package onlinefrontlines.lobby; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.awt.Point; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import onlinefrontlines.Army; import onlinefrontlines.Constants; import onlinefrontlines.auth.User; import onlinefrontlines.auth.UserCache; import; import; import; import; import onlinefrontlines.lobby.actions.*; import onlinefrontlines.userstats.UserStatsDAO; import onlinefrontlines.utils.HexagonGrid; import onlinefrontlines.utils.Tools; import onlinefrontlines.utils.CacheException; /** * Runtime state of a lobby * * @author jorrit * * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Jorrit Rouwe * * This file is part of Online Frontlines. * * Online Frontlines is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Online Frontlines is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Online Frontlines. If not, see <>. */ public class LobbyState { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LobbyState.class); /** * Max amount of messages to keep */ public static final int MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT = 100; /** * Lobby configuration */ public final LobbyConfig lobbyConfig; /** * All countries in this lobby */ private Country[][] countries; /** * Last time one of the countries changed */ private int countriesChangeCount = 0; /** * All active and timed out users */ private HashMap<Integer, LobbyUser> users = new HashMap<Integer, LobbyUser>(); /** * Last time one of the users changed */ private int usersChangeCount = 0; /** * All text messages */ private ArrayList<TextMessage> textMessages = new ArrayList<TextMessage>(); /** * Last time one of the messages changed */ private int textMessageChangeCount = 0; /** * Counter that is increased everytime something in lobby changes, * this is used to determine which data to send to each client */ private int currentChangeCount = 0; /** * Time at which all countries were conquered by one faction */ public long allConqueredTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; /** * Tiles that can be defended by a particular army * @see determineDefendableCountries */ private static class DefendableCountries { public int distanceToEnemy[][]; public int requiredDistance; } /** * Defendable countries per army */ DefendableCountries defendableCountries[] = { null, null }; /** * Time at which this lobby was created */ public final long creationTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime(); /** * Random generator */ public final Random random = new Random(); /** * Constructor */ public LobbyState(LobbyConfig lobbyConfig) throws SQLException, CacheException { // Store lobby config this.lobbyConfig = lobbyConfig; // Create countries array countries = new Country[lobbyConfig.sizeX][lobbyConfig.sizeY]; for (int y = 0; y < lobbyConfig.sizeY; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < lobbyConfig.sizeX; ++x) { int id = lobbyConfig.getCountryConfigId(x, y); if (id > 0) { CountryConfig countryConfig = CountryConfigCache.getInstance().get(id); countries[x][y] = new Country(x, y, countryConfig, Army.none); } } // Loop through current state of countries for (LobbyCountryStateDAO.State state : LobbyCountryStateDAO.getCountryStates( { Country country = getCountry(state.locationX, state.locationY); if (country != null) { // Copy state country.ownerUserId = state.ownerUserId; country.ownerExclusiveTime = state.ownerExclusiveTime; =; } else { // Country no longer exists, remove it from the database LobbyCountryStateDAO.removeCountryState(, state.locationX, state.locationY); // Create warning log.warn("Could not restore country state at " + state.locationX + "," + state.locationY + " for lobby " +; } } // Countries that are not in the database yet get a random initial faction and are added to the database ArrayList<Country> countriesToCreate = new ArrayList<Country>(); for (int y = 0; y < lobbyConfig.sizeY; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < lobbyConfig.sizeX; ++x) { Country country = countries[x][y]; if (country != null && == Army.none) { = random.nextBoolean()? :; countriesToCreate.add(country); } } if (!countriesToCreate.isEmpty()) LobbyCountryStateDAO.createCountryStates(, countriesToCreate); // Reload active games for (GameStateDAO.GameForLobby game : GameStateDAO.getGamesForLobby( { Country attackedCountry = getCountry(game.attackedCountryX, game.attackedCountryY); Country defendedCountry = getCountry(game.defendedCountryX, game.defendedCountryY); if (attackedCountry != null && defendedCountry != null) { attackedCountry.currentGameId = game.gameId; attackedCountry.currentGameUserId = game.attackerUserId; defendedCountry.currentGameId = game.gameId; defendedCountry.currentGameUserId = game.defenderUserId; } else { // Create warning log.warn("Could not restore game in progress " + game.gameId + " for lobby " +; } } // Reload users for (LobbyUserDAO.State state : LobbyUserDAO.getUsers( { User user = UserCache.getInstance().get(state.userId); LobbyUser lobbyUser = new LobbyUser(this, user); =; Country defendedCountry = getCountry(state.defendedCountryX, state.defendedCountryY); Country attackedCountry = getCountry(state.attackedCountryX, state.attackedCountryY); if (defendedCountry != null && attackedCountry != null && defendedCountry.currentGameId == 0 && attackedCountry.currentGameId == 0) { lobbyUser.setCountries(defendedCountry, attackedCountry); lobbyUser.hasAcceptedChallenge = state.hasAcceptedChallenge; lobbyUser.challengeValidUntil = state.challengeValidUntil; } users.put(lobbyUser.userId, lobbyUser); } // Make sure that no users are missed because the lobby_users table was deleted for (int y = 0; y < lobbyConfig.sizeY; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < lobbyConfig.sizeX; ++x) { Country country = countries[x][y]; if (country != null) { ensureUserCreated(country.currentGameUserId,; ensureUserCreated(country.ownerUserId,; } } // Update state of capture points checkCapturePoints(); // Check if all countries have been conquered checkAllConquered(); // Reload messages textMessages = LobbyChatDAO.getMessages(, MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT); // Make sure clients have a change count other than 0 to sync to ++currentChangeCount; // Make sure challenges that should have been deleted are deleted checkConnectedUsersTimeOut();"Created lobby " +; } /** * Helper function to make sure a user is created * * @param userId User id of user to create * @param defaultUserArmy If user has no army, this army will be used */ private void ensureUserCreated(int userId, Army defaultUserArmy) throws SQLException, CacheException { if (userId != 0 && getLobbyUser(userId) == null) { User user = UserCache.getInstance().get(userId); LobbyUser lobbyUser = new LobbyUser(this, user); if ( == Army.none) = defaultUserArmy; users.put(lobbyUser.userId, lobbyUser); LobbyUserDAO.createOrUpdateUser(, lobbyUser); log.warn("Lobby user '" + userId + "' did not exist but is in use"); } } /** * Get lobby id */ public int getLobbyId() { return; } /** * Get current change count */ public int getCurrentChangeCount() { return currentChangeCount; } /** * Get a country */ public Country getCountry(int x, int y) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < lobbyConfig.sizeX && y < lobbyConfig.sizeY) return countries[x][y]; else return null; } /** * Mark that a country has changed */ public void notifyCountryChanged(Country country) { country.changeCount = currentChangeCount; countriesChangeCount = currentChangeCount++; try { LobbyCountryStateDAO.updateCountryState(, country); } catch (SQLException e) { Tools.logException(e); } } /** * Get all users */ public Collection<LobbyUser> getUsers() { return users.values(); } /** * Get lobby user */ public LobbyUser getLobbyUser(int userId) throws SQLException { return users.get(userId); } /** * Get or create lobby user */ public LobbyUser getOrCreateLobbyUser(User user) { // Check if already in the lobby LobbyUser lobbyUser = users.get(; if (lobbyUser != null && lobbyUser.getIsConnected()) return lobbyUser; // Check if there is room for another user int userCount = 0; for (LobbyUser u : users.values()) if (u.getIsConnected()) ++userCount; if (userCount >= lobbyConfig.maxUsers) return null; // Disconnected user found, return it if (lobbyUser != null) return lobbyUser; // Add user to the lobby lobbyUser = new LobbyUser(this, user); if ( != Army.none) { =; } else { int count[] = getLobbyUserCount(); int count_red = count[Army.toInt(]; int count_blue = count[Army.toInt(]; if (count_red == count_blue) = random.nextBoolean()? :; else if (count_red < count_blue) =; else =; } users.put(lobbyUser.userId, lobbyUser); notifyLobbyUserChanged(lobbyUser); return lobbyUser; } /** * Mark one of the lobby users changed */ public void notifyLobbyUserChanged(LobbyUser lobbyUser) { // Update change count lobbyUser.changeCount = currentChangeCount; usersChangeCount = currentChangeCount++; // Write new state to database try { LobbyUserDAO.createOrUpdateUser(, lobbyUser); } catch (SQLException e) { Tools.logException(e); } } /** * Look for users that timed out */ public void checkConnectedUsersTimeOut() throws SQLException { long time = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime(); ArrayList<LobbyUser> toBeRemoved = new ArrayList<LobbyUser>(); for (LobbyUser u : users.values()) { // Check if user still connected u.checkConnectedTimeOut(); // Check if users challenge timed out if (!u.hasAcceptedChallenge && u.challengeValidUntil != 0 && u.challengeValidUntil < time) { try { // Cancel the challenge Action cancel = new ActionCancel(); cancel.setLobbyState(this); cancel.setLobbyUser(u); cancel.doAction(); } catch (Exception e) { Tools.logException(e); } } // Check if user can be deleted if (u.canBeRemoved()) toBeRemoved.add(u); } // Remove users for (LobbyUser u : toBeRemoved) { // Remove from user list users.remove(u.userId); // Remove from database LobbyUserDAO.removeUser(, u.userId); } } /** * Get amount of users logged in of a particular army */ public int[] getLobbyUserCount() { int count[] = { 0, 0 }; for (LobbyUser u : users.values()) if (u.getIsConnected()) count[Army.toInt(]++; return count; } /** * Check if user is playing a game * * @param userId Id of user */ public boolean isUserInGame(int userId) { for (int y = 0; y < lobbyConfig.sizeY; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < lobbyConfig.sizeX; ++x) { Country country = countries[x][y]; if (country != null && country.currentGameUserId == userId) return true; } return false; } /** * Check if user is playing a game or has conquered a country on the map * * @param userId Id of user */ public boolean isUserOnMap(int userId) { for (int y = 0; y < lobbyConfig.sizeY; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < lobbyConfig.sizeX; ++x) { Country country = countries[x][y]; if (country != null && (country.currentGameUserId == userId || country.ownerUserId == userId)) return true; } return false; } /** * Get a list of changed countries * * @param changeCount Point after which to get changes */ public ArrayList<Country> getChangedCountries(int changeCount) { ArrayList<Country> list = new ArrayList<Country>(); // Find changes if (changeCount - countriesChangeCount <= 0) for (int y = 0; y < lobbyConfig.sizeY; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < lobbyConfig.sizeX; ++x) { Country c = countries[x][y]; if (c != null && changeCount - c.changeCount <= 0) list.add(c); } return list; } /** * Get a list of changed users * * @param changeCount Point after which to get changes */ public ArrayList<LobbyUser> getChangedUsers(int changeCount) { ArrayList<LobbyUser> list = new ArrayList<LobbyUser>(); // Find changes if (changeCount - usersChangeCount <= 0) { for (LobbyUser u : users.values()) if (changeCount - u.changeCount <= 0) list.add(u); } return list; } /** * Add new text message * * @param message Message to add */ public void addTextMessage(TextMessage message) throws SQLException { LobbyChatDAO.addMessage(, message); message.changeCount = currentChangeCount; textMessages.add(message); if (textMessages.size() > MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT) textMessages.remove(0); textMessageChangeCount = currentChangeCount++; } /** * Get changed text messages * * @param changeCount Point after which to get changes */ public ArrayList<TextMessage> getChangedTextMessages(int changeCount) { ArrayList<TextMessage> list = new ArrayList<TextMessage>(); // Find changes if (changeCount - textMessageChangeCount <= 0) { for (TextMessage m : textMessages) if (changeCount - m.changeCount <= 0) list.add(m); } return list; } /** * Called by the game end thread to notify that a game has ended */ public void notifyGameEnd(int attackerUserId, int defenderUserId, int attackedCountryX, int attackedCountryY, int defendedCountryX, int defendedCountryY, Faction winner) throws SQLException { // Get countries Country attackedCountry = getCountry(attackedCountryX, attackedCountryY); Country defendedCountry = getCountry(defendedCountryX, defendedCountryY); if (attackedCountry == null || defendedCountry == null) { log.error("notifyGameEnd failed because country could not be found!"); return; } // Get attacker and defender LobbyUser attacker = getLobbyUser(attackerUserId); LobbyUser defender = getLobbyUser(defenderUserId); if (attacker == null || defender == null) { log.error("notifyGameEnd failed because lobby user could not be found!"); return; } // End game in progress attackedCountry.currentGameId = 0; attackedCountry.currentGameUserId = 0; defendedCountry.currentGameId = 0; defendedCountry.currentGameUserId = 0; // If friendly game, don't change colors if ( != { // Country changes faction, winner stays in the country switch (winner) { case f1: =; attackedCountry.ownerUserId = attacker.userId; attackedCountry.ownerExclusiveTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime() + Constants.EXCLUSIVE_TIME_AFTER_CONQUERED; break; case f2: =; defendedCountry.ownerUserId = defender.userId; defendedCountry.ownerExclusiveTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime() + Constants.EXCLUSIVE_TIME_AFTER_CONQUERED; break; } } // Notify of changes notifyCountryChanged(attackedCountry); notifyCountryChanged(defendedCountry); invalidateDefendableCountries(); // Update state of capture points checkCapturePoints(); // Check if all countries have been conquered checkAllConquered(); } /** * Check state of all capture points */ private void checkCapturePoints() { // Loop through all countries for (int y = 0; y < lobbyConfig.sizeY; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < lobbyConfig.sizeX; ++x) { // Check if it is a capture point Country c = countries[x][y]; if (c != null && c.countryConfig.isCapturePoint) { // Check if all neighbouring countries are of opposite faction boolean allCountriesConquered = false; ArrayList<Point> neighbours = lobbyConfig.getNeighbours(x, y); for (Point n : neighbours) { Country nc = countries[n.x][n.y]; if (nc != null) { // There is at least one country neighbouring allCountriesConquered = true; if ( == { // Country is of same army so not conquered yet allCountriesConquered = false; break; } } } // All countries are conquered if (allCountriesConquered) { // Change state = Army.opposite(; c.ownerUserId = 0; notifyCountryChanged(c); // Award capture to all neighbours for (Point n : neighbours) { Country nc = countries[n.x][n.y]; if (nc != null && nc.ownerUserId != 0) { try { // Accumulate user stats UserStatsDAO.addCapture(nc.ownerUserId,; } catch (SQLException e) { // Log error Tools.logException(e); } } } } } } } /** * Check if all countries have been conquered */ private void checkAllConquered() { int count[] = { 0, 0 }; // Loop through all countries for (int y = 0; y < lobbyConfig.sizeY; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < lobbyConfig.sizeX; ++x) { Country c = countries[x][y]; if (c != null && !c.countryConfig.isCapturePoint) { // Count ownership count[Army.toInt(]++; } } // Check if all countries have been conquered if (count[0] == 0 || count[1] == 0) { allConqueredTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime(); } } /** * Randomize ownership of all countries */ public void randomizeAllCountries() throws SQLException { // Set all countries to random army Random r = new Random(); for (int y = 0; y < lobbyConfig.sizeY; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < lobbyConfig.sizeX; ++x) { Country country = countries[x][y]; if (country != null) { = r.nextBoolean()? :; notifyCountryChanged(country); } } // Reset all conquered time allConqueredTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; } /** * Helper class to determine defendable countries */ private static class ListEntry { int x; int y; int d; public ListEntry(int x, int y, int d) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.d = d; } } /** * Determine countries that are defendable * * After this call all countries for which distanceToEnemy[x][y] == requiredDistance * are defendable (if the country is owned by the correct army and there is no other * defender / attacker yet) */ private DefendableCountries determineDefendableCountries(Army army) { // Check if cached DefendableCountries dc = defendableCountries[Army.toInt(army)]; if (dc != null) return dc; // Create new dc = new DefendableCountries(); // Init array dc.distanceToEnemy = new int[lobbyConfig.sizeX][lobbyConfig.sizeY]; dc.requiredDistance = 10000; // Populate list with all countries that are attackable ArrayList<ListEntry> list = new ArrayList<ListEntry>(); for (int y = 0; y < lobbyConfig.sizeY; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < lobbyConfig.sizeX; ++x) { Country c = countries[x][y]; if (c != null && != army && !c.countryConfig.isCapturePoint && c.currentGameId == 0 && c.attacker == null) { dc.distanceToEnemy[x][y] = 0; list.add(new ListEntry(x, y, 0)); } else { dc.distanceToEnemy[x][y] = 10000; } } // Loop while there are still countries left while (list.size() > 0) { // Get first element from the list ListEntry e = list.get(0); int x = e.x; int y = e.y; int d = e.d; list.remove(0); // Check if other shorter path has been found if (dc.distanceToEnemy[x][y] < d) continue; // Check if this is the shortest path to an attackable country so far if (d < dc.requiredDistance) { Country c = countries[x][y]; if ( == army && !c.countryConfig.isCapturePoint && c.currentGameId == 0 && c.defender == null) dc.requiredDistance = d; } // Add all neighbours to the list to be searched d++; ArrayList<Point> neighbours = lobbyConfig.getNeighbours(x, y); for (Point n : neighbours) if (countries[n.x][n.y] != null && dc.distanceToEnemy[n.x][n.y] > d) { dc.distanceToEnemy[n.x][n.y] = d; list.add(new ListEntry(n.x, n.y, d)); } } // Store result defendableCountries[Army.toInt(army)] = dc; return dc; } /** * Invalidate cached defendable countries */ public void invalidateDefendableCountries() { defendableCountries[0] = null; defendableCountries[1] = null; } /** * Check if an attack from dcountry to acountry is possible */ public boolean isAttackPossible(Country dcountry, Country acountry, Army army) { DefendableCountries dc = determineDefendableCountries(army); return dcountry != null && acountry != null && !dcountry.countryConfig.isCapturePoint && !acountry.countryConfig.isCapturePoint && == army && != army && dcountry.currentGameId == 0 && acountry.currentGameId == 0 && dcountry.defender == null && dcountry.attacker == null && acountry.defender == null && acountry.attacker == null && dc.distanceToEnemy[dcountry.locationX][dcountry.locationY] == dc.requiredDistance && HexagonGrid.getDistance(dcountry.locationX, dcountry.locationY, acountry.locationX, acountry.locationY) == dc.requiredDistance; } }