/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.android.server.location; import android.location.Country; import android.location.CountryListener; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationListener; import android.location.LocationManager; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; public class LocationBasedCountryDetectorTest extends AndroidTestCase { private static final List<String> sEnabledProviders = Arrays.asList( LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, LocationManager.PASSIVE_PROVIDER); private class TestCountryDetector extends LocationBasedCountryDetector { public static final int TOTAL_PROVIDERS = 2; protected Object countryFoundLocker = new Object(); protected boolean notifyCountry = false; private final Location mLocation; private final String mCountry; private final long mQueryLocationTimeout; private Map<String, LocationListener> mListeners; public TestCountryDetector(String country, String provider) { this(country, provider, 1000 * 60 * 5); } public TestCountryDetector(String country, String provider, long queryLocationTimeout) { super(getContext()); mCountry = country; mLocation = new Location(provider); mQueryLocationTimeout = queryLocationTimeout; mListeners = new HashMap<String, LocationListener>(); } @Override protected String getCountryFromLocation(Location location) { synchronized (countryFoundLocker) { if (!notifyCountry) { try { countryFoundLocker.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } if (mLocation.getProvider().endsWith(location.getProvider())) { return mCountry; } else { return null; } } @Override protected Location getLastKnownLocation() { return mLocation; } private Set<String> mAcceptableProviders; public void setAcceptableProvider(Set<String> acceptableProviders) { mAcceptableProviders = acceptableProviders; } @Override protected boolean isAcceptableProvider(String provider) { if (mAcceptableProviders != null) { return mAcceptableProviders.contains(provider); } else { return true; } } @Override protected void registerListener(String provider, LocationListener listener) { assertNotNull(provider); mListeners.put(provider, listener); } @Override protected void unregisterListener(LocationListener listener) { for (Entry<String, LocationListener> entry : mListeners.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equals(listener)) { mListeners.remove(entry.getKey()); return; } } fail("Not registered"); } public Map<String, LocationListener> getListeners() { return mListeners; } @Override protected long getQueryLocationTimeout() { return mQueryLocationTimeout; } @Override protected List<String> getEnabledProviders() { return sEnabledProviders; } public void notifyLocationFound() { // Listener could be removed in the notification. LocationListener[] listeners = new LocationListener[mListeners.size()]; mLocationListeners.toArray(listeners); for (LocationListener listener :listeners) { listener.onLocationChanged(mLocation); } } public int getListenersCount() { return mListeners.size(); } public void notifyCountryFound() { synchronized (countryFoundLocker) { notifyCountry = true; countryFoundLocker.notify(); } } public Timer getTimer() { return mTimer; } public Thread getQueryThread() { return mQueryThread; } } private class CountryListenerImpl implements CountryListener { private boolean mNotified; private String mCountryCode; public void onCountryDetected(Country country) { mNotified = true; if (country != null) { mCountryCode = country.getCountryIso(); } } public boolean notified() { return mNotified; } public String getCountry() { return mCountryCode; } } public void testFindingCountry() { testFindingCountryCommon(null); } public void testFindingCountryWithAcceptableProvider() { testFindingCountryCommon(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("passive"))); } private void testFindingCountryCommon(Set<String> acceptableProviders) { final String country = "us"; final String provider = "Good"; CountryListenerImpl countryListener = new CountryListenerImpl(); TestCountryDetector detector = new TestCountryDetector(country, provider); if (acceptableProviders != null) { detector.setAcceptableProvider(acceptableProviders); } detector.setCountryListener(countryListener); detector.detectCountry(); if (acceptableProviders != null) { assertEquals(acceptableProviders.size(), detector.getListenersCount()); Map<String, LocationListener> listeners = detector.getListeners(); for (String acceptableProvider : acceptableProviders) { assertTrue(listeners.containsKey(acceptableProvider)); } } else { assertEquals(TestCountryDetector.TOTAL_PROVIDERS, detector.getListenersCount()); } detector.notifyLocationFound(); // All listeners should be unregistered assertEquals(0, detector.getListenersCount()); assertNull(detector.getTimer()); Thread queryThread = waitForQueryThreadLaunched(detector); detector.notifyCountryFound(); // Wait for query thread ending waitForThreadEnding(queryThread); // QueryThread should be set to NULL assertNull(detector.getQueryThread()); assertTrue(countryListener.notified()); assertEquals("us", countryListener.getCountry().toLowerCase()); } public void testFindingCountryCancelled() { final String country = "us"; final String provider = "Good"; CountryListenerImpl countryListener = new CountryListenerImpl(); TestCountryDetector detector = new TestCountryDetector(country, provider); detector.setCountryListener(countryListener); detector.detectCountry(); assertEquals(TestCountryDetector.TOTAL_PROVIDERS, detector.getListenersCount()); detector.notifyLocationFound(); // All listeners should be unregistered assertEquals(0, detector.getListenersCount()); // The time should be stopped assertNull(detector.getTimer()); Thread queryThread = waitForQueryThreadLaunched(detector); detector.stop(); // There is no way to stop the thread, let's test it could be stopped, after get country detector.notifyCountryFound(); // Wait for query thread ending waitForThreadEnding(queryThread); // QueryThread should be set to NULL assertNull(detector.getQueryThread()); assertTrue(countryListener.notified()); assertEquals("us", countryListener.getCountry().toLowerCase()); } public void testFindingLocationCancelled() { final String country = "us"; final String provider = "Good"; CountryListenerImpl countryListener = new CountryListenerImpl(); TestCountryDetector detector = new TestCountryDetector(country, provider); detector.setCountryListener(countryListener); detector.detectCountry(); assertEquals(TestCountryDetector.TOTAL_PROVIDERS, detector.getListenersCount()); detector.stop(); // All listeners should be unregistered assertEquals(0, detector.getListenersCount()); // The time should be stopped assertNull(detector.getTimer()); // QueryThread should still be NULL assertNull(detector.getQueryThread()); assertFalse(countryListener.notified()); } public void testFindingLocationFailed() { final String country = "us"; final String provider = "Good"; long timeout = 1000; TestCountryDetector detector = new TestCountryDetector(country, provider, timeout) { @Override protected Location getLastKnownLocation() { return null; } }; CountryListenerImpl countryListener = new CountryListenerImpl(); detector.setCountryListener(countryListener); detector.detectCountry(); assertEquals(TestCountryDetector.TOTAL_PROVIDERS, detector.getListenersCount()); waitForTimerReset(detector); // All listeners should be unregistered assertEquals(0, detector.getListenersCount()); // QueryThread should still be NULL assertNull(detector.getQueryThread()); assertTrue(countryListener.notified()); assertNull(countryListener.getCountry()); } public void testFindingCountryFailed() { final String country = "us"; final String provider = "Good"; TestCountryDetector detector = new TestCountryDetector(country, provider) { @Override protected String getCountryFromLocation(Location location) { synchronized (countryFoundLocker) { if (! notifyCountry) { try { countryFoundLocker.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } // We didn't find country. return null; } }; CountryListenerImpl countryListener = new CountryListenerImpl(); detector.setCountryListener(countryListener); detector.detectCountry(); assertEquals(TestCountryDetector.TOTAL_PROVIDERS, detector.getListenersCount()); detector.notifyLocationFound(); // All listeners should be unregistered assertEquals(0, detector.getListenersCount()); assertNull(detector.getTimer()); Thread queryThread = waitForQueryThreadLaunched(detector); detector.notifyCountryFound(); // Wait for query thread ending waitForThreadEnding(queryThread); // QueryThread should be set to NULL assertNull(detector.getQueryThread()); // CountryListener should be notified assertTrue(countryListener.notified()); assertNull(countryListener.getCountry()); } public void testFindingCountryWithLastKnownLocation() { final String country = "us"; final String provider = "Good"; long timeout = 1000; TestCountryDetector detector = new TestCountryDetector(country, provider, timeout); CountryListenerImpl countryListener = new CountryListenerImpl(); detector.setCountryListener(countryListener); detector.detectCountry(); assertEquals(TestCountryDetector.TOTAL_PROVIDERS, detector.getListenersCount()); waitForTimerReset(detector); // All listeners should be unregistered assertEquals(0, detector.getListenersCount()); Thread queryThread = waitForQueryThreadLaunched(detector); detector.notifyCountryFound(); // Wait for query thread ending waitForThreadEnding(queryThread); // QueryThread should be set to NULL assertNull(detector.getQueryThread()); // CountryListener should be notified assertTrue(countryListener.notified()); assertEquals("us", countryListener.getCountry().toLowerCase()); } private void waitForTimerReset(TestCountryDetector detector) { int count = 5; long interval = 1000; try { while (count-- > 0 && detector.getTimer() != null) { Thread.sleep(interval); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } Timer timer = detector.getTimer(); assertTrue(timer == null); } private void waitForThreadEnding(Thread thread) { try { thread.join(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private Thread waitForQueryThreadLaunched(TestCountryDetector detector) { int count = 5; long interval = 1000; try { while (count-- > 0 && detector.getQueryThread() == null) { Thread.sleep(interval); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } Thread thread = detector.getQueryThread(); assertTrue(thread != null); return thread; } }