package; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import onlinefrontlines.auth.*; import*; import; import onlinefrontlines.web.*; import onlinefrontlines.profiler.Profiler; import onlinefrontlines.profiler.Sampler; import onlinefrontlines.utils.IllegalRequestException; import onlinefrontlines.utils.Tools; /** * This servlet is being called by the flash game application to update the state of the game * * @author jorrit * * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Jorrit Rouwe * * This file is part of Online Frontlines. * * Online Frontlines is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Online Frontlines is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Online Frontlines. If not, see <>. */ public final class GameUpdateServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GameUpdateServlet.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; /** * Diff two blocks of text */ private String diff(String s1, String s2) { String rv = ""; // Split into lines String[] l1 = s1.split("\n"); String[] l2 = s2.split("\n"); // opt[i][j] = length of LCS of x[i .. l1.length] and y[j .. l2.length] int[][] opt = new int[l1.length + 1][l2.length + 1]; // Compute length of LCS and all subproblems via dynamic programming for (int i = l1.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) for (int j = l2.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) if (l1[i].equals(l2[j])) opt[i][j] = opt[i + 1][j + 1] + 1; else opt[i][j] = Math.max(opt[i + 1][j], opt[i][j + 1]); // Recover LCS itself and print out non-matching lines to standard output int i = 0, j = 0; while (i < l1.length && j < l2.length) { if (l1[i].equals(l2[j])) { i++; j++; } else if (opt[i + 1][j] >= opt[i][j+1]) rv += "< " + l1[i++] + "\n"; else rv += "> " + l2[j++] + "\n"; } // Dump out one remainder of one string if the other is exhausted while (i < l1.length || j < l2.length) { if (i == l1.length) rv += "> " + l2[j++] + "\n"; else if (j == l2.length) rv += "< " + l1[i++] + "\n"; } return rv; } /** * Output error */ public void printError(PrintWriter out) { out.print("<response><code>-1</code></response>"); } /** * Handle get */ protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { Sampler sampler = Profiler.getInstance().startSampler(Profiler.CATEGORY_HTTP_REQUEST, request.getRequestURI()); try { // Set content type response.setContentType("text/xml"); // Do not cache results WebUtils.setNoCacheHeaders(response); // Get output PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); // Get user AutoAuth.AuthResult result = AutoAuth.getAuthenticatedUser(request, response); User user = result != null? result.user : null; // Get game int gameId; try { gameId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("gameId")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { gameId = 0; } // Get local player int localPlayer; try { localPlayer = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("localPlayer")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { localPlayer = 0; } // Get number of actions received int numActionsReceived; try { numActionsReceived = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("numActionsReceived")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { numActionsReceived = 0; } // Get other parameters String requestedAction = request.getParameter("requestedAction"); String remoteStateHash = request.getParameter("remoteStateHash"); String remoteState = request.getParameter("remoteState"); try { // Get the game GameState gameState = GameStateCache.getInstance().get(gameId); if (gameState == null) { printError(out); return; } // Prevent concurrent access synchronized (gameState) { // Get requesting user faction Faction userFaction = Faction.fromInt(localPlayer); // Games in progress cannot be viewed by other users if (gameState.winningFaction == Faction.invalid && userFaction == Faction.none) { printError(out); return; } // Check if requested faction is correct if (userFaction != gameState.getUserFaction(user) && userFaction != Faction.none) { printError(out); return; } // Get current player Player currentPlayer = gameState.getPlayer(gameState.currentPlayer); // Mark request time gameState.markPlayerConnected(userFaction); // Determine list of actions to send from ArrayList<String> sendList = gameState.getFilteredList(userFaction).sendList; // Check numActionsReceived parameter if (numActionsReceived < 0 || numActionsReceived > sendList.size()) throw new IllegalRequestException("Invalid num actions received specified: '" + numActionsReceived + "'"); // Handle requested action if (requestedAction != null && requestedAction.length() > 0) { Sampler executeActionSampler = Profiler.getInstance().startSampler(Profiler.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "GameUpdateServlet.doGet execute action"); try { // Check if user participates if (userFaction == Faction.none) throw new IllegalRequestException("This user does not participate in this game"); // Split parameters String[] params = requestedAction.split(","); // Determine action Action action = Action.createAction(params[0]); // Check if permission to execute this action if (!action.remoteHasPermissionToSend()) throw new IllegalRequestException("Action not expected from remote"); // Check if current user can do actions if (!action.remoteHasPermissionToSendWhenNotHisTurn() && (currentPlayer == null || != throw new IllegalRequestException("This user cannot perform this action right now"); // Set properties action.setGameState(gameState); // Convert action from string action.fromString(params, user); // Perform the action gameState.execute(action, true); } finally { executeActionSampler.stop(); } } // If we have nothing for the remote we can compare state boolean dumpStateRequested = false; if (!gameState.loggedStateMismatch && gameState.turnNumber > 0 && numActionsReceived == sendList.size()) { Sampler compareStateSampler = Profiler.getInstance().startSampler(Profiler.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "GameUpdateServlet.doGet compare state"); try { // See if we can compare full state String localState = gameState.dumpState(userFaction); if (remoteState != null && !localState.equals(remoteState)) { log.error("State mismatch.\n" + "game: '" + gameId + "', " + "user: '" + (user != null? : 0) + "', " + "user faction: '" + userFaction.toString() + "', " + "num actions: '" + gameState.actions.split("\n").length + "', " + "local state:\n" + localState + "\n" + "remote state:\n" + remoteState + "\n" + "diff:\n" + diff(localState, remoteState)); // We have logged the state mismatch, don't do it again gameState.loggedStateMismatch = true; } else if (remoteStateHash != null) { // Compare hash only String localStateHash = AuthTools.hashMD5(localState); if (!localStateHash.equals(remoteStateHash)) { log.error("State hash mismatch.\n" + "game: '" + gameId + "', " + "user: '" + (user != null? : 0) + "', " + "user faction: '" + userFaction.toString() + "', " + "num actions: '" + gameState.actions.split("\n").length + "'"); // Request full state from remote dumpStateRequested = true; } } } finally { compareStateSampler.stop(); } } // Check for timeouts gameState.checkTimeout(); // Update cache GameStateCache.getInstance().put(, gameState); // Render output out.print("<response><code>0</code><time>"); out.print(gameState.getTimeLeft()); out.print("</time><p1c>"); out.print(gameState.isPlayerConnected(Faction.f1)? 1 : 0); out.print("</p1c><p2c>"); out.print(gameState.isPlayerConnected(Faction.f2)? 1 : 0); out.print("</p2c><dsr>"); out.print(dumpStateRequested? 1 : 0); out.print("</dsr><tbp>"); out.print(gameState.getTimeBetweenPolls()); out.print("</tbp>"); for (int a = numActionsReceived; a < sendList.size(); ++a) { out.print("<act>"); out.print(sendList.get(a)); out.print("</act>"); } if (gameState.canPerformAction(userFaction)) out.print("<turn>1</turn>"); else out.print("<turn>0</turn>"); out.print("</response>"); } } catch (Exception e) { Tools.logException("Exception caught while executing action, " + "game: '" + gameId + "', " + "user: '" + (user != null? : 0) + "', " + "request: '" + requestedAction + "', " + "num actions received: '" + numActionsReceived + "', " + "message: ", e); printError(out); } } finally { sampler.stop(); } } /** * Handle post */ protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { doGet(request, response); } }