package htsjdk.tribble.readers; import htsjdk.samtools.util.AbstractIterator; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloserUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.LocationAware; import htsjdk.samtools.util.Tuple; import; import; /** * A class that iterates over the lines and line positions in an {@link AsciiLineReader}. * * This class is slower than other {@link LineIterator}s because it is driven by {@link AsciiLineReader}, but offers the benefit of * implementing {@link htsjdk.samtools.util.LocationAware}, which is required for indexing. If you do not require {@link htsjdk.samtools.util.LocationAware}, consider using * {@link LineIteratorImpl} as an alternative to this class. * * Note an important distinction in the way this class and its inner iterator differ: in the inner iterator, the position stored with * a line is the position at the start of that line. However, {@link #getPosition()} of the outer class must return the position at the * end of the most-recently-returned line (or the start of the underlying {@link AsciiLineReader}, if no line has been read). The latter * bit of logic here is required to conform with the interface described by {@link htsjdk.samtools.util.LocationAware#getPosition()}. * * @author mccowan */ public class AsciiLineReaderIterator implements LocationAware, LineIterator, Closeable { private final AsciiLineReader asciiLineReader; private final TupleIterator i; private Tuple<String, Long> current = null; public AsciiLineReaderIterator(final AsciiLineReader asciiLineReader) { this.asciiLineReader = asciiLineReader; this.i = new TupleIterator(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { CloserUtil.close(asciiLineReader); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return i.hasNext(); } @Override public String next() { current =; return current.a; } @Override public void remove() { i.remove(); } /** * Returns the byte position at the end of the most-recently-read line (a.k.a., the beginning of the next line) from {@link #next()} in * the underlying {@link AsciiLineReader}. */ @Override public long getPosition() { return i.getPosition(); } @Override public String peek() { return i.peek().a; } /** * This is stored internally since it iterates over {@link htsjdk.samtools.util.Tuple}, not {@link String} (and the outer * class can't do both). */ private class TupleIterator extends AbstractIterator<Tuple<String, Long>> implements LocationAware { public TupleIterator() { hasNext(); // Initialize the iterator, which appears to be a requirement of the parent class. TODO: Really? } @Override protected Tuple<String, Long> advance() { final String line; final long position = asciiLineReader.getPosition(); // A line's position is where it starts, so get it before reading the line. try { line = asciiLineReader.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return line == null ? null : new Tuple<String, Long>(line, position); } /** Returns the byte position at the beginning of the next line. */ @Override public long getPosition() { final Tuple<String, Long> peek = peek(); // Be careful: peek will be null at the end of the stream. return peek != null ? peek.b : asciiLineReader.getPosition(); } } }