/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: ErrorLogger.java * * Copyright (c) 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.tool.user; import com.sun.electric.database.ImmutableNodeInst; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.EPoint; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.PolyBase; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.EDatabase; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Export; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Library; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.View; import com.sun.electric.database.id.CellId; import com.sun.electric.database.id.IdReader; import com.sun.electric.database.id.IdWriter; import com.sun.electric.database.text.ArrayIterator; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.Geometric; import com.sun.electric.database.variable.VarContext; import com.sun.electric.tool.Job; import com.sun.electric.util.TextUtils; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; /** * Class for logging errors. * Holds a log of errors: * <p>ErrorLogger errorLogger = ErrorLogger.newInstance(String s): get new logger for s * <p>MessageLog errorLog = errorLogger.logError(string msg, cell c, int k): * Create a new log with message 'msg', for cell 'c', with sortKey 'k'. * <p>Various methods for adding highlights to errorLog: * <p>To end logging, call errorLogger.termLogging(boolean explain). */ public class ErrorLogger implements Serializable { /** * Method to replace invalid characters in XML such as > or < * @param message * @return */ private static String correctXmlString(String message) { String m = message.replaceAll(">", ">"); m = m.replaceAll("<", "<"); return m; } /** * Function to write all headers related to ErrorLogger classes. * @param indent * @param ps */ public static void writeXmlHeader(String indent, PrintStream ps) { // ErrorLogger and GroupLog ps.println(indent + "<!ELEMENT ErrorLogger (GroupLog|MessageLog|WarningLog)*>"); ps.println(indent + "<!ELEMENT GroupLog (MessageLog|WarningLog)*>"); ps.println(indent + "<!ATTLIST ErrorLogger"); ps.println(indent + " errorSystem CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + ">"); ps.println(indent + "<!ATTLIST GroupLog"); ps.println(indent + " message CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + ">"); // For MessageLog and WarningLog ps.println(indent + "<!ELEMENT MessageLog ("+ ErrorHighlight.getImplementedXmlHeaders() +")*>"); ps.println(indent + "<!ATTLIST MessageLog"); ps.println(indent + " message CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + " cellName CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + ">"); ps.println(indent + "<!ELEMENT WarningLog ANY>"); ps.println(indent + "<!ATTLIST WarningLog"); ps.println(indent + " message CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + " cellName CDATA #IMPLIED"); // only WarningLogs can have no cells ps.println(indent + ">"); } /** * Create a Log of a single message. */ public static class MessageLog implements Comparable<MessageLog>, Serializable { private final String message; final CellId logCellId; // cell associated with log (not really used) private final int sortKey; private final ErrorHighlight[] highlights; protected int index; public MessageLog(String message, Cell cell, int sortKey, List<ErrorHighlight> highlights) { this(message, cell != null ? (CellId)cell.getId() : null, sortKey, highlights); } public MessageLog(String message, CellId logCellId, int sortKey, List<ErrorHighlight> highlights) { this.message = message; this.logCellId = logCellId; this.sortKey = sortKey; this.highlights = highlights.toArray(ErrorHighlight.NULL_ARRAY); index = 0; } public Cell getCell() { return (logCellId!=null)?EDatabase.clientDatabase().getCell(logCellId):null;} // cellName is required so an empty string will be used if not cell is found private String getCellName() { Cell c = getCell(); return (c != null ? c.describe(false) : "NotFound{lay}"); } public String getMessageString() { return message; } public int getNumHighlights() {return highlights.length;} public Iterator<ErrorHighlight> getHighlights() { return ArrayIterator.iterator(highlights); } public int getSortKey() { return sortKey; } /** * Compare objects lexicographically based on string comparator CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER * This method doesn't guarantee (compare(x, y)==0) == (x.equals(y)) * @param log1 * @return Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the * first message has smaller than, equal to, or greater than the second lexicographically */ public int compareTo(MessageLog log1) { return (String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.compare(message, log1.message)); } public boolean findGeometries(Geometric geo1, Cell cell1, Geometric geo2, Cell cell2) { boolean eh1found = false; boolean eh2found = false; for(ErrorHighlight eh : highlights) { if (eh.containsObject(cell1, geo1)) eh1found = true; if (eh.containsObject(cell2, geo2)) eh2found = true; if (eh1found && eh2found) return (true); } return (false); } /** * Method to describe error "elv". */ public String getMessage() { return "["+index+"] "+message; } protected void writeXmlDescription(PrintStream msg) { String className = this.getClass().getSimpleName(); String cellInfo = "cellName=\"" + getCellName() + "\""; // replace those characters that XML defines as special such as ">" and "&" String m = correctXmlString(message); msg.append("\t<" + className + " message=\"" + m + "\" " + cellInfo + ">\n"); for(ErrorHighlight eh : highlights) { eh.writeXmlDescription("\t\t", msg, EDatabase.clientDatabase()); } msg.append("\t</" + className + ">\n"); } /** * Returns true if this error log is still valid * (In a linked Cell, and all highlights are still valid) */ public boolean isValid(EDatabase database) { if (logCellId == null) return true; if (database.getCell(logCellId) == null) return false; // check validity of highlights boolean allValid = true; for (ErrorHighlight erh : highlights) { if (!erh.isValid(database)) { allValid = false; break; } } return allValid; } void write(IdWriter writer) throws IOException { boolean isWarning = this instanceof WarningLog; writer.writeBoolean(isWarning); writer.writeString(message); boolean hasCellId = logCellId != null; writer.writeBoolean(hasCellId); if (hasCellId) writer.writeNodeProtoId(logCellId); writer.writeInt(sortKey); writer.writeInt(highlights.length); for (int i = 0; i < highlights.length; i++) highlights[i].write(writer); writer.writeInt(index); } private static MessageLog read(IdReader reader) throws IOException { boolean isWarning = reader.readBoolean(); String message = reader.readString(); boolean hasCellId = reader.readBoolean(); CellId cellId = hasCellId ? (CellId)reader.readNodeProtoId() : null; int sortKey = reader.readInt(); ErrorHighlight[] highlights = new ErrorHighlight[reader.readInt()]; for (int i = 0; i < highlights.length; i++) highlights[i] = ErrorHighlight.read(reader); MessageLog log; if (isWarning) log = new WarningLog(message, cellId, sortKey, Arrays.asList(highlights)); else log = new MessageLog(message, cellId, sortKey, Arrays.asList(highlights)); log.index = reader.readInt(); return log; } } private static class ErrorLogOrder implements Comparator<MessageLog> { public int compare(MessageLog el1, MessageLog el2) { int sortedKey = el1.sortKey - el2.sortKey; if (sortedKey == 0) // Identical, compare lexicographically sortedKey = el1.compareTo(el2); return sortedKey; //el1.sortKey - el2.sortKey; } } /** * Create a Log of a single warning. */ public static class WarningLog extends MessageLog { public WarningLog(String message, Cell cell, int sortKey, List<ErrorHighlight> highlights) { super(message, cell, sortKey, highlights); } public WarningLog(String message, CellId cellId, int sortKey, List<ErrorHighlight> highlights) { super(message, cellId, sortKey, highlights); } } // private boolean alreadyExplained; private int errorLimit; private List<MessageLog> allErrors = new ArrayList<MessageLog>(); private List<WarningLog> allWarnings = new ArrayList<WarningLog>(); private boolean limitExceeded; private String errorSystem; private boolean terminated; private boolean persistent; // cannot be deleted private Map<Integer,String> sortKeysToGroupNames; // association of sortKeys to GroupNames public Map<Integer,String> getSortKeyToGroupNames() { return sortKeysToGroupNames; } public String getSystem() { return errorSystem; } public boolean isPersistent() {return persistent;} public ErrorLogger() {} public void write(IdWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.writeDiffs(); writer.writeInt(errorLimit); int numErrors = allErrors.size(); writer.writeInt(numErrors); for (int i = 0; i < numErrors; i++) allErrors.get(i).write(writer); int numWarnings = allWarnings.size(); writer.writeInt(numWarnings); for (int i = 0; i < numWarnings; i++) allWarnings.get(i).write(writer); writer.writeString(errorSystem); writer.writeBoolean(terminated); writer.writeBoolean(persistent); if (sortKeysToGroupNames != null) { writer.writeInt(sortKeysToGroupNames.size()); for (Map.Entry<Integer,String> e: sortKeysToGroupNames.entrySet()) { writer.writeInt(e.getKey().intValue()); writer.writeString(e.getValue()); } } else { writer.writeInt(-1); } } public static ErrorLogger read(IdReader reader) throws IOException { reader.readDiffs(); ErrorLogger logger = new ErrorLogger(); logger.errorLimit = reader.readInt(); int numErrors = reader.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < numErrors; i++) logger.allErrors.add(MessageLog.read(reader)); int numWarnings = reader.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < numWarnings; i++) logger.allWarnings.add((WarningLog)MessageLog.read(reader)); logger.errorSystem = reader.readString(); logger.terminated = reader.readBoolean(); logger.persistent = reader.readBoolean(); int numGroups = reader.readInt(); if (numGroups >= 0) { logger.sortKeysToGroupNames = new HashMap<Integer,String>(); for (int i = 0; i < numGroups; i++) { Integer sortKey = Integer.valueOf(reader.readInt()); String groupName = reader.readString(); logger.sortKeysToGroupNames.put(sortKey, groupName); } } return logger; } /** * Create a new ErrorLogger instance. * @return a new ErrorLogger for logging errors */ public static ErrorLogger newInstance(String system) { return newInstance(system, false); } /** * Create a new ErrorLogger instance. * @return a new ErrorLogger for logging errors */ public static ErrorLogger newInstance(String system, boolean persistent) { ErrorLogger logger = new ErrorLogger(); logger.limitExceeded = false; logger.errorSystem = system; logger.errorLimit = User.getErrorLimit(); logger.terminated = false; logger.persistent = persistent; // logger.alreadyExplained = false; logger.sortKeysToGroupNames = null; return logger; } public void addMessages(List<MessageLog> messages) { if (messages == null) return; // to avoid to increate empty lists during incremental checking for (MessageLog m: messages) { if (m instanceof WarningLog) allWarnings.add((WarningLog)m); else allErrors.add(m); } // if (persistent) Job.getUserInterface(). wantToRedoErrorTree(); } public void addMessages(ErrorLogger logger) { allWarnings.addAll(logger.allWarnings); allErrors.addAll(logger.allErrors); } public void deleteMessages(List<MessageLog> messages) { if (messages == null) return; // to avoid to increate empty lists during incremental checking for (MessageLog m: messages) { if (m instanceof WarningLog) allWarnings.remove(m); else allErrors.remove(m); } // if (persistent) Job.getUserInterface(). wantToRedoErrorTree(); } /** * Factory method to create an error message and log. * with the given text "message" applying to cell "cell". * Returns a pointer to the message (0 on error) which can be used to add highlights. */ private synchronized MessageLog logAnError(String message, Cell cell, int sortKey, List<ErrorHighlight> highlights) { CellId cellId = cell != null ? cell.getId() : null; return logAnError(message, cellId, sortKey, highlights); } /** * Factory method to create an error message and log. * with the given text "message" applying to cell "cell". * Returns a pointer to the message (0 on error) which can be used to add highlights. */ private synchronized MessageLog logAnError(String message, CellId cellId, int sortKey, List<ErrorHighlight> highlights) { if (terminated && !persistent) { System.out.println("WARNING: "+errorSystem+" already terminated, should not log new error"); } // if too many errors, don't save it if (errorLimit > 0 && getNumErrors() >= errorLimit) { if (!limitExceeded) { System.out.println("WARNING: more than " + errorLimit + " errors found, ignoring the rest"); limitExceeded = true; } return null; } // create a new ErrorLog object MessageLog el = new MessageLog(message, cellId, sortKey, highlights); // add the ErrorLog into the global list allErrors.add(el); // currentLogNumber = allErrors.size()-1; // if (persistent) Job.getUserInterface().wantToRedoErrorTree(); return el; } /** * Factory method to log an error message. * @param message the string to display. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. */ public synchronized void logError(String message, int sortKey) { List<ErrorHighlight> h = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); logAnError(message, (CellId)null, sortKey, h); } /** * Factory method to log an error message. * @param message the string to display. * @param cell the cell in which this message applies. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. */ public synchronized void logError(String message, Cell cell, int sortKey) { List<ErrorHighlight> h = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); logAnError(message, cell, sortKey, h); } /** * Factory method to log an error message. * @param message the string to display. * @param cellId the Id of the cell in which this message applies. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. */ public synchronized void logError(String message, CellId cellId, int sortKey) { List<ErrorHighlight> h = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); logAnError(message, cellId, sortKey, h); } /** * Factory method to log an error message. * @param message the string to display. * @param geom the node or arc to display * @param cell the cell in which this message applies. * @param context the VarContext of the Cell. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. */ public synchronized void logError(String message, Geometric geom, Cell cell, VarContext context, int sortKey) { List<ErrorHighlight> h = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); h.add(ErrorHighlight.newInstance(context, geom)); logAnError(message, cell, sortKey, h); } /** * Factory method to log an error message. * @param message the string to display. * @param pp the Export to display * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. */ public synchronized void logError(String message, Export pp, int sortKey) { Cell cell = pp.getParent(); List<ErrorHighlight> h = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); h.add(new ErrorHighExport(null, pp)); logAnError(message, cell, sortKey, h); } /** * Factory method to log an error message. * @param message the string to display. * @param pt the point to display * @param cell the cell in which this message applies. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. */ public synchronized void logError(String message, EPoint pt, Cell cell, int sortKey) { List<ErrorHighlight> h = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); h.add(new ErrorHighPoint(cell, pt)); logAnError(message, cell, sortKey, h); } /** * Factory method to log an error message. * @param message the string to display. * @param poly the polygon to display * @param cell the cell in which this message applies. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. */ public synchronized void logError(String message, PolyBase poly, Cell cell, int sortKey) { List<ErrorHighlight> h = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); Point2D [] points = poly.getPoints(); for(int i=0; i<points.length; i++) { int prev = i-1; if (i == 0) prev = points.length-1; h.add(ErrorHighlight.newInstance(cell, points[prev], points[i])); } logAnError(message, cell, sortKey, h); } /** * Factory method to log an error or warning message. * @param message the string to display. * @param objs a collection of nodes, arcs, exports or polygons, points to display. Must be no null. * @param cell the cell in which this message applies. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. * @param isErrorMsg true if an error message is logged */ public synchronized void logMessage(String message, Collection<?> objs, Cell cell, int sortKey, boolean isErrorMsg) { logMessageWithLines(message, objs, null, cell, sortKey, isErrorMsg); } /** * Factory method to log an error or warning message with extra lines. * @param message the string to display. * @param objs a objs of nodes, arcs, exports or polygons, points to display. Must be no null. * @param lineList a collection of points defining a set of lines (may be null) * @param cell the cell in which this message applies. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. * @param isErrorMsg true if an error message is logged */ public synchronized void logMessageWithLines(String message, Collection<?> objs, List<EPoint> lineList, Cell cell, int sortKey, boolean isErrorMsg) { List<ErrorHighlight> h = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); if (objs != null) { for (Object obj : objs) { if (obj instanceof Geometric) { h.add(ErrorHighlight.newInstance(null, (Geometric)obj)); } else if (obj instanceof ImmutableNodeInst) { h.add(ErrorHighlight.newInstance(cell.getId(), (ImmutableNodeInst)obj)); } else if (obj instanceof Export) { h.add(new ErrorHighExport(null, (Export)obj)); } else if (obj instanceof EPoint) { h.add(new ErrorHighPoint(cell, (EPoint)obj)); } else if (obj instanceof Rectangle2D) { Rectangle2D rect = (Rectangle2D)obj; List<ErrorHighlight> l = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); // points clockwise EPoint p1 = new EPoint(rect.getX(), rect.getY()); EPoint p2 = new EPoint(rect.getX(), rect.getMaxY()); EPoint p3 = new EPoint(rect.getMaxX(), rect.getMaxY()); EPoint p4 = new EPoint(rect.getMaxX(), rect.getY()); // p1-p2 l.add(new ErrorHighLine(cell, p1, p2, true)); // p2-p3 l.add(new ErrorHighLine(cell, p2, p3, true)); // p3-p4 l.add(new ErrorHighLine(cell, p3, p4, true)); // p4-p1 l.add(new ErrorHighLine(cell, p4, p1, true)); h.add(new ErrorHighPoly(cell, null, l)); } else if (obj instanceof PolyBase) { PolyBase poly = (PolyBase)obj; Point2D [] points = poly.getPoints(); List<ErrorHighlight> l = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); for(int i=0; i<points.length; i++) { int prev = i-1; if (i == 0) prev = points.length-1; l.add(new ErrorHighLine(cell, new EPoint(points[prev].getX(), points[prev].getY()), new EPoint(points[i].getX(), points[i].getY()), true)); } h.add(new ErrorHighPoly(cell, null, l)); } else assert(false); } } if (lineList != null) { for(int i=0; i<lineList.size(); i += 2) h.add(new ErrorHighLine(cell, lineList.get(i), lineList.get(i+1), true)); } if (isErrorMsg) logAnError(message, cell, sortKey, h); else logAWarning(message, cell, sortKey, h); } /** * Factory method to log an error or a warning message. * @param message the string to display. * @param geomList a list of nodes or arcs to display (may be null). * @param polyList a list of polygons to display (may be null). * @param cell the cell in which this message applies. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. * @param errorMsg */ public synchronized void logMessage(String message, List<Geometric> geomList, List<PolyBase> polyList, Cell cell, int sortKey, boolean errorMsg) { List<ErrorHighlight> h = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); boolean matches = geomList != null && polyList != null && geomList.size() == polyList.size(); if (geomList != null && !matches) { for(Geometric geom : geomList) h.add(ErrorHighlight.newInstance(null, geom)); } if (polyList != null) { // must match number of elements for(PolyBase poly : polyList) { Point2D [] points = poly.getPoints(); List<ErrorHighlight> list = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); for(int i=0; i<points.length; i++) { int prev = i-1; if (i == 0) prev = points.length-1; list.add(new ErrorHighLine(cell, new EPoint(points[prev].getX(), points[prev].getY()), new EPoint(points[i].getX(), points[i].getY()), true)); } h.add(new ErrorHighPoly(cell, null, list)); } } if (errorMsg) logAnError(message, cell, sortKey, h); else logAWarning(message, cell, sortKey, h); } /** * Factory method to log a warning message. * @param message the string to display. * @param cell the cell in which this message applies. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. */ private synchronized MessageLog logAWarning(String message, Cell cell, int sortKey, List<ErrorHighlight> highlights) { if (terminated && !persistent) { System.out.println("WARNING: "+errorSystem+" already terminated, should not log new warning"); } // if too many errors, don't save it if (errorLimit > 0 && getNumWarnings() >= errorLimit) { if (!limitExceeded) { System.out.println("WARNING: more than " + errorLimit + " warnings found, ignoring the rest"); limitExceeded = true; } return null; } // create a new ErrorLog object WarningLog el = new WarningLog(message, cell, sortKey, highlights); // // store information about the error // el.highlights = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); // add the ErrorLog into the global list allWarnings.add(el); // if (persistent) Job.getUserInterface().wantToRedoErrorTree(); return el; } /** * Factory method to log a warning message. * @param message the string to display. * @param cell the cell in which this message applies. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. */ public synchronized void logWarning(String message, Cell cell, int sortKey) { List<ErrorHighlight> h = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); logAWarning(message, cell, sortKey, h); } /** * Factory method to log a warning message. * @param message the string to display. * @param geom a node or arc to display. * @param cell the cell in which this message applies. * @param context the VarContext of the Cell. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. */ public synchronized void logWarning(String message, Geometric geom, Cell cell, VarContext context, int sortKey) { List<ErrorHighlight> h = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); h.add(ErrorHighlight.newInstance(context, geom)); logAWarning(message, cell, sortKey, h); } /** * Factory method to log a warning message. * @param message the string to display. * @param pp an Exports to display. * @param cell the cell in which this message applies. * @param context the VarContext of the Cell. * @param sortKey the sorting order of this message. */ public synchronized void logWarning(String message, Export pp, Cell cell, VarContext context, int sortKey) { List<ErrorHighlight> h = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); h.add(new ErrorHighExport(context, pp)); logAWarning(message, cell, sortKey, h); } public synchronized int getNumMessages(Cell cell, boolean searchInError) { int numErrors = 0; if (searchInError) { for (int i=0; i<allErrors.size(); i++) { MessageLog el = allErrors.get(i); if (el.logCellId == cell.getId()) numErrors++; } } else { for (int i=0; i<allWarnings.size(); i++) { MessageLog el = allWarnings.get(i); if (el.logCellId == cell.getId()) numErrors++; } } return numErrors; } /** * Method to determine if existing report was not looged already * as error or warning */ public synchronized boolean findMessage(Cell cell, Geometric geom1, Cell cell2, Geometric geom2, boolean searchInError) { if (searchInError) { for (int i = 0; i < allErrors.size(); i++) { MessageLog el = allErrors.get(i); if (el.findGeometries(geom1, cell, geom2, cell2)) return (true); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < allWarnings.size(); i++) { MessageLog el = allWarnings.get(i); if (el.findGeometries(geom1, cell, geom2, cell2)) return (true); } } return (false); } /** * Method to remove all errors and warnings */ public synchronized void clearAllLogs() { allErrors.clear(); allWarnings.clear(); } /** * Method to retrieve all MessageLogs associated with a given Cell * @param cell the Cell to examine. * @return all MessageLogs associated with the Cell. */ public synchronized List<MessageLog> getAllLogs(Cell cell) { CellId cellId = cell.getId(); List<MessageLog> msgLogs = new ArrayList<MessageLog>(); // Searching errors for (MessageLog log : allErrors) { if (log.logCellId == cellId) msgLogs.add(log); } // Searching warnings for (WarningLog log : allWarnings) { if (log.logCellId == cellId) msgLogs.add(log); } return msgLogs; } /** * Removes all errors and warnings associated with Cell cell. * @param cell the cell for which errors and warnings will be removed * @return true if any log was removed. */ public synchronized boolean clearLogs(Cell cell) { CellId cellId = cell.getId(); List<MessageLog> errLogs = new ArrayList<MessageLog>(); // Errors boolean removed = false; for (MessageLog log : allErrors) { if (log.logCellId != cellId) errLogs.add(log); else removed = true; } allErrors = errLogs; List<WarningLog> warndLogs = new ArrayList<WarningLog>(); // Warnings for (WarningLog log : allWarnings) { if (log.logCellId != cellId) warndLogs.add(log); else removed = true; } allWarnings = warndLogs; return removed; } public void exportErrorLogger(String filePath) { PrintStream buffWriter = null; try { buffWriter = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(filePath)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error opening " + filePath); return; // error opening the file } // ErrorHighArc.class is treaded with same header as ErrorHighNode Class[] errorTypes = {ErrorHighLine.class, ErrorHighPoint.class, ErrorHighPoly.class, ErrorHighNode.class, ErrorLogger.class}; // Creating header buffWriter.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"); buffWriter.println(); buffWriter.println("<!DOCTYPE ErrorLogger"); buffWriter.println(" ["); for (int i = 0; i < errorTypes.length; i++) { Class<?> c = errorTypes[i]; try { String indent = " "; java.lang.reflect.Method set = c.getMethod("writeXmlHeader", new Class[] {String.class, PrintStream.class}); set.invoke(c, new Object[] {indent, buffWriter}); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } buffWriter.println(" ]>"); buffWriter.println(); String className = this.getClass().getSimpleName(); buffWriter.println("<" + className + " errorSystem=\"" + errorSystem + "\">"); if (sortKeysToGroupNames != null) { // The keys must be sorted to keep same order as in the original ErrorLogger Set<Integer> set = sortKeysToGroupNames.keySet(); List<Integer> sortedInt = new ArrayList<Integer>(set.size()); sortedInt.addAll(set); // adding to a list to sort them Collections.sort(sortedInt); for (Integer i : sortedInt) { String groupName = sortKeysToGroupNames.get(i); buffWriter.println(" <GroupLog message=\"" + correctXmlString(groupName) + "\">"); // Errors for (MessageLog log : allErrors) { if (log.getSortKey() == i.intValue()) log.writeXmlDescription(buffWriter); } // Warnings for (WarningLog log : allWarnings) { if (log.getSortKey() == i.intValue()) log.writeXmlDescription(buffWriter); } buffWriter.println(" </GroupLog>"); } } else // plain style { // Errors for (MessageLog log : allErrors) { log.writeXmlDescription(buffWriter); } // Warnings for (WarningLog log : allWarnings) { log.writeXmlDescription(buffWriter); } } buffWriter.println("</" + className + ">"); buffWriter.close(); System.out.println(filePath + " written"); } /** * Set a group name for a sortKey. Doing so causes all errors with * this sort key to be put in a sub-tree of the error tree with * the groupName as the title of the sub-tree. * @param sortKey the error log sortKey * @param groupName the group name */ public void setGroupName(int sortKey, String groupName) { if (sortKeysToGroupNames == null) { sortKeysToGroupNames = new HashMap<Integer,String>(); } sortKeysToGroupNames.put(new Integer(sortKey), groupName); } /** * Get a group name for a sortKey. It creates the hash map if it * doesn't exist * @param sortKey the error log sortKey * @return the group name. Null if no group name was found */ public String getGroupName(int sortKey) { if (sortKeysToGroupNames == null) { sortKeysToGroupNames = new HashMap<Integer,String>(); } return sortKeysToGroupNames.get(new Integer(sortKey)); } /** * Method called when all errors are logged. Initializes pointers for replay of errors. */ public synchronized void termLogging(boolean explain) { // termLogging_(true); Job.getUserInterface().termLogging(this, explain, true); // alreadyExplained = true; } public synchronized void termLogging_(boolean terminate) { // enumerate the errors int errs = 0; for(MessageLog el : allErrors) { el.index = ++errs; } for(WarningLog el : allWarnings) { el.index = ++errs; } if (terminate) terminated = true; } /** * Method to retrieve general information about the errorLogger. * @return general information about the errorLogger. */ public String getInfo() { return (errorSystem + " found "+getNumErrors()+" errors, "+getNumWarnings()+" warnings!"); } /** * Method to sort the errors by their "key" (a value provided to "logerror()"). * Obviously, this should be called after all errors have been reported. */ public synchronized void sortLogs() { Collections.sort(allErrors, new ErrorLogOrder()); Collections.sort(allWarnings, new ErrorLogOrder()); } /** * Method to tell the number of logged errors. * @return the number of "ErrorLog" objects logged. */ public synchronized int getNumErrors() { return allErrors.size(); } /** * Method to tell the number of logged errors. * @return the number of "ErrorLog" objects logged. */ public synchronized int getNumWarnings() { return allWarnings.size(); } /** * Method to tell the number of logged errors. * @return the number of "ErrorLog" objects logged. */ public synchronized int getNumLogs() { return getNumWarnings() + getNumErrors(); } public MessageLog getLog(int i) { return i < allErrors.size() ? allErrors.get(i) : allWarnings.get(i - allErrors.size()); } public int getLogIndex(MessageLog log) { int index = allErrors.indexOf(log); if (index != -1) return index; index = allWarnings.indexOf(log); if (index != -1) return index + allErrors.size(); assert(false); // it should not reach one return -1; } /** * Method to list all logged errors and warnings. * @return an Iterator over all of the "ErrorLog" objects. */ public synchronized Iterator<MessageLog> getLogs() { List<MessageLog> copy = new ArrayList<MessageLog>(); for (MessageLog ml : allErrors) { copy.add(ml); } for (WarningLog wl : allWarnings) { copy.add(wl); } return copy.iterator(); } public synchronized void deleteLog(int i) { if (i < allErrors.size()) allErrors.remove(i); else allWarnings.remove(i - allErrors.size()); } // ----------------------------- Explorer Tree Stuff --------------------------- // public void databaseEndChangeBatch(Undo.ChangeBatch batch) { // // check if any errors need to be deleted // boolean changed = false; // for (Iterator<MessageLog> it = getLogs(); it.hasNext(); ) { // MessageLog err = it.next(); // if (!err.isValid()) { // deleteLog(err); // changed = true; // } // } // if (changed) // WindowFrame.wantToRedoErrorTree(); // } // public void databaseChanged(Undo.Change evt) {} // public boolean isGUIListener() { // return true; // } public static class XMLParser { public ErrorLogger process(URL fileURL, boolean verbose) throws Exception { // Factory call SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(true); factory.setValidating(true); // create the parser SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); URLConnection urlCon = fileURL.openConnection(); InputStream inputStream = urlCon.getInputStream(); if (verbose) System.out.println("Parsing XML file \"" + fileURL + "\""); XMLHandler handler = new XMLHandler(); parser.parse(inputStream, handler); if (verbose) System.out.println("End Parsing XML file ..."); return handler.logger; } private class XMLHandler extends DefaultHandler { private ErrorLogger logger = null; private Cell curCell; private String message = ""; private List<ErrorHighlight> highlights; private List<ErrorHighlight> currentList; private Set<String> badCellNames = new HashSet<String>(); private int theSortLayer = -1, sortGroups = 1; // start from 1 so the errors without group would be all together XMLHandler() { } public InputSource resolveEntity (String publicId, String systemId) throws IOException, SAXException { System.out.println("It shouldn't reach this point!"); return null; } /** * Method to finish the logger including counting of elements. * @throws SAXException */ public void endDocument () throws SAXException { logger.termLogging(true); } public void endElement (String uri, String localName, String qName) { boolean errorLogBody = qName.equals("MessageLog"); boolean warnLogBody = qName.equals("WarningLog"); boolean grpLogBody = qName.equals("GroupLog"); boolean errorPolyBody = ErrorHighlight.isErrorPoly(qName); if (errorLogBody || warnLogBody) { int sortLayer = 0; if (theSortLayer != -1) // use the group information from the file sortLayer = theSortLayer; else if (curCell != null) sortLayer = curCell.hashCode(); // sort by cell if (errorLogBody) logger.logAnError(message, curCell, sortLayer, highlights); else logger.logAWarning(message, curCell, sortLayer, highlights); message = ""; } else if (grpLogBody) { theSortLayer = -1; // reset to null again } else if (errorPolyBody) { this.currentList = this.highlights; } } public void startElement (String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) { boolean loggerBody = qName.equals("ErrorLogger"); boolean groupBody = qName.equals("GroupLog"); boolean errorLogBody = qName.equals("MessageLog"); boolean warnLogBody = qName.equals("WarningLog"); boolean errorHighlighBody = ErrorHighlight.isErrorHighlightBody(qName); if (!loggerBody && !errorLogBody && !warnLogBody && !errorHighlighBody && !groupBody) return; String cellName = null, geomName = null, viewName = null, libraryName = null; EPoint p1 = null, p2 = null; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { if (attributes.getQName(i).equals("errorSystem")) { // Ignore the rest of the attribute and generate the logger logger = ErrorLogger.newInstance(attributes.getValue(i)); return; } else if (attributes.getQName(i).startsWith("message")) message = attributes.getValue(i); else if (attributes.getQName(i).startsWith("cell")) { String origName = attributes.getValue(i); String[] names = TextUtils.parseString(attributes.getValue(i), "{}"); cellName = origName; // names[0]; viewName = names[1]; // cellName might contain library name names = TextUtils.parseString(cellName, ":"); if (names.length > 1) { libraryName = names[0]; cellName = names[1]; } } else if (attributes.getQName(i).startsWith("geom")) geomName = attributes.getValue(i); else if (attributes.getQName(i).startsWith("p1") || attributes.getQName(i).startsWith("pt")) { String[] points = TextUtils.parseString(attributes.getValue(i), "(,)"); double x = Double.parseDouble(points[0]); double y = Double.parseDouble(points[1]); p1 = new EPoint(x, y); } else if (attributes.getQName(i).startsWith("p2")) { String[] points = TextUtils.parseString(attributes.getValue(i), "(,)"); double x = Double.parseDouble(points[0]); double y = Double.parseDouble(points[1]); p2 = new EPoint(x, y); } else if (attributes.getQName(i).startsWith("center")) { // String[] points = TextUtils.parseString(attributes.getValue(i), "(,)"); } else new Error("Invalid attribute in XMLParser"); } if (groupBody) { assert (message != null); theSortLayer = sortGroups; logger.setGroupName(sortGroups++, message); } else { if (viewName != null) { View view = View.findView(viewName); curCell = Library.findCellInLibraries(cellName, view, libraryName); if ((curCell == null || !curCell.isLinked())) { if (!badCellNames.contains(cellName)) { badCellNames.add(cellName); System.out.println("Cannot find cell: " + cellName); } //return; } } if (errorLogBody || warnLogBody) { highlights = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); currentList = highlights; } else if (errorHighlighBody) { currentList = ErrorHighlight.addErrorHighlight(qName, curCell, geomName, p1, p2, currentList); } else new Error("Invalid attribute in XMLParser"); } } public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) { System.out.println("Parser Fatal Error on line " + e.getLineNumber() + ": " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } public void warning(SAXParseException e) { System.out.println("Parser Warning on line " + e.getLineNumber() + ": " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } public void error(SAXParseException e) { System.out.println("Parser Error on line " + e.getLineNumber() + ": " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } }