package htsjdk.variant.variantcontext; import htsjdk.variant.utils.GeneralUtils; import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContextUtils.JexlVCMatchExp; import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFConstants; import org.apache.commons.jexl2.JexlContext; import org.apache.commons.jexl2.MapContext; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * this is an implementation of a Map of JexlVCMatchExp to true or false values. It lazy initializes each value * as requested to save as much processing time as possible. * * Compatible with JEXL 1.1 (this code will be easier if we move to 2.0, all of the functionality can go into the * JexlContext's get() * */ class JEXLMap implements Map<JexlVCMatchExp, Boolean> { // our variant context and/or Genotype private final VariantContext vc; private final Genotype g; // our context private JexlContext jContext = null; // our mapping from JEXLVCMatchExp to Booleans, which will be set to NULL for previously uncached JexlVCMatchExp private Map<JexlVCMatchExp,Boolean> jexl; public JEXLMap(Collection<JexlVCMatchExp> jexlCollection, VariantContext vc, Genotype g) { = vc; this.g = g; initialize(jexlCollection); } public JEXLMap(Collection<JexlVCMatchExp> jexlCollection, VariantContext vc) { this(jexlCollection, vc, null); } private void initialize(Collection<JexlVCMatchExp> jexlCollection) { jexl = new HashMap<JexlVCMatchExp,Boolean>(); for (JexlVCMatchExp exp: jexlCollection) { jexl.put(exp, null); } } /** * create the internal JexlContext, only when required. This code is where new JEXL context variables * should get added. * */ private void createContext() { if ( g == null ) { // todo -- remove dependancy on g to the entire system jContext = new VariantJEXLContext(vc); } else { // // this whole branch is here just to support G jexl operations // Map<String, Object> infoMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if ( vc != null ) { // create a mapping of what we know about the variant context, its Chromosome, positions, etc. infoMap.put("CHROM", vc.getChr()); infoMap.put("POS", vc.getStart()); infoMap.put("TYPE", vc.getType().toString()); infoMap.put("QUAL", String.valueOf(vc.getPhredScaledQual())); // add alleles infoMap.put("ALLELES", GeneralUtils.join(";", vc.getAlleles())); infoMap.put("N_ALLELES", String.valueOf(vc.getNAlleles())); // add attributes addAttributesToMap(infoMap, vc.getAttributes()); // add filter fields infoMap.put("FILTER", vc.isFiltered() ? "1" : "0"); for ( Object filterCode : vc.getFilters() ) { infoMap.put(String.valueOf(filterCode), "1"); } // add genotype-specific fields // TODO -- implement me when we figure out a good way to represent this // for ( Genotype g : vc.getGenotypes().values() ) { // String prefix = g.getSampleName() + "."; // addAttributesToMap(infoMap, g.getAttributes(), prefix); // infoMap.put(prefix + "GT", g.getGenotypeString()); // } // add specific genotype if one is provided infoMap.put(VCFConstants.GENOTYPE_KEY, g.getGenotypeString()); infoMap.put("isHom", g.isHom() ? "1" : "0"); infoMap.put("isHomRef", g.isHomRef() ? "1" : "0"); infoMap.put("isHet", g.isHet() ? "1" : "0"); infoMap.put("isHomVar", g.isHomVar() ? "1" : "0"); infoMap.put("isCalled", g.isCalled()? "1" : "0"); infoMap.put("isNoCall", g.isNoCall()? "1" : "0"); infoMap.put("isMixed", g.isMixed()? "1" : "0"); infoMap.put("isAvailable", g.isAvailable()? "1" : "0"); infoMap.put(VCFConstants.GENOTYPE_QUALITY_KEY, g.getGQ()); if ( g.hasDP() ) infoMap.put(VCFConstants.DEPTH_KEY, g.getDP()); for ( Entry<String, Object> e : g.getExtendedAttributes().entrySet() ) { if ( e.getValue() != null && !e.getValue().equals(VCFConstants.MISSING_VALUE_v4) ) infoMap.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } // create the internal context that we can evaluate expressions against jContext = new MapContext(infoMap); } } /** * @return the size of the internal data structure */ public int size() { return jexl.size(); } /** * @return true if we're empty */ public boolean isEmpty() { return this.jexl.isEmpty(); } /** * do we contain the specified key * @param o the key * @return true if we have a value for that key */ public boolean containsKey(Object o) { return jexl.containsKey(o); } public Boolean get(Object o) { // if we've already determined the value, return it if (jexl.containsKey(o) && jexl.get(o) != null) return jexl.get(o); // try and cast the expression JexlVCMatchExp e = (JexlVCMatchExp) o; evaluateExpression(e); return jexl.get(e); } /** * get the keyset of map * @return a set of keys of type JexlVCMatchExp */ public Set<JexlVCMatchExp> keySet() { return jexl.keySet(); } /** * get all the values of the map. This is an expensive call, since it evaluates all keys that haven't * been evaluated yet. This is fine if you truely want all the keys, but if you only want a portion, or know * the keys you want, you would be better off using get() to get them by name. * @return a collection of boolean values, representing the results of all the variants evaluated */ public Collection<Boolean> values() { // this is an expensive call for (JexlVCMatchExp exp : jexl.keySet()) if (jexl.get(exp) == null) evaluateExpression(exp); return jexl.values(); } /** * evaulate a JexlVCMatchExp's expression, given the current context (and setup the context if it's null) * @param exp the JexlVCMatchExp to evaluate */ private void evaluateExpression(JexlVCMatchExp exp) { // if the context is null, we need to create it to evaluate the JEXL expression if (this.jContext == null) createContext(); try { final Boolean value = (Boolean) exp.exp.evaluate(jContext); // treat errors as no match jexl.put(exp, value == null ? false : value); } catch (Exception e) { // if exception happens because variable is undefined (i.e. field in expression is not present), evaluate to FALSE // todo - might be safer if we explicitly checked for an exception type, but Apache's API doesn't seem to have that ability if (e.getMessage().contains("undefined variable")) jexl.put(exp,false); else throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid JEXL expression detected for %s with message %s",, e.getMessage())); } } /** * helper function: adds the list of attributes to the information map we're building * @param infoMap the map * @param attributes the attributes */ private static void addAttributesToMap(Map<String, Object> infoMap, Map<String, ?> attributes ) { for (Entry<String, ?> e : attributes.entrySet()) { infoMap.put(e.getKey(), String.valueOf(e.getValue())); } } public Boolean put(JexlVCMatchExp jexlVCMatchExp, Boolean aBoolean) { return jexl.put(jexlVCMatchExp,aBoolean); } public void putAll(Map<? extends JexlVCMatchExp, ? extends Boolean> map) { jexl.putAll(map); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The Following are unsupported at the moment // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this doesn't make much sense to implement, boolean doesn't offer too much variety to deal // with evaluating every key in the internal map. public boolean containsValue(Object o) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("containsValue() not supported on a JEXLMap"); } // this doesn't make much sense public Boolean remove(Object o) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove() not supported on a JEXLMap"); } public Set<Entry<JexlVCMatchExp, Boolean>> entrySet() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("clear() not supported on a JEXLMap"); } // nope public void clear() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("clear() not supported on a JEXLMap"); } }