package; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Library; import; import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.PortCharacteristic; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.EPoint; import; import com.sun.electric.tool.Job; import com.sun.electric.util.TextUtils; import; import java.util.*; import; /** * User: gg151869 * Date: Nov 10, 2009 */ public class DSPFReader extends Input<Object> { private DSPFReaderPreferences localPrefs; static class DSPFReaderPreferences extends InputPreferences { public DSPFReaderPreferences(boolean factory) { super(factory); } @Override public Library doInput(URL fileURL, Library lib, Technology tech, Map<Library,Cell> currentCells, Map<CellId, BitSet> nodesToExpand, Job job) { DSPFReader in = new DSPFReader(this); if (in.openTextInput(fileURL)) return null; lib = in.importALibrary(lib, tech, currentCells); in.closeInput(); return lib; } } static class DSPFInstance { String name; List<DSPNode> ports = new ArrayList<DSPNode>(); DSPFInstance(String n) { name = n; } void addPort(DSPNode p) { ports.add(p);} } public static class DSPFData { Cell cell; String dspfDesign, dspfVendor, dspfVersion, dspfDivider, dspfDelimiter, dspfBusbit; DSPFNet groundNet; DSPFSubckt currentSubckt; List<DSPFSubckt> subckts; DSPFData (Cell c) { cell = c; subckts = new ArrayList<DSPFSubckt>(); } DSPFSubckt addSubCircuit(String name) { assert(subckts.size() == 0); DSPFSubckt tmp = new DSPFSubckt(name); subckts.add(tmp); currentSubckt = tmp; return tmp; } } static class DSPNode { String name; EPoint point; DSPNode(String n, EPoint p) { name = n; point = p; } } static class DSPPort extends DSPNode { float cap; PortCharacteristic type; DSPPort(String n, double c, PortCharacteristic t, EPoint p) { super(n, p); cap = (float)c; type = t; } } static class DSPFPortInst extends DSPPort { String instName, pinName; DSPFPortInst(String n, String i, String p, double c, PortCharacteristic t, EPoint pt) { super(n, c, t, pt); instName = i; pinName = p; } } static class DSPFParaElem { DSPNode pin1, pin2; ParasiticType type; private float value; private String name; DSPFParaElem(String n, DSPNode s1, DSPNode s2, double v, ParasiticType t) { name = n; pin1 = s1; pin2 = s2; value = (float)v; type = t; } } static class DSPFNet { String name; // name of the network float netCap; Map<String, DSPFPortInst> portInstancesN = new HashMap<String, DSPFPortInst>(); Map<String, DSPPort> portsN = new HashMap<String, DSPPort>(); Map<String, DSPNode> subnetsN = new HashMap<String, DSPNode>(); List<DSPFParaElem> parasitics = new ArrayList<DSPFParaElem>(); DSPFNet(String n) {name = n;} public void setCap(double c) {netCap = (float)c;} DSPFPortInst addPortInst(String instPinName, String instName, String pinName, double pinCap, PortCharacteristic pinType, EPoint point) { DSPFPortInst inst = new DSPFPortInst(instPinName, instName, pinName, pinCap, pinType, point); portInstancesN.put(instPinName, inst); return inst; } DSPPort getExport(int i) {return (DSPPort)portsN.values().toArray()[i];} DSPPort addExport(String pinName, double pinCap, PortCharacteristic pinType, EPoint point) { DSPPort port = new DSPPort(pinName, pinCap, pinType, point); portsN.put(pinName, port); return port; } DSPNode addSubnet(String subnodeName, EPoint point) { DSPNode sub = new DSPNode(subnodeName, point); subnetsN.put(subnodeName, sub); return sub; } DSPNode findNet(String netName, DSPNode groundPort) { // look for subcircuits first DSPNode newPa = subnetsN.get(netName); if (newPa != null) return newPa; // look in instances newPa = portInstancesN.get(netName); if (newPa != null) return newPa; // look in ports newPa = portsN.get(netName); if (newPa != null) return newPa; if ( return groundPort; // Add a subnet with that name newPa = addSubnet(name, null); return newPa; } void addParasitics(String paramName, String pin1, String pin2, DSPPort groundPort, double parasitic, ParasiticType type) { DSPNode port1 = findNet(pin1, groundPort); DSPNode port2 = findNet(pin2, groundPort); DSPFParaElem par = new DSPFParaElem(paramName, port1, port2, parasitic, type); parasitics.add(par); } } static class DSPFSubckt { String name; // circuit name List<DSPFNet> nets = new ArrayList<DSPFNet>(); List<DSPFInstance> instances = new ArrayList<DSPFInstance>(); DSPFSubckt(String n) { name = n; } DSPFNet addNetwork(String netName) { assert(findNetwork(netName) == null); // only add once DSPFNet net = new DSPFNet(netName); nets.add(net); return net; } DSPFNet findNetwork(String netName) { for (DSPFNet net : nets) { if ( return net; } return null; } DSPFNet getNetwork(String netName) { for (DSPFNet net : nets) { if ( return net; } return addNetwork(netName); // doesn't return null if not found. It adds it. } DSPFInstance addInstance(String instName) { DSPFInstance newI = new DSPFInstance(instName); instances.add(newI); return newI; } } /** * Method to import a DSPF file from disk. * @param lib the library to ready * @param currentCells this map will be filled with currentCells in Libraries found in library file * @return the created library (null on error). */ @Override protected Library importALibrary(Library lib, Technology tech, Map<Library,Cell> currentCells) { DSPFData data = parseDSPFFile(null); return null; } DSPFReader(DSPFReaderPreferences prefs) { localPrefs = prefs; } /** * * @param file * @return true if read the file without errors */ public DSPFData readDSPFFile(String file, Cell cell) { URL fileURL = TextUtils.makeURLToFile(file); if (openTextInput(fileURL)) { System.out.println("Cannot open the DSPF file: " + file); return null; } System.out.println("Reading DSPF file: " + file); return parseDSPFFile(cell); } public DSPFData parseDSPFFile(Cell cell) { initKeywordParsing(); setProgressValue(0); setProgressNote("Reading DSPF file"); DSPFData parseData = new DSPFData(cell); HashMap<String,DSPFNet> netsMap = new HashMap<String,DSPFNet>(); // to speed up the code HashMap<String,DSPNode> portsMap = new HashMap<String,DSPNode>(); // to speed up the code try { String nextToken = null; String key = null; for(;;) { if (nextToken != null) // get last token read by network section { key = nextToken; nextToken = null; } else key = getAKeyword(); if (key == null) break; if (key.toUpperCase().equals(".ENDS")) break; // done if (key.equals("*|DSPF")) { String option = processOption(key); if (option == null) return null; parseData.dspfDesign = option; continue; } if (key.equals("*|DESIGN")) { String option = processOption(key); if (option == null) return null; parseData.dspfVersion = option; continue; } if (key.equals("*|VENDOR")) { String option = processOption(key); if (option == null) return null; parseData.dspfVendor = option; continue; } if (key.equals("*|DIVIDER")) { String option = processOption(key); if (option == null) return null; parseData.dspfDivider = option; continue; } if (key.equals("*|DELIMITER")) { String option = processOption(key); if (option == null) return null; parseData.dspfDelimiter = option; continue; } if (key.equals("*|BUSBIT")) { String option = processOption(key); if (option == null) return null; parseData.dspfBusbit = option; continue; } if (key.equals("*|GROUND_NET")) { String option = processOption(key); if (option == null) return null; parseData.groundNet = parseData.currentSubckt.getNetwork(option); parseData.groundNet.addExport(option, 0, PortCharacteristic.GND, null/*new EPoint(0,0)*/); continue; } // Read list of subnets in this file if (key.toUpperCase().equals(".SUBCKT")) { nextToken = readSubCircuit(parseData, netsMap); continue; } // reading networks if (key.equals("*|NET")) { nextToken = readNetwork(parseData, portsMap); continue; } if (key.equals("+")) continue; // keep reading // reading instances if (key.toUpperCase().startsWith("X")) { String instName = key.substring(1, key.length()); nextToken = readInstance(parseData, instName, portsMap); continue; } // Ignoring globlas for now if (key.toUpperCase().startsWith(".GLOBAL")) { getRestOfLine(); continue; } // Comments or Coupled capacitors if (key.startsWith("CC")) { String line = getRestOfLine(); StringTokenizer parse = new StringTokenizer(line, " ", false); assert(false); // implement // DParaNode p1 = null, p2 = null; // double cap = 0; // int count = 0; // while (parse.hasMoreTokens()) // { // String value = parse.nextToken(); // switch (count) // { // case 0: // p1 = nodes.get(value); break; // case 1: // p2 = nodes.get(value); break; // case 2: // cap = TextUtils.atof(value); break; // } // count++; // } // assert(count == 3); // assert(p1 != null && p2 != null); // parseData.addCoupling(key, p1, p2, cap, DParaElemBase.ParasiticType.CC); continue; } if (!key.startsWith("*")) assert (key.startsWith("*")); getRestOfLine(); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("ERROR reading DSPF technology file"); } return parseData; } // support functions /** * Method to handle the options in DSPF header. * @param key * @return String with the option read * @throws */ private String processOption(String key) throws IOException { String option = getRestOfLine(); if (option == null) eofDuring(key); return option; } private String readSubCircuit(DSPFData parseData, HashMap<String,DSPFNet> netsMap) throws IOException { List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>(10); for(;;) { String key = getAKeyword(); if (key == null) return key; // end of file if (key.startsWith("+")) continue; // reading new line else if (key.startsWith("*")) { assert(parseData.currentSubckt == null); // only 1 circuit per DSPF file // done with the reading of the subcircuit DSPFSubckt subckt = parseData.addSubCircuit(tokens.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < tokens.size(); i++) { String name = tokens.get(i); DSPFNet net = subckt.addNetwork(name); assert(netsMap.get(name) == null); netsMap.put(name, net); } return key; // new instance } tokens.add(key); } } private String readNetwork(DSPFData parseData, HashMap<String,DSPNode> portsMap) throws IOException { // Format: NET netName netCap String key = getAKeyword(); String netName = TextUtils.correctName(key, false, true); DSPFNet net = parseData.currentSubckt.getNetwork(netName); assert (net != null); // if net is not found then it is an internal net net.setCap(TextUtils.atof(getAKeyword())); DSPPort gndPort = parseData.groundNet.getExport(0); // Reading pin instances for(;;) { key = getAKeyword(); // *|P or *|I or *|S if (key.equals("*|I")) readPinInstance(net, portsMap); else if (key.equals("*|P")) readPin(net); else if (key.equals("*|S")) readSubnet(net); else if (key.startsWith("CC")) // Coupling capacitors return key; // beginning of coupling capacitors else if (key.startsWith("C")) readParasitic(key, net, ParasiticType.C, gndPort); else if (key.startsWith("R")) readParasitic(key, net, ParasiticType.R, gndPort); else if (key.equals("*|NET") || key.startsWith("X") || key.toUpperCase().equals(".ENDS")) return key; // beginning of new net or instance section else if (key.startsWith("*")) { getRestOfLine(); // reading comments } else { System.out.println("The key here " + key); if (Job.getDebug()) assert(false); getRestOfLine(); // reading comments } } } private PortCharacteristic getPortPortCharacteristic(String name) { if (name.equals("I")) return PortCharacteristic.IN; else if (name.equals("O")) return PortCharacteristic.OUT; else if (name.equals("B")) return PortCharacteristic.BIDIR; else if (name.equals("X")) return PortCharacteristic.UNKNOWN; assert(false); return null; } private void readPinInstance(DSPFNet net, HashMap<String,DSPNode> portsMap) throws IOException { // DSSubckt subckt = data.currentSubckt; // Cell cell = data.cell; // Format I: instPinName instName pinName pinType pinCap [xCoord yCoord]) String values = getRestOfLine(); StringTokenizer parse = new StringTokenizer(values, "( )", false); String instPinName = null, instName = null, pinName = null; PortCharacteristic pinType = PortCharacteristic.UNKNOWN; double pinCap = 0, xCoord = 0, yCoord = 0; int count = 0; while (parse.hasMoreTokens()) { String value = parse.nextToken(); switch (count) { case 0: instPinName = TextUtils.correctName(value, false, true); break; case 1: instName = TextUtils.correctName(value, false, true); break; case 2: pinName = value; break; case 3: pinType = getPortPortCharacteristic(value); break; case 4: pinCap = TextUtils.atof(value); break; case 5: xCoord = TextUtils.atof(value); break; case 6: yCoord = TextUtils.atof(value); break; } count++; } DSPFPortInst port = net.addPortInst(instPinName, instName, pinName, pinCap, pinType, new EPoint(xCoord, yCoord)); portsMap.put(instPinName, port); } private void readPin(DSPFNet net) throws IOException { // Format: P (pinName pinType pinCap [xCoord yCoord]) String values = getRestOfLine(); StringTokenizer parse = new StringTokenizer(values, "( )", false); String pinName = null; PortCharacteristic pinType = PortCharacteristic.UNKNOWN; double pinCap = 0, xCoord = 0, yCoord = 0; int count = 0; while (parse.hasMoreTokens()) { String value = parse.nextToken(); switch (count) { case 0: pinName = value; break; case 1: pinType = getPortPortCharacteristic(value); break; case 2: pinCap = TextUtils.atof(value); break; case 3: xCoord = TextUtils.atof(value); break; case 4: yCoord = TextUtils.atof(value); break; } count++; } net.addExport(pinName, pinCap, pinType, new EPoint(xCoord, yCoord)); } public enum ParasiticType {C, R, CC} private void readParasitic(String name, DSPFNet net, ParasiticType type, DSPPort groundPort) throws IOException { String values = getRestOfLine(); StringTokenizer parse = new StringTokenizer(values, " ", false); String pin1 = null, pin2 = null; double parasitic = 0; int count = 0; while (parse.hasMoreTokens()) { String value = parse.nextToken(); switch (count) { case 0: pin1 = TextUtils.correctName(value, false, true); break; case 1: pin2 = TextUtils.correctName(value, false, true); break; case 2: parasitic = TextUtils.atof(value); break; } count++; } net.addParasitics(name, pin1, pin2, groundPort, parasitic, type); } private void readSubnet(DSPFNet net) throws IOException { // Format: S (subnodeName [xCoord yCoord]) String values = getRestOfLine(); StringTokenizer parse = new StringTokenizer(values, "( )", false); String subnodeName = null; double xCoord = 0, yCoord = 0; int count = 0; while (parse.hasMoreTokens()) { String value = parse.nextToken(); switch (count) { case 0: subnodeName = value; break; case 1: xCoord = TextUtils.atof(value); break; case 2: yCoord = TextUtils.atof(value); break; } count++; } net.addSubnet(subnodeName, new EPoint(xCoord, yCoord)); //new EPoint(xCoord, yCoord))); } private String readInstance(DSPFData parseData, String instName, HashMap<String,DSPNode> portsMap) throws IOException { DSPFInstance instance = parseData.currentSubckt.addInstance(instName); for(;;) { String key = getAKeyword(); if (key == null) return key; // end of file if (key.startsWith("+")) { String portName = processOption(key); DSPNode port = portsMap.get(portName); if (port == null) { port = new DSPNode(portName, null); // export? portsMap.put(portName, port); } instance.addPort(port); } else if (key.startsWith("X")) { return key; // new instance } } } }