/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.commands.input; import android.hardware.input.InputManager; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; import android.view.InputDevice; import android.view.KeyCharacterMap; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.MotionEvent; /** * Command that sends key events to the device, either by their keycode, or by * desired character output. */ public class Input { private static final String TAG = "Input"; /** * Command-line entry point. * * @param args The command-line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { (new Input()).run(args); } private void run(String[] args) { if (args.length < 1) { showUsage(); return; } String command = args[0]; try { if (command.equals("text")) { if (args.length == 2) { sendText(args[1]); return; } } else if (command.equals("keyevent")) { if (args.length == 2) { int keyCode = KeyEvent.keyCodeFromString(args[1]); if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_UNKNOWN) { keyCode = KeyEvent.keyCodeFromString("KEYCODE_" + args[1]); } sendKeyEvent(keyCode); return; } } else if (command.equals("tap")) { if (args.length == 3) { sendTap(InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN, Float.parseFloat(args[1]), Float.parseFloat(args[2])); return; } } else if (command.equals("swipe")) { if (args.length == 5) { sendSwipe(InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN, Float.parseFloat(args[1]), Float.parseFloat(args[2]), Float.parseFloat(args[3]), Float.parseFloat(args[4])); return; } } else if (command.equals("touchscreen") || command.equals("touchpad")) { // determine input source int inputSource = InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN; if (command.equals("touchpad")) { inputSource = InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHPAD; } // determine subcommand if (args.length > 1) { String subcommand = args[1]; if (subcommand.equals("tap")) { if (args.length == 4) { sendTap(inputSource, Float.parseFloat(args[2]), Float.parseFloat(args[3])); return; } } else if (subcommand.equals("swipe")) { if (args.length == 6) { sendSwipe(inputSource, Float.parseFloat(args[2]), Float.parseFloat(args[3]), Float.parseFloat(args[4]), Float.parseFloat(args[5])); return; } } } } else if (command.equals("trackball")) { // determine subcommand if (args.length > 1) { String subcommand = args[1]; if (subcommand.equals("press")) { sendTap(InputDevice.SOURCE_TRACKBALL, 0.0f, 0.0f); return; } else if (subcommand.equals("roll")) { if (args.length == 4) { sendMove(InputDevice.SOURCE_TRACKBALL, Float.parseFloat(args[2]), Float.parseFloat(args[3])); return; } } } } else { System.err.println("Error: Unknown command: " + command); showUsage(); return; } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { } System.err.println("Error: Invalid arguments for command: " + command); showUsage(); } /** * Convert the characters of string text into key event's and send to * device. * * @param text is a string of characters you want to input to the device. */ private void sendText(String text) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(text); boolean escapeFlag = false; for (int i=0; i<buff.length(); i++) { if (escapeFlag) { escapeFlag = false; if (buff.charAt(i) == 's') { buff.setCharAt(i, ' '); buff.deleteCharAt(--i); } } if (buff.charAt(i) == '%') { escapeFlag = true; } } char[] chars = buff.toString().toCharArray(); KeyCharacterMap kcm = KeyCharacterMap.load(KeyCharacterMap.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD); KeyEvent[] events = kcm.getEvents(chars); for(int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { injectKeyEvent(events[i]); } } private void sendKeyEvent(int keyCode) { long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); injectKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(now, now, KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, keyCode, 0, 0, KeyCharacterMap.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD, 0, 0, InputDevice.SOURCE_KEYBOARD)); injectKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(now, now, KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, keyCode, 0, 0, KeyCharacterMap.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD, 0, 0, InputDevice.SOURCE_KEYBOARD)); } private void sendTap(int inputSource, float x, float y) { long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); injectMotionEvent(inputSource, MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, now, x, y, 1.0f); injectMotionEvent(inputSource, MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, now, x, y, 0.0f); } private void sendSwipe(int inputSource, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { final int NUM_STEPS = 11; long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); injectMotionEvent(inputSource, MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, now, x1, y1, 1.0f); for (int i = 1; i < NUM_STEPS; i++) { float alpha = (float) i / NUM_STEPS; injectMotionEvent(inputSource, MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE, now, lerp(x1, x2, alpha), lerp(y1, y2, alpha), 1.0f); } injectMotionEvent(inputSource, MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, now, x1, y1, 0.0f); } /** * Sends a simple zero-pressure move event. * * @param inputSource the InputDevice.SOURCE_* sending the input event * @param dx change in x coordinate due to move * @param dy change in y coordinate due to move */ private void sendMove(int inputSource, float dx, float dy) { long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); injectMotionEvent(inputSource, MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE, now, dx, dy, 0.0f); } private void injectKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) { Log.i(TAG, "injectKeyEvent: " + event); InputManager.getInstance().injectInputEvent(event, InputManager.INJECT_INPUT_EVENT_MODE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); } /** * Builds a MotionEvent and injects it into the event stream. * * @param inputSource the InputDevice.SOURCE_* sending the input event * @param action the MotionEvent.ACTION_* for the event * @param when the value of SystemClock.uptimeMillis() at which the event happened * @param x x coordinate of event * @param y y coordinate of event * @param pressure pressure of event */ private void injectMotionEvent(int inputSource, int action, long when, float x, float y, float pressure) { final float DEFAULT_SIZE = 1.0f; final int DEFAULT_META_STATE = 0; final float DEFAULT_PRECISION_X = 1.0f; final float DEFAULT_PRECISION_Y = 1.0f; final int DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID = 0; final int DEFAULT_EDGE_FLAGS = 0; MotionEvent event = MotionEvent.obtain(when, when, action, x, y, pressure, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_META_STATE, DEFAULT_PRECISION_X, DEFAULT_PRECISION_Y, DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID, DEFAULT_EDGE_FLAGS); event.setSource(inputSource); Log.i("Input", "injectMotionEvent: " + event); InputManager.getInstance().injectInputEvent(event, InputManager.INJECT_INPUT_EVENT_MODE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); } private static final float lerp(float a, float b, float alpha) { return (b - a) * alpha + a; } private void showUsage() { System.err.println("usage: input ..."); System.err.println(" input text <string>"); System.err.println(" input keyevent <key code number or name>"); System.err.println(" input [touchscreen|touchpad] tap <x> <y>"); System.err.println(" input [touchscreen|touchpad] swipe <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>"); System.err.println(" input trackball press"); System.err.println(" input trackball roll <dx> <dy>"); } }