/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: L.java * Input/output tool: L Netlist output * Written by Steven M. Rubin, Sun Microsystems. * * Copyright (c) 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.tool.io.output; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.Poly; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Export; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.View; import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.NodeProto; import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.PortCharacteristic; import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.PortProto; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.ArcInst; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.Connection; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.NodeInst; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.PortInst; import com.sun.electric.database.variable.VarContext; import com.sun.electric.technology.ArcProto; import com.sun.electric.technology.PrimitiveNode; import com.sun.electric.technology.PrimitivePort; import com.sun.electric.technology.TransistorSize; import com.sun.electric.util.TextUtils; import com.sun.electric.util.math.Orientation; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; /** * This is the netlister for L. */ public class L extends Output { // node types returned by "getNodeType" private static final int TRUEPIN = 1; private static final int TRANSISTOR = 2; private static final int INSTANCE = 3; private static final int OTHERNODE = 4; private Set<Cell> cellsSeen; /** the results of calling "transistorPorts". */ private PortInst gateLeft, gateRight, activeTop, activeBottom; // private LPreferences localPrefs; public static class LPreferences extends OutputPreferences { public LPreferences(boolean factory) { super(factory); } public Output doOutput(Cell cell, VarContext context, String filePath) { L out = new L(this); if (out.openTextOutputStream(filePath)) return out.finishWrite(); out.writeLCells(cell); if (out.closeTextOutputStream()) return out.finishWrite(); System.out.println(filePath + " written"); return out.finishWrite(); } } /** * Creates a new instance of the L netlister. */ L(LPreferences lp) { /* localPrefs = lp; */ } /** * Method to write all cells below a given Cell. * @param cell the top Cell of the hierarchy to write. */ private void writeLCells(Cell cell) { printWriter.println("L:: TECH ANY"); cellsSeen = new HashSet<Cell>(); writeLCell(cell); } /** * Method to write "L" for a cell. * @param cell the Cell to write. */ private void writeLCell(Cell cell) { // if there are any sub-cells that have not been written, write them for(Iterator<NodeInst> it = cell.getNodes(); it.hasNext(); ) { NodeInst ni = it.next(); if (!ni.isCellInstance()) continue; if (ni.isIconOfParent()) continue; Cell np = (Cell)ni.getProto(); // convert body cells to contents cells Cell oNp = np.contentsView(); if (oNp != null) np = oNp; // don't recurse if this cell has already been written if (cellsSeen.contains(np)) continue; // recurse to the bottom writeLCell(np); } cellsSeen.add(cell); // write the cell header printWriter.println(""); if (cell.getView() == View.LAYOUT) printWriter.print("LAYOUT "); if (cell.isSchematic()) printWriter.print("SCHEMATIC "); if (cell.isIcon()) printWriter.print("ICON "); if (cell.getView() == View.LAYOUTSKEL) printWriter.print("BBOX "); printWriter.println("CELL " + getLegalName(cell.getName()) + " ( )\n{"); // write the bounding box Rectangle2D bounds = cell.getBounds(); printWriter.println("#bbox: ll= (" + TextUtils.formatDouble(bounds.getMinX()) + "," + TextUtils.formatDouble(bounds.getMinY()) + ") ur= (" + TextUtils.formatDouble(bounds.getMaxX()) + "," + TextUtils.formatDouble(bounds.getMaxY()) + ")"); // write the ports for(Iterator<PortProto> it = cell.getPorts(); it.hasNext(); ) { Export e = (Export)it.next(); Poly poly = e.getPoly(); double xPos = poly.getCenterX(); double yPos = poly.getCenterY(); String type = ""; if (e.getCharacteristic() == PortCharacteristic.GND) type = "GND"; else if (e.getCharacteristic() == PortCharacteristic.PWR) type = "VDD"; else if (e.getCharacteristic() == PortCharacteristic.IN) type = "IN"; else if (e.getCharacteristic() == PortCharacteristic.OUT) type = "OUT"; else if (e.getCharacteristic() == PortCharacteristic.BIDIR) type = "INOUT"; ArcProto ap = e.getBasePort().getConnection(); String lay = getArcFunctionName(ap, ap.getName()); printWriter.println("\t" + type + " " + lay + " " + getLegalName(e.getName()) + " (" + TextUtils.formatDouble(xPos) + "," + TextUtils.formatDouble(yPos) + ") ;"); } printWriter.println(""); // write the components for(Iterator<NodeInst> it = cell.getNodes(); it.hasNext(); ) { NodeInst ni = it.next(); if (getNodeType(ni) == TRUEPIN) continue; NodeProto np = ni.getProto(); PrimitiveNode.Function fun = ni.getFunction(); // determine type of component String type = np.getName(); if (ni.isCellInstance()) { // ignore recursive references (showing icon in contents) if (ni.isIconOfParent()) continue; // convert body cells to contents cells Cell oNp = ((Cell)np).contentsView(); if (oNp != null) np = oNp; type = np.getName(); printWriter.print("\tINST " + type + " " + getLegalName(ni.getName())); } else { PrimitiveNode npPrim = (PrimitiveNode)np; if (fun.isPin()) { // if pin is an export, don't write separate node statement if (ni.hasExports()) continue; PrimitivePort primPp = npPrim.getPort(0); ArcProto ap = primPp.getConnection(); type = "NODE " + getArcFunctionName(ap, "???"); } // special type names for well/substrate contacts if (fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.WELL) type = "MNSUB"; if (fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.SUBSTRATE) type = "MPSUB"; // special type names for contacts if (fun.isContact() || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.CONNECT) { boolean conMetal1 = false, conMetal2 = false, conPActive = false, conNActive = false, conPoly = false; for(int j=0; j<npPrim.getNumPorts(); j++) { PrimitivePort primPp = npPrim.getPort(j); ArcProto [] arcs = primPp.getConnections(); for(int k=0; k<arcs.length; k++) { ArcProto ap = arcs[k]; ArcProto.Function aFun = ap.getFunction(); if (aFun == ArcProto.Function.METAL1) conMetal1 = true; if (aFun == ArcProto.Function.METAL2) conMetal2 = true; if (aFun == ArcProto.Function.POLY1) conPoly = true; if (aFun == ArcProto.Function.DIFFP) conPActive = true; if (aFun == ArcProto.Function.DIFFN) conNActive = true; } } if (conMetal1) { if (conMetal2) type = "M1M2"; else if (conPoly) type = "MPOLY"; else if (conPActive) type = "MPDIFF"; else if (conNActive) type = "MNDIFF"; } } // special type names for transistors if (fun.isNTypeTransistor()) type = "TN"; else if (fun.isPTypeTransistor()) type = "TP"; else if (fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRADMOS || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRAPMOSD) type = "TD"; // write the type and name printWriter.print("\t" + type + " " + getLegalName(ni.getName())); } // write rotation Orientation or = ni.getOrient(); int oldRotation = or.getCAngle(); int oldTranspose = or.isCTranspose() ? 1 : 0; if (oldRotation != 0 || oldTranspose != 0) { if (oldTranspose != 0) { printWriter.print(" RX"); oldRotation = (oldRotation+2700) % 3600; } printWriter.print(" R" + TextUtils.formatDouble(oldRotation/10)); } // write size if nonstandard if (ni.getXSize() != np.getDefWidth() || ni.getYSize() != np.getDefHeight()) { double wid = ni.getLambdaBaseXSize(); double len = ni.getLambdaBaseYSize(); if (fun.isFET()) { TransistorSize ts = ni.getTransistorSize(null); len = ts.getDoubleLength(); wid = ts.getDoubleWidth(); } printWriter.print(" W=" + TextUtils.formatDouble(wid) + " L=" + TextUtils.formatDouble(len)); } // write location if (ni.isCellInstance()) { Rectangle2D cellBounds = ((Cell)ni.getProto()).getBounds(); printWriter.println(" AT (" + TextUtils.formatDouble(ni.getTrueCenterX() - cellBounds.getCenterX()) + "," + TextUtils.formatDouble(ni.getTrueCenterY() - cellBounds.getCenterY()) + ") ;"); } else { printWriter.println(" AT (" + TextUtils.formatDouble(ni.getTrueCenterX()) + "," + TextUtils.formatDouble(ni.getTrueCenterY()) + ") ;"); } } printWriter.println(""); // write all arcs connected to nodes Set<ArcInst> arcsSeen = new HashSet<ArcInst>(); for(Iterator<NodeInst> it = cell.getNodes(); it.hasNext(); ) { NodeInst ni = it.next(); int nature = getNodeType(ni); if (nature == TRUEPIN) continue; for(Iterator<Connection> cIt = ni.getConnections(); cIt.hasNext(); ) { Connection con = cIt.next(); ArcInst ai = con.getArc(); if (arcsSeen.contains(ai)) continue; printWriter.print("\tWIRE"); String alt = getArcFunctionName(ai.getProto(), null); if (alt != null) printWriter.print(" " + alt); // write the wire width if nonstandard if (ai.getLambdaBaseWidth() != ai.getProto().getDefaultLambdaBaseWidth()) printWriter.print(" W=" + TextUtils.formatDouble(ai.getLambdaBaseWidth())); // write the starting node name (use port name if pin is an export) if (ni.hasExports() && ni.getFunction().isPin()) { Export e = ni.getExports().next(); printWriter.print(" " + getLegalName(e.getName())); } else { printWriter.print(" "+ getLegalName(ni.getName())); } // qualify node name with port name if a transistor or instance PortInst pi = con.getPortInst(); if (nature == TRANSISTOR) { transistorPorts(ni); if (pi == gateLeft) printWriter.print(".gl"); if (pi == activeTop) printWriter.print(".d"); if (pi == gateRight) printWriter.print(".gr"); if (pi == activeBottom) printWriter.print(".s"); } else if (nature == INSTANCE) printWriter.print("." + getLegalName(pi.getPortProto().getName())); // prepare to run along the wire to a terminating node int thatEnd = 1 - con.getEndIndex(); String lastDir = ""; double segDist = -1; int segCount = 0; int eNature = 0; NodeInst oNi = null; for(;;) { // get information about this segment (arc "ai") arcsSeen.add(ai); int thisEnd = 1 - thatEnd; String dir = lastDir; if (ai.getLocation(thatEnd).getX() == ai.getLocation(thisEnd).getX()) { if (ai.getLocation(thatEnd).getY() > ai.getLocation(thisEnd).getY()) dir = "UP"; else if (ai.getLocation(thatEnd).getY() < ai.getLocation(thisEnd).getY()) dir = "DOWN"; } else if (ai.getLocation(thatEnd).getY() == ai.getLocation(thisEnd).getY()) { if (ai.getLocation(thatEnd).getX() > ai.getLocation(thisEnd).getX()) dir = "RIGHT"; else if (ai.getLocation(thatEnd).getX() < ai.getLocation(thisEnd).getX()) dir = "LEFT"; } // if segment is different from last, write out last one if (!dir.equals(lastDir) && lastDir.length() > 0) { printWriter.print(" " + lastDir); if (segDist >= 0) printWriter.print("=" + TextUtils.formatDouble(segDist)); segDist = -1; segCount++; } // remember this segment's direction and length lastDir = dir; oNi = ai.getPortInst(thatEnd).getNodeInst(); eNature = getNodeType(oNi); if ((nature != TRANSISTOR || segCount > 0) && eNature != TRANSISTOR) { if (segDist < 0) segDist = 0; segDist += ai.getLambdaLength(); } // if other node not a pin, stop now if (eNature != TRUEPIN) break; // end the loop if more than 1 wire out of next node "oNi" int tot = 0; int ot = 0; ArcInst oAi = null; for(Iterator<Connection> oCIt = oNi.getConnections(); oCIt.hasNext(); ) { Connection oCon = oCIt.next(); if (arcsSeen.contains(oCon.getArc())) continue; oAi = oCon.getArc(); tot++; ot = 1 - oCon.getEndIndex(); } if (tot != 1) break; ai = oAi; thatEnd = ot; } if (lastDir.length() > 0) { printWriter.print(" " + lastDir); if (segDist >= 0) printWriter.print("=" + TextUtils.formatDouble(segDist)); } else printWriter.print(" TO"); // write the terminating node name (use port name if pin is an export) if (oNi.hasExports() && oNi.getFunction().isPin()) { Export e = oNi.getExports().next(); printWriter.print(" " + getLegalName(e.getName())); } else { printWriter.print(" " + getLegalName(oNi.getName())); } // qualify node name with port name if a transistor or an instance PortInst oPi = ai.getPortInst(thatEnd); if (eNature == TRANSISTOR) { transistorPorts(oNi); if (oPi == gateLeft) printWriter.print(".gl"); if (oPi == activeTop) printWriter.print(".d"); if (oPi == gateRight) printWriter.print(".gr"); if (oPi == activeBottom) printWriter.print(".s"); } else if (eNature == INSTANCE) printWriter.print("." + getLegalName(oPi.getPortProto().getName())); printWriter.println(" ;"); } } // write any unmentioned wires (shouldn't be any) for(Iterator<ArcInst> it = cell.getArcs(); it.hasNext(); ) { ArcInst ai = it.next(); if (arcsSeen.contains(ai)) continue; printWriter.println("# WIRE " + ai.describe(true) + " not described!!"); } printWriter.println("}"); } /** * Method to return the ports of a transistor in field variables "gateLeft", "gateRight", * "activeTop", and "activeBottom". If "gateRight" is null, there is only * one gate port. * @param ni the NodeInst to analyze. */ private void transistorPorts(NodeInst ni) { PrimitiveNode.Function fun = ni.getFunction(); gateLeft = activeTop = gateRight = activeBottom = null; if (ni.getNumPortInsts() < 3) return; gateLeft = ni.getPortInst(0); activeTop = ni.getPortInst(1); gateRight = ni.getPortInst(2); if (ni.getNumPortInsts() == 3 || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRANPN || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRAPNP || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRA4NMOS || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRA4DMOS || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRA4PMOS || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRA4NPN || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRA4PNP || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRA4NJFET || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRA4PJFET || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRA4DMES || fun == PrimitiveNode.Function.TRA4EMES) { activeBottom = gateRight; gateRight = null; } else { activeBottom = ni.getPortInst(3); } } /** * Method to convert a name to a legal L name. * @param name the name to convert. * @return the legal L name to use. */ private String getLegalName(String name) { // check for reserved names if (name.equals("VDD")) return "VDDXXX"; if (name.equals("GND")) return "GNDXXX"; // check for special characters boolean badChars = false; for(int i=0; i<name.length(); i++) if (!TextUtils.isLetterOrDigit(name.charAt(i))) badChars = true; if (!badChars) return name; // name has special characters: remove them StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for(int i=0; i<name.length(); i++) if (TextUtils.isLetterOrDigit(name.charAt(i))) sb.append(name.charAt(i)); return sb.toString(); } /** * Method to determine the type of a NodeInst. * @param ni the NodeInst to analyze. * @return * TRUEPIN if a true pin (exactly two connections)<BR> * TRANSISTOR if a transistor<BR> * INSTANCE if a cell instance<BR> * OTHERNODE otherwise. */ private int getNodeType(NodeInst ni) { if (ni.isCellInstance()) return INSTANCE; PrimitiveNode.Function fun = ni.getFunction(); if (fun.isFET()) return TRANSISTOR; if (!fun.isPin()) return OTHERNODE; if (ni.getNumConnections() != 2) return OTHERNODE; return TRUEPIN; } /** * Method to return the name of an arc prototype's function. * @param ap the ArcProto to analyze. * @param def the default name to return if nothing can be determined. * @return the name of the ArcProto's function. */ private String getArcFunctionName(ArcProto ap, String def) { ArcProto.Function fun = ap.getFunction(); if (fun.isMetal()) { return "MET" + fun.getLevel(); } if (fun.isPoly()) return "POLY"; if (fun == ArcProto.Function.DIFFP) return "PDIFF"; if (fun == ArcProto.Function.DIFFN) return "NDIFF"; if (fun == ArcProto.Function.DIFFS) return "NWELL"; if (fun == ArcProto.Function.DIFFW) return "PWELL"; return def; } }