/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.net.SocketException; /** * This class wraps the SSL fuctionality over existing conneted socket. */ public class SSLSocketWrapper extends SSLSocketImpl { private final Socket socket; private final boolean autoClose; protected SSLSocketWrapper(Socket socket, String host, int port, boolean autoClose, SSLParametersImpl sslParameters) throws IOException { super(host, port, sslParameters); if (!socket.isConnected()) { throw new SocketException("Socket is not connected."); } this.socket = socket; this.autoClose = autoClose; init(); } @Override protected void initTransportLayer() throws IOException { input = socket.getInputStream(); output = socket.getOutputStream(); } @Override protected void closeTransportLayer() throws IOException { if (autoClose && (input != null)) { socket.close(); input.close(); output.close(); } } // ------------------- Wrapping method implementations --------------- @Override public void connect(SocketAddress sockaddr, int timeout) throws IOException { throw new IOException("Underlying socket is already connected."); } @Override public void connect(SocketAddress sockaddr) throws IOException { throw new IOException("Underlying socket is already connected."); } @Override public void bind(SocketAddress sockaddr) throws IOException { throw new IOException("Underlying socket is already connected."); } @Override public SocketAddress getRemoteSocketAddress() { return socket.getRemoteSocketAddress(); } @Override public SocketAddress getLocalSocketAddress() { return socket.getLocalSocketAddress(); } @Override public InetAddress getLocalAddress() { return socket.getLocalAddress(); } @Override public InetAddress getInetAddress() { return socket.getInetAddress(); } @Override public String toString() { return "SSL socket over " + socket.toString(); } @Override public void setSoLinger(boolean on, int linger) throws SocketException { socket.setSoLinger(on, linger); } @Override public void setTcpNoDelay(boolean on) throws SocketException { socket.setTcpNoDelay(on); } @Override public void setReuseAddress(boolean on) throws SocketException { socket.setReuseAddress(on); } @Override public void setKeepAlive(boolean on) throws SocketException { socket.setKeepAlive(on); } @Override public void setTrafficClass(int tos) throws SocketException { socket.setTrafficClass(tos); } @Override public void setSoTimeout(int to) throws SocketException { socket.setSoTimeout(to); } @Override public void setSendBufferSize(int size) throws SocketException { socket.setSendBufferSize(size); } @Override public void setReceiveBufferSize(int size) throws SocketException { socket.setReceiveBufferSize(size); } @Override public boolean getTcpNoDelay() throws SocketException { return socket.getTcpNoDelay(); } @Override public boolean getReuseAddress() throws SocketException { return socket.getReuseAddress(); } @Override public boolean getOOBInline() throws SocketException { return socket.getOOBInline(); } @Override public boolean getKeepAlive() throws SocketException { return socket.getKeepAlive(); } @Override public int getTrafficClass() throws SocketException { return socket.getTrafficClass(); } @Override public int getSoTimeout() throws SocketException { return socket.getSoTimeout(); } @Override public int getSoLinger() throws SocketException { return socket.getSoLinger(); } @Override public int getSendBufferSize() throws SocketException { return socket.getSendBufferSize(); } @Override public int getReceiveBufferSize() throws SocketException { return socket.getReceiveBufferSize(); } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return socket.isConnected(); } @Override public boolean isClosed() { return socket.isClosed(); } @Override public boolean isBound() { return socket.isBound(); } @Override public boolean isOutputShutdown() { return socket.isOutputShutdown(); } @Override public boolean isInputShutdown() { return socket.isInputShutdown(); } @Override public int getPort() { return socket.getPort(); } @Override public int getLocalPort() { return socket.getLocalPort(); } @Override public FileDescriptor getFileDescriptor$() { return socket.getFileDescriptor$(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- }