdWriter * @param old old Environment * @throws java.io.IOException */ public void writeDiff(IdWriter writer, Environment old) throws IOException { boolean changed = this != old; writer.writeBoolean(changed); if (!changed) { return; } boolean techPoolChanged = techPool != old.techPool; writer.writeBoolean(techPoolChanged); if (techPoolChanged) { techPool.writeDiff(writer, old.techPool); } boolean toolSettingsChanged = toolSettings != old.toolSettings; writer.writeBoolean(toolSettingsChanged); if (toolSettingsChanged) { toolSettings.write(writer); } for (Map.Entry<Setting, Object> e : settingValues.entrySet()) { Setting setting = e.getKey(); Object value = e.getValue(); Object oldValue = old.settingValues.get(setting); if (oldValue == null) { oldValue = setting.getFactoryValue(); } if (value.equals(oldValue)) { continue; } writer.writeString(setting.getXmlPath()); Variable.writeObject(writer, value); } writer.writeString(""); } public static Environment readEnvironment(IdReader reader, Environment old) throws IOException { boolean changed = reader.readBoolean(); if (!changed) { return old; } TechPool techPool = old.techPool; boolean techPoolChanged = reader.readBoolean(); if (techPoolChanged) { techPool = TechPool.read(reader, old.techPool); } Setting.RootGroup toolSettings = old.toolSettings; boolean toolSettingsChanged = reader.readBoolean(); if (toolSettingsChanged) { toolSettings = Setting.read(reader); } HashMap<String, Setting> settingsByXmlPath = new HashMap<String, Setting>(); for (Setting setting : toolSettings.getSettings()) { settingsByXmlPath.put(setting.getXmlPath(), setting); } for (Technology tech : techPool.values()) { for (Setting setting : tech.getProjectSettings().getSettings()) { settingsByXmlPath.put(setting.getXmlPath(), setting); } } HashMap<Setting, Object> settingValues = new HashMap<Setting, Object>(); for (Setting setting : settingsByXmlPath.values()) { Object value = old.settingValues.get(setting); if (value == null) { value = setting.getFactoryValue(); } settingValues.put(setting, value); } for (;;) { String xmlPath = reader.readString(); if (xmlPath.length() == 0) { break; } Object value = Variable.readObject(reader); Setting setting = settingsByXmlPath.get(xmlPath); settingValues.put(setting, value); } return new Environment(toolSettings, techPool, settingValues); } public void check() { if (!toolSettings.isLocked()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tool Settings are not locked"); } for (Map.Entry<Setting, Object> e : settingValues.entrySet()) { Setting setting = e.getKey(); Object value = e.getValue(); if (value.getClass() != setting.getFactoryValue().getClass()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Setting " + setting.getXmlPath() + " has bad value " + value); } } HashMap<String, Object> xmlPaths = new HashMap<String, Object>(); checkSettings(toolSettings, settingValues, xmlPaths); for (Technology tech : techPool.values()) { Setting.RootGroup techSettings = tech.getProjectSettingsRoot(); checkSettings(techSettings, settingValues, xmlPaths); } if (xmlPaths.size() != settingValues.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Setting count"); } for (Map.Entry<TechFactory.Param, Object> e : techPool.getTechParams().entrySet()) { TechFactory.Param param = e.getKey(); Object value = xmlPaths.get(param.xmlPath); if (!value.equals(e.getValue())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("TechParam mismatch"); } } } private static void checkSettings(Setting.RootGroup settings, Map<Setting, Object> settingValues, HashMap<String, Object> xmlPaths) { for (Setting setting : settings.getSettings()) { String xmlPath = setting.getXmlPath(); if (xmlPath.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty xmlPath"); } Object value = settingValues.get(setting); if (value.getClass() != setting.getFactoryValue().getClass()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type mismatch " + setting); } Object oldValue = xmlPaths.put(xmlPath, value); if (oldValue != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dupilcate xmlPath " + xmlPath); } } } }