package htsjdk.samtools; import htsjdk.samtools.seekablestream.SeekableFileStream; import htsjdk.samtools.seekablestream.SeekableHTTPStream; import htsjdk.samtools.seekablestream.SeekableStream; import htsjdk.samtools.util.Lazy; import htsjdk.samtools.util.RuntimeIOException; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Describes a SAM-like resource, including its data (where the records are), and optionally an index. * <p/> * A data or index source may originate from a {@link}, {@link}, {@link URL}, or * {@link htsjdk.samtools.seekablestream.SeekableStream}; look for the appropriate overload for * {@code htsjdk.samtools.SamInputResource#of()}. * * @author mccowan */ public class SamInputResource { private final InputResource source; private InputResource index; SamInputResource(final InputResource data) { this(data, null); } SamInputResource(final InputResource source, final InputResource index) { if (source == null) throw new NullPointerException("source"); this.source = source; this.index = index; } /** The resource that is the SAM data (e.g., records) */ InputResource data() { return source; } /** * The resource that is the SAM index * * @return null, if no index is defined for this resource */ InputResource indexMaybe() { return index; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("data=%s;index=%s", source, index); } /** Creates a {@link SamInputResource} reading from the provided resource, with no index. */ public static SamInputResource of(final File file) { return new SamInputResource(new FileInputResource(file)); } /** Creates a {@link SamInputResource} reading from the provided resource, with no index. */ public static SamInputResource of(final InputStream inputStream) { return new SamInputResource(new InputStreamInputResource(inputStream)); } /** Creates a {@link SamInputResource} reading from the provided resource, with no index. */ public static SamInputResource of(final URL url) { return new SamInputResource(new UrlInputResource(url)); } /** Creates a {@link SamInputResource} reading from the provided resource, with no index. */ public static SamInputResource of(final SeekableStream seekableStream) { return new SamInputResource(new SeekableStreamInputResource(seekableStream)); } /** Creates a {@link SamInputResource} from a string specifying *either* a url or a file path */ public static SamInputResource of(final String string) { try { URL url = new URL(string); // this will throw if its not a url return of(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // ignore } return of(new File(string)); } /** Updates the index to point at the provided resource, then returns itself. */ public SamInputResource index(final File file) { this.index = new FileInputResource(file); return this; } /** Updates the index to point at the provided resource, then returns itself. */ public SamInputResource index(final InputStream inputStream) { this.index = new InputStreamInputResource(inputStream); return this; } /** Updates the index to point at the provided resource, then returns itself. */ public SamInputResource index(final URL url) { this.index = new UrlInputResource(url); return this; } /** Updates the index to point at the provided resource, then returns itself. */ public SamInputResource index(final SeekableStream seekableStream) { this.index = new SeekableStreamInputResource(seekableStream); return this; } } /** * Describes an arbitrary input source, which is something that can be accessed as either a * {@link htsjdk.samtools.seekablestream.SeekableStream} or {@link}. A concrete implementation of this class exists for * each of {@link InputResource.Type}. */ abstract class InputResource { protected InputResource(final Type type) {this.type = type;} enum Type { FILE, URL, SEEKABLE_STREAM, INPUT_STREAM } private final Type type; final Type type() { return type; } /** Returns null if this resource cannot be represented as a {@link File}. */ abstract File asFile(); /** Returns null if this resource cannot be represented as a {@link URL}. */ abstract URL asUrl(); /** Returns null if this resource cannot be represented as a {@link htsjdk.samtools.seekablestream.SeekableStream}. */ abstract SeekableStream asUnbufferedSeekableStream(); /** All resource types support {@link} generation. */ abstract InputStream asUnbufferedInputStream(); @Override public String toString() { final String childToString; switch (type()) { case FILE: childToString = asFile().toString(); break; case INPUT_STREAM: childToString = asUnbufferedInputStream().toString(); break; case SEEKABLE_STREAM: childToString = asUnbufferedSeekableStream().toString(); break; case URL: childToString = asUrl().toString(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } return String.format("%s:%s", type(), childToString); } } class FileInputResource extends InputResource { final File fileResource; final Lazy<SeekableStream> lazySeekableStream = new Lazy<SeekableStream>(new Lazy.LazyInitializer<SeekableStream>() { @Override public SeekableStream make() { try { return new SeekableFileStream(fileResource); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } }); FileInputResource(final File fileResource) { super(Type.FILE); this.fileResource = fileResource; } @Override public File asFile() { return fileResource; } @Override public URL asUrl() { return null; } @Override public SeekableStream asUnbufferedSeekableStream() { return lazySeekableStream.get(); } @Override public InputStream asUnbufferedInputStream() { return asUnbufferedSeekableStream(); } } class UrlInputResource extends InputResource { final URL urlResource; final Lazy<SeekableStream> lazySeekableStream = new Lazy<SeekableStream>(new Lazy.LazyInitializer<SeekableStream>() { @Override public SeekableStream make() { return new SeekableHTTPStream(urlResource); } }); UrlInputResource(final URL urlResource) { super(Type.URL); this.urlResource = urlResource; } @Override public File asFile() { return null; } @Override public URL asUrl() { return urlResource; } @Override public SeekableStream asUnbufferedSeekableStream() { return lazySeekableStream.get(); } @Override public InputStream asUnbufferedInputStream() { return asUnbufferedSeekableStream(); } } class SeekableStreamInputResource extends InputResource { final SeekableStream seekableStreamResource; SeekableStreamInputResource(final SeekableStream seekableStreamResource) { super(Type.SEEKABLE_STREAM); this.seekableStreamResource = seekableStreamResource; } @Override File asFile() { return null; } @Override URL asUrl() { return null; } @Override SeekableStream asUnbufferedSeekableStream() { return seekableStreamResource; } @Override InputStream asUnbufferedInputStream() { return asUnbufferedSeekableStream(); } } class InputStreamInputResource extends InputResource { final InputStream inputStreamResource; InputStreamInputResource(final InputStream inputStreamResource) { super(Type.INPUT_STREAM); this.inputStreamResource = inputStreamResource; } @Override File asFile() { return null; } @Override URL asUrl() { return null; } @Override SeekableStream asUnbufferedSeekableStream() { return null; } @Override InputStream asUnbufferedInputStream() { return inputStreamResource; } }