package htsjdk.samtools.util; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; /** * Little progress logging class to facilitate consistent output of useful information when progressing * through a stream of SAM records. * * @author Tim Fennell */ public class ProgressLogger implements ProgressLoggerInterface { private final Log log; private final int n; private final String verb; private final String noun; private final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private final NumberFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#,###"); private final NumberFormat timeFmt = new DecimalFormat("00"); private long processed = 0; // Set to -1 until the first record is added private long lastStartTime = -1; /** * Construct a progress logger. * @param log the Log object to write outputs to * @param n the frequency with which to output (i.e. every N records) * @param verb the verb to log, e.g. "Processed, Read, Written". * @param noun the noun to use when logging, e.g. "Records, Variants, Loci" */ public ProgressLogger(final Log log, final int n, final String verb, final String noun) { this.log = log; this.n = n; this.verb = verb; this.noun = noun; } /** * Construct a progress logger. * @param log the Log object to write outputs to * @param n the frequency with which to output (i.e. every N records) * @param verb the verb to log, e.g. "Processed, Read, Written". */ public ProgressLogger(final Log log, final int n, final String verb) { this(log, n, verb, "records"); } /** * Construct a progress logger with the desired log and frequency and the verb "Processed". * @param log the Log object to write outputs to * @param n the frequency with which to output (i.e. every N records) */ public ProgressLogger(final Log log, final int n) { this(log, n, "Processed"); } /** * Construct a progress logger with the desired log, the verb "Processed" and a period of 1m records. * @param log the Log object to write outputs to */ public ProgressLogger(final Log log) { this(log, 1000000); } public synchronized boolean record(final String chrom, final int pos) { if (this.lastStartTime == -1) this.lastStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (++this.processed % this.n == 0) { final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long lastPeriodSeconds = (now - this.lastStartTime) / 1000; this.lastStartTime = now; final long seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000; final String elapsed = formatElapseTime(seconds); final String period = pad(fmt.format(lastPeriodSeconds), 4); final String processed = pad(fmt.format(this.processed), 13); final String readInfo; if (chrom == null) readInfo = "*/*"; else readInfo = chrom + ":" + fmt.format(pos);, " ", processed, " " + noun + ". Elapsed time: ", elapsed, "s. Time for last ", fmt.format(this.n), ": ", period, "s. Last read position: ", readInfo); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Records that a given record has been processed and triggers logging if necessary. * @return boolean true if logging was triggered, false otherwise */ public synchronized boolean record(final SAMRecord rec) { if (rec.getReferenceIndex() == SAMRecord.NO_ALIGNMENT_REFERENCE_INDEX) { return record(null, 0); } else { return record(rec.getReferenceName(), rec.getAlignmentStart()); } } /** Records multiple SAMRecords and triggers logging if necessary. */ public boolean record(final SAMRecord... recs) { boolean triggered = false; for (final SAMRecord rec : recs) triggered = record(rec) || triggered; return triggered; } /** Returns the count of records processed. */ public long getCount() { return this.processed; } /** Returns the number of seconds since progress tracking began. */ public long getElapsedSeconds() { return (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.startTime) / 1000; } /** Left pads a string until it is at least the given length. */ private String pad (String in, final int length) { while (in.length() < length) { in = " " + in; } return in; } /** Formats a number of seconds into hours:minutes:seconds. */ private String formatElapseTime(final long seconds) { final long s = seconds % 60; final long allMinutes = seconds / 60; final long m = allMinutes % 60; final long h = allMinutes / 60; return timeFmt.format(h) + ":" + timeFmt.format(m) + ":" + timeFmt.format(s); } }