package picard.fastq; import htsjdk.samtools.util.StringUtil; import picard.illumina.parser.ClusterData; /** * A read name encoder conforming to the standard described by Illumina Casava 1.8. * * @see <a href="">Casava 1.8 update</a> * @author mccowan */ public class Casava18ReadNameEncoder implements ReadNameEncoder { final static int CONTROL_FIELD_VALUE = 0; final String runId, instrumentName, flowcellId; static enum IsFilteredLabel { Y, N; static IsFilteredLabel get(final boolean passesFilter) { return passesFilter ? N : Y; } } public Casava18ReadNameEncoder(final String instrumentName, final String runId, final String flowcellId) { this.runId = runId; this.instrumentName = instrumentName; this.flowcellId = flowcellId; } @Override public String generateReadName(final ClusterData cluster, final Integer pairNumber) { return String.format( "%s:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d:%d %s:%s:%d:%s", instrumentName, runId, flowcellId, cluster.getLane(), cluster.getTile(), cluster.getX(), cluster.getY(), StringUtil.asEmptyIfNull(pairNumber), IsFilteredLabel.get(cluster.isPf()), CONTROL_FIELD_VALUE, StringUtil.asEmptyIfNull(cluster.getMatchedBarcode()) ); } }