package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects.EObjectCondition; import org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects.structuralfeatures.IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter; import; import; /** * @author kengu - 11. juni 2011 * */ public final class EFeatureValueGetter implements IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter { /** eFeatureMap */ private static Map<EAttribute, Map<EClass, EAttribute>> eFeatureMap; /** eAttributeMap */ private Map<EAttribute, Map<EClass, EAttribute>> eAttributeMap; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Constructors // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * @param eMappingMap */ public EFeatureValueGetter(EFeatureInfo...eFeatureInfos) { this.eAttributeMap = create(eFeatureInfos); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // IEStructuralFeatureValueGetter implementation // ----------------------------------------------------- @Override public EObject resolve(EObject eObject) { // // Do nothing, just return the same object // return eObject; } @Override public Object eGet(EObject eObject, EStructuralFeature eFeature, boolean resolve) { // // Prepare information // EClass eObjectClass = eObject.eClass(); EClass eFeatureClass = EFeaturePackage.eINSTANCE.getEFeature(); // // Is direct lookup possible or only option? // if(eAttributeMap.size()==0 || eFeatureClass.isSuperTypeOf(eObjectClass)) { return eObject.eGet(eFeature); } // // Get EClass to EAttribute mapping for given feature // Map<EClass,EAttribute> eClassMap = eAttributeMap.get(eFeature); if(eClassMap==null) { // // Not found, just fall through leaving the problem for EMF to solve // return eObject.eGet(eFeature); } // // Map given feature to EAttribute in given object // eFeature = eClassMap.get(eObject.eClass()); // // Use EMF reflection to retrieve value // return eObject.eGet(eFeature); } @Override public List<EObject> eContents(EObject eObject, EObjectCondition eCondition) { // // TODO Implement content filtering // return eObject.eContents(); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Construct mapping from array of {@link EFeatureInfo}s * </p> * @param eFeatureInfos * @return a new {@link EFeatureValueGetter} */ private final static Map<EAttribute, Map<EClass, EAttribute>> create(EFeatureInfo...eFeatureInfos) { // // Prepare construction of EFeature mappings // EFeaturePackage ePackage = EFeaturePackage.eINSTANCE; EClass eFeatureClass = ePackage.getEFeature(); // // Initialize create mapping onto EFeature? // if(eFeatureMap==null) { eFeatureMap = new HashMap<EAttribute, Map<EClass,EAttribute>>(); for(EAttribute it : eFeatureClass.getEAllAttributes()) { Map<EClass,EAttribute> eClassMap = new HashMap<EClass,EAttribute>(); eClassMap.put(eFeatureClass, it); eFeatureMap.put(it,eClassMap); } } // // Copy from EFeature onto mapping // final Map<EAttribute, Map<EClass,EAttribute>> eAttributeMap = new HashMap<EAttribute, Map<EClass,EAttribute>>(eFeatureMap); // // Then add mappings from implementations onto EFeature // for(EFeatureInfo it : eFeatureInfos) { // // Prepare information about structure // EClass eClass = it.eClass(); // // Add mapping from EFeature ID to implementation (is required) // eAttributeMap.get(ePackage.getEFeature_ID()).put(eClass,it.eIDAttribute()); // // Add mapping from EFeature SRID to implementation (optional) // EAttribute eAttribute = it.eSRIDAttribute(); if(eAttribute!=null) { eAttributeMap.get(ePackage.getEFeature_SRID()).put(eClass,eAttribute); } // // Add mapping from EFeature default geometry to implementation (optional) // eAttribute = it.eDefaultGeometry(); if(eAttribute!=null) { eAttributeMap.get(ePackage.getEFeature_Default()).put(eClass,it.eDefaultGeometry()); } } // // Construct structural value getter // return eAttributeMap; } }