/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony.cdma; import android.app.AlarmManager; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Message; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.telephony.ServiceState; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.telephony.cdma.CdmaCellLocation; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.EventLog; import android.util.Log; import com.android.internal.telephony.ApnSetting; import com.android.internal.telephony.CommandsInterface; import com.android.internal.telephony.DataCallState; import com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnection.FailCause; import com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnection; import com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnectionAc; import com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnectionTracker; import com.android.internal.telephony.DctConstants; import com.android.internal.telephony.EventLogTags; import com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneConstants; import com.android.internal.telephony.IccRecords; import com.android.internal.telephony.Phone; import com.android.internal.telephony.RetryManager; import com.android.internal.telephony.RILConstants; import com.android.internal.telephony.UiccCard; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.UiccController; import com.android.internal.util.AsyncChannel; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * {@hide} */ public final class CdmaDataConnectionTracker extends DataConnectionTracker { protected final String LOG_TAG = "CDMA"; private CDMAPhone mCdmaPhone; private CdmaSubscriptionSourceManager mCdmaSSM; /** The DataConnection being setup */ private CdmaDataConnection mPendingDataConnection; private boolean mPendingRestartRadio = false; private static final int TIME_DELAYED_TO_RESTART_RADIO = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.cdma.timetoradiorestart", 60000); /** * Pool size of CdmaDataConnection objects. */ private static final int DATA_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE = 1; private static final String INTENT_RECONNECT_ALARM = "com.android.internal.telephony.cdma-reconnect"; private static final String INTENT_DATA_STALL_ALARM = "com.android.internal.telephony.cdma-data-stall"; private static final String[] mSupportedApnTypes = { PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_DEFAULT, PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_MMS, PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_DUN, PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_HIPRI }; private static final String[] mDefaultApnTypes = { PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_DEFAULT, PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_MMS, PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_HIPRI }; private String[] mDunApnTypes = { PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_DUN }; private static final int mDefaultApnId = DctConstants.APN_DEFAULT_ID; /* Constructor */ CdmaDataConnectionTracker(CDMAPhone p) { super(p); mCdmaPhone = p; p.mCM.registerForAvailable (this, DctConstants.EVENT_RADIO_AVAILABLE, null); p.mCM.registerForOffOrNotAvailable(this, DctConstants.EVENT_RADIO_OFF_OR_NOT_AVAILABLE, null); p.mCM.registerForDataNetworkStateChanged (this, DctConstants.EVENT_DATA_STATE_CHANGED, null); p.mCT.registerForVoiceCallEnded (this, DctConstants.EVENT_VOICE_CALL_ENDED, null); p.mCT.registerForVoiceCallStarted (this, DctConstants.EVENT_VOICE_CALL_STARTED, null); p.mSST.registerForDataConnectionAttached(this, DctConstants.EVENT_TRY_SETUP_DATA, null); p.mSST.registerForDataConnectionDetached(this, DctConstants.EVENT_CDMA_DATA_DETACHED, null); p.mSST.registerForRoamingOn(this, DctConstants.EVENT_ROAMING_ON, null); p.mSST.registerForRoamingOff(this, DctConstants.EVENT_ROAMING_OFF, null); p.mCM.registerForCdmaOtaProvision(this, DctConstants.EVENT_CDMA_OTA_PROVISION, null); mCdmaSSM = CdmaSubscriptionSourceManager.getInstance (p.getContext(), p.mCM, this, DctConstants.EVENT_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE_CHANGED, null); mDataConnectionTracker = this; createAllDataConnectionList(); broadcastMessenger(); Context c = mCdmaPhone.getContext(); String[] t = c.getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_cdma_dun_supported_types); if (t != null && t.length > 0) { ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>(); for(int i=0; i< t.length; i++) { if (!PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_DUN.equalsIgnoreCase(t[i])) { temp.add(t[i]); } } temp.add(0,PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_DUN); mDunApnTypes = temp.toArray(t); } } @Override public void dispose() { cleanUpConnection(true, null, false); super.dispose(); // Unregister from all events mPhone.mCM.unregisterForAvailable(this); mPhone.mCM.unregisterForOffOrNotAvailable(this); IccRecords r = mIccRecords.get(); if (r != null) { r.unregisterForRecordsLoaded(this);} mPhone.mCM.unregisterForDataNetworkStateChanged(this); mCdmaPhone.mCT.unregisterForVoiceCallEnded(this); mCdmaPhone.mCT.unregisterForVoiceCallStarted(this); mCdmaPhone.mSST.unregisterForDataConnectionAttached(this); mCdmaPhone.mSST.unregisterForDataConnectionDetached(this); mCdmaPhone.mSST.unregisterForRoamingOn(this); mCdmaPhone.mSST.unregisterForRoamingOff(this); mCdmaSSM.dispose(this); mPhone.mCM.unregisterForCdmaOtaProvision(this); destroyAllDataConnectionList(); } @Override protected void finalize() { if(DBG) log("CdmaDataConnectionTracker finalized"); } @Override protected String getActionIntentReconnectAlarm() { return INTENT_RECONNECT_ALARM; } @Override protected String getActionIntentDataStallAlarm() { return INTENT_DATA_STALL_ALARM; } @Override protected void restartDataStallAlarm() {} @Override protected void setState(DctConstants.State s) { if (DBG) log ("setState: " + s); if (mState != s) { EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.CDMA_DATA_STATE_CHANGE, mState.toString(), s.toString()); mState = s; } } @Override public synchronized DctConstants.State getState(String apnType) { return mState; } @Override public DctConstants.State getOverallState() { return mState; } @Override protected boolean isApnTypeAvailable(String type) { for (String s : mSupportedApnTypes) { if (TextUtils.equals(type, s)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected boolean isDataAllowed() { final boolean internalDataEnabled; synchronized (mDataEnabledLock) { internalDataEnabled = mInternalDataEnabled; } int psState = mCdmaPhone.mSST.getCurrentDataConnectionState(); boolean roaming = (mPhone.getServiceState().getRoaming() && !getDataOnRoamingEnabled()); boolean desiredPowerState = mCdmaPhone.mSST.getDesiredPowerState(); boolean subscriptionFromNv = (mCdmaSSM.getCdmaSubscriptionSource() == CdmaSubscriptionSourceManager.SUBSCRIPTION_FROM_NV); IccRecords r = mIccRecords.get(); boolean allowed = (psState == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE || mAutoAttachOnCreation) && (subscriptionFromNv || (r != null && r.getRecordsLoaded())) && (mCdmaPhone.mSST.isConcurrentVoiceAndDataAllowed() || mPhone.getState() ==PhoneConstants.State.IDLE) && !roaming && internalDataEnabled && desiredPowerState && !mPendingRestartRadio && ((mPhone.getLteOnCdmaMode() ==PhoneConstants.LTE_ON_CDMA_TRUE) || !mCdmaPhone.needsOtaServiceProvisioning()); if (!allowed && DBG) { String reason = ""; if (!((psState == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE) || mAutoAttachOnCreation)) { reason += " - psState= " + psState; } if (!subscriptionFromNv && !(r != null && r.getRecordsLoaded())) { reason += " - RUIM not loaded"; } if (!(mCdmaPhone.mSST.isConcurrentVoiceAndDataAllowed() || mPhone.getState() ==PhoneConstants.State.IDLE)) { reason += " - concurrentVoiceAndData not allowed and state= " + mPhone.getState(); } if (roaming) reason += " - Roaming"; if (!internalDataEnabled) reason += " - mInternalDataEnabled= false"; if (!desiredPowerState) reason += " - desiredPowerState= false"; if (mPendingRestartRadio) reason += " - mPendingRestartRadio= true"; if (mCdmaPhone.needsOtaServiceProvisioning()) reason += " - needs Provisioning"; log("Data not allowed due to" + reason); } return allowed; } @Override protected boolean isDataPossible(String apnType) { boolean possible = isDataAllowed() && !(getAnyDataEnabled() && mState == DctConstants.State.FAILED); if (!possible && DBG && isDataAllowed()) { log("Data not possible. No coverage: dataState = " + mState); } return possible; } private boolean trySetupData(String reason) { if (DBG) log("***trySetupData due to " + (reason == null ? "(unspecified)" : reason)); if (mPhone.getSimulatedRadioControl() != null) { // Assume data is connected on the simulator // FIXME this can be improved setState(DctConstants.State.CONNECTED); notifyDataConnection(reason); notifyOffApnsOfAvailability(reason); log("(fix?) We're on the simulator; assuming data is connected"); return true; } int psState = mCdmaPhone.mSST.getCurrentDataConnectionState(); boolean roaming = mPhone.getServiceState().getRoaming(); boolean desiredPowerState = mCdmaPhone.mSST.getDesiredPowerState(); if ((mState == DctConstants.State.IDLE || mState == DctConstants.State.SCANNING) && isDataAllowed() && getAnyDataEnabled() && !isEmergency()) { boolean retValue = setupData(reason); notifyOffApnsOfAvailability(reason); return retValue; } else { notifyOffApnsOfAvailability(reason); return false; } } /** * Cleanup the CDMA data connection (only one is supported) * * @param tearDown true if the underlying DataConnection should be disconnected. * @param reason for the clean up. * @param doAll Set RefCount to 0 and tear down data call even if * multiple APN types are associated with it. */ private void cleanUpConnection(boolean tearDown, String reason, boolean doAll) { if (DBG) log("cleanUpConnection: reason: " + reason); // Clear the reconnect alarm, if set. if (mReconnectIntent != null) { AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) mPhone.getContext().getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); am.cancel(mReconnectIntent); mReconnectIntent = null; } setState(DctConstants.State.DISCONNECTING); notifyOffApnsOfAvailability(reason); boolean notificationDeferred = false; for (DataConnection conn : mDataConnections.values()) { if(conn != null) { DataConnectionAc dcac = mDataConnectionAsyncChannels.get(conn.getDataConnectionId()); if (tearDown) { if (doAll) { if (DBG) log("cleanUpConnection: teardown, conn.tearDownAll"); conn.tearDownAll(reason, obtainMessage(DctConstants.EVENT_DISCONNECT_DONE, conn.getDataConnectionId(), 0, reason)); } else { if (DBG) log("cleanUpConnection: teardown, conn.tearDown"); conn.tearDown(reason, obtainMessage(DctConstants.EVENT_DISCONNECT_DONE, conn.getDataConnectionId(), 0, reason)); } notificationDeferred = true; } else { if (DBG) log("cleanUpConnection: !tearDown, call conn.resetSynchronously"); if (dcac != null) { dcac.resetSync(); } notificationDeferred = false; } } } stopNetStatPoll(); stopDataStallAlarm(); if (!notificationDeferred) { if (DBG) log("cleanupConnection: !notificationDeferred"); gotoIdleAndNotifyDataConnection(reason); } } private CdmaDataConnection findFreeDataConnection() { for (DataConnectionAc dcac : mDataConnectionAsyncChannels.values()) { if (dcac.isInactiveSync()) { log("found free GsmDataConnection"); return (CdmaDataConnection) dcac.dataConnection; } } log("NO free CdmaDataConnection"); return null; } private boolean setupData(String reason) { CdmaDataConnection conn = findFreeDataConnection(); if (conn == null) { if (DBG) log("setupData: No free CdmaDataConnection found!"); return false; } /** TODO: We probably want the connection being setup to a parameter passed around */ mPendingDataConnection = conn; String[] types; int apnId; if (mRequestedApnType.equals(PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_DUN)) { types = mDunApnTypes; apnId = DctConstants.APN_DUN_ID; } else { types = mDefaultApnTypes; apnId = mDefaultApnId; } mActiveApn = new ApnSetting(apnId, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, types, "IP", "IP", true, 0); if (DBG) log("call conn.bringUp mActiveApn=" + mActiveApn); Message msg = obtainMessage(); msg.what = DctConstants.EVENT_DATA_SETUP_COMPLETE; msg.obj = reason; conn.bringUp(msg, mActiveApn); setState(DctConstants.State.INITING); notifyDataConnection(reason); return true; } private void notifyDefaultData(String reason) { setState(DctConstants.State.CONNECTED); notifyDataConnection(reason); startNetStatPoll(); startDataStallAlarm(DATA_STALL_NOT_SUSPECTED); mDataConnections.get(0).resetRetryCount(); } @Override protected void restartRadio() { if (DBG) log("Cleanup connection and wait " + (TIME_DELAYED_TO_RESTART_RADIO / 1000) + "s to restart radio"); cleanUpAllConnections(null); sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DctConstants.EVENT_RESTART_RADIO, TIME_DELAYED_TO_RESTART_RADIO); mPendingRestartRadio = true; } /** * Returns true if the last fail cause is something that * seems like it deserves an error notification. * Transient errors are ignored */ private boolean shouldPostNotification(FailCause cause) { return (cause != FailCause.UNKNOWN); } /** * Return true if data connection need to be setup after disconnected due to * reason. * * @param reason the reason why data is disconnected * @return true if try setup data connection is need for this reason */ private boolean retryAfterDisconnected(String reason) { boolean retry = true; if ( Phone.REASON_RADIO_TURNED_OFF.equals(reason) ) { retry = false; } return retry; } private void reconnectAfterFail(FailCause lastFailCauseCode, String reason, int retryOverride) { if (mState == DctConstants.State.FAILED) { /** * For now With CDMA we never try to reconnect on * error and instead just continue to retry * at the last time until the state is changed. * TODO: Make this configurable? */ int nextReconnectDelay = retryOverride; if (nextReconnectDelay < 0) { nextReconnectDelay = mDataConnections.get(0).getRetryTimer(); mDataConnections.get(0).increaseRetryCount(); } startAlarmForReconnect(nextReconnectDelay, reason); if (!shouldPostNotification(lastFailCauseCode)) { log("NOT Posting Data Connection Unavailable notification " + "-- likely transient error"); } else { notifyNoData(lastFailCauseCode); } } } private void startAlarmForReconnect(int delay, String reason) { log("Data Connection activate failed. Scheduling next attempt for " + (delay / 1000) + "s"); AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) mPhone.getContext().getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); Intent intent = new Intent(INTENT_RECONNECT_ALARM); intent.putExtra(INTENT_RECONNECT_ALARM_EXTRA_REASON, reason); mReconnectIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast( mPhone.getContext(), 0, intent, 0); am.set(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + delay, mReconnectIntent); } private void notifyNoData(FailCause lastFailCauseCode) { setState(DctConstants.State.FAILED); notifyOffApnsOfAvailability(null); } protected void gotoIdleAndNotifyDataConnection(String reason) { if (DBG) log("gotoIdleAndNotifyDataConnection: reason=" + reason); setState(DctConstants.State.IDLE); notifyDataConnection(reason); mActiveApn = null; } protected void onRecordsLoaded() { if (mState == DctConstants.State.FAILED) { cleanUpAllConnections(null); } sendMessage(obtainMessage(DctConstants.EVENT_TRY_SETUP_DATA, Phone.REASON_SIM_LOADED)); } protected void onNVReady() { if (mState == DctConstants.State.FAILED) { cleanUpAllConnections(null); } sendMessage(obtainMessage(DctConstants.EVENT_TRY_SETUP_DATA)); } /** * @override com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnectionTracker */ @Override protected void onEnableNewApn() { // No mRequestedApnType check; only one connection is supported cleanUpConnection(true, Phone.REASON_APN_SWITCHED, false); } /** * @override com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnectionTracker */ @Override protected boolean onTrySetupData(String reason) { return trySetupData(reason); } /** * @override com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnectionTracker */ @Override protected void onRoamingOff() { if (mUserDataEnabled == false) return; if (getDataOnRoamingEnabled() == false) { notifyOffApnsOfAvailability(Phone.REASON_ROAMING_OFF); trySetupData(Phone.REASON_ROAMING_OFF); } else { notifyDataConnection(Phone.REASON_ROAMING_OFF); } } /** * @override com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnectionTracker */ @Override protected void onRoamingOn() { if (mUserDataEnabled == false) return; if (getDataOnRoamingEnabled()) { trySetupData(Phone.REASON_ROAMING_ON); notifyDataConnection(Phone.REASON_ROAMING_ON); } else { if (DBG) log("Tear down data connection on roaming."); cleanUpAllConnections(null); notifyOffApnsOfAvailability(Phone.REASON_ROAMING_ON); } } /** * @override com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnectionTracker */ @Override protected void onRadioAvailable() { if (mPhone.getSimulatedRadioControl() != null) { // Assume data is connected on the simulator // FIXME this can be improved setState(DctConstants.State.CONNECTED); notifyDataConnection(null); log("We're on the simulator; assuming data is connected"); } notifyOffApnsOfAvailability(null); if (mState != DctConstants.State.IDLE) { cleanUpAllConnections(null); } } /** * @override com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnectionTracker */ @Override protected void onRadioOffOrNotAvailable() { mDataConnections.get(0).resetRetryCount(); if (mPhone.getSimulatedRadioControl() != null) { // Assume data is connected on the simulator // FIXME this can be improved log("We're on the simulator; assuming radio off is meaningless"); } else { if (DBG) log("Radio is off and clean up all connection"); cleanUpAllConnections(null); } } /** * @override com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnectionTracker */ @Override protected void onDataSetupComplete(AsyncResult ar) { String reason = null; if (ar.userObj instanceof String) { reason = (String) ar.userObj; } if (isDataSetupCompleteOk(ar)) { // Everything is setup notifyDefaultData(reason); } else { FailCause cause = (FailCause) (ar.result); if(DBG) log("Data Connection setup failed " + cause); // No try for permanent failure if (cause.isPermanentFail()) { notifyNoData(cause); return; } int retryOverride = -1; if (ar.exception instanceof DataConnection.CallSetupException) { retryOverride = ((DataConnection.CallSetupException)ar.exception).getRetryOverride(); } if (retryOverride == RILConstants.MAX_INT) { if (DBG) log("No retry is suggested."); } else { startDelayedRetry(cause, reason, retryOverride); } } } /** * Called when DctConstants.EVENT_DISCONNECT_DONE is received. */ @Override protected void onDisconnectDone(int connId, AsyncResult ar) { if(DBG) log("EVENT_DISCONNECT_DONE connId=" + connId); String reason = null; if (ar.userObj instanceof String) { reason = (String) ar.userObj; } setState(DctConstants.State.IDLE); // Since the pending request to turn off or restart radio will be processed here, // remove the pending event to restart radio from the message queue. if (mPendingRestartRadio) removeMessages(DctConstants.EVENT_RESTART_RADIO); // Process the pending request to turn off radio in ServiceStateTracker first. // If radio is turned off in ServiceStateTracker, ignore the pending event to restart radio. CdmaServiceStateTracker ssTracker = mCdmaPhone.mSST; if (ssTracker.processPendingRadioPowerOffAfterDataOff()) { mPendingRestartRadio = false; } else { onRestartRadio(); } notifyDataConnection(reason); mActiveApn = null; if (retryAfterDisconnected(reason)) { // Wait a bit before trying, so we're not tying up RIL command channel. startAlarmForReconnect(APN_DELAY_MILLIS, reason); } } /** * @override com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnectionTracker */ @Override protected void onVoiceCallStarted() { if (mState == DctConstants.State.CONNECTED && !mCdmaPhone.mSST.isConcurrentVoiceAndDataAllowed()) { stopNetStatPoll(); stopDataStallAlarm(); notifyDataConnection(Phone.REASON_VOICE_CALL_STARTED); notifyOffApnsOfAvailability(Phone.REASON_VOICE_CALL_STARTED); } } /** * @override com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnectionTracker */ @Override protected void onVoiceCallEnded() { if (mState == DctConstants.State.CONNECTED) { if (!mCdmaPhone.mSST.isConcurrentVoiceAndDataAllowed()) { startNetStatPoll(); startDataStallAlarm(DATA_STALL_NOT_SUSPECTED); notifyDataConnection(Phone.REASON_VOICE_CALL_ENDED); } else { // clean slate after call end. resetPollStats(); } notifyOffApnsOfAvailability(Phone.REASON_VOICE_CALL_ENDED); } else { mDataConnections.get(0).resetRetryCount(); // in case data setup was attempted when we were on a voice call trySetupData(Phone.REASON_VOICE_CALL_ENDED); } } @Override protected void onCleanUpConnection(boolean tearDown, int apnId, String reason) { // No apnId check; only one connection is supported cleanUpConnection(tearDown, reason, (apnId == DctConstants.APN_DUN_ID)); } @Override protected void onCleanUpAllConnections(String cause) { // Only one CDMA connection is supported cleanUpConnection(true, cause, false); } private void createAllDataConnectionList() { CdmaDataConnection dataConn; String retryConfig = SystemProperties.get("ro.cdma.data_retry_config"); for (int i = 0; i < DATA_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE; i++) { RetryManager rm = new RetryManager(); if (!rm.configure(retryConfig)) { if (!rm.configure(DEFAULT_DATA_RETRY_CONFIG)) { // Should never happen, log an error and default to a simple linear sequence. log("Could not configure using DEFAULT_DATA_RETRY_CONFIG=" + DEFAULT_DATA_RETRY_CONFIG); rm.configure(20, 2000, 1000); } } int id = mUniqueIdGenerator.getAndIncrement(); dataConn = CdmaDataConnection.makeDataConnection(mCdmaPhone, id, rm, this); mDataConnections.put(id, dataConn); DataConnectionAc dcac = new DataConnectionAc(dataConn, LOG_TAG); int status = dcac.fullyConnectSync(mPhone.getContext(), this, dataConn.getHandler()); if (status == AsyncChannel.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) { log("Fully connected"); mDataConnectionAsyncChannels.put(dcac.dataConnection.getDataConnectionId(), dcac); } else { log("Could not connect to dcac.dataConnection=" + dcac.dataConnection + " status=" + status); } } } private void destroyAllDataConnectionList() { if(mDataConnections != null) { mDataConnections.clear(); } } private void onCdmaDataDetached() { if (mState == DctConstants.State.CONNECTED) { startNetStatPoll(); startDataStallAlarm(DATA_STALL_NOT_SUSPECTED); notifyDataConnection(Phone.REASON_CDMA_DATA_DETACHED); } else { if (mState == DctConstants.State.FAILED) { cleanUpConnection(false, Phone.REASON_CDMA_DATA_DETACHED, false); mDataConnections.get(0).resetRetryCount(); CdmaCellLocation loc = (CdmaCellLocation)(mPhone.getCellLocation()); EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.CDMA_DATA_SETUP_FAILED, loc != null ? loc.getBaseStationId() : -1, TelephonyManager.getDefault().getNetworkType()); } trySetupData(Phone.REASON_CDMA_DATA_DETACHED); } } private void onCdmaOtaProvision(AsyncResult ar) { if (ar.exception != null) { int [] otaPrivision = (int [])ar.result; if ((otaPrivision != null) && (otaPrivision.length > 1)) { switch (otaPrivision[0]) { case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_COMMITTED: case Phone.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_OTAPA_STOPPED: mDataConnections.get(0).resetRetryCount(); break; default: break; } } } } private void onRestartRadio() { if (mPendingRestartRadio) { log("************TURN OFF RADIO**************"); mPhone.mCM.setRadioPower(false, null); /* Note: no need to call setRadioPower(true). Assuming the desired * radio power state is still ON (as tracked by ServiceStateTracker), * ServiceStateTracker will call setRadioPower when it receives the * RADIO_STATE_CHANGED notification for the power off. And if the * desired power state has changed in the interim, we don't want to * override it with an unconditional power on. */ mPendingRestartRadio = false; } } private void writeEventLogCdmaDataDrop() { CdmaCellLocation loc = (CdmaCellLocation)(mPhone.getCellLocation()); EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.CDMA_DATA_DROP, loc != null ? loc.getBaseStationId() : -1, TelephonyManager.getDefault().getNetworkType()); } protected void onDataStateChanged(AsyncResult ar) { ArrayList<DataCallState> dataCallStates = (ArrayList<DataCallState>)(ar.result); if (ar.exception != null) { // This is probably "radio not available" or something // of that sort. If so, the whole connection is going // to come down soon anyway return; } if (mState == DctConstants.State.CONNECTED) { boolean isActiveOrDormantConnectionPresent = false; int connectionState = DATA_CONNECTION_ACTIVE_PH_LINK_INACTIVE; // Check for an active or dormant connection element in // the DATA_CALL_LIST array for (int index = 0; index < dataCallStates.size(); index++) { connectionState = dataCallStates.get(index).active; if (connectionState != DATA_CONNECTION_ACTIVE_PH_LINK_INACTIVE) { isActiveOrDormantConnectionPresent = true; break; } } if (!isActiveOrDormantConnectionPresent) { // No active or dormant connection log("onDataStateChanged: No active connection" + "state is CONNECTED, disconnecting/cleanup"); writeEventLogCdmaDataDrop(); cleanUpConnection(true, null, false); return; } switch (connectionState) { case DATA_CONNECTION_ACTIVE_PH_LINK_UP: log("onDataStateChanged: active=LINK_ACTIVE && CONNECTED, ignore"); mActivity = DctConstants.Activity.NONE; mPhone.notifyDataActivity(); startNetStatPoll(); startDataStallAlarm(DATA_STALL_NOT_SUSPECTED); break; case DATA_CONNECTION_ACTIVE_PH_LINK_DOWN: log("onDataStateChanged active=LINK_DOWN && CONNECTED, dormant"); mActivity = DctConstants.Activity.DORMANT; mPhone.notifyDataActivity(); stopNetStatPoll(); stopDataStallAlarm(); break; default: log("onDataStateChanged: IGNORE unexpected DataCallState.active=" + connectionState); } } else { // TODO: Do we need to do anything? log("onDataStateChanged: not connected, state=" + mState + " ignoring"); } } private void startDelayedRetry(FailCause cause, String reason, int retryOverride) { notifyNoData(cause); reconnectAfterFail(cause, reason, retryOverride); } @Override public void handleMessage (Message msg) { if (DBG) log("CdmaDCT handleMessage msg=" + msg); if (!mPhone.mIsTheCurrentActivePhone || mIsDisposed) { log("Ignore CDMA msgs since CDMA phone is inactive"); return; } switch (msg.what) { case DctConstants.EVENT_RECORDS_LOADED: onRecordsLoaded(); break; case DctConstants.EVENT_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE_CHANGED: if(mCdmaSSM.getCdmaSubscriptionSource() == CdmaSubscriptionSourceManager.SUBSCRIPTION_FROM_NV) { onNVReady(); } break; case DctConstants.EVENT_CDMA_DATA_DETACHED: onCdmaDataDetached(); break; case DctConstants.EVENT_DATA_STATE_CHANGED: onDataStateChanged((AsyncResult) msg.obj); break; case DctConstants.EVENT_CDMA_OTA_PROVISION: onCdmaOtaProvision((AsyncResult) msg.obj); break; case DctConstants.EVENT_RESTART_RADIO: if (DBG) log("EVENT_RESTART_RADIO"); onRestartRadio(); break; default: // handle the message in the super class DataConnectionTracker super.handleMessage(msg); break; } } @Override protected void onUpdateIcc() { if (mUiccController == null ) { return; } IccRecords newIccRecords = mUiccController.getIccRecords(UiccController.APP_FAM_3GPP2); IccRecords r = mIccRecords.get(); if (r != newIccRecords) { if (r != null) { log("Removing stale icc objects."); r.unregisterForRecordsLoaded(this); mIccRecords.set(null); } if (newIccRecords != null) { log("New records found"); mIccRecords.set(newIccRecords); newIccRecords.registerForRecordsLoaded( this, DctConstants.EVENT_RECORDS_LOADED, null); } } } @Override public boolean isDisconnected() { return ((mState == DctConstants.State.IDLE) || (mState == DctConstants.State.FAILED)); } @Override protected boolean isConnected() { return (mState == DctConstants.State.CONNECTED); } @Override protected void log(String s) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "[CdmaDCT] " + s); } @Override protected void loge(String s) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "[CdmaDCT] " + s); } @Override public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { pw.println("CdmaDataConnectionTracker extends:"); super.dump(fd, pw, args); pw.println(" mCdmaPhone=" + mCdmaPhone); pw.println(" mCdmaSSM=" + mCdmaSSM); pw.println(" mPendingDataConnection=" + mPendingDataConnection); pw.println(" mPendingRestartRadio=" + mPendingRestartRadio); pw.println(" mSupportedApnTypes=" + mSupportedApnTypes); pw.println(" mDefaultApnTypes=" + mDefaultApnTypes); pw.println(" mDunApnTypes=" + mDunApnTypes); pw.println(" mDefaultApnId=" + mDefaultApnId); } }