/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*- * * Electric(tm) VLSI Design System * * File: ErrorHighlight.java * * Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.sun.electric.tool.user; import com.sun.electric.database.ImmutableNodeInst; import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.EPoint; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.EDatabase; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Export; import com.sun.electric.database.id.CellId; import com.sun.electric.database.id.ExportId; import com.sun.electric.database.id.IdReader; import com.sun.electric.database.id.IdWriter; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.ArcInst; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.Geometric; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.NodeInst; import com.sun.electric.database.variable.VarContext; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.NotSerializableException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Class to define Highlighted errors. */ public abstract class ErrorHighlight implements Serializable { public static final ErrorHighlight[] NULL_ARRAY = {}; private static final byte HAS_CELL_ID = 0x08; private final CellId cellId; private final VarContext context; // Yet do be immutable ErrorHighlight(Cell c, VarContext con) { this.cellId = c != null ? (CellId)c.getId() : null; this.context = con; } ErrorHighlight(CellId cellId) { this.cellId = cellId; context = null; } public Cell getCell(EDatabase database) { return cellId != null ? database.getCell(cellId) : null; } // cellName is required so an empty string will be used if not cell is found protected String getCellName(EDatabase database) { Cell c = getCell(database); return (c != null ? c.describe(false) : "NotFound{lay}"); } VarContext getVarContext() { return context; } boolean containsObject(Cell cell, Object obj) { return false; } Object getObject(EDatabase database) { return null; } static String getImplementedXmlHeaders() { return "ERRORTYPEGEOM|ERRORTYPETHICKLINE|ERRORTYPELINE|ERRORTYPEPOINT|ERRORTYPEPOLY";} static boolean isErrorHighlightBody(String name) { return name.equals("ERRORTYPEGEOM") || name.equals("ERRORTYPETHICKLINE") || name.equals("ERRORTYPELINE") || name.equals("ERRORTYPEPOINT") || isErrorPoly(name); } static boolean isErrorPoly(String name) {return name.equals("ERRORTYPEPOLY");} static List<ErrorHighlight> addErrorHighlight(String qName, Cell curCell, String geomName, EPoint p1, EPoint p2, List<ErrorHighlight> list) { List<ErrorHighlight> l = list; boolean geoTypeBody = qName.equals("ERRORTYPEGEOM"); if (geoTypeBody) { assert(curCell != null); Geometric geom = curCell.findNode(geomName); if (geom == null) // try arc instead geom = curCell.findArc(geomName); if (geom != null) list.add(ErrorHighlight.newInstance(null, geom)); else { System.out.println("Invalid geometry " + geomName + " in " + curCell); } } else { boolean thickLineTypeBody = qName.equals("ERRORTYPETHICKLINE"); boolean thinLineTypeBody = qName.equals("ERRORTYPELINE"); if (thinLineTypeBody || thickLineTypeBody) { list.add(new ErrorHighLine(curCell, p1, p2, thickLineTypeBody)); } else if (qName.equals("ERRORTYPEPOLY")) { ErrorHighPoly poly = new ErrorHighPoly(curCell, null, null); list.add(poly); l = poly.linesList; } else if (qName.equals("ERRORTYPEPOINT")) { list.add(new ErrorHighPoint(curCell, p1)); } else assert(false); // it should not happen } return l; } public static void writeXmlHeader(String indent, PrintStream ps) {System.out.println("Not implemented in writeXmlHeader");} void writeXmlDescription(String tabs, PrintStream msg, EDatabase database) { System.out.println("Not implemented in writeXmlDescription"); } boolean isValid(EDatabase database) { return cellId == null || getCell(database) != null; } // Still have problems with minAre DRC errors public void addToHighlighter(Highlighter h, EDatabase database) {;} public static ErrorHighlight newInstance(VarContext cont, Geometric geom) { if (geom instanceof NodeInst) return new ErrorHighNode(cont, (NodeInst)geom); return new ErrorHighArc(cont, (ArcInst)geom); } public static ErrorHighlight newInstance(CellId cellId, ImmutableNodeInst n) { return new ErrorHighNode(cellId, n.nodeId); } public static ErrorHighlight newInstance(Cell cell, Point2D p1, Point2D p2) { return new ErrorHighLine(cell, EPoint.snap(p1), EPoint.snap(p2), false); } public static ErrorHighlight newInstance(Cell cell, Point2D pt) { return new ErrorHighPoint(cell, EPoint.snap(pt)); } public static ErrorHighlight newInstance(Export e) { return new ErrorHighExport(null, e); } abstract void write(IdWriter writer) throws IOException; void writeTag(IdWriter writer, byte tag) throws IOException { if (cellId != null) { writer.writeByte((byte)(tag | HAS_CELL_ID)); writer.writeNodeProtoId(cellId); } else { writer.writeByte(tag); } // TODO: save VarContext } static ErrorHighlight read(IdReader reader) throws IOException { byte tag = reader.readByte(); CellId cellId = null; if ((tag&HAS_CELL_ID) != 0) { cellId = (CellId)reader.readNodeProtoId(); tag = (byte)(tag & ~HAS_CELL_ID); } switch (tag) { case 1: ExportId pp = (ExportId)reader.readPortProtoId(); return new ErrorHighExport(pp); case 2: ErrorHighPoly ehp = new ErrorHighPoly(cellId); int numLines = reader.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) ehp.linesList.add(read(reader)); return ehp; case 3: EPoint p1 = reader.readPoint(); EPoint p2 = reader.readPoint(); boolean thickLine = reader.readBoolean(); return new ErrorHighLine(cellId, p1, p2, thickLine); case 4: EPoint point = reader.readPoint(); return new ErrorHighPoint(cellId, point); case 5: int nodeId = reader.readNodeId(); return new ErrorHighNode(cellId, nodeId); case 6: int arcId = reader.readArcId(); return new ErrorHighArc(cellId, arcId); default: throw new NotSerializableException(); } } } class ErrorHighExport extends ErrorHighlight { private final ExportId pp; public ErrorHighExport(VarContext con, Export p) { super(p.getParent(), con); this.pp = p.getId(); } ErrorHighExport(ExportId pp) { super((CellId)pp.parentId); this.pp = pp; } boolean isValid(EDatabase database) {return pp.inDatabase(database) != null;} public void addToHighlighter(Highlighter h, EDatabase database) { Export e = pp.inDatabase(database); h.addText(e, e.getParent(), Export.EXPORT_NAME); } @Override void write(IdWriter writer) throws IOException { writeTag(writer, (byte)1); writer.writePortProtoId(pp); } } class ErrorHighPoly extends ErrorHighlight { List<ErrorHighlight> linesList = new ArrayList<ErrorHighlight>(); private final int origId; // arc or node private final CellId origCellId; // original cell id public ErrorHighPoly(Cell c, Geometric o, List<ErrorHighlight> list) { super(c, null); if (list != null) linesList.addAll(list); if (o != null) { origCellId = o.getParent().getId(); if (o instanceof NodeInst) origId = ((NodeInst)o).getD().nodeId; else // arc origId = ((ArcInst)o).getD().arcId; } else { origId = -1; origCellId = null; } } ErrorHighPoly(CellId cellId) { super(cellId); origId = -1; origCellId = null; } public static void writeXmlHeader(String indent, PrintStream ps) { ps.println(indent + "<!ELEMENT ERRORTYPEPOLY (ERRORTYPETHICKLINE|ERRORTYPELINE)*>"); ps.println(indent + "<!ATTLIST ERRORTYPEPOLY"); ps.println(indent + " cellName CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + " origCellName CDATA #IMPLIED"); ps.println(indent + " origGeoName CDATA #IMPLIED"); // arc or node ps.println(indent + ">"); } void writeXmlDescription(String tabs, PrintStream msg, EDatabase database) { msg.append(tabs +"<ERRORTYPEPOLY "); msg.append("cellName=\"" + getCellName(database) + "\" "); if (origId != -1) { Cell cell = getOrigCell(database); Geometric geo = cell.getNodeById(origId); // if null -> arc if (geo == null) // arc geo = cell.getArcById(origId); msg.append("origCellName=\"" + cell.describe(false) + "\" "); msg.append("origGeoName=\"" + geo.describe(false) + "\" "); } msg.append(">\n"); for (ErrorHighlight line : linesList) line.writeXmlDescription(tabs+"\t", msg, database); msg.append(tabs+"</ERRORTYPEPOLY>\n"); } Cell getOrigCell(EDatabase database) { return origCellId != null ? database.getCell(origCellId) : null; } public void addToHighlighter(Highlighter h, EDatabase database) { for (ErrorHighlight line : linesList) line.addToHighlighter(h, database); } @Override void write(IdWriter writer) throws IOException { writeTag(writer, (byte)2); writer.writeInt(linesList.size()); for (ErrorHighlight line: linesList) line.write(writer); } } class ErrorHighLine extends ErrorHighlight { private final EPoint p1, p2; private final boolean thickLine; public ErrorHighLine(Cell c, EPoint x1, EPoint x2, boolean thick) { super(c, null); thickLine = thick; p1 = x1; p2 = x2; } ErrorHighLine(CellId cellId, EPoint x1, EPoint x2, boolean thick) { super(cellId); thickLine = thick; p1 = x1; p2 = x2; } public static void writeXmlHeader(String indent, PrintStream ps) { ps.println(indent + "<!ELEMENT ERRORTYPELINE ANY>"); ps.println(indent + "<!ATTLIST ERRORTYPELINE"); ps.println(indent + " p1 CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + " p2 CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + " cellName CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + ">"); ps.println(indent + "<!ELEMENT ERRORTYPETHICKLINE ANY>"); ps.println(indent + "<!ATTLIST ERRORTYPETHICKLINE"); ps.println(indent + " p1 CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + " p2 CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + " cellName CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + ">"); } void writeXmlDescription(String tabs, PrintStream msg, EDatabase database) { msg.append(tabs +"<"+((thickLine)?"ERRORTYPETHICKLINE ":"ERRORTYPELINE ")); msg.append("p1=\"(" + p1.getX() + "," + p1.getY() + ")\" "); msg.append("p2=\"(" + p2.getX() + "," + p2.getY() + ")\" "); msg.append("cellName=\"" + getCellName(database) + "\""); msg.append(" />\n"); } public void addToHighlighter(Highlighter h, EDatabase database) { Cell cell = getCell(database); h.addLine(p1, p2, cell, thickLine, true); } @Override void write(IdWriter writer) throws IOException { writeTag(writer, (byte)3); writer.writePoint(p1); writer.writePoint(p2); writer.writeBoolean(thickLine); } } class ErrorHighPoint extends ErrorHighlight { private final EPoint point; ErrorHighPoint(Cell c, EPoint p) { super(c, null); this.point = p; } ErrorHighPoint(CellId cellId, EPoint p) { super(cellId); this.point = p; } public void addToHighlighter(Highlighter h, EDatabase database) { double consize = 5; Cell cell = getCell(database); h.addLine(new Point2D.Double(point.getX()-consize, point.getY()-consize), new Point2D.Double(point.getX()+consize, point.getY()+consize), cell); h.addLine(new Point2D.Double(point.getX()-consize, point.getY()+consize), new Point2D.Double(point.getX()+consize, point.getY()-consize), cell); } public static void writeXmlHeader(String indent, PrintStream ps) { ps.println(indent + "<!ELEMENT ERRORTYPEPOINT ANY>"); ps.println(indent + "<!ATTLIST ERRORTYPEPOINT"); ps.println(indent + " pt CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + " cellName CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + ">"); } void writeXmlDescription(String tabs, PrintStream msg, EDatabase database) { msg.append(tabs +"<ERRORTYPEPOINT "); msg.append("pt=\"(" + point.getX() + "," + point.getY() + ")\" "); msg.append("cellName=\"" + getCellName(database) + "\""); msg.append(" />\n"); } @Override void write(IdWriter writer) throws IOException { writeTag(writer, (byte)4); writer.writePoint(point); } } class ErrorHighNode extends ErrorHighlight { private final int nodeId; public ErrorHighNode(VarContext con, NodeInst ni) { super(ni.getParent(), con); nodeId = ni.getD().nodeId; } ErrorHighNode(CellId cellId, int nodeId) { super(cellId); this.nodeId = nodeId; } boolean containsObject(Cell c, Object obj) { EDatabase database = c.getDatabase(); return getCell(database) == c && getObject(database) == obj; } Object getObject(EDatabase database) { Cell cell = getCell(database); if (cell == null) return null; return cell.getNodeById(nodeId); } public static void writeXmlHeader(String indent, PrintStream ps) { ps.println(indent + "<!ELEMENT ERRORTYPEGEOM ANY>"); ps.println(indent + "<!ATTLIST ERRORTYPEGEOM"); ps.println(indent + " geomName CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + " cellName CDATA #REQUIRED"); ps.println(indent + ">"); } void writeXmlDescription(String tabs, PrintStream msg, EDatabase database) { NodeInst ni = (NodeInst)getObject(database); msg.append(tabs+"<ERRORTYPEGEOM "); msg.append("geomName=\"" + ni.getName() + "\" "); msg.append("cellName=\"" + ni.getParent().describe(false) + "\""); msg.append(" />\n"); } boolean isValid(EDatabase database) { return getObject(database) != null; } public void addToHighlighter(Highlighter h, EDatabase database) { NodeInst ni = (NodeInst)getObject(database); if (ni != null) h.addElectricObject(ni, true, ni.getParent()); } @Override void write(IdWriter writer) throws IOException { writeTag(writer, (byte)5); writer.writeNodeId(nodeId); } } class ErrorHighArc extends ErrorHighlight { private final int arcId; public ErrorHighArc(VarContext con, ArcInst ai) { super(ai.getParent(), con); arcId = ai.getArcId(); } ErrorHighArc(CellId cellId, int arcId) { super(cellId); this.arcId = arcId; } boolean containsObject(Cell c, Object obj) { EDatabase database = c.getDatabase(); return getCell(database) == c && getObject(database) == obj; } Object getObject(EDatabase database) { Cell cell = getCell(database); if (cell == null) return null; return cell.getArcById(arcId); } void writeXmlDescription(String tabs, PrintStream msg, EDatabase database) { ArcInst ai = (ArcInst)getObject(database); msg.append(tabs+"<ERRORTYPEGEOM "); msg.append("geomName=\"" + ai.getD().name + "\" "); msg.append("cellName=\"" + ai.getParent().describe(false) + "\""); msg.append(" />\n"); } boolean isValid(EDatabase database) {return getObject(database) != null; } public void addToHighlighter(Highlighter h, EDatabase database) { ArcInst ai = (ArcInst)getObject(database); if (ai != null) h.addElectricObject(ai, true, ai.getParent()); } @Override void write(IdWriter writer) throws IOException { writeTag(writer, (byte)6); writer.writeArcId(arcId); } }