/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: CellId.java * Written by: Dmitry Nadezhin, Sun Microsystems. * * Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.database.id; import com.sun.electric.database.EObjectInputStream; import com.sun.electric.database.EObjectOutputStream; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.EDatabase; import com.sun.electric.database.text.CellName; import com.sun.electric.util.math.GenMath; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.NotSerializableException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; /** * The CellId class identifies a type of NodeInst independently of threads. * It differs from Cell objects, which will be owned by threads in transactional database. * This class is thread-safe except inCurrentThread method in 1.5, but not thread-safe in 1.4 . */ public final class CellId implements NodeProtoId, Serializable { /** Empty CellId array for initialization. */ public static final CellId[] NULL_ARRAY = {}; /** IdManager which owns this LibId. */ public final IdManager idManager; /** LibId which owns this CellId. */ public final LibId libId; /** CellName of this CellId. */ public final CellName cellName; /** Unique index of this cell in the database. */ public final int cellIndex; /** * Usages of other proto subcells in this parent cell. * CellUsages are in chronological order by time of their creation. */ private volatile CellUsage[] usagesIn = CellUsage.NULL_ARRAY; /** * Hash of usagesIn. * The size of nonempty hash is a prime number. * i-th entry of entry search sequence for a given protoId is ((protoId.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF) + i*i) % hashUsagesIn.length . * This first (1 + hashUsagesIn.length/2) entries of this sequence are unique. * Invariant hashUsagesIn.length >= usagesIn.length*2 + 1 guaranties that there is at least one empty entry * in the search sequence. */ private volatile CellUsage[] hashUsagesIn = EMPTY_USAGE_HASH; /** * Usages of this proto cell in other parent cells. * CellUsages are in chronological order by time of their creation. */ private volatile CellUsage[] usagesOf = CellUsage.NULL_ARRAY; /** * Number of exportIds allocated so far. */ private volatile int numExportIds = 0; /** * ExportIds of this cell. ExportIds have unique naems. * ExportIds are in cronological order by time of its creation. */ private volatile ExportId[] exportIds = new ExportId[10]; /** * Hash of ExportIds. * The size of nonempty hash is a prime number. * i-th entry of entry search sequence for a given exportId is ((exportId.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF) + i*i) % hashExportIds.length . * This first (1 + hashExportIds.length/2) entries of this sequence are unique. * Invariant hashExportIds.length >= exportIds.length*2 + 1 guaranties that there is at least one empty entry * in the search sequence. */ private volatile int[] hashExportIds = EMPTY_EXPORT_HASH; /** * Number of nodeIds returned by newNodeId. **/ private volatile int numNodeIds = 0; /** * Number of arcIds returned by newArcId. **/ private volatile int numArcIds = 0; /** Empty usage hash for initialization. */ private static final CellUsage[] EMPTY_USAGE_HASH = {null}; /** Empty usage hash for initialization. */ private static final int[] EMPTY_EXPORT_HASH = {-1}; /** * CellId constructor. */ CellId(LibId libId, CellName cellName, int cellIndex) { if (cellName.getVersion() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cell version"); } idManager = libId.idManager; this.libId = libId; this.cellName = cellName; this.cellIndex = cellIndex; } private Object writeReplace() { return new CellIdKey(this); } private static class CellIdKey extends EObjectInputStream.Key<CellId> { public CellIdKey() { } private CellIdKey(CellId cellId) { super(cellId); } @Override public void writeExternal(EObjectOutputStream out, CellId cellId) throws IOException { if (cellId.idManager != out.getIdManager()) { throw new NotSerializableException(cellId + " from other IdManager"); } out.writeInt(cellId.cellIndex); } @Override public CellId readExternal(EObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int cellIndex = in.readInt(); return in.getIdManager().getCellId(cellIndex); } } /** * Returns IdManager which is owner of this CellId. * @return IdManager which is owner of this CellId. */ public IdManager getIdManager() { return idManager; } /** * Returns a number CellUsages with this CellId as a parent cell. * This number may grow in time. * @return a number CellUsages with this CellId as a parent cell. */ public int numUsagesIn() { // synchronized because usagesIn is volatile. return usagesIn.length; } /** * Returns the i-th in cronological order CellUsage with this CellId as a parent cell. * @param i chronological number of CellUsage. * @return i-th CellUsage with this CellId as a parent cell. * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if no such CellUsage. */ public CellUsage getUsageIn(int i) { // synchronized because usagesIn is volatile and its entries are final. return usagesIn[i]; } /** * Returns a number CellUsages whith this CellId as a proto subcell. * This mumber may grow in time. * @return a number CellUsages whith this CellId as a proto subcell. */ public int numUsagesOf() { // synchronized because usagesOf is volatile. return usagesOf.length; } /** * Returns the i-th in cronological order CellUsage with this CellId as a proto subcell. * @param i chronological number of CellUsage. * @return i-th CellUsage with this CellId as a proto subcell. * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if no such CellUsage. */ public CellUsage getUsageOf(int i) { // synchronized because usagesOf is volatile and its entries are final. return usagesOf[i]; } /** * Returns CellUsage with this CellId as a parent cell and with given * CellId as a proto subcell. If this pair of cells is requested at a first time, * the new CellUsage is created, otherwise the early created CellUsage retruned. * @param protoId CellId of proto subcell. * @return CellUsage with this CellId as parent and protoId as a proto subcell. * @throws NullPointerException if prootId is null. */ public CellUsage getUsageIn(CellId protoId) { return getUsageIn(protoId, true); } /** * Returns a number ExportIds in this parent cell. * This number may grow in time. * @return a number of ExportIds. */ public int numExportIds() { // synchronized because numExportIds is volatile. return numExportIds; } /** * Returns ExportId in this parent cell with specified chronological index. * @param chronIndex chronological index of ExportId. * @return ExportId with specified chronological index. * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if no such ExportId. */ public ExportId getPortId(int chronIndex) { // synchronized because exportIds is volatile and its entries are final. return exportIds[chronIndex]; } /** * Returns ExportId in this parent cell with specified external id. * If this external id was requested earlier, the previously created ExportId returned, * otherwise the new ExportId is created. * @param externalId external id of ExportId. * @return ExportId with specified external id. * @throws NullPointerException if externalId is null. */ public ExportId newPortId(String externalId) { return newExportId(externalId, true); } /** * Creates new random exportId, unique in this session for this parent CellId. * @param suggestedId suggested external id * @return new exportId. */ public ExportId randomExportId(String suggestedId) { // Create random id String prefix = suggestedId; int ind = prefix.indexOf('@'); if (ind >= 0) { prefix = prefix.substring(0, ind + 1); } else { prefix = prefix + '@'; } Random random = new Random(); for (;;) { int suffix = random.nextInt() & 0x3FFFFFFF; String s = prefix + suffix; synchronized (this) { if (newExportId(s, false) == null) { return newExportId(s, true); } } } } /** * Returns new nodeId unique for this CellId. * @return new nodeId unique for this CellId. */ public int newNodeId() { return numNodeIds++; } /** * Returns new arcId unique for this CellId. * @return new arcId unique for this CellId. */ public int newArcId() { return numArcIds++; } /** * Method to return the Cell representing CellId in the specified EDatabase. * @param database EDatabase where to get from. * @return the Cell representing CellId in the specified database. * This method is not properly synchronized. */ public Cell inDatabase(EDatabase database) { return database.getCell(this); } /** * Returns a printable version of this CellId. * @return a printable version of this CellId. */ public String toString() { return libId + ":" + cellName.toString(); } /** * Method to determine whether this CellId is an id of an icon Cell. * @return true if this CellId is an id of an icon Cell. */ public boolean isIcon() { return cellName.isIcon(); } /** * Method to determine whether this CellId is an id of an schematic Cell. * @return true if this CellId is an id of an schematic Cell. */ public boolean isSchematic() { return cellName.isSchematic(); } /** * Returns CellUsage with this CellId as a parent cell and with given * CellId as a proto subcell. If CellUsage with this pair of cells was already created, * it is returned. Otherwise the null is retruned when create=false and new CellUsage is * returned if create=true . * @param protoId CellId of proto subcell. * @return CellUsage with this CellId as parent and protoId as a proto subcell. * @throws NullPointerException if protoId is null. */ CellUsage getUsageIn(CellId protoId, boolean create) { // The hashUsagesIn array is created in "rehashUsagesIn" method inside synchronized block. // "rehash" fills some entris leaving null in others. // All entries filled in rehashUsagesIn() are final. // However other threads may change initially null entries to non-null value. // This non-null value is final. // First we scan a sequence of non-null entries out of synchronized block. // It is guaranteed that we see the correct values of non-null entries. // Get poiner to hash array locally once to avoid many reads of volatile variable. CellUsage[] hash = hashUsagesIn; // We shall try to search a sequence of non-null entries for CellUsage with our protoId. int i = protoId.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; i %= hash.length; for (int j = 1; hash[i] != null; j += 2) { CellUsage u = hash[i]; // We scanned a seqence of non-null entries and found the result. // It is correct to return it without synchronization. if (u.protoId == protoId) { return u; } i += j; if (i >= hash.length) { i -= hash.length; } } // Need to enter into the synchronized mode. synchronized (CellUsage.class) { if (hash == hashUsagesIn && hash[i] == null) { // There we no rehash during our search and the last null entry is really null. // So we can safely use results of unsynchronized search. if (!create) { return null; } if (usagesIn.length * 2 <= hash.length - 3) { // create a new CellUsage, if enough space in the hash CellUsage u = new CellUsage(this, protoId, usagesIn.length); hash[i] = u; usagesIn = appendUsage(usagesIn, u); protoId.usagesOf = appendUsage(protoId.usagesOf, u); check(); return u; } // enlarge hash if not rehashUsagesIn(); } // retry in synchronized mode. return getUsageIn(protoId, create); } } /** * Rehash the usagesIn hash. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException on hash overflow. * This method may be called only inside synchronized block. */ private void rehashUsagesIn() { CellUsage[] usagesIn = this.usagesIn; int newSize = usagesIn.length * 2 + 3; if (newSize < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } CellUsage[] newHash = new CellUsage[GenMath.primeSince(newSize)]; for (int k = usagesIn.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { CellUsage u = usagesIn[k]; int i = u.protoId.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; i %= newHash.length; for (int j = 1; newHash[i] != null; j += 2) { i += j; if (i >= newHash.length) { i -= newHash.length; } } newHash[i] = u; } hashUsagesIn = newHash; check(); } /** * Returns ExportId in this parent cell with specified external id. * If such ExportId doesn't exist returns null. * @param externalId external id of ExportId. * @return ExportId with specified external id or null. * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if no such ExportId. */ private ExportId newExportId(String externalId, boolean create) { // The hashExportIds array is created in "rehashExportIds" method inside synchronized block. // "rehash" fills some entries leaving -1 in others. // All entries filled in rehashExportIds() are final. // However other threads may change initially -1 entries to positive value. // This positive value is final. // First we scan a sequence of positive entries out of synchronized block. // It is guaranteed that we see the correct values of positive entries. // All entries in exportIds are final // Get pointer to hash array locally once to avoid many reads of volatile variable. int[] hash = hashExportIds; ExportId[] exportIds = this.exportIds; // We shall try to search a sequence of non-null entries for CellUsage with our protoId. int i = externalId.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; i %= hash.length; try { for (int j = 1; hash[i] >= 0; j += 2) { ExportId exportId = exportIds[hash[i]]; if (exportId.externalId.equals(externalId)) { return exportId; } i += j; if (i >= hash.length) { i -= hash.length; } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // This may happen if some hash entries were concurrently filled with index out of ExportId range. } synchronized (this) { if (hash == hashExportIds && hash[i] == -1) { // There we no rehash during our search and the last -1 entry is really -1. // So we are sure that there is not ExportId with specified external id. if (!create) { return null; } int chronIndex = numExportIds; exportIds = this.exportIds; if (chronIndex * 2 <= hash.length - 3) { ExportId e = new ExportId(this, chronIndex, externalId); hash[i] = chronIndex; if (chronIndex >= exportIds.length) { assert chronIndex == exportIds.length; int newLength = (int) Math.min(exportIds.length * 3L / 2 + 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); ExportId[] newExportIds = new ExportId[newLength]; System.arraycopy(exportIds, 0, newExportIds, 0, chronIndex); exportIds = newExportIds; } exportIds[chronIndex] = e; this.exportIds = exportIds; hashExportIds = hash; numExportIds = chronIndex + 1; return e; } // enlarge hash if not rehashExportIds(exportIds, numExportIds); } // retry in synchronized mode. return newExportId(externalId, create); } } /** * Rehash the exportIds hash. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException on hash overflow. * This method may be called only inside synchronized block. */ private void rehashExportIds(ExportId[] exportIds, int numExports) { int newSize = exportIds.length * 2 + 3; if (newSize < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } int[] newHash = new int[GenMath.primeSince(newSize)]; Arrays.fill(newHash, -1); for (int k = 0; k < numExports; k++) { ExportId exportId = exportIds[k]; int i = exportId.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; i %= newHash.length; for (int j = 1; newHash[i] >= 0; j += 2) { assert exportIds[newHash[i]] != exportId; i += j; if (i >= newHash.length) { i -= newHash.length; } } newHash[i] = k; } hashExportIds = newHash; check(); } /** * Append usage to the end of array. * @param usages array of usages. * @param newUsage new CellUsage. * @return array with new usage appended. */ private static CellUsage[] appendUsage(CellUsage[] usages, CellUsage newUsage) { CellUsage[] newUsages = new CellUsage[usages.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(usages, 0, newUsages, 0, usages.length); newUsages[usages.length] = newUsage; return newUsages; } /** * Checks invariants in this CellId. * ALL i: usagesIn[i].parentId == this; * ALL i: usagesIn[i].indexInParent == i; * ALL i, j: i != j IMPLIES usagesIn[i].protoId != usagesIn[i].protoId; * * ALL i: usagesOf[i].protoId == this; * ALL i, j: i != j IMPLIES usagesOf[i].parentId != usagesIn[j].parentId; * * hashUsagesIn[*] is a correct hash map CellUsage.protoId -> CellUsage; * hashUsagesIn[*] and usagesIn[*] are equal sets of CellUsages; * * ALL i: exportIds[i].parentId == this; * ALL i: exportIds[i].chronIndex == i; * This CellId, all usagesIn[*].protoId and all usagesOf[*].parentId are linked in * static list of all CellIds; * * @exception AssertionError if invariants are not valid */ void check() { checkLinked(); assert idManager == libId.idManager; cellName.check(); assert cellName.getVersion() > 0; assert libId.getCellId(cellName) == this; CellUsage[] usagesIn = this.usagesIn; for (int k = 0; k < usagesIn.length; k++) { CellUsage u = usagesIn[k]; // Check that this CellUsage is properly owned and has proper indexInParent. // This also guarantees that all elements of usagesIn are distinct. assert u.parentId == this; assert u.indexInParent == k; assert u.protoId.getIdManager() == getIdManager(); u.protoId.checkLinked(); // Check the CellUsage invariants. // One of them guarantees that all CellUsages // in usagesIn have distinct parentIds. // It checks also that "u" is in hashUsageIn u.check(); } // Check that hashUsagesIn contains without duplicates the same set of CellUsages as checkHashUsagesIn(); // Check that hashExportIds has exportIds.length entries checkHashExportIds(); // Check CellUsages in usagesOf array. // No need synchronization because usagesOf is volatile field. CellUsage[] usagesOf = this.usagesOf; for (int k = 0; k < usagesOf.length; k++) { CellUsage u = usagesOf[k]; // Check that this CellUsage is properly owned by its parentId and // the parentId is in static list of all CellIds. assert u.protoId.getIdManager() == getIdManager(); u.parentId.checkLinked(); assert u == u.parentId.usagesIn[u.indexInParent]; } int numExportIds = this.numExportIds; for (int chronIndex = 0; chronIndex < numExportIds; chronIndex++) { ExportId e = exportIds[chronIndex]; assert e.parentId == this; assert e.chronIndex == chronIndex; assert newExportId(e.externalId, false) == e; e.check(); } } /** * Check that usagesIn and hashUsagesIn contains the same number of CellUsages. * It checks also that each CellUsage from hashUsagesIn is in usagesIn. */ private void checkHashUsagesIn() { CellUsage[] usagesIn; CellUsage[] hash; synchronized (CellUsage.class) { usagesIn = this.usagesIn; hash = this.hashUsagesIn; } int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hash.length; i++) { CellUsage u = hash[i]; if (u == null) { continue; } assert u.parentId == this; assert u == usagesIn[u.indexInParent]; count++; } assert usagesIn.length == count; } /** * Check that exportIds and hashExportIds contains the same number of ExportIds. */ private void checkHashExportIds() { ExportId[] exportIds; int[] hash; synchronized (this) { exportIds = this.exportIds; hash = this.hashExportIds; } int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hash.length; i++) { int k = hash[i]; if (k == -1) { continue; } assert k >= 0 && k < exportIds.length; count++; } assert numExportIds == count; } /** * Check that this CellId is linked in static list of all CellIds. * @throws AssertionError if this CellId is not linked. */ private void checkLinked() { assert this == getIdManager().getCellId(cellIndex); } public static void main(String[] args) { IdManager idManager = new IdManager(); LibId libId = idManager.newLibId("lib"); CellName cellName = CellName.parseName("cell;1{sch}"); CellId cellId = libId.newCellId(cellName); cellId.hashExportIds = new int[8]; Arrays.fill(cellId.hashExportIds, -1); cellId.newPortId("A"); String s = "B"; cellId.newPortId(s); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int numTries = 100 * 1000 * 1000; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numTries; i++) { ExportId eId = cellId.newPortId(s); k += eId.chronIndex; } long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("k=" + k + " t=" + (stopTime - startTime)); } }