package htsjdk.samtools.util; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMException; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileReader; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecordIterator; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMUtils; import htsjdk.samtools.fastq.FastqReader; import htsjdk.samtools.fastq.FastqRecord; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; /** * Utility for determining the type of quality encoding/format (see FastqQualityFormat) used in a SAM/BAM or Fastq. * <p/> * To use this class, invoke the detect() method with a SAMFileReader or FastqReader, as appropriate. The consumer is * responsible for closing readers. * * @author */ public class QualityEncodingDetector { private QualityRecordAggregator qualityAggregator = new QualityRecordAggregator(); /** * The maximum number of records over which the detector will iterate before making a determination, by default. */ public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_RECORDS_TO_ITERATE = 10000; private static final Log log = Log.getInstance(QualityEncodingDetector.class); public enum FileContext {FASTQ, SAM} static class Range { final int low, high; Range(final int low, final int high) { this.low = low; this.high = high; } boolean contains(final int value) { return value <= high && value >= low; } } /** * Collection of data about the different quality formats and how they are interpreted. */ enum QualityScheme { Phred( new Range(0, 93), // Raw value range new Range(33, 126), // ASCII value range asList(new Range(33, 58)), // Ranges into which we expect at least one ASCII value to fall FastqQualityFormat.Standard // Associated quality format ), Solexa( new Range(-5, 62), new Range(59, 126), new ArrayList<Range>(), FastqQualityFormat.Solexa ), Illumina( new Range(0, 62), new Range(64, 126), new ArrayList<Range>(), FastqQualityFormat.Illumina ); final Range rawRange, asciiRange; /** * Ranges into which we expect at least one value to fall if this formatting is being used. For example, for * Standard encoding, we expect to at least one ASCII value between 33 and 58 (0 and 25); otherwise, it's * probably not Standard-encoded. */ final List<Range> expectedAsciiRanges; final FastqQualityFormat qualityFormat; QualityScheme(final Range rawRange, final Range asciiRange, final List<Range> expectedAsciiRanges, final FastqQualityFormat qualityFormat) { this.rawRange = rawRange; this.asciiRange = asciiRange; this.expectedAsciiRanges = expectedAsciiRanges; this.qualityFormat = qualityFormat; } } /** * Collecting reads and their quality scores for later analysis. Uses ASCII values since those are the inherently * "raw-est", read unmodified from the file. */ private static class QualityRecordAggregator { private Set<Integer> observedAsciiQualities = new HashSet<Integer>(); public Set<Integer> getObservedAsciiQualities() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(observedAsciiQualities); } /** * Adds the FastqRecord's quality scores. */ public void add(final FastqRecord fastqRecord) { addAsciiQuality(fastqRecord.getBaseQualityString().getBytes()); } /** * Adds the SAMRecord's quality scores. * <p/> * Does not assume Phred quality encoding (for obvious reasons); getBaseQualityString() is used to read the * unmodified ASCII score. To elaborate, SAMFileReader, which is generating these SAMRecords, builds the * SAMRecord by subtracting a value from each quality score and storing that transformed value internally. * Since we desire original scores here (whatever was in the file to begin with), we effectively undo this * transformation by asking SAMRecord to convert the quality back into the ASCII that was read in the file. */ public void add(final SAMRecord samRecord, final boolean useOriginalQualities) { addAsciiQuality(useOriginalQualities && samRecord.getOriginalBaseQualities() != null ? SAMUtils.phredToFastq(samRecord.getOriginalBaseQualities()).getBytes() : samRecord.getBaseQualityString().getBytes()); } public void add(final SAMRecord samRecord) { add(samRecord, false); } private void addAsciiQuality(final byte... asciiQualities) { for (final byte asciiQuality : asciiQualities) { observedAsciiQualities.add((int) asciiQuality); } } } /** * Adds the provided reader's records to the detector. * @return The number of records read */ public long add(final long maxRecords, final FastqReader... readers) { final Iterator<FastqRecord> iterator = generateInterleavedFastqIterator(readers); long recordCount = 0; while (iterator.hasNext() && recordCount++ != maxRecords) { this.add(; } log.debug(String.format("Read %s records from %s.", recordCount, Arrays.toString(readers))); return recordCount; } /** * Adds the provided reader's records to the detector. * @return The number of records read */ public long add(final long maxRecords, final SAMFileReader reader) { return add(maxRecords, reader.iterator()); } /** * Adds the provided iterator's records (optionally using the original qualities) to the detector. * @return The number of records read */ public long add(final long maxRecords, final CloseableIterator<SAMRecord> iterator, final boolean useOriginalQualities) { long recordCount = 0; try { while (iterator.hasNext() && recordCount++ != maxRecords) { this.add(, useOriginalQualities); } return recordCount; } finally { iterator.close(); } } public long add(final long maxRecords, final CloseableIterator<SAMRecord> iterator) { return add(maxRecords, iterator, false); } /** * Adds the provided record's qualities to the detector. */ public void add(final FastqRecord fastqRecord) { this.qualityAggregator.add(fastqRecord); } /** * Adds the provided record's qualities to the detector. */ public void add(final SAMRecord samRecord, final boolean useOriginalQualities) { this.qualityAggregator.add(samRecord, useOriginalQualities); } public void add(final SAMRecord samRecord) { this.add(samRecord, false); } /** * Tests whether or not the detector can make a determination without guessing (i.e., if all but one quality format * can be excluded using established exclusion conventions). * * @return True if more than one format is possible after exclusions; false otherwise */ public boolean isDeterminationAmbiguous() { return this.generateCandidateQualities(true).size() > 1; } /** * Processes collected quality data and applies rules to determine which quality formats are possible. * <p/> * Specifically, for each format's known range of possible values (its "quality scheme"), exclude formats if any * observed values fall outside of that range. Additionally, exclude formats for which we expect to see at * least one quality in a range of values, but do not. (For example, for Phred, we expect to eventually see * a value below 58. If we never see such a value, we exclude Phred as a possible format unless the checkExpected * flag is set to false in which case we leave Phred as a possible quality format.) */ public EnumSet<FastqQualityFormat> generateCandidateQualities(final boolean checkExpected) { final EnumSet<FastqQualityFormat> candidateFormats = EnumSet.allOf(FastqQualityFormat.class); final Set<Integer> observedAsciiQualities = this.qualityAggregator.getObservedAsciiQualities(); if (observedAsciiQualities.isEmpty()) throw new SAMException("Cannot determine candidate qualities: no qualities found."); for (final QualityScheme scheme : QualityScheme.values()) { final Iterator<Integer> qualityBinIterator = observedAsciiQualities.iterator(); final Collection<Range> remainingExpectedValueRanges = new ArrayList<Range>(scheme.expectedAsciiRanges); while (qualityBinIterator.hasNext()) { final int quality =; if (!scheme.asciiRange.contains(quality)) { candidateFormats.remove(scheme.qualityFormat); } final Iterator<Range> expectedValueRangeIterator = remainingExpectedValueRanges.iterator(); while (expectedValueRangeIterator.hasNext()) { if ( { expectedValueRangeIterator.remove(); } } } /** * We remove elements from this list as we observe values in the corresponding range; if the list isn't * empty, we haven't seen a value in that range. In other words, we haven't seen a value we expected. * Consequently, we remove the corresponding format from the running possibilities. */ if (!remainingExpectedValueRanges.isEmpty() && checkExpected) { candidateFormats.remove(scheme.qualityFormat); } } return candidateFormats; } /** * Interleaves FastqReader iterators so that serial-iteration of the result cycles between the constituent iterators. */ private static Iterator<FastqRecord> generateInterleavedFastqIterator(final FastqReader... readers) { return new Iterator<FastqRecord>() { private Queue<Iterator<FastqRecord>> queue = new LinkedList<Iterator<FastqRecord>>(); { for (final FastqReader reader : readers) { queue.add(reader.iterator()); } } public boolean hasNext() { // If this returns true, the head of the queue will have a next element while (!queue.isEmpty()) { if (queue.peek().hasNext()) { return true; } queue.poll(); } return false; } public FastqRecord next() { if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); final Iterator<FastqRecord> i = queue.poll(); final FastqRecord result =; queue.offer(i); return result; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } /** * Reads through the records in the provided fastq reader and uses their quality scores to determine the quality * format used in the fastq. * * @param readers The fastq readers from which qualities are to be read; at least one must be provided * @param maxRecords The maximum number of records to read from the reader before making a determination (a guess, * so more records is better) * @return The determined quality format */ public static FastqQualityFormat detect(final long maxRecords, final FastqReader... readers) { final QualityEncodingDetector detector = new QualityEncodingDetector(); final long recordCount = detector.add(maxRecords, readers); log.debug(String.format("Read %s records from %s.", recordCount, Arrays.toString(readers))); return detector.generateBestGuess(FileContext.FASTQ, null); } public static FastqQualityFormat detect(final FastqReader... readers) { return detect(DEFAULT_MAX_RECORDS_TO_ITERATE, readers); } /** * Reads through the records in the provided SAM reader and uses their quality scores to determine the quality * format used in the SAM. * * @param iterator The iterator from which SAM records are to be read * @param maxRecords The maximum number of records to read from the reader before making a determination (a guess, * @param useOriginalQualities whether to use the original qualities (if available) rather than the current ones * so more records is better) * @return The determined quality format */ public static FastqQualityFormat detect(final long maxRecords, final CloseableIterator<SAMRecord> iterator, final boolean useOriginalQualities) { final QualityEncodingDetector detector = new QualityEncodingDetector(); final long recordCount = detector.add(maxRecords, iterator, useOriginalQualities); log.debug(String.format("Read %s records.", recordCount)); return detector.generateBestGuess(FileContext.SAM, null); } public static FastqQualityFormat detect(final long maxRecords, final CloseableIterator<SAMRecord> iterator) { return detect(maxRecords, iterator, false); } public static FastqQualityFormat detect(final long maxRecords, final SAMFileReader reader) { return detect(maxRecords, reader.iterator()); } public static FastqQualityFormat detect(final SAMFileReader reader) { return detect(DEFAULT_MAX_RECORDS_TO_ITERATE, reader); } /** * Reads through the records in the provided SAM reader and uses their quality scores to sanity check the expected * quality passed in. If the expected quality format is sane we just hand this back otherwise we throw a * {@link SAMException}. */ public static FastqQualityFormat detect(final SAMFileReader reader, final FastqQualityFormat expectedQualityFormat) { //sanity check expectedQuality final QualityEncodingDetector detector = new QualityEncodingDetector(); final long recordCount = detector.add(DEFAULT_MAX_RECORDS_TO_ITERATE, reader.iterator()); log.debug(String.format("Read %s records from %s.", recordCount, reader)); return detector.generateBestGuess(FileContext.SAM, expectedQualityFormat); } /** * Make the best guess at the quality format. If an expected quality is passed in the values are sanity checked * (ignoring expected range) and if they are deemed acceptable the expected quality is passed back. Otherwise we use * a set of heuristics to make our best guess. */ public FastqQualityFormat generateBestGuess(final FileContext context, final FastqQualityFormat expectedQuality) { final EnumSet<FastqQualityFormat> possibleFormats; if (null != expectedQuality) { possibleFormats = this.generateCandidateQualities(false); if (possibleFormats.contains(expectedQuality)) { return expectedQuality; } else { throw new SAMException( String.format("The quality values do not fall in the range appropriate for the expected quality of %s.",; } } else { possibleFormats = this.generateCandidateQualities(true); switch (possibleFormats.size()) { case 1: return possibleFormats.iterator().next(); case 2: if (possibleFormats.equals(EnumSet.of(FastqQualityFormat.Illumina, FastqQualityFormat.Solexa))) { return FastqQualityFormat.Illumina; } else if (possibleFormats.equals(EnumSet.of(FastqQualityFormat.Illumina, FastqQualityFormat.Standard))) { switch (context) { case FASTQ: return FastqQualityFormat.Illumina; case SAM: return FastqQualityFormat.Standard; } } else if (possibleFormats.equals(EnumSet.of(FastqQualityFormat.Standard, FastqQualityFormat.Solexa))) { return FastqQualityFormat.Standard; } else throw new SAMException("Unreachable code."); case 3: throw new SAMException("The quality format cannot be determined: no formats were excluded."); case 0: throw new SAMException("The quality format cannot be determined: all formats were excluded."); default: throw new SAMException("Unreachable code."); } } } }