/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: ProxyNode.java * Written by Team 6: Sebastian Roether, Jochen Lutz * * This code has been developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, * as part of the course "Multicore Programming in Practice: Tools, Models, and Languages". * Contact instructor: Dr. Victor Pankratius (pankratius@ipd.uka.de) * * Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.tool.placement.simulatedAnnealing2; import com.sun.electric.tool.placement.PlacementFrame.PlacementNetwork; import com.sun.electric.tool.placement.PlacementFrame.PlacementNode; import com.sun.electric.tool.placement.PlacementFrame.PlacementPort; import com.sun.electric.util.math.Orientation; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class is a proxy for the actual placement node. * It can be moved around, rotated and cloned without touching the placement node */ final class ProxyNode implements Comparable<ProxyNode> { private double x; private double y; private Orientation orientation = null; public double width = 0; // rotated width of the placement node public double height = 0; // rotated height of the placement node public boolean finalized = false; private PlacementNode node = null; private ArrayList<PlacementNetwork> nets = new ArrayList<PlacementNetwork>(); private HashMap<PlacementNetwork, PlacementNetwork> netMap = null; /** * This class is a proxy for <PlacementPort>. * It calculates its position relative to a <ProxyNode> not to a <PlacementNode> * * @author Basti * */ private final class ProxyPort extends PlacementPort { private double rotatedOffX, rotatedOffY; private ProxyNode proxyNode; private double offX; private double offY; /** * Constructor to create a PlacementPort. * @param x the X offset of this PlacementPort from the center of its PlacementNode. * @param y the Y offset of this PlacementPort from the center of its PlacementNode. * @param pp the Electric PortProto of this PlacementPort. */ public ProxyPort(double x, double y, ProxyNode p) { super(x, y); offX = x; offY = y; this.proxyNode = p; setPlacementNode(p.getNode()); } /** * Returns rotated coordinates */ public double getRotatedOffX() { return rotatedOffX; } public double getRotatedOffY() { return rotatedOffY; } /** * Internal method to compute the rotated offset of this PlacementPort * assuming that the Orientation of its ProxyNode has changed. */ public void computeRotatedOffset() { Orientation orient = proxyNode.getPlacementOrientation(); if (orient == Orientation.IDENT) { rotatedOffX = offX; rotatedOffY = offY; return; } AffineTransform trans = orient.pureRotate(); Point2D offset = new Point2D.Double(offX, offY); trans.transform(offset, offset); rotatedOffX = offset.getX(); rotatedOffY = offset.getY(); } } /** * Constructor to create a ProxyNode * @param node the PlacementNode that should be proxied * @param ignoredNets a list of nets that should be ignored */ public ProxyNode(PlacementNode node, ArrayList<PlacementNetwork> ignoredNets) { this.node = node; this.x = node.getPlacementX(); this.y = node.getPlacementY(); this.width = node.getWidth(); this.height = node.getHeight(); // create a list of all nets that node belongs to for(PlacementPort p : node.getPorts()) if(!nets.contains(p.getPlacementNetwork()) && p.getPlacementNetwork() != null) if(!ignoredNets.contains(p.getPlacementNetwork())) nets.add(p.getPlacementNetwork()); orientation = node.getPlacementOrientation(); } /** * Constructor used by cloning that doesn't create a new net list * @param node * @param x * @param y * @param width * @param height * @param o orientation of the cloned node * @param nets the netlist of the cloned node */ private ProxyNode(PlacementNode node, double x, double y, double width, double height, Orientation o, ArrayList<PlacementNetwork> nets) { this.node = node; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.nets = nets; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.orientation = o; } /** * Method that applies the changes made to the proxy to the placement node */ public void apply() { node.setPlacement(x, y); node.setOrientation(orientation); } /** * Method that sets the node to a new position * @param x * @param y */ public void setPlacement(double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } /** * Method that returns the proxied PlacementNode * @return the PlacementNode */ public PlacementNode getNode() { return this.node; } /** * Method that clones this proxy */ public ProxyNode clone() { return new ProxyNode(this.node, x, y, width, height, orientation, nets); } /** * Method to get a list of nets this node belongs to. * This is more convenient than iterating over the ports * Also it only contains nets that are not ignored (e.g. because * they are too huge) * @return the list of nets this node belongs to */ public ArrayList<PlacementNetwork> getNets() { return nets; } /** * Method to get the X-dimension of the location of this ProxyNode * @return */ public double getPlacementX() { return this.x; } /** * Method to get the Y-dimension of the location of this ProxyNode * @return */ public double getPlacementY() { return this.y; } /** * Method to get the orientation of this ProxyNode * @return */ public Orientation getPlacementOrientation() { return orientation; } /** * Method that returns the net, that was "cloned" when rotating this port. * When evaluating a rotation perturbation, the cloned proxy creates flat * copys of all nets it belongs to an replaces its ports in all the nets * with proxy ports that calculate their offset relative to the now rotated * proxy node (instead of the not rotated placement node) * * It is intended to be called only on a clone of a ProxyNode when getting * the correct hashValue to save the calculated net metric. * @param alteredNet * @return */ public PlacementNetwork getOriginalNet(PlacementNetwork alteredNet) { if(netMap == null) return alteredNet; return netMap.get(alteredNet); } /** * Method that sets the orientation of the proxy node * @param o the new orientation * @param forDummy sets whether the proxy node replaces ports in its nets */ public void setPlacementOrientation(Orientation o, boolean forDummy) { Orientation oldOrientation = orientation; orientation = o; if(forDummy) { netMap = new HashMap<PlacementNetwork, PlacementNetwork>(); ArrayList<PlacementNetwork> newNets = new ArrayList<PlacementNetwork>(nets.size()); /* * Replace the list of nets with a new list. Replace every * port on this node with a proxy port an calculate their offsets * relative to this node */ for(PlacementNetwork net : nets) { ArrayList<PlacementPort> newPortsOnNet = new ArrayList<PlacementPort>(); // Replace ports that belong to this node with proxies for(PlacementPort port : net.getPortsOnNet()) { if(port.getPlacementNode() == this.node) { // get the unrotated offsets (they are private in the framework...) // by applying the inverse rotation to the rotated values AffineTransform trans = oldOrientation.inverse().pureRotate(); Point2D offset = new Point2D.Double(port.getRotatedOffX(), port.getRotatedOffY()); trans.transform(offset, offset); ProxyPort pp = new ProxyPort(offset.getX(),offset.getY(), this); // calculate the port rotated offsets relative to this proxy node ! pp.computeRotatedOffset(); newPortsOnNet.add(pp); } else newPortsOnNet.add(port); } PlacementNetwork newNet = new PlacementNetwork(newPortsOnNet); netMap.put(net, newNet); newNets.add(newNet); } this.nets = newNets; } else { // this actually makes the rotation visible to other threads! node.setOrientation(o); } // swap height and width for 90°, 270°, ... if (o == Orientation.R || o == Orientation.RRR || o == Orientation.XR || o == Orientation.XRRR || o == Orientation.XYR || o == Orientation.XYRRR || o == Orientation.YR || o == Orientation.YRRR) { width = node.getHeight(); height = node.getWidth(); } else { width = node.getWidth(); height = node.getHeight(); } } public int compareTo(ProxyNode o) { double dist1 = x * x + y * y; double dist2 = o.x * o.x + o.y * o.y; if(dist1 > dist2) return 1; else return -1; } }