package; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.geotools.feature.type.AttributeTypeImpl; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeType; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryType; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import; import org.opengis.util.InternationalString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; /** * This class defines a {@link EFeature} {@link Geometry geometry} {@link EAttribute attribute}. * * @author kengu * */ public class EFeatureGeometryInfo extends EFeatureAttributeInfo { protected String srid; protected String geometryClassName; protected boolean isDefaultGeometry; protected CoordinateReferenceSystem crs; private GeometryDescriptorDelegate descriptor; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Constructors // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Default constructor */ protected EFeatureGeometryInfo() { super(); } /** * Structure copy constructor. * <p> * This method copies the structure into given context. * </p> * <b>NOTE</b>: This method only adds a one-way reference from * copied instance to given {@link EFeatureContext context}. * No reference is added from the context to this attribute. * </p> * @param eGeometryInfo - copy from this {@link EFeatureGeometryInfo} instance * @param eFeatureInfo - copy into this structure */ protected EFeatureGeometryInfo(EFeatureGeometryInfo eGeometryInfo, EFeatureInfo eFeatureInfo) { // // Forward to EFeatureAttributeInfo // super(eGeometryInfo, eFeatureInfo); // // Set geometry members // =; this.srid = eGeometryInfo.srid; this.geometryClassName = eGeometryInfo.geometryClassName; this.isDefaultGeometry = eGeometryInfo.isDefaultGeometry; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // EFeatureGeometryInfo methods // ----------------------------------------------------- public String getSRID() { return srid; } public boolean isDefaultGeometry() { return isDefaultGeometry; } /** * Get name of class extending {@link Geometry}. * * @return a {@link Geometry} name. */ public String getGeometryClassName() { return geometryClassName; } @Override public GeometryDescriptor getDescriptor() { if (isAvailable() && descriptor == null) { descriptor = new GeometryDescriptorDelegate(); } return descriptor; } @Override public EFeatureStatus validate(boolean isID, EAttribute eAttribute) { // // Initialize // EFeatureStatus s; // // Invalidate structure // doInvalidate(false); // Forward to super class // if ((s = super.validate(isID, eAttribute)).isSuccess()) { // 1) Verify geometry type // String eType = eAttribute.getEType().getInstanceClassName(); if (this.geometryClassName != eType) { return failure(this, eName(), "Geometry type mismatch: Found + " + eType + ", expected " + this.geometryClassName); } // Confirm that structure is valid // return structureIsValid(eName()); } // Invalidate structure again. // doInvalidate(false); // Is invalid // return s; } //----------------------------------------------------- // Methods for staying in-sync with EFeatureInfo parent // ----------------------------------------------------- protected void setSRID(String srid, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) { = crs; this.srid = srid; } protected void setIsDefaultGeometry(boolean isDefault) { this.isDefaultGeometry = isDefault; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // EStructureInfo implementation // ----------------------------------------------------- @Override protected void doDispose() { super.doDispose(); descriptor = null; crs = null; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // GeometryDescriptor implementation // ----------------------------------------------------- protected class GeometryDescriptorDelegate extends AttributeDescriptorDelegate implements GeometryDescriptor { private GeometryType type; @Override public GeometryType getType() { if (isAvailable() && type == null) { // // Get value instance class // final Class<?> cls = eAttribute().getEAttributeType().getInstanceClass(); // // Create anonymous attribute type implementation // type = new GeometryTypeDelegate(getName(), cls, eIsID, false, Collections.<Filter> emptyList(), null, null); } return type; } @Override public CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem() { return isAvailable() ? getType().getCoordinateReferenceSystem() : null; } } protected class GeometryTypeDelegate extends AttributeTypeImpl implements GeometryType { private final Class<?> binding; public GeometryTypeDelegate(Name name, Class<?> binding, boolean identified, boolean isAbstract, List<Filter> restrictions, AttributeType superType, InternationalString description) { // Forward // super(name, binding, identified, isAbstract, restrictions, superType, description); // Enable value parsing // this.binding = binding; } @Override public CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem() { return crs; } @Override public Object parse(Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException { return DataBuilder.parse(binding, value); } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param eFeatureInfo * @param eIsID * @param isDefault * @param srid * @param crs * @param eAttribute */ protected static EFeatureGeometryInfo create( EFeatureInfo eFeatureInfo, boolean isDefault, String srid, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, EAttribute eAttribute) { // // Create new instance // EFeatureGeometryInfo eInfo = new EFeatureGeometryInfo(); // // Set construction hints // eInfo.eHints = eFeatureInfo.eHints; // // Set context // eInfo.eFactory = eFeatureInfo.eFactory; eInfo.eContext = eFeatureInfo.eContext; eInfo.eContextID = eFeatureInfo.eContextID; // // Set context path // eInfo.eNsURI = eFeatureInfo.eNsURI; eInfo.eFolderName = eFeatureInfo.eFolderName; eInfo.eFeatureName = eFeatureInfo.eName(); // // Set other attribute members // eInfo.eIsID = false; eInfo.eName = eAttribute.getName(); eInfo.eAttribute = new WeakReference<EAttribute>(eAttribute); // // Set geometry members // = crs; eInfo.srid = srid; eInfo.isDefaultGeometry = isDefault; eInfo.geometryClassName = eAttribute.getEAttributeType().getInstanceClassName(); // // Finished // return eInfo; } }