package edu.uiuc.cs.fsl.propertydocs.taglets; import com.sun.javadoc.Tag; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import edu.uiuc.cs.fsl.propertydocs.util.DefaultMap; import edu.uiuc.cs.fsl.propertydocs.util.FinishUp; import edu.uiuc.cs.fsl.propertydocs.util.GenerateUrls; import edu.uiuc.cs.fsl.propertydocs.util.PositionWrapper; /** * This Taglet allows for specifying the beginning of undecided text * * @author Patrick Meredith * */ public class CollectTaglet implements Taglet { private static final String NAME = "collect.stats"; private static final String dir = System.getProperty( "outputpath" ); private File stats = new File(dir + File.separator + "__properties" + File.separator + "undecided.stats"); private Set<PositionWrapper> seenDocs = new HashSet<PositionWrapper>(); // private int chars = 0; //number of undecided chars // private int words = 0; //number of undecided words // private int lines = 0; //number of undecided lines private final String GLOBAL = "<global>"; private Map<String, Integer> statsDB = new DefaultMap<String, Integer>(0); public String getName() { return NAME; } /** can be used in a field comment*/ public boolean inField() { return true; } /**can be used in a constructor comment*/ public boolean inConstructor() { return true; } /**can be used in a method comment*/ public boolean inMethod() { return true; } /**can be used in overview comment*/ public boolean inOverview() { return true; } /**can be used in package comment*/ public boolean inPackage() { return true; } /**can be used in type comment (classes or interfaces)*/ public boolean inType() { return true; } /**this IS an inline tag*/ public boolean isInlineTag() { return true; } /** * Register this Taglet. * @param tagletMap the map to register this tag to. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void register(Map tagletMap) { CollectTaglet tag = new CollectTaglet(); Taglet t = (Taglet) tagletMap.get(tag.getName()); if (t != null) { tagletMap.remove(tag.getName()); } tagletMap.put(tag.getName(), tag); } /** * Given the <code>Tag</code> representation of this custom * tag, return its string representation. * * Here we have to do some annoying garbage because you there is no * way short of file io to share info between Taglets. Instead * I am going to parse all the inline tags if the whole document * and collect statistics on <b>all</b> the undecided sections in the * document. * * Statistics will only be collected if we have not already seen an * tag for this document. We keep track of the document * by hashing its SourcePosition. The PositionWrapper makes these * hashable. * * @param tag he <code>Tag</code> representation of this custom tag. */ public String toString(Tag tag) { PositionWrapper p = new PositionWrapper(tag.holder().position()); if(!(seenDocs.contains(p))){ seenDocs.add(p); handleTags(tag); } // This part is always executed, but for undecided we simply return the // empty String. For other tags we will output fancy html/javascript return ""; } private void handleTags(Tag t){ Tag[] tags = t.holder().inlineTags(); boolean inUndecided = true; //not sure if trim() is necessary. I doubt it is, but speed isn't //an issue here String packageName = GenerateUrls.getPackageDoc(t).toString().trim(); // int c = 0; //character count int w = 0; //word count // int l = 0; //lines count for(Tag tag : tags){ if( ("") ||"")) ){ inUndecided = false; } else if( ("@property.close") ||"@description.close")) ){ inUndecided = true; } else if("Text") && inUndecided){ String text = tag.text().trim(); if(text.length() == 0) continue; w += text.split("\\s+").length; String printUnd = System.getenv("PRINT_UNDECIDED"); if(printUnd != null && printUnd.equals("TRUE")){ System.out.println("UNDECIDED TEXT={" + text + "}"); } } } Integer globalWords = statsDB.get(GLOBAL); Integer packageWords = statsDB.get(packageName); statsDB.put(GLOBAL, globalWords + w); statsDB.put(packageName, packageWords + w); try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(stats); ObjectOutputStream ps = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); // ps.writeInt(chars); ps.writeObject(statsDB); // ps.writeInt(lines); ps.close(); } catch ( e){ throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * This method should not be called since arrays of inline tags do not * exist. Method {@link #tostring(Tag)} should be used to convert this * inline tag to a string. * @param tags the array of <code>Tag</code>s representing of this custom tag. */ public String toString(Tag[] tags) { return null; } }