package htsjdk.samtools; import; /** * Embodies defaults for global values that affect how the SAM JDK operates. Defaults are encoded in the class * and are also overridable using system properties. * * @author Tim Fennell */ public class Defaults { /** Should BAM index files be created when writing out coordinate sorted BAM files? Default = false. */ public static final boolean CREATE_INDEX; /** Should MD5 files be created when writing out SAM and BAM files? Default = false. */ public static final boolean CREATE_MD5; /** Should asynchronous I/O be used when writing out SAM and BAM files (one thread per file). Default = false. */ public static final boolean USE_ASYNC_IO; /** Compresion level to be used for writing BAM and other block-compressed outputs. Default = 5. */ public static final int COMPRESSION_LEVEL; /** Buffer size, in bytes, used whenever reading/writing files or streams. Default = 128k. */ public static final int BUFFER_SIZE; /** * Even if BUFFER_SIZE is 0, this is guaranteed to be non-zero. If BUFFER_SIZE is non-zero, * this == BUFFER_SIZE */ public static final int NON_ZERO_BUFFER_SIZE; /** Should BlockCompressedOutputStream attempt to load libIntelDeflater? */ public static final boolean TRY_USE_INTEL_DEFLATER; /** Path to If this is not set, the library is looked for in the directory * where the executable jar lives. */ public static final String INTEL_DEFLATER_SHARED_LIBRARY_PATH; /** The reference FASTA file. If this is not set, the file is null. This file may be required for reading * writing SAM files (ex. CRAM). */ public static final File REFERENCE_FASTA; /** Custom reader factory able to handle URL based resources like ga4gh. * Expected format: <url prefix>,<fully qualified factory class name>[,<jar file name>] * E.g., * OR,,/tmp/genomics.jar */ public static final String CUSTOM_READER_FACTORY; static { CREATE_INDEX = getBooleanProperty("create_index", false); CREATE_MD5 = getBooleanProperty("create_md5", false); USE_ASYNC_IO = getBooleanProperty("use_async_io", false); COMPRESSION_LEVEL = getIntProperty("compression_level", 5); BUFFER_SIZE = getIntProperty("buffer_size", 1024 * 128); TRY_USE_INTEL_DEFLATER = getBooleanProperty("try_use_intel_deflater", true); INTEL_DEFLATER_SHARED_LIBRARY_PATH = getStringProperty("intel_deflater_so_path", null); if (BUFFER_SIZE == 0) { NON_ZERO_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 128; } else { NON_ZERO_BUFFER_SIZE = BUFFER_SIZE; } REFERENCE_FASTA = getFileProperty("reference_fasta", null); CUSTOM_READER_FACTORY = getStringProperty("custom_reader", ""); } /** Gets a string system property, prefixed with "samjdk." using the default if the property does not exist.*/ private static String getStringProperty(final String name, final String def) { return System.getProperty("samjdk." + name, def); } /** Gets a boolean system property, prefixed with "samjdk." using the default if the property does not exist.*/ private static boolean getBooleanProperty(final String name, final boolean def) { final String value = getStringProperty(name, new Boolean(def).toString()); return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } /** Gets an int system property, prefixed with "samjdk." using the default if the property does not exist.*/ private static int getIntProperty(final String name, final int def) { final String value = getStringProperty(name, new Integer(def).toString()); return Integer.parseInt(value); } /** Gets a File system property, prefixed with "samdjk." using the default if the property does not exist.*/ private static File getFileProperty(final String name, final String def) { final String value = getStringProperty(name, def); // TODO: assert that it is readable return (null == value) ? null : new File(value); } }