/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: CapCell.java * * Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.fill; import java.util.Iterator; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.EPoint; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Export; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Library; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.NodeInst; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.PortInst; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.LayoutLib; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.TechType; import com.sun.electric.tool.Job; // ------------------------------------ CapCell ------------------------------- /** CapCell is built assuming horizontal metal 1 straps. I deal with the * possible 90 degree rotation by creating a NodeInst of this Cell rotated * by -90 degrees. */ public abstract class CapCell { protected int gndNum, vddNum; protected Cell cell; abstract public int numVdd(); abstract public int numGnd(); abstract public double getVddWidth(); abstract public double getGndWidth(); public Cell getCell() {return cell;} } // ------------------------------------ CapCellMosis ------------------------------- class CapCellMosis extends CapCell{ /** All the fields in ProtoPlan assume that metal1 runs horizontally * since that is how we build CapCell */ private static class ProtoPlan{ private final double MAX_MOS_WIDTH = 40; private final double SEL_WIDTH_OF_PWM1; private final double SEL_TO_MOS; public final double protoWidth, protoHeight; public final double vddWidth = 9; public final double gndWidth = 4; public final double vddGndSpace = 3; // 4 in CMOS90 -> to change public final double gateWidth; public final int numMosX; public final double mosPitchX; public final double leftWellContX; public final double gateLength; public final int numMosY; public final double mosPitchY; public final double botWellContY; public ProtoPlan(CapFloorplan instPlan, TechType tech) { SEL_WIDTH_OF_PWM1 = tech.getWellContWidth() + tech.selectSurroundDiffInWellContact()*2; SEL_TO_MOS = tech.selectSurroundDiffAlongGateInTrans(); protoWidth = instPlan.horizontal ? instPlan.cellWidth : instPlan.cellHeight; protoHeight = instPlan.horizontal ? instPlan.cellHeight : instPlan.cellWidth; // compute number of MOS's bottom to top mosPitchY = gndWidth + 2*vddGndSpace + vddWidth; gateLength = mosPitchY - gndWidth - 2; numMosY = (int) Math.floor((protoHeight-tech.getWellWidth())/mosPitchY); botWellContY = - numMosY * mosPitchY / 2; // min distance from left Cell edge to center of leftmost well // contact. double cellEdgeToDiffContCenter = tech.getWellSurroundDiffInWellContact() + tech.getDiffContWidth()/2; // min distance from left Cell Edge to center of leftmost poly // contact. double polyContWidth = Math.floor(gateLength / tech.getP1M1Width()) * tech.getP1M1Width(); double cellEdgeToPolyContCenter = tech.getP1ToP1Space()/2 + polyContWidth/2; // diffusion and poly contact centers line up double cellEdgeToContCenter = Math.max(cellEdgeToDiffContCenter, cellEdgeToPolyContCenter); // compute number of MOS's left to right //double availForCap = protoWidth - 2*(SEL_TO_CELL_EDGE + SEL_WIDTH_OF_NDM1/2); double availForCap = protoWidth - 2*cellEdgeToContCenter; double numMosD = availForCap / (MAX_MOS_WIDTH + SEL_WIDTH_OF_PWM1 + 2*SEL_TO_MOS); numMosX = (int) Math.ceil(numMosD); Job.error((numMosX < 1), "not enough space for cap cell. Increase template size."); double mosWidth1 = availForCap/numMosX - SEL_WIDTH_OF_PWM1 - 2*SEL_TO_MOS; // round down mos Width to integral number of lambdas gateWidth = Math.floor(mosWidth1); mosPitchX = gateWidth + SEL_WIDTH_OF_PWM1 + 2*SEL_TO_MOS; leftWellContX = - numMosX * mosPitchX / 2; } } private final double POLY_CONT_WIDTH = 10; private final String TOP_DIFF = "diff-top"; private final String BOT_DIFF = "diff-bottom"; private final String LEFT_POLY = "poly-left"; private final String RIGHT_POLY = "poly-right"; private final ProtoPlan plan; private final TechType tech; /** Interleave well contacts with diffusion contacts left to right. Begin * and end with well contacts */ private PortInst[] diffCont(double y, ProtoPlan plan, Cell cell) { PortInst[] conts = new PortInst[plan.numMosX]; double x = - plan.numMosX * plan.mosPitchX / 2; PortInst wellCont = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech.pwm1(), x, y, G.DEF_SIZE, G.DEF_SIZE, 0, cell ).getOnlyPortInst(); Export e = Export.newInstance(cell, wellCont, FillCell.GND_NAME+"_"+gndNum++); e.setCharacteristic(FillCell.GND_CHARACTERISTIC); for (int i=0; i<plan.numMosX; i++) { x += plan.mosPitchX/2; conts[i] = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech.ndm1(), x, y, plan.gateWidth, 5, 0, cell).getOnlyPortInst(); LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech.m1(), plan.gndWidth, wellCont, conts[i]); x += plan.mosPitchX/2; wellCont = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech.pwm1(), x, y, G.DEF_SIZE, G.DEF_SIZE, 0, cell ).getOnlyPortInst(); LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech.m1(), plan.gndWidth, conts[i], wellCont); } // bring metal to cell left and right edges to prevent notches x = -plan.protoWidth/2 + plan.gndWidth/2; PortInst pi; pi = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech.m1pin(), x, y, G.DEF_SIZE, G.DEF_SIZE, 0, cell).getOnlyPortInst(); LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech.m1(), plan.gndWidth, pi, conts[0]); x = plan.protoWidth/2 - plan.gndWidth/2; pi = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech.m1pin(), x, y, G.DEF_SIZE, G.DEF_SIZE, 0, cell).getOnlyPortInst(); LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech.m1(), plan.gndWidth, pi, conts[conts.length-1]); return conts; } /** * Method to look for PortInst in a NodeInst by a given name. One layout technology doesn't * follow the name convention for transistors and therefore this function is * needed. * @param mos NodeInst where to look the port in * @param name PortInst name * @return */ private PortInst findPortInst(NodeInst mos, String name) { for (Iterator<PortInst> it = mos.getPortInsts(); it.hasNext();) { PortInst pi = it.next(); if (pi.getPortProto().getName().contains(name)) return pi; } assert(false); // should not reach this point return null; } /** Interleave gate contacts and MOS transistors left to right. Begin * and end with gate contacts. */ private void mos(PortInst[] botDiffs, PortInst[] topDiffs, double y, ProtoPlan plan, Cell cell) { final double POLY_CONT_HEIGHT = plan.vddWidth + 1; double x = plan.leftWellContX; PortInst poly = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech.p1m1(), x, y, POLY_CONT_WIDTH, POLY_CONT_HEIGHT, 0, cell ).getOnlyPortInst(); PortInst leftCont = poly; Export e = Export.newInstance(cell, poly, FillCell.VDD_NAME+"_"+vddNum++); e.setCharacteristic(FillCell.VDD_CHARACTERISTIC); for (int i=0; i<plan.numMosX; i++) { x += plan.mosPitchX/2; NodeInst mos = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech.nmos(), x, y, plan.gateWidth, plan.gateLength, 0, cell); G.noExtendArc(tech.p1(), POLY_CONT_HEIGHT, poly, findPortInst(mos, LEFT_POLY)); x += plan.mosPitchX/2; PortInst polyR = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech.p1m1(), x, y, POLY_CONT_WIDTH, POLY_CONT_HEIGHT, 0, cell ).getOnlyPortInst(); G.noExtendArc(tech.m1(), plan.vddWidth, poly, polyR); poly = polyR; G.noExtendArc(tech.p1(), POLY_CONT_HEIGHT, poly, findPortInst(mos, RIGHT_POLY)); botDiffs[i] = findPortInst(mos, BOT_DIFF); topDiffs[i] = findPortInst(mos, TOP_DIFF); } PortInst rightCont = poly; // bring metal to cell left and right edges to prevent notches x = -plan.protoWidth/2 + plan.vddWidth/2; PortInst pi; pi = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech.m1pin(), x, y, G.DEF_SIZE, G.DEF_SIZE, 0, cell).getOnlyPortInst(); LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech.m1(), plan.vddWidth, pi, leftCont); x = plan.protoWidth/2 - plan.vddWidth/2; pi = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech.m1pin(), x, y, G.DEF_SIZE, G.DEF_SIZE, 0, cell).getOnlyPortInst(); LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech.m1(), plan.vddWidth, pi, rightCont); } double roundToHalfLambda(double x) { return Math.rint(x * 2) / 2; } // The height of a MOS diff contact is 1/2 lambda. Therefore, using the // center for diffusion arcs always generates CIF resolution errors private void newDiffArc(PortInst p1, PortInst p2) { EPoint p1P = p1.getCenter(); double x = p1P.getX(); // LayoutLib.roundCenterX(p1); double y1 = roundToHalfLambda(p1P.getY()); // LayoutLib.roundCenterY(p1)); double y2 = roundToHalfLambda(LayoutLib.roundCenterY(p2)); LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech.ndiff(), LayoutLib.DEF_SIZE, p1, x, y1, p2, x, y2); } private void connectDiffs(PortInst[] a, PortInst[] b) { for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) { //LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech.ndiff, G.DEF_SIZE, a[i], b[i]); newDiffArc(a[i], b[i]); } } // /** @Deprecated */ // public CapCellMosis(Library lib, CapFloorplan instPlan) { // this(lib, instPlan, Tech.getTechType()); // } public CapCellMosis(Library lib, CapFloorplan instPlan, TechType t) { this.plan = new ProtoPlan(instPlan, t); this.tech = t; PortInst[] botDiffs = new PortInst[plan.numMosX]; PortInst[] topDiffs = new PortInst[plan.numMosX]; cell = Cell.newInstance(lib, "fillCap{lay}"); double y = plan.botWellContY; PortInst[] lastCont = diffCont(y, plan, cell); for (int i=0; i<plan.numMosY; i++) { y += plan.mosPitchY/2; mos(botDiffs, topDiffs, y, plan, cell); connectDiffs(lastCont, botDiffs); y += plan.mosPitchY/2; lastCont = diffCont(y, plan, cell); connectDiffs(topDiffs, lastCont); } // Cover the sucker with well to eliminate notch errors LayoutLib.newNodeInst(t.pwell(), 0, 0, plan.protoWidth, plan.protoHeight, 0, cell); } @Override public int numVdd() {return plan.numMosY;} @Override public int numGnd() {return plan.numMosY+1;} @Override public double getVddWidth() {return plan.vddWidth;} @Override public double getGndWidth() {return plan.gndWidth;} }