package picard.vcf; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import htsjdk.samtools.util.Histogram; import picard.PicardException; import picard.vcf.GenotypeConcordanceStates.*; /** * A class to store the counts for various truth and call state classifications relative to a reference. With these counts and a provided * scheme, summary metrics can be returned. * @author nhomer */ public class GenotypeConcordanceCounts { /** * Pre-defined sets based on if the caller wishes to return the sensitivity given the common homozygous reference, heterozygous, and homozygous variant cases. */ static final TruthState[] HOM_REF_TRUTH_STATES = {TruthState.HOM_REF}; static final TruthState[] HET_TRUTH_STATES = {TruthState.HET_REF_VAR1, TruthState.HET_VAR1_VAR2}; static final TruthState[] HOM_VAR_TRUTH_STATES = {TruthState.HOM_VAR1}; static final TruthState[] VAR_TRUTH_STATES = {TruthState.HET_REF_VAR1, TruthState.HET_VAR1_VAR2, TruthState.HOM_VAR1}; /** * Pre-defined sets based on if the caller wishes to return the PPV given the common homozygous reference, heterozygous, and homozygous variant cases. */ static final CallState[] HOM_REF_CALL_STATES = {CallState.HOM_REF}; static final CallState[] HET_CALL_STATES = {CallState.HET_REF_VAR1, CallState.HET_REF_VAR2, CallState.HET_REF_VAR3, CallState.HET_VAR1_VAR2, CallState.HET_VAR1_VAR3, CallState.HET_VAR3_VAR4}; static final CallState[] HOM_VAR_CALL_STATES = {CallState.HOM_VAR1, CallState.HOM_VAR2, CallState.HOM_VAR3}; static final CallState[] VAR_CALL_STATES = {CallState.HET_REF_VAR1, CallState.HET_REF_VAR2, CallState.HET_REF_VAR3, CallState.HET_VAR1_VAR2, CallState.HET_VAR1_VAR3, CallState.HET_VAR3_VAR4, CallState.HOM_VAR1, CallState.HOM_VAR2, CallState.HOM_VAR3}; /** The underlying counts table */ private final Histogram<TruthAndCallStates> counter = new Histogram<TruthAndCallStates>(); /** * Increments a count for the truth/call state tuple. * @param truthAndCallStates */ public void increment(final TruthAndCallStates truthAndCallStates) { this.counter.increment(truthAndCallStates); } /** * Validates that there are no counts for NA states in the underlying scheme */ public void validateCountsAgainstScheme(final GenotypeConcordanceScheme scheme) { final Set<ContingencyState> naContingencyStates = getContingencyStateSet(GenotypeConcordanceScheme.NA); for (final TruthState truthState : TruthState.values()) { for (final CallState callState : CallState.values()) { final TruthAndCallStates truthAndCallStates = new TruthAndCallStates(truthState, callState); if (0 < getCount(truthAndCallStates)) { final Set<ContingencyState> contingencyStates = getContingencyStateSet(scheme.getConcordanceStateArray(truthAndCallStates)); if (contingencyStates.containsAll(naContingencyStates)) { throw new PicardException(String.format("Found counts for an illegal set of states: [%s, %s]",,; } } } } } private Set<ContingencyState> getContingencyStateSet(final ContingencyState[] contingencyStateArray) { final Set<ContingencyState> contingencyStateSet = new HashSet<ContingencyState>(); Collections.addAll(contingencyStateSet, contingencyStateArray); return contingencyStateSet; } /** * Returns the sensitivity defined by the scheme across the subset of truth states. */ public double getSensitivity(final GenotypeConcordanceScheme scheme, final TruthState[] truthStateArray) { /** * Sensitivity is the TP / P = TP / (TP + FN) */ double numerator = 0.0; double denominator = 0.0; scheme.validateScheme(); for (final TruthState truthState : truthStateArray) { for (final CallState callState : CallState.values()) { final TruthAndCallStates truthAndCallStates = new TruthAndCallStates(truthState, callState); final int count = getCount(truthAndCallStates); for (final ContingencyState contingencyState : scheme.getConcordanceStateArray(truthAndCallStates)) { if (ContingencyState.TP == contingencyState) { numerator += count; denominator += count; } else if (ContingencyState.FN == contingencyState) { denominator += count; } } } } return (numerator / denominator); } /** * Returns the sensitivity defined by the scheme across all truth states. */ public double getSensitivity(final GenotypeConcordanceScheme scheme) { final List<TruthState> listOfTruthStates = Arrays.asList(TruthState.values()); TruthState[] allTruthStates = new TruthState[listOfTruthStates.size()]; allTruthStates = listOfTruthStates.toArray(allTruthStates); return getSensitivity(scheme, allTruthStates); } /** * Returns the PPV defined by the scheme across the subset of call states. */ public double Ppv(final GenotypeConcordanceScheme scheme, final CallState[] callStateList) { /** * PPV is the TP / (TP + FP) */ double numerator = 0.0; double denominator = 0.0; scheme.validateScheme(); for (final CallState callState : callStateList) { for (final TruthState truthState : TruthState.values()) { final TruthAndCallStates truthAndCallStates = new TruthAndCallStates(truthState, callState); final int count = getCount(truthAndCallStates); for (final ContingencyState contingencyState : scheme.getConcordanceStateArray(truthAndCallStates)) { if (ContingencyState.TP == contingencyState) { numerator += count; denominator += count; } else if (ContingencyState.FP == contingencyState) { denominator += count; } } } } return (numerator / denominator); } /** * Returns the PPV defined by the scheme across all call states. */ public double getPpv(final GenotypeConcordanceScheme scheme) { final List<CallState> listOfCallStates = Arrays.asList(CallState.values()); CallState[] allCallStates = new CallState[listOfCallStates.size()]; allCallStates = listOfCallStates.toArray(allCallStates); return Ppv(scheme, allCallStates); } /** * Returns the count defined by the truth state set and call state set. */ public int getCount(final TruthState truthState, final CallState callState) { return getCount(new TruthAndCallStates(truthState, callState)); } /** * Returns the count defined by the truth state set and call state set. */ public int getCount(final TruthAndCallStates truthAndCallStates) { final Histogram<TruthAndCallStates>.Bin bin = this.counter.get(truthAndCallStates); return (bin == null ? 0 : (int) bin.getValue()); } /** * Returns the sum of all pairs of tuples defined by the truth state set and call state set. */ public int getSum(final Set<TruthState> truthStateSet, final Set<CallState> callStateSet) { int count = 0; for (final TruthState truthState : truthStateSet) { for (final CallState callState : callStateSet) { count += getCount(truthState, callState); } } return count; } /** * Returns the sum of all pairs of tuples defined by the truth state set and call state set. */ public int getSum() { return getSum(new HashSet<TruthState>(Arrays.asList(TruthState.values())), new HashSet<CallState>(Arrays.asList(CallState.values()))); } /** * Returns the total number of times each contingency state is encountered, summed across all truth/call state pairs. */ public Map<ContingencyState, Integer> getContingencyStateCounts(final GenotypeConcordanceScheme scheme) { scheme.validateScheme(); final Map<ContingencyState, Integer> counts = new HashMap<ContingencyState, Integer>(); for (ContingencyState contingencyState : ContingencyState.values()) { counts.put(contingencyState, 0); } for (TruthState truthState : TruthState.values()) { for (CallState callState : CallState.values()) { final TruthAndCallStates truthAndCallStates = new TruthAndCallStates(truthState, callState); final ContingencyState[] contingencyStateArray = scheme.getConcordanceStateArray(truthAndCallStates); for (final ContingencyState contingencyState : contingencyStateArray) { int newCount = counts.get(contingencyState) + getCount(truthAndCallStates); counts.put(contingencyState, newCount); } } } return counts; } }